Håvard M. Ottestad

Added extension from 2.5 for risk factor and for operator required end date

1 +@prefix : <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/> .
2 +@prefix PBS: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/refdata/NORSOK/Z-014/PBSCoding/> .
3 +@prefix SCCS_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_NAMESPACE: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/refdata/NORSOK/Z-014/SCCS/> .
4 +@prefix ilap: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/> .
5 +@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
6 +@prefix SCCS: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/refdata/NORSOK/Z-014/SCCSCoding/> .
7 +@prefix COR: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/refdata/NORSOK/Z-014/CORCoding/> .
8 +@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
9 +@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
10 +@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
11 +@prefix ILAP: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/> .
12 +@prefix lci: <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/tech/ontology/> .
13 +@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
14 +@prefix userfield: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/userfields/> .
15 +@prefix SAB: <http://data.posccaesar.org/ilap/refdata/NORSOK/Z-014/SABCoding/> .
16 +@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
17 +
18 +ILAP:LiftingOperation
19 + a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
20 + rdfs:label "Lifting operation"^^xsd:string ;
21 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
22 +
23 +ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor
24 + a owl:Class ;
25 + rdfs:comment "A System Descriptor that describes potential threats of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action (adapted from Business Dictionary)."^^xsd:string ;
26 + rdfs:label "Activity Risk factor"^^xsd:string ;
27 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:ClassOfActivity .
28 +
29 +ILAP:ShallowGasOperation
30 + a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
31 + rdfs:label "Shallow gas operation"^^xsd:string ;
32 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
33 +
34 +ILAP:RemovalOfBarriers
35 + a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
36 + rdfs:label "Removal of barriers"^^xsd:string ;
37 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
38 +
39 +ILAP:ActivityThatRequiresWorkOverOpenSea
40 + a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
41 + rdfs:label "Activity that requires work over open sea"^^xsd:string ;
42 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
43 +
44 +ILAP:ActivityForWhichJobSafetyAnalysisIsRequired
45 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
46 + rdfs:label "Activity for which job safety analysis is required"^^xsd:string ;
47 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
48 +
49 +ILAP:VesselOperation a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
50 + rdfs:label "Vessel operation"^^xsd:string ;
51 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
52 +
53 +ILAP:ActivityCarriedOutOnHCsystems
54 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
55 + rdfs:label "Activity carried out on HC systems"^^xsd:string ;
56 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
57 +
58 +ILAP:HotWork a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
59 + rdfs:label "Hot work"^^xsd:string ;
60 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
61 +
62 +ILAP:ActivityForWhichEntryPermitIsRequired
63 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
64 + rdfs:label "Activity for which entry permit is required"^^xsd:string ;
65 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
66 +
67 +ILAP:ActivityWithUtilityConstraints
68 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
69 + rdfs:label "Activity with utility constraints"^^xsd:string ;
70 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
71 +
72 +ILAP:hasRiskFactorForPlan
73 + a owl:ObjectProperty ;
74 + rdfs:domain ILAP:ActivityInPlan ;
75 + rdfs:label "has risk factor for plan"^^xsd:string ;
76 + rdfs:range ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor .
77 +
78 +ILAP:ActivityThatRequiresAreaAccessRestriction
79 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
80 + rdfs:label "Activity that requires area access restriction"^^xsd:string ;
81 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
82 +
83 +ILAP:hasOperatorsRequiredEndDate
84 + a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
85 + rdfs:comment "A property that gives a the end date of a planning object required by an operator."^^xsd:string ;
86 + rdfs:label "has Operators Required End Date"^^xsd:string .
87 +
88 +ILAP:ActivityForWhichESDPermitIsRequired
89 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
90 + rdfs:label "Activity for which ESD Permit is required"^^xsd:string ;
91 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
92 +
93 +ILAP:ActivityWithPotentialImpactOnHabitat
94 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
95 + rdfs:label "Activity with potential impact on habitat"^^xsd:string ;
96 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
97 +
98 +ILAP:HeightWork a ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
99 + rdfs:label "Height work"^^xsd:string ;
100 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
101 +
102 +ILAP:ActivityThatIsPOBreducing
103 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
104 + rdfs:label "Activity that is POB reducing"^^xsd:string ;
105 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
106 +
107 +ILAP:ActivityThatRequiresTemporaryBarrierImpairment
108 + a owl:Class , ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
109 + rdfs:label "Activity that requires temporary barrier impairment"^^xsd:string ;
110 + rdfs:subClassOf ILAP:Activity .
111 +
112 +ILAP:Activity rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
113 + owl:minQualifiedCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
114 + owl:onClass ILAP:ActivityRiskFactor ;
115 + owl:onProperty ILAP:hasRiskFactorForPlan
116 + ] ;
117 + rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
118 + owl:minQualifiedCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
119 + owl:onDataRange xsd:date ;
120 + owl:onProperty ILAP:hasOperatorsRequiredEndDate
121 + ] .
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