additions-2014-04-10.ttl 2.82 KB
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix rds:   <> .
@prefix p2:    <> .
@prefix rdl:   <> .
@prefix xsd:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .

rdl:RDS999188445  a        p2:ClassOfIdentification ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA       "RDS999188445" ;
        p2:hasPattern      rdl:RDS999188446 ;
        p2:hasRepresented  rdl:RDS373634 .

rdl:RDS13329169  a        p2:Specialization ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA      "RDS13329169" ;
        p2:hasSubclass    rdl:RDS13329124 ;
        p2:hasSuperclass  rdl:RDS13309755 .

rdl:RDS373634  a             p2:PropertyRange ;
        rdfs:label           "CALIBRATED RANGE UPPER LIMIT" ;
        rdl:hasCreationDate  "2001-08-27"^^xsd:date ;
        rdl:hasCreator       "u82237" ;
        rdl:hasDefinition    "The highest value of the measured variable to which a device is actually adjusted to measure within a specified accuracy" ;
        rdl:hasDesignation   "CALIBRATED RANGE UPPER LIMIT" ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA         "RDS373634" ;
        rdl:hasNote          "IEC 902 - 1987" ;
        rdl:hasStatus        "Recorded" .

rdl:RDS13309755  a           p2:ClassOfInanimatePhysicalObject ;
        rdfs:label           "CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR" ;
        rdl:hasCreationDate  "2002-12-29"^^xsd:date ;
        rdl:hasCreator       "u20683" ;
        rdl:hasDefinition    "A separator which utilize centrifugal forces to separate mixed fluids with different density." ;
        rdl:hasDesignation   "CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR" ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA         "RDS13309755" ;
        rdl:hasStatus        "Recorded" .

rdl:RDS16042210  a        p2:Specialization ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA      "RDS16042210" ;
        p2:hasSubclass    rdl:RDS13309755 ;
        p2:hasSuperclass  rdl:RDS16042131 .

rdl:RDS360669701  a       p2:Specialization ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA      "RDS360669701" ;
        p2:hasSubclass    rdl:RDS373634 ;
        p2:hasSuperclass  rdl:RDS1416382021 .

rdl:RDS16043021  a              p2:ClassOfIndirectProperty ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA            "RDS16043021" ;
        p2:hasClassOfPossessor  rdl:RDS267929 ;
        p2:hasPropertySpace     rdl:RDS373634 .

rdl:RDS16039640  a              p2:ClassOfIndirectProperty ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA            "RDS16039640" ;
        p2:hasClassOfPossessor  rdl:RDS13309755 ;
        p2:hasPropertySpace     rdl:RDS349829 .

rdl:RDS999653465  a        p2:ClassOfIdentification ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA       "RDS999653465" ;
        p2:hasPattern      rdl:RDS999653466 ;
        p2:hasRepresented  rdl:RDS13309755 .

rdl:RDS13329107  a        p2:Specialization ;
        rdl:hasIdPCA      "RDS13329107" ;
        p2:hasSubclass    rdl:RDS13329062 ;
        p2:hasSuperclass  rdl:RDS13309755 .