Tore Christiansen

Minor update of spelling, label and comment for a couple of classes

......@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
] ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onClass :IlapPeriod ;
owl:onClass :ILAPperiod ;
owl:onProperty :hasPeriod ;
owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
] ;
......@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Period that is repeated every day."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Daily Repeat Period"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :IlapPeriod ;
rdfs:subClassOf :ILAPperiod ;
rdf:type owl:Class ;
......@@ -1317,10 +1317,10 @@
rdfs:label "Hot work"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Activity ;
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Period in Time that specifies a given amount of time."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Work or Free Period"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "ILAP Period"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :PeriodInTime ;
rdfs:subClassOf <> ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
......@@ -1459,6 +1459,8 @@
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Possible Individual that is the value of material order status"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Material Order Status Value"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :PossibleIndividual ;
......@@ -1507,7 +1509,7 @@
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Period that is not repeated."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "No Repeat Period"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :IlapPeriod ;
rdfs:subClassOf :ILAPperiod ;
rdf:type :ShutdownType ;
......@@ -1533,6 +1535,7 @@
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Operation Status Value"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :PossibleIndividual ;
......@@ -2732,7 +2735,7 @@ NOTE 2 A Plan for Activity can define a number of part activities which are rel
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Period that is repeated every week."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Weekly Repeat Period"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:subClassOf :IlapPeriod ;
rdfs:subClassOf :ILAPperiod ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:minQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;