Tore Christiansen

Added some lables for User Field example

......@@ -2481,6 +2481,7 @@ NOTE 2 A Plan for Activity can define a number of part activities which are rel
rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ;
userfield:hasVessel :PolarSupplier ;
rdfs:label "Specified User Field For Activity 101 in Plan Version 2 for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
rdf:type owl:Class ;
......@@ -4091,6 +4092,7 @@ userfield:SourceSpecifiedUserField
rdfs:comment "A class that holds the Free Text Fields for a Plan (i.e., associated with the Project or Activities in the Plan)."^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Specified User Field"^^xsd:string ;
rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;