Trinh H. Nguyen


Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ elh:bBROrganization a elh:ELHObjectProperty , owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range dm:Organization ;
rdl:defaultRdsId "R-2386cb8f-fc06-41f1-bb9b-8898e170ebdf" ;
rdl:hasCreationDate "2016.03.12"^^xsd:date ;
rdl:hasDefinition "The Organization has BBR Organization to a relation to a GLN Location. An on-shore (GLN) location is associated with a unique BBR Organization. However a BBR organization can have many on shore ( GLN) locations" ;
rdl:hasDefinition "The Organization listed as a BBR (Bronnoysundsregisterene) Organization has a GLN Location. An on-shore (GLN) location is associated with a unique BBR Organization. However a BBR organization can have many on shore (GLN) locations" ;
rdl:hasIdPCA "R-2386cb8f-fc06-41f1-bb9b-8898e170ebdf" .
elh:PlannedJourney a owl:Class , elh:ELHClass ;