Tore Christiansen

Included risk factor ontology

...@@ -8,3 +8,49 @@ ...@@ -8,3 +8,49 @@
8 8
9 : rdf:type owl:Ontology ; 9 : rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
10 owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string . 10 owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string .
11 +
12 +:HcSystemsWork
13 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
14 + rdfs:label "Hc systems work"^^xsd:string .
15 +
16 +:HeightWork
17 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
18 + rdfs:label "Height work"^^xsd:string .
19 +
20 +:HotWork
21 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
22 + rdfs:label "Hot work"^^xsd:string .
23 +
24 +:LiftingOperation
25 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
26 + rdfs:label "Lifting operation"^^xsd:string .
27 +
28 +:RemovalOfBarriers
29 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
30 + rdfs:label "Removal of barriers"^^xsd:string .
31 +
32 +:ReservoirDrillingOperation
33 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
34 + rdfs:label "Reservoir drilling operation"^^xsd:string .
35 +
36 +:RiskFactor
37 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
38 + rdfs:label "Risk factor"^^xsd:string ;
39 + rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing .
40 +
41 +:RiskType
42 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
43 + rdfs:label "Risk type"^^xsd:string ;
44 + rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing .
45 +
46 +:ShallowGasOperation
47 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
48 + rdfs:label "Shallow gas operation"^^xsd:string .
49 +
50 +:VesselOperation
51 + rdf:type :RiskType ;
52 + rdfs:label "Vessel operation"^^xsd:string .
53 +
54 +:hasRiskType
55 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
56 + rdfs:label "has risk type"^^xsd:string .