Tore Christiansen

Replaced single ppage visio files with single visio file

Showing 1000 changed files with 0 additions and 2053 deletions

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.

This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -<xml xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
2 - <o:File HRef="arrow.gif"/>
3 - <o:File HRef="minimize.gif"/>
4 - <o:File HRef="maximize.gif"/>
5 - <o:File HRef="go.gif"/>
6 - <o:File HRef="fullpage.gif"/>
7 - <o:File HRef="plus.gif"/>
8 - <o:File HRef="minus.gif"/>
9 - <o:File HRef="panminus.gif"/>
10 - <o:File HRef="panplus.gif"/>
11 - <o:File HRef="tick-foc.gif"/>
12 - <o:File HRef="tick-off.gif"/>
13 - <o:File HRef="tick-on.gif"/>
14 - <o:File HRef="toc.gif"/>
15 - <o:File HRef="toc2.gif"/>
16 - <o:File HRef="data.xml"/>
17 - <o:File HRef="frameset.js"/>
18 - <o:File HRef="keys.js"/>
19 - <o:File HRef="visio.css"/>
20 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.emz"/>
21 - <o:File HRef="png_1.png"/>
22 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.js"/>
23 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.htm"/>
24 - <o:File HRef="png_1.js"/>
25 - <o:File HRef="png_1.htm"/>
26 - <o:File HRef="zoom.htm"/>
27 - <o:File HRef="find.js"/>
28 - <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/>
29 - <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/>
30 - <o:MainFile HRef="../Activity.htm"/>
31 - <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/>
32 -</xml>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -<xml xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
2 - <o:File HRef="arrow.gif"/>
3 - <o:File HRef="minimize.gif"/>
4 - <o:File HRef="maximize.gif"/>
5 - <o:File HRef="go.gif"/>
6 - <o:File HRef="fullpage.gif"/>
7 - <o:File HRef="plus.gif"/>
8 - <o:File HRef="minus.gif"/>
9 - <o:File HRef="panminus.gif"/>
10 - <o:File HRef="panplus.gif"/>
11 - <o:File HRef="tick-foc.gif"/>
12 - <o:File HRef="tick-off.gif"/>
13 - <o:File HRef="tick-on.gif"/>
14 - <o:File HRef="toc.gif"/>
15 - <o:File HRef="toc2.gif"/>
16 - <o:File HRef="data.xml"/>
17 - <o:File HRef="frameset.js"/>
18 - <o:File HRef="keys.js"/>
19 - <o:File HRef="visio.css"/>
20 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.emz"/>
21 - <o:File HRef="png_1.png"/>
22 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.js"/>
23 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.htm"/>
24 - <o:File HRef="png_1.js"/>
25 - <o:File HRef="png_1.htm"/>
26 - <o:File HRef="zoom.htm"/>
27 - <o:File HRef="find.js"/>
28 - <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/>
29 - <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/>
30 - <o:MainFile HRef="../ActivityNetwork.htm"/>
31 - <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/>
32 -</xml>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -
2 -function getElem(event)
3 -{
4 - // Retrieve the event in IE
5 - if (!event)
6 - var event = window.event;
7 -
8 - // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
9 - var elem;
10 - if ( // For Firefox
11 - elem =;
12 - else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
13 - elem = event.srcElement;
14 - if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
15 - elem = elem.parentNode;
16 -
17 - return elem
18 -}
19 -
20 -function keyHandler(event)
21 -{
22 - // for IE
23 - if (!event)
24 - var event = window.event
25 -
26 - var srcElement = getElem(event)
27 - var tag = srcElement.tagName;
28 - var override = !(tag == "A" || tag == "INPUT" || tag == "SELECT" || tag == "FORM" || tag == "SUBMIT");
29 -
30 - if (override && event.keyCode == 13) //13 is <enter> key
31 - {
32 - if (
33 -;
34 - else
35 - srcElement.onclick();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -document.onkeypress = keyHandler;
1 -function ViewMgrSetRasterLocation(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
2 -{
3 - clickMenu ();
4 -
5 - var rasterImage = document.images("RasterImage");
6 -
7 - var imageLeft = 0;
8 - var imageRight = imageLeft + rasterImage.offsetWidth;
9 - var imageTop = 0;
10 - var imageBottom = imageTop + rasterImage.offsetHeight;
11 -
12 - var xLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinX, viewMgr.visBBoxLeft, viewMgr.visBBoxRight, imageLeft, imageRight, 0);
13 - var yLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinY, viewMgr.visBBoxBottom, viewMgr.visBBoxTop, imageTop, imageBottom, 1);
14 -
15 - var pixelWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
16 - var pixelHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
17 -
18 - var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
19 - var clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
20 - var halfClientWidth = clientWidth;
21 - var halfClientHeight = clientHeight;
22 -
23 - xLong = xLong + rasterImage.offsetLeft;
24 - yLong = yLong + rasterImage.offsetTop;
25 - var xScrollAmount = 0;
26 - var yScrollAmount = 0;
27 -
28 - var xPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollLeft;
29 - var yPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollTop;
30 -
31 - var arrowHalfWidth = arrowdiv.clientWidth / 2;
32 - var arrowHeight = arrowdiv.clientHeight;
33 -
34 - if ((xLong - arrowHalfWidth) < xPrevScrollAmount)
35 - {
36 - // X off left of screen.
37 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
38 - }
39 - else if ((xLong + arrowHalfWidth) > (clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount))
40 - {
41 - // X off right of screen.
42 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount + arrowHalfWidth;
43 - }
44 -
45 - if (yLong < yPrevScrollAmount)
46 - {
47 - // Y off top of screen.
48 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong;
49 - }
50 - else if ((yLong + arrowHeight) > (clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount))
51 - {
52 - // Y off bottom of screen.
53 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong - clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount + arrowHeight;
54 - }
55 -
56 - = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
57 - = yLong;
58 - = "visible";
59 -
60 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(arrowdiv)", 0 );
61 - setTimeout( "parent.showObject(arrowdiv)", 1 );
62 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(arrowdiv)", 2000 );
63 -}
64 -
1 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
2 -<html>
3 -<head>
4 -<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
5 -<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content=""/>
6 -<title></title>
7 -<style type="text/css">
8 -body
9 -{
10 - font-family: Verdana, Sans-Serif;
11 - font-size: small;
12 -}
13 -
14 -.toc
15 -{
16 - font-size: medium;
17 -}
18 -</style>
19 -<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
20 - if (parent.fShowWidgets)
21 - {
22 - location.replace("widgets.htm");
23 - }
24 -</script>
25 -</head>
26 -
27 -
28 -<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" class="nav" dir=ltr>
29 - <table id="tabToc" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor="#999999" height="20">
30 - <tr>
31 - <td>&nbsp;</td>
32 - </tr>
33 - </table>
34 -
35 -<h1 class="toc">ActivityNetwork</h1>
36 - <ul>
37 - <li><a href="png_1.htm" target="frmDrawing">ActivityNetwork</a></li>
38 -
39 - </ul>
40 -
41 -
42 -</body>
43 -</html>
44 -
1 -td {vertical-align: top;}
2 -
3 -.fillcolor
4 -{ vertical-align: top;
5 - padding: 0pt;
6 - background-color:#5C85EF;
7 - filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, StartColorStr='#5C85EF', EndColorStr='#90B6FF');
8 -}
9 -
10 -A.blu1
11 -{
12 - color: #3366CC;
13 - text-decoration: none;
14 - font-size: 95%;
15 -}
16 -
17 -A.blu1:visited
18 -{
19 - color: #3366CC;
20 - text-decoration: none
21 -}
22 -
23 -A.blu1:hover
24 -{
25 - text-decoration: underline
26 -}
27 -
28 -.visrptTitle
29 -{
30 - color:Black;
31 - font-style:normal;
32 -}
33 -
34 -.visrptSummryLabel
35 -{
36 - color:black;
37 - font-weight:bold;
38 -}
39 -
40 -.visrptGrandTotalRow
41 -{
42 - color:Black;
43 - font-weight:bold;
44 -}
45 -
46 -.visrptHeader
47 -{
48 - color:White;
49 - font-style:normal;
50 - background-color:#5C85EF;
51 -}
52 -
53 -.visrptRowItem
54 -{
55 - background-color:#DDDDDD;
56 -}
57 -
58 -.a1
59 -{ color: #ffffff;
60 - text-decoration:none;
61 -}
62 -
63 -.p1
64 -{ font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
65 - font-size: 60%;
66 - COLOR: #ffffff;
67 - Margin: 4pt,0pt,0pt,0pt;
68 - line-height: .8em;
69 -}
70 -
71 -.p2
72 -{ FONT-FAMILY: verdana, sans-serif;
73 - FONT-WEIGHT: normal;
74 - font-size: 70%;
75 - COLOR: #333333;
76 - Margin: 4pt,0pt,0pt,0pt;
77 - line-height: 1.3em;
78 -}
79 -
80 -.label
81 -{ FONT-FAMILY: verdana, sans-serif;
82 - FONT-WEIGHT: bold;
83 - font-size: 70%;
85 - Margin: .2em,0pt,2pt,2pt;
86 - line-height: 1em;
87 - text-decoration:none;
88 -}
89 -
90 -.gobutton
91 -{
92 - padding: 0pt, 2pt, 0pt, 0pt;
93 - vertical-align: bottom;
94 -}
95 -
96 -.formText
97 -{
98 - font-size: 70%;
99 - width: 99%;
100 - margin: 0;
101 - padding: 0;
102 -}
103 -
104 -.holderTable
105 -{
106 - padding-left:1px;
107 - padding-right:1px;
108 -}
109 -
110 -.detsPara
111 -{
112 - margin:2pt;
113 - font-size:60%;
114 -}
115 -
116 -.navTocColor
117 -{
118 - background-color:#999999;
119 -}
120 -
121 -.indent
122 -{
123 - margin-left:15px;
124 - margin-right:15px;
125 - padding-top:0px;
126 - margin-top:0px;
127 -}
128 -
129 -.results
130 -{
131 - COLOR: #333333;
132 - Margin: 4pt,0pt,0pt,10pt;
133 - text-indent: -10pt;
134 - line-height: 1.1em;
135 -}
136 -
137 -.propViewer
138 -{
139 - background-Color:white;
140 - color: black;
141 - font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
142 - font-style: italic;
143 - font-weight: bold;
144 - font-size: 70%;
145 - text-align: center;
146 -}
147 -
148 -.propViewerTABLE
149 -{
150 - margin: 2pt;
151 - border-collapse:collapse;
152 - border:solid 1px #999999;
153 -}
154 -
155 -.propViewerTHEAD
156 -{
157 - border: 2px;
158 - font-size: 60%;
159 -}
160 -
161 -.propViewerTD
162 -{
163 - font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
164 - FONT-WEIGHT: normal;
165 - font-size: 70%;
166 - COLOR: #000000;
167 - Margin: 0pt;
168 - line-height: 1.1em;
169 -}
170 -
171 -.propViewerEvenRow
172 -{
173 - background-Color: #E7E7E7;
174 -}
175 -
176 -.propViewerOddRow
177 -{
178 - background-Color: #FFFFFF;
179 -}
180 -
181 -BODY
182 -{
183 - font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
184 - font-size: medium;
185 -}
186 -
187 -DIV
188 -{
189 - margin:0;
190 - padding:0;
191 -}
192 -
193 -FORM
194 -{
195 - margin:0;
196 -}
197 -
198 -.hiderScroll
199 -{
200 - width:100%;
201 - margin-bottom:2px;
202 - margin-top:1px;
203 - overflow:auto;
204 -}
205 -
206 -.hider
207 -{
208 - width:100%;
209 - margin-bottom:2px;
210 - margin-top:1px;
211 -}
212 -
213 -.nav
214 -{
215 - width: 100%;
216 - height: 100%;
217 - overflow: auto;
218 -}
219 -
220 -.menuItem
221 -{
222 - font-family:sans-serif;
223 - font-size:80%;
224 - line-height: 1.5em;
225 - background-color:white;
226 - color:black;
227 - cursor:hand;
228 -}
229 -
230 -.highlightItem
231 -{
232 - font-family:sans-serif;
233 - font-size:80%;
234 - line-height: 1.5em;
235 - background-Color:highlight;
236 - color:white;
237 - cursor:hand;
238 -}
239 -
240 -.hlMenu
241 -{
242 - border:black 2px outset;
243 - display:none;
244 - z-index:10;
245 - position:absolute;
246 - background-Color:white;
247 -}
248 -
249 -.innerhlMenu
250 -{
251 - padding-left:2pt;
252 - padding-right:2pt;
253 - background-Color:white;
254 -}
255 -
256 -.svgmessage
257 -{ FONT-FAMILY: verdana, sans-serif;
258 - FONT-WEIGHT: normal;
259 - font-size: 80%;
260 - COLOR: #333333;
261 - Margin: 1em;
262 - line-height: 1.1em;
263 -}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -
2 -function ViewMgrSetVMLLocation(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
3 -{
4 - doc = parent.frmDrawing.document;
5 - if (this.highlightDiv != null)
6 - {
7 - clickMenu ();
8 -
9 - var VMLImage = this.s;
10 -
11 - var imageLeft = 0;
12 - var imageRight = imageLeft + VMLImage.pixelWidth;
13 - var imageTop = 0;
14 - var imageBottom = imageTop + VMLImage.pixelHeight;
15 -
16 - var xLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinX, this.visBBoxLeft, this.visBBoxRight, imageLeft, imageRight, 0);
17 - var yLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinY, this.visBBoxBottom, this.visBBoxTop, imageTop, imageBottom, 1);
18 -
19 - xLong += doc.all['ConvertedImage'].style.posLeft;
20 - yLong += doc.all['ConvertedImage'].style.posTop;
21 -
22 - var arrowHalfWidth = viewMgr.highlightDiv.clientWidth / 2;
23 - var arrowHeight = viewMgr.highlightDiv.clientHeight;
24 -
25 - var boolNeedToScroll = false;
26 -
27 - if( !( (xLong - arrowHalfWidth) > doc.body.scrollLeft && (xLong + arrowHalfWidth) < (doc.body.scrollLeft + doc.body.clientWidth) ))
28 - {
29 - boolNeedToScroll = true;
30 - }
31 -
32 - if( !( (yLong - arrowHeight) > doc.body.scrollTop && (yLong + arrowHeight) < (doc.body.scrollTop + doc.body.clientHeight) ))
33 - {
34 - boolNeedToScroll = true;
35 - }
36 -
37 - if( boolNeedToScroll == true )
38 - {
39 - window.scrollTo( xLong - doc.body.clientWidth / 2, yLong - doc.body.clientHeight / 2);
40 - }
41 -
42 - = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
43 - = yLong;
44 - = "visible";
45 -
46 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 0 );
47 - setTimeout( "parent.showObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 1 );
48 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 2500 );
49 - }
50 -}
51 -
52 -function VMLZoomChange(size)
53 -{
54 - if(size)
55 - {
56 - if(size == "up")
57 - {
58 - size = zoomLast + 50;
59 - }
60 - else if(size == "down")
61 - {
62 - size = zoomLast - 50;
63 - }
64 -
65 - size = parseInt(size);
66 - if(typeof(size) != "number")
67 - size = 100;
68 - }
69 - else
70 - {
71 - size = 100;
72 - }
73 -
74 - clickMenu ();
75 -
76 - viewMgr.zoomLast = size;
77 -
78 - var zoomFactor = size/100;
79 -
80 - var width = this.s.pixelWidth;
81 - var height = this.s.pixelHeight;
82 -
83 - var margin = parseInt( * 2;
84 -
85 - var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
86 - var clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
87 -
88 - var newScrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft;
89 - var newScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
90 -
91 - var winwidth = clientWidth - margin;
92 - var winheight = clientHeight - margin;
93 -
94 - var widthRatio = winwidth / width;
95 - var heightRatio = winheight / height;
96 -
97 - if (widthRatio < heightRatio)
98 - {
99 - width = zoomFactor * winwidth;
100 - height = width / this.origWH;
101 - }
102 - else
103 - {
104 - height = zoomFactor * winheight;
105 - width = height * this.origWH;
106 - }
107 -
108 - this.s.pixelWidth = Math.max(width,1);
109 - this.s.pixelHeight = Math.max(height,1);
110 -
111 - this.sizeLast = size;
112 -
113 - var centerX = (zoomFactor / viewMgr.zoomFactor) * (newScrollLeft + (clientWidth / 2) - this.s.posLeft);
114 - var centerY = (zoomFactor / viewMgr.zoomFactor) * (newScrollTop + (clientHeight / 2) - this.s.posTop);
115 -
116 - viewMgr.zoomFactor = zoomFactor;
117 -
118 - if (width <= clientWidth)
119 - {
120 - this.s.posLeft = Math.max( 0, (clientWidth / 2) - (width / 2));
121 - }
122 - else
123 - {
124 - var left = centerX - (clientWidth / 2);
125 - if ( left >= 0 )
126 - {
127 - this.s.posLeft = 0;
128 - newScrollLeft = left;
129 - }
130 - else
131 - {
132 - this.s.posLeft = -left;
133 - newScrollLeft = 0;
134 - }
135 - }
136 -
137 - if (height <= clientHeight)
138 - {
139 - this.s.posTop = Math.max( 0, (clientHeight / 2) - (height / 2));
140 - }
141 - else
142 - {
143 - var top = centerY - (clientHeight / 2);
144 - if ( top >= 0 )
145 - {
146 - this.s.posTop = 0;
147 - newScrollTop = top;
148 - }
149 - else
150 - {
151 - this.s.posTop = -top;
152 - newScrollTop = 0;
153 - }
154 - }
155 -
156 - window.scrollTo(newScrollLeft, newScrollTop);
157 -
158 - this.s.visibility = "visible";
159 -
160 - var newXOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollLeft / this.s.pixelWidth;
161 - var newYOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollTop / this.s.pixelHeight;
162 - var newWidthPercent = document.body.clientWidth / this.s.pixelWidth;
163 - var newHeightPercent = document.body.clientHeight / this.s.pixelHeight;
164 -
165 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
166 - {
167 - viewMgr.viewChanged (newXOffsetPercent, newYOffsetPercent, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
168 - }
169 -
170 - if (viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing)
171 - {
172 - viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing(size);
173 - }
174 -}
175 -
176 -function VMLSetView (xOffsetPercent, yOffsetPercent)
177 -{
178 - var leftPixelOffset = xOffsetPercent * this.s.pixelWidth;
179 - var topPixelOffset = yOffsetPercent * this.s.pixelHeight;
180 -
181 - window.scrollTo (leftPixelOffset - this.s.posLeft, topPixelOffset - this.s.posTop);
182 -
183 - if (viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing)
184 - {
185 - viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing();
186 - }
187 -}
188 -
189 -function VMLOnResize ()
190 -{
191 - if (viewMgr.zoomLast == 100)
192 - {
193 - viewMgr.Zoom(100);
194 - }
195 -
196 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
197 - {
198 - var image = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
199 -
200 - var newWidthPercent = document.body.clientWidth /;
201 - var newHeightPercent = document.body.clientHeight /;
202 -
203 - viewMgr.viewChanged (null, null, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
204 - }
205 -}
206 -
207 -function VMLOnScroll ()
208 -{
209 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
210 - {
211 - var image = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
212 -
213 - var newXOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollLeft /;
214 - var newYOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollTop /;
215 -
216 - viewMgr.viewChanged (newXOffsetPercent, newYOffsetPercent, null, null);
217 - }
218 -}
219 -
220 -
221 -
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -<xml xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
2 - <o:File HRef="arrow.gif"/>
3 - <o:File HRef="minimize.gif"/>
4 - <o:File HRef="maximize.gif"/>
5 - <o:File HRef="go.gif"/>
6 - <o:File HRef="fullpage.gif"/>
7 - <o:File HRef="plus.gif"/>
8 - <o:File HRef="minus.gif"/>
9 - <o:File HRef="panminus.gif"/>
10 - <o:File HRef="panplus.gif"/>
11 - <o:File HRef="tick-foc.gif"/>
12 - <o:File HRef="tick-off.gif"/>
13 - <o:File HRef="tick-on.gif"/>
14 - <o:File HRef="toc.gif"/>
15 - <o:File HRef="toc2.gif"/>
16 - <o:File HRef="data.xml"/>
17 - <o:File HRef="frameset.js"/>
18 - <o:File HRef="keys.js"/>
19 - <o:File HRef="visio.css"/>
20 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.emz"/>
21 - <o:File HRef="png_1.png"/>
22 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.js"/>
23 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.htm"/>
24 - <o:File HRef="png_1.js"/>
25 - <o:File HRef="png_1.htm"/>
26 - <o:File HRef="zoom.htm"/>
27 - <o:File HRef="find.js"/>
28 - <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/>
29 - <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/>
30 - <o:MainFile HRef="../Asset.htm"/>
31 - <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/>
32 -</xml>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -
2 -function getElem(event)
3 -{
4 - // Retrieve the event in IE
5 - if (!event)
6 - var event = window.event;
7 -
8 - // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
9 - var elem;
10 - if ( // For Firefox
11 - elem =;
12 - else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
13 - elem = event.srcElement;
14 - if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
15 - elem = elem.parentNode;
16 -
17 - return elem
18 -}
19 -
20 -function keyHandler(event)
21 -{
22 - // for IE
23 - if (!event)
24 - var event = window.event
25 -
26 - var srcElement = getElem(event)
27 - var tag = srcElement.tagName;
28 - var override = !(tag == "A" || tag == "INPUT" || tag == "SELECT" || tag == "FORM" || tag == "SUBMIT");
29 -
30 - if (override && event.keyCode == 13) //13 is <enter> key
31 - {
32 - if (
33 -;
34 - else
35 - srcElement.onclick();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -document.onkeypress = keyHandler;
1 -function ViewMgrSetRasterLocation(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
2 -{
3 - clickMenu ();
4 -
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6 -
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8 - var imageRight = imageLeft + rasterImage.offsetWidth;
9 - var imageTop = 0;
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11 -
12 - var xLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinX, viewMgr.visBBoxLeft, viewMgr.visBBoxRight, imageLeft, imageRight, 0);
13 - var yLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinY, viewMgr.visBBoxBottom, viewMgr.visBBoxTop, imageTop, imageBottom, 1);
14 -
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16 - var pixelHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
17 -
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19 - var clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
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21 - var halfClientHeight = clientHeight;
22 -
23 - xLong = xLong + rasterImage.offsetLeft;
24 - yLong = yLong + rasterImage.offsetTop;
25 - var xScrollAmount = 0;
26 - var yScrollAmount = 0;
27 -
28 - var xPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollLeft;
29 - var yPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollTop;
30 -
31 - var arrowHalfWidth = arrowdiv.clientWidth / 2;
32 - var arrowHeight = arrowdiv.clientHeight;
33 -
34 - if ((xLong - arrowHalfWidth) < xPrevScrollAmount)
35 - {
36 - // X off left of screen.
37 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
38 - }
39 - else if ((xLong + arrowHalfWidth) > (clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount))
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41 - // X off right of screen.
42 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount + arrowHalfWidth;
43 - }
44 -
45 - if (yLong < yPrevScrollAmount)
46 - {
47 - // Y off top of screen.
48 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong;
49 - }
50 - else if ((yLong + arrowHeight) > (clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount))
51 - {
52 - // Y off bottom of screen.
53 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong - clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount + arrowHeight;
54 - }
55 -
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57 - = yLong;
58 - = "visible";
59 -
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62 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(arrowdiv)", 2000 );
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64 -
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34 -
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38 -
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40 -
41 -
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44 -
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71 -.p2
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79 -
80 -.label
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83 - font-size: 70%;
85 - Margin: .2em,0pt,2pt,2pt;
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89 -
90 -.gobutton
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96 -.formText
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104 -.holderTable
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263 -}
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -
2 -function ViewMgrSetVMLLocation(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
3 -{
4 - doc = parent.frmDrawing.document;
5 - if (this.highlightDiv != null)
6 - {
7 - clickMenu ();
8 -
9 - var VMLImage = this.s;
10 -
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12 - var imageRight = imageLeft + VMLImage.pixelWidth;
13 - var imageTop = 0;
14 - var imageBottom = imageTop + VMLImage.pixelHeight;
15 -
16 - var xLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinX, this.visBBoxLeft, this.visBBoxRight, imageLeft, imageRight, 0);
17 - var yLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinY, this.visBBoxBottom, this.visBBoxTop, imageTop, imageBottom, 1);
18 -
19 - xLong += doc.all['ConvertedImage'].style.posLeft;
20 - yLong += doc.all['ConvertedImage'].style.posTop;
21 -
22 - var arrowHalfWidth = viewMgr.highlightDiv.clientWidth / 2;
23 - var arrowHeight = viewMgr.highlightDiv.clientHeight;
24 -
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26 -
27 - if( !( (xLong - arrowHalfWidth) > doc.body.scrollLeft && (xLong + arrowHalfWidth) < (doc.body.scrollLeft + doc.body.clientWidth) ))
28 - {
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31 -
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33 - {
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35 - }
36 -
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38 - {
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40 - }
41 -
42 - = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
43 - = yLong;
44 - = "visible";
45 -
46 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 0 );
47 - setTimeout( "parent.showObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 1 );
48 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(viewMgr.highlightDiv)", 2500 );
49 - }
50 -}
51 -
52 -function VMLZoomChange(size)
53 -{
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55 - {
56 - if(size == "up")
57 - {
58 - size = zoomLast + 50;
59 - }
60 - else if(size == "down")
61 - {
62 - size = zoomLast - 50;
63 - }
64 -
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66 - if(typeof(size) != "number")
67 - size = 100;
68 - }
69 - else
70 - {
71 - size = 100;
72 - }
73 -
74 - clickMenu ();
75 -
76 - viewMgr.zoomLast = size;
77 -
78 - var zoomFactor = size/100;
79 -
80 - var width = this.s.pixelWidth;
81 - var height = this.s.pixelHeight;
82 -
83 - var margin = parseInt( * 2;
84 -
85 - var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
86 - var clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
87 -
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89 - var newScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
90 -
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92 - var winheight = clientHeight - margin;
93 -
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95 - var heightRatio = winheight / height;
96 -
97 - if (widthRatio < heightRatio)
98 - {
99 - width = zoomFactor * winwidth;
100 - height = width / this.origWH;
101 - }
102 - else
103 - {
104 - height = zoomFactor * winheight;
105 - width = height * this.origWH;
106 - }
107 -
108 - this.s.pixelWidth = Math.max(width,1);
109 - this.s.pixelHeight = Math.max(height,1);
110 -
111 - this.sizeLast = size;
112 -
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114 - var centerY = (zoomFactor / viewMgr.zoomFactor) * (newScrollTop + (clientHeight / 2) - this.s.posTop);
115 -
116 - viewMgr.zoomFactor = zoomFactor;
117 -
118 - if (width <= clientWidth)
119 - {
120 - this.s.posLeft = Math.max( 0, (clientWidth / 2) - (width / 2));
121 - }
122 - else
123 - {
124 - var left = centerX - (clientWidth / 2);
125 - if ( left >= 0 )
126 - {
127 - this.s.posLeft = 0;
128 - newScrollLeft = left;
129 - }
130 - else
131 - {
132 - this.s.posLeft = -left;
133 - newScrollLeft = 0;
134 - }
135 - }
136 -
137 - if (height <= clientHeight)
138 - {
139 - this.s.posTop = Math.max( 0, (clientHeight / 2) - (height / 2));
140 - }
141 - else
142 - {
143 - var top = centerY - (clientHeight / 2);
144 - if ( top >= 0 )
145 - {
146 - this.s.posTop = 0;
147 - newScrollTop = top;
148 - }
149 - else
150 - {
151 - this.s.posTop = -top;
152 - newScrollTop = 0;
153 - }
154 - }
155 -
156 - window.scrollTo(newScrollLeft, newScrollTop);
157 -
158 - this.s.visibility = "visible";
159 -
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162 - var newWidthPercent = document.body.clientWidth / this.s.pixelWidth;
163 - var newHeightPercent = document.body.clientHeight / this.s.pixelHeight;
164 -
165 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
166 - {
167 - viewMgr.viewChanged (newXOffsetPercent, newYOffsetPercent, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
168 - }
169 -
170 - if (viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing)
171 - {
172 - viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing(size);
173 - }
174 -}
175 -
176 -function VMLSetView (xOffsetPercent, yOffsetPercent)
177 -{
178 - var leftPixelOffset = xOffsetPercent * this.s.pixelWidth;
179 - var topPixelOffset = yOffsetPercent * this.s.pixelHeight;
180 -
181 - window.scrollTo (leftPixelOffset - this.s.posLeft, topPixelOffset - this.s.posTop);
182 -
183 - if (viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing)
184 - {
185 - viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing();
186 - }
187 -}
188 -
189 -function VMLOnResize ()
190 -{
191 - if (viewMgr.zoomLast == 100)
192 - {
193 - viewMgr.Zoom(100);
194 - }
195 -
196 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
197 - {
198 - var image = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
199 -
200 - var newWidthPercent = document.body.clientWidth /;
201 - var newHeightPercent = document.body.clientHeight /;
202 -
203 - viewMgr.viewChanged (null, null, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
204 - }
205 -}
206 -
207 -function VMLOnScroll ()
208 -{
209 - if (viewMgr.viewChanged)
210 - {
211 - var image = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
212 -
213 - var newXOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollLeft /;
214 - var newYOffsetPercent = document.body.scrollTop /;
215 -
216 - viewMgr.viewChanged (newXOffsetPercent, newYOffsetPercent, null, null);
217 - }
218 -}
219 -
220 -
221 -
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -<xml xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
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13 - <o:File HRef="tick-on.gif"/>
14 - <o:File HRef="toc.gif"/>
15 - <o:File HRef="toc2.gif"/>
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17 - <o:File HRef="frameset.js"/>
18 - <o:File HRef="keys.js"/>
19 - <o:File HRef="visio.css"/>
20 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.emz"/>
21 - <o:File HRef="png_1.png"/>
22 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.js"/>
23 - <o:File HRef="vml_1.htm"/>
24 - <o:File HRef="png_1.js"/>
25 - <o:File HRef="png_1.htm"/>
26 - <o:File HRef="zoom.htm"/>
27 - <o:File HRef="find.js"/>
28 - <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/>
29 - <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/>
30 - <o:MainFile HRef="../Calendar.htm"/>
31 - <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/>
32 -</xml>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 -
2 -function getElem(event)
3 -{
4 - // Retrieve the event in IE
5 - if (!event)
6 - var event = window.event;
7 -
8 - // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
9 - var elem;
10 - if ( // For Firefox
11 - elem =;
12 - else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
13 - elem = event.srcElement;
14 - if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
15 - elem = elem.parentNode;
16 -
17 - return elem
18 -}
19 -
20 -function keyHandler(event)
21 -{
22 - // for IE
23 - if (!event)
24 - var event = window.event
25 -
26 - var srcElement = getElem(event)
27 - var tag = srcElement.tagName;
28 - var override = !(tag == "A" || tag == "INPUT" || tag == "SELECT" || tag == "FORM" || tag == "SUBMIT");
29 -
30 - if (override && event.keyCode == 13) //13 is <enter> key
31 - {
32 - if (
33 -;
34 - else
35 - srcElement.onclick();
36 - }
37 -}
38 -
39 -document.onkeypress = keyHandler;
1 -function ViewMgrSetRasterLocation(pageID, shapeID, pinX, pinY)
2 -{
3 - clickMenu ();
4 -
5 - var rasterImage = document.images("RasterImage");
6 -
7 - var imageLeft = 0;
8 - var imageRight = imageLeft + rasterImage.offsetWidth;
9 - var imageTop = 0;
10 - var imageBottom = imageTop + rasterImage.offsetHeight;
11 -
12 - var xLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinX, viewMgr.visBBoxLeft, viewMgr.visBBoxRight, imageLeft, imageRight, 0);
13 - var yLong = parent.ConvertXorYCoordinate(pinY, viewMgr.visBBoxBottom, viewMgr.visBBoxTop, imageTop, imageBottom, 1);
14 -
15 - var pixelWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
16 - var pixelHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
17 -
18 - var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
19 - var clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
20 - var halfClientWidth = clientWidth;
21 - var halfClientHeight = clientHeight;
22 -
23 - xLong = xLong + rasterImage.offsetLeft;
24 - yLong = yLong + rasterImage.offsetTop;
25 - var xScrollAmount = 0;
26 - var yScrollAmount = 0;
27 -
28 - var xPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollLeft;
29 - var yPrevScrollAmount = document.body.scrollTop;
30 -
31 - var arrowHalfWidth = arrowdiv.clientWidth / 2;
32 - var arrowHeight = arrowdiv.clientHeight;
33 -
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35 - {
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37 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
38 - }
39 - else if ((xLong + arrowHalfWidth) > (clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount))
40 - {
41 - // X off right of screen.
42 - document.body.scrollLeft = xLong - clientWidth + xPrevScrollAmount + arrowHalfWidth;
43 - }
44 -
45 - if (yLong < yPrevScrollAmount)
46 - {
47 - // Y off top of screen.
48 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong;
49 - }
50 - else if ((yLong + arrowHeight) > (clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount))
51 - {
52 - // Y off bottom of screen.
53 - document.body.scrollTop = yLong - clientHeight + yPrevScrollAmount + arrowHeight;
54 - }
55 -
56 - = xLong - arrowHalfWidth;
57 - = yLong;
58 - = "visible";
59 -
60 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(arrowdiv)", 0 );
61 - setTimeout( "parent.showObject(arrowdiv)", 1 );
62 - setTimeout( "parent.hideObject(arrowdiv)", 2000 );
63 -}
64 -
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8 -body
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13 -
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31 - <td>&nbsp;</td>
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33 - </table>
34 -
35 -<h1 class="toc">Calendar</h1>
36 - <ul>
37 - <li><a href="png_1.htm" target="frmDrawing">Calendar</a></li>
38 -
39 - </ul>
40 -
41 -
42 -</body>
43 -</html>
44 -
1 -td {vertical-align: top;}
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16 -
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22 -
23 -A.blu1:hover
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No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 -
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175 -
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188 -
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202 -
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206 -
207 -function VMLOnScroll ()
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215 -
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219 -
220 -
221 -
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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No preview for this file type
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No preview for this file type
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No preview for this file type
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.