rdl:RDS4316863983rdl:hasDefinition"The CGS unit for kinematic viscosity.".
rdl:RDS1322684rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for temperature, with a linear relationship to Kelvin such that degree Celsius + 273.15 = Kelvin".
rdl:RDS4316790445rdl:hasDefinition"1 L = 1 cd/cm2/pi".
rdl:RDS1405360251rdl:hasDefinition"Electric charge of a proton".
rdl:RDS1469240071rdl:hasDefinition"A pressure under which an object is supposed to work.".
rdl:RDS1348559rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for magnetic flux.".
rdl:RDS1348154rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for power or radiant flux.".
rdl:RDS897270161rdl:hasDefinition"A hole that passes completely through a divider.".
rdl:RDS2163819071rdl:hasDefinition"An angle of the outer bevel of a compound bevel measured from the plane of the end cut. A top point of the angle is at the distance bevelled end root face thickness '+ ' bevelled end inner bevel thickness from the inside of bevelled end.".
rdl:RDS1313954rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for electric current".
rdl:RDS1061364031rdl:hasDefinition"A hardness determined by applying the Vickers hardness test.".
rdl:RDS4316807694rdl:hasDefinition"A dynamic viscosity at which a functional or physical object is expected to operate normally.".
rdl:RDS1370700781rdl:hasDefinition"A Month is normally 30 days".
rdl:RDS1405476511rdl:hasDefinition"Energy associated with a sound wave.".
rdl:RDS7480340rdl:hasDefinition"A property class that contains classes of loads from the environment surrounding a thing".
rdl:RDS1339964rdl:hasDefinition"The CGS unit for dynamic viscosity.".
rdl:RDS1469272681rdl:hasDefinition"A pressure that is the lowest pressure at which a functional or physical object is expected to operate.".
rdl:RDS1358729rdl:hasDefinition"A pressure expressed by metre liquid column.".
rdl:RDS43168516182rdl:hasDefinition"one revolution about an axis".
rdl:RDS1472702041rdl:hasDefinition"A distance that is the dead band or non-sensing distance from the transducer face.".
rdl:RDS1336904rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for amount of substance.".
rdl:RDS1411597131rdl:hasDefinition"A range that is a range between an upper and a lower temperature limit under which an artefact is approved to operate.".
rdl:RDS1338524rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for electric resistance.".
rdl:RDS43166360252rdl:hasDefinition"A vessel bed that consists of small solid particles (as in a coal burning furnace) suspended and kept in motion by an upward flow of a fluid (as a gas)".
rdl:RDS1468271211rdl:hasDefinition"A thermo well insertion length that applies to flanged thermo wells. Measured from the underside of the flange face to the tip of the well.".
rdl:RDS43168075198rdl:hasDefinition"A volumetric mass at which a functional or physical object is expected to operate normally.".
rdl:RDS406999491rdl:hasDefinition"A turbine in which a fluid acts both by its kinetic energy and by its pressure.".
rdl:RDS4316908566rdl:hasDefinition"A stress at which a substantial amount of plastic deformation takes place under constant or reduced load.".
rdl:RDS4316807558rdl:hasDefinition"A unit of standard volume. The number of scm(0C) of a fluid is the volume the fluid will occupy (in metre cubeds) when the fluid is reduced to standard conditions of 1 atm., 0 degrees Celsius.".
rdl:RDS1349324rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for dose equivalent, ambient dose equivalent, directional dose equivalent, personal dose equivalent or equivalent dose.".
rdl:RDS1721260141rdl:hasDefinition"The length of a curve".
rdl:RDS1342214rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for plane angle.".
rdl:RDS43166355126rdl:hasDefinition"An identification code for a document or kind of document.".
rdl:RDS1469251881rdl:hasDefinition"A pressure which is the highest pressure at which a functional or physical object is expected to operate.".
rdl:RDS875609rdl:hasDefinition"A resistor whose value can be adjusted by turning a shaft or sliding a control.".
rdl:RDS1324034rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for capacitance.".
rdl:RDS2225269541rdl:hasDefinition"An angle that is the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator, expressed in degrees and minutes.".
rdl:RDS1327544rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for energy, work or quantity of heat.".
rdl:RDS1323539rdl:hasDefinition"The electronvolt is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron in passing through a potential difference of 1V in vacuum.".
rdl:RDS1338749rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for pressure or stress.".
rdl:RDS1317869rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for luminous intensity.".
rdl:RDS1721224331rdl:hasDefinition"A measure of remoteness between two points".
rdl:RDS1318814rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for electric charge or quantity of electricity.".
rdl:RDS4316908552rdl:hasDefinition"1 yr = 8765 h h = Hour A tropical year (a-trop) is approximately 365 days 5 hours 48 min 46 sec = 31 556 926 sec. The year is 0.53 sec shorter per 100 year".
rdl:RDS1328669rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for mass.".
rdl:RDS16735640rdl:hasDefinition"A class that contains classes of properties.".
rdl:RDS1468471011rdl:hasDefinition"An outside diameter that is intended to be the largest outside diameter of a thermo well stem.".
rdl:RDS2163832111rdl:hasDefinition"A thickness of a bevelled end root face.".
rdl:RDS1721245501rdl:hasDefinition"An astronomical measure of disctance , being the distance travelled by light travels in space in one standard year.".
rdl:RDS2215916651rdl:hasDefinition"A total weight that is the weight of an assembly including weight of packaging material etc.".
rdl:RDS1468260471rdl:hasDefinition"A length that is the length a thermo well protrudes into the container of which it is installed.".
rdl:RDS1411464591rdl:hasDefinition"A supply voltage range of DC power supply required for normal operation.".
rdl:RDS1356344rdl:hasDefinition"1 phone is the loudness level when 2 lg(peff/p0)of 1kHz = 0,1".
rdl:RDS1344644rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for magnetic flux density.".
rdl:RDS1056241831rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for inductance.".
rdl:RDS1658280701rdl:hasDefinition"A weight that is the weight of an object, including any packaging material, when it is ready for shipment.".
rdl:RDS2298708761rdl:hasDefinition"The temperature at which a liquid boils.".
rdl:RDS43168246189rdl:hasDefinition"The distance at which the astronomical unit (AU) subtends one second of arc.".
rdl:RDS7290720rdl:hasDefinition"A static pressure that is highest static (line or 'background') pressure an artefact can withstand without destruction.".
rdl:RDS1332674rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for length".
rdl:RDS1468497681rdl:hasDefinition"An outside diameter that is an outside diameter at the tip on a thermo well.".
rdl:RDS1326464rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for frequency,".
rdl:RDS431663521rdl:hasDefinition"A porous substance has a permeability of 1 darcy if, in 1 second, 1 cubic centimeter of a gas or liquid with a viscosity of 1 centipoise will flow through a section 1-centimeter thick with a cross section of 1 square centimeter, when the difference between the pressures on the two sides of the section is 1 atmosphere.".
rdl:RDS2163837641rdl:hasDefinition"A thickness of an inner part of a compound bevel measured from the inside of the bevelled end.".
rdl:RDS1331504rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for luminous flux.".
rdl:RDS1411396881rdl:hasDefinition"A supply voltage that is a voltage range between a lower and an upper limit of supply voltage that an apparatus is designed to accept.".
rdl:RDS2225279381rdl:hasDefinition"An angle that is the angular distance east or west from a standard meridian such as Greenwich to the meridian of any place.".
rdl:RDS2299438521rdl:hasDefinition"A boiling temperature which is the average of the boiling temperatures of a number of fractions, averaged proportional to the weights of those fractions.".
rdl:RDS720206061rdl:hasDefinition"A term that is sufficiently unique within a context to identify an object.".
rdl:RDS1661819891rdl:hasDefinition"A weight an object is expected to have during operation.".
rdl:RDS1469909721rdl:hasDefinition"A measuring range that is a range of pressures a device is intended to measure.".
rdl:RDS1470835011rdl:hasDefinition"The highest pressure at which a functional or physical object is designed.".
rdl:RDS1061351001rdl:hasDefinition"A hardness that is determined by applying the Brinell hardness test.".
rdl:RDS1416460501rdl:hasDefinition"The closeness of agreement between the result of a measurement and the (conventional) true value of the quantity being measured.".
rdl:RDS1416343541rdl:hasDefinition"The range between the upper and lower limits the instrument are constructed to measure".
rdl:RDS1416382021rdl:hasDefinition"The range between the upper and lower limits the instrument are calibrated".
rdl:RDS1347974rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for electric potential, potential difference or electromotive force.".
rdl:RDS1340054rdl:hasDefinition"the force that accelerates a mass of 1 pound at a rate of one foot per second per second".
rdl:RDS1326284rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted) or kerma.".
rdl:RDS7309920rdl:hasDefinition"A property class that contains classes of properties with 'impedance' in their name.".
rdl:RDS1468379901rdl:hasDefinition"A length that is the length of a temperature element intended to be inserted in a thermo well.".
rdl:RDS1356614rdl:hasDefinition"The unified atomic mass unit is equal to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon 12.".
rdl:RDS1411380891rdl:hasDefinition"The range of operating voltage allowed in a system.".
rdl:RDS1338434rdl:hasDefinition"The frequency interval between f11 and f2 is one octave if f2/f1 = 2".
rdl:RDS1354769rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for electric conductance.".
rdl:RDS1721254101rdl:hasDefinition"A distance which is the distance between two points in space measured along a straight line.".
rdl:RDS1342529rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for time".
rdl:RDS11857345rdl:hasDefinition"A coating that is made of enamel reinforced by impregnated glass fiber.".
rdl:RDS4316824565rdl:hasDefinition"A post office box address of an organisation.".
rdl:RDS1411460571rdl:hasDefinition"A supply voltage range of AC power supply required for normal operation.".
rdl:RDS1468456081rdl:hasDefinition"An outside diameter that is the outside diameter of temperature element (sheath)".
rdl:RDS4316489253rdl:hasDefinition"A boiling temperature at conditions defined as being standard.".
rdl:RDS1661800301rdl:hasDefinition"A weight that is the weight an object is expected to have during operation, ie. including process fluids etc.".
rdl:RDS1337939rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for force.".
rdl:RDS1020060331rdl:hasDefinition"A reference property for triggering an action.".
rdl:RDS1468279861rdl:hasDefinition"A length that is the length a thermo well has been extended from the underside of the flange or top end of the external threads to the top of the well to take into account the insulation etc. through which the thermo well passes.".
rdl:RDS1322324rdl:hasDefinition"Prefix deci = 1/ 10 SiI base unit : bel".
rdl:RDS1344284rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for solid angle.".
rdl:RDS43164891277rdl:hasDefinition"The bit is a unit of storage capacity. The capacity, in bits, of a storage device is the base two logarithm of the number of possible states of the device.".
rdl:RDS1458913241rdl:hasDefinition"A measuring range which an instrument is designed to measure.".
rdl:RDS43166360182rdl:hasDefinition"floating point operations per second".
rdl:RDS1386360641rdl:hasDefinition"An identifier that is the utterance or expression by that an object e.g. a thing, person, organisation, place, etc. is known or spoken to or of.".
rdl:RDS1315619rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for activity (of a radionuclide).".
rdl:RDS2163807381rdl:hasDefinition"An angle of a bevel measured from a plane of the end cut. The top point of the angle is at the distance of the bevelled end root face thickness from the inside of the wall.".
rdl:RDS1468265801rdl:hasDefinition"A thermo well insertion length that applies to threaded thermo wells. Measured from the bottom of the external threads to the tip of the well.".
rdl:RDS1321964rdl:hasDefinition"one cycle of a repeating pattern".
rdl:RDS4316489437rdl:hasDefinition"The capacity, in bytes, of a storage device or an information system, is one eighth of the base two logarithm of the number of possible states of the device or system.".
rdl:RDS1338794rdl:hasDefinition"pascal - 1 atm.".
rdl:RDS11855545rdl:hasDefinition"A lining made of glass that covers a material in order to improve chemical or abrasive resistance.".
rdl:RDS1331684rdl:hasDefinition"The SI derived unit for illuminance.".
rdl:RDS1355534rdl:hasDefinition"Np is the level of a power quantity when ln(F/Fo) = 1".
rdl:RDS1468384011rdl:hasDefinition"A length that is the length of a temperature element over which it can sense temperature. Measured from the tip.".
rdl:RDS1327904rdl:hasDefinition"The SI base unit for thermodynamic temperature.".
rdl:RDS1322549rdl:hasDefinition"A unit for temperature, with a linear relationship to Celsius such that degree (Fahrenheit -32.0)/1.8 = Celsius".
rdl:RDS4316755991rdl:hasNote"Prefix: giga = 10^9 SI base unit: Joule".
rdl:RDS866834rdl:hasNote"The piston motor can be driven by compressed gas like steam, air, etc. The pump can be of the double acting or single acting piston, or plunger type".
rdl:RDS43168870168rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for massrate.TON MASS US SHORT is assumed".
rdl:RDS43168070276rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : siemens".
rdl:RDS11008205rdl:hasNote"Also intended to provide physical protection.".
rdl:RDS43167566130rdl:hasNote"A unit describing the specific heat capacity by the amount of energy (KJ) that has to be supplied to one kilogram (kg) material to get a one degree kelvin (K) temperature raise.".
rdl:RDS11614815rdl:hasNote"= 32 fl oz (fluid onze) or 2 pt (pint)".
rdl:RDS11615040rdl:hasNote"= (def) 1/8 gal = 0,568 261 25 dm3".
rdl:RDS43165911109rdl:hasNote"Reciprocal pascal".
rdl:RDS412201461rdl:hasNote"Typically applied in case of reciprocating compressors".
rdl:RDS1317869rdl:hasNote"The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 X 10^12 hertz and that has a radian intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian".
rdl:RDS1318094rdl:hasNote"centimetre Prefix centi = 1/100 SI base unit".
rdl:RDS43168068180rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 10^-6 SI base unit : coulomb".
rdl:RDS1355354rdl:hasNote"1 PA-1 = 1 m2/N".
rdl:RDS43168069294rdl:hasNote"Prefix :milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : joule".
rdl:RDS407052121rdl:hasNote"Typically applied in reverse osmosis processes.".
rdl:RDS402800161rdl:hasNote"A drip rim can be a feature of a base plate or skid or an attached part.".
rdl:RDS1321019rdl:hasNote"hectare = 10 000 m2".
rdl:RDS43164553202rdl:hasNote"= (def) 100 m2 Only to be used for landarea daa = 10a ha = 100 a".
rdl:RDS1344869rdl:hasNote"5280 US Survey feet".
rdl:RDS7461625rdl:hasNote"The balanced piston design minimizes the effects of backpressure and prevents the process fluid from entering the spring chamber.".
rdl:RDS817064rdl:hasNote"Such a terminal box may be used indoors and outdoors.".
rdl:RDS1354319rdl:hasNote"A unit for specific heat capacity and specific entropy".
rdl:RDS875249rdl:hasNote"hrc = high rupturing capacity".
rdl:RDS1357874rdl:hasNote"Prefix centi = 1/100 SI base unite:metre".
rdl:RDS43165905154rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for energy per mass".
rdl:RDS43168073229rdl:hasNote"Prefix :nano = 1/1000 000 000 SI base unit : coulomb".
rdl:RDS1323539rdl:hasNote"The factor given is an experimental value.".
rdl:RDS1357469rdl:hasNote"1 C/(kg.s) = 1 A/kg".
rdl:RDS435644rdl:hasNote"A shaft sleeve can be used to mount and position items such as bearings, seals, possibly impellers, and other rotor parts. A shaft sleeve can protect the shaft from fluids.".
rdl:RDS4316806968rdl:hasNote"Prefix milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : coulomb".
rdl:RDS17079043rdl:hasNote"Often fitted with a filter or strainer.".
rdl:RDS11619270rdl:hasNote"= (def) 1/160 gal = 28,413 06 cm3".
rdl:RDS1322504rdl:hasNote"Prefix :deci =1/10 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS1349144rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS6690517rdl:hasNote"A sleeve bearing may also carry axial loads.".
rdl:RDS43168068204rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : henry".
rdl:RDS1315799rdl:hasNote"not at standard conditions".
rdl:RDS16769349rdl:hasNote"The volute is made by assembling thin-walled mould wall parts, mounting them in place, and thereafter casting fresh concrete around the resulting mould wall, thereby ensuring that reinforcing elements of the mould wall are connected with reinforcing elements of the concrete to be cast; suction casing and suction mouth are preferably made in the same way.".
rdl:RDS1331909rdl:hasNote"Prefix : mega = 1000 000 SI base unit : kilogram".
rdl:RDS399365191rdl:hasNote"Cylinder studs and nuts can be preloaded bolting.".
rdl:RDS43168067211rdl:hasNote"Prefix :mega = 1 000 000 SI base unit : year".
rdl:RDS1344914rdl:hasNote"equivalent to a section".
rdl:RDS43168873179rdl:hasNote"= (def) 1/64 bu = 0,550 610 5 dm3".
rdl:RDS6452046rdl:hasNote"It can be actuated in various ways.".
rdl:RDS43166361158rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for effect.".
rdl:RDS43168873237rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for volume per energy.".
rdl:RDS11619315rdl:hasNote"= (def) 1/128 gal = 29,573 53 cm3".
rdl:RDS1347254rdl:hasNote"The U. S. legal survey foot.".
rdl:RDS1321064rdl:hasNote"A unit describing the size of the stream by the number of metre cubeds of process material passing a cross section area in one hour.".
rdl:RDS1359663001rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : volt".
rdl:RDS406234481rdl:hasNote"Typically related to equipment with more than one shaft.".
rdl:RDS1333844rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : pascal".
rdl:RDS5785920rdl:hasNote"Typically applied in case of condition monitoring for rotating equipment machinery items".
rdl:RDS403662431rdl:hasNote"Typically made of elastomer material".
rdl:RDS4316756477rdl:hasNote"1024 bytes".
rdl:RDS4316635911rdl:hasNote"Prefix : exa = 10 ^18 SI base : joule".
rdl:RDS4316825033rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for lineic force density.".
rdl:RDS6466344rdl:hasNote"Typically used in a laboratory.".
rdl:RDS1349999rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit of velocity (distance per time).".
rdl:RDS13290577rdl:hasNote"A base frame can be steel sections welded together, and can serve as support for machinery items".
rdl:RDS267929rdl:hasNote"The signal is usually sent via wires, by some display or control device to a receiver located a distance away. Some 'transmitters' use 4-20 mA current loop or digital methods for transmission of measurements. Some such transmitters even send process signals as 3-15 psi varying pneumatic pressure.".
rdl:RDS4316807033rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli".
rdl:RDS1332404rdl:hasNote"Prefix :mega = 1 000 000 SI base unit : pascal".
rdl:RDS327239rdl:hasNote"A pump can be a bucket pump that transfers fluid intermittently between reservoirs at the same level.".
rdl:RDS11614905rdl:hasNote"= (def) 100 pounds mass = 45,359237 kg".
rdl:RDS1335554rdl:hasNote"millimetre Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS11614500rdl:hasNote"= 32 fl oz or 2 pt = 0,946 dm3".
rdl:RDS4316806716rdl:hasNote"Prefix : mega = 1000 000 SI base unit : hertz".
rdl:RDS1334924rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : gram".
rdl:RDS412423051rdl:hasNote"Typically discharge pressures are lower than for plunger power pumps.".
rdl:RDS1354814rdl:hasNote"1 V/m = 1 N/C".
rdl:RDS43168874196rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for the rate of force.".
rdl:RDS1324664rdl:hasNote"International foot = (def) 0.3048 m = 12 in (US Survey foot = 1,000 002 ft".
rdl:RDS1359653041rdl:hasNote"Prefix : kilo = 1000 SI base unit : volt".
rdl:RDS1334114rdl:hasNote"1/1000 of an inch Synonym: Thou".
rdl:RDS1344554rdl:hasNote"Prefix : tera = 10^12 Si unit : joule".
rdl:RDS1337669rdl:hasNote"Prefix : nano = 10^-9 SI base unit : coulomb".
rdl:RDS1358189rdl:hasNote"Prefix milli = 1/1000 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS1330919rdl:hasNote"Prefix :kilo SI base unit : watt".
rdl:RDS43167566199rdl:hasNote"Prefix : kilo = 1000 SI base unit :mol".
rdl:RDS1331144rdl:hasNote"1l = 1dm3 = 10^-3 m3".
rdl:RDS4316591045rdl:hasNote"decimetre Prefix deci = 1/10 SI basis unit :metre kilometre Prefix kilo = 1000 SI basis unit :metre".
rdl:RDS1336634rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : watt".
rdl:RDS553229rdl:hasNote"Typically applied to compress packing rings in a stuffing box or to position the seal assembly inside the stuffingbox of a centrifugal pump".
rdl:RDS1048399631rdl:hasNote"Typically in road transport to reduce movement of the product".
rdl:RDS813419rdl:hasNote"A crosshead shoe is a replaceable part and is usually mounted on the bottom and topside of the crosshead.".
rdl:RDS11589085rdl:hasNote"'stretch reducing mill' is a synonym. It usually consists of a number of rolling stands arranged in line to form one pass, where each stand carries three rolls with progressively decreasing groove size at an angle of 60 degree to one another.".
rdl:RDS1334159rdl:hasNote"statute mile, english mile = (def) 1760 yd = (def) 5280 international feet = (def) 1609.344 m".
rdl:RDS1319129rdl:hasNote"centimetre Prefix: centi =1/100 SI base unit : metre 1 g = 1 kg kg is an SI base unit".
rdl:RDS403703581rdl:hasNote"Subject systems are used for relatively high power, high speed rotating equipment.".
rdl:RDS6329587rdl:hasNote"It is fail safe, kept closed by pressurised gas, and is typically made of bronze.".
rdl:RDS43168874136rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for moment of force and torque.".
rdl:RDS1330559rdl:hasNote"Prefix : kilo = 1000 SI base unit: pascal".
rdl:RDS43166361185rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for energy density, also called volumic energy.".
rdl:RDS43166358217rdl:hasNote"Energy in dyn.cm (1 erg = 10**-7 J. (See ISO 31 - 3)".
rdl:RDS414915401rdl:hasNote"A rotary internal gear pump displaces liquids at relatively high back pressures.".
rdl:RDS1327904rdl:hasNote"The kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.".
rdl:RDS1342529rdl:hasNote"The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the groundstate of the caesium-133 atom".
rdl:RDS43164553132rdl:hasNote"Typically the flange is perpendicular to the web".
rdl:RDS43168070172rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : ohm".
rdl:RDS431679050rdl:hasNote"Typically used for erecting a column".
rdl:RDS43165910125rdl:hasNote"decimetre Prefix deci = 1/10 SI basis unit :metre".
rdl:RDS5794325rdl:hasNote"When actuated, the two elements of the closure mechanism come together, sealing off the well bore. It is called 'blind ram' because the ram does not close on the pipe, as does a pipe ram or shear ram.".
rdl:RDS43167559141rdl:hasNote"Prefix : giga = 10^9 SI base unit: watt".
rdl:RDS43168070301rdl:hasNote"Prefix :milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : tesla".
rdl:RDS1325384rdl:hasNote"Prefix : giga = 10^9 SI base unit : watt".
rdl:RDS43167563181rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS4316825294rdl:hasNote"Intended for use in process equipment, e.g. packed towers.".
rdl:RDS4316590660rdl:hasNote"Typically to convert non-oxidised components in exhaust gas".
rdl:RDS43168068113rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 10^-6 SI base unit : ampere".
rdl:RDS43165911134rdl:hasNote"Prefix kilo = 1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS1320569rdl:hasNote"Prefix kilo = 1000 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS4316635925rdl:hasNote"Prefix :exa = 10^18 SI base : joule".
rdl:RDS409539791rdl:hasNote"A mechanical drive gas turbine does not generate electric power.".
rdl:RDS13034880rdl:hasNote"Typically in the form of a physical object with the shape of a tray.".
rdl:RDS1319174rdl:hasNote"prefix deci = 1/10 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS6760380rdl:hasNote"Typically the ring is stiffened and welded to the lower end of a skirt.".
rdl:RDS417644rdl:hasNote"Typically made of metal.".
rdl:RDS1354094rdl:hasNote"1 Gy/s = 1 W/kg".
rdl:RDS4316824922rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for rate of moment of force and torque.".
rdl:RDS1360754rdl:hasNote"Metre pr 1000 Kg".
rdl:RDS412230451rdl:hasNote"Typically applied in case of centrifugal compressors".
rdl:RDS4316887475rdl:hasNote"= (def) 1/8 gal = 0,473 176 5 dm3".
rdl:RDS1059912101rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for moment of force and torque.".
rdl:RDS43168070104rdl:hasNote"Prefix milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS4316489085rdl:hasNote"Standard unit for cross-section absorption".
rdl:RDS4316806730rdl:hasNote"Prefix : mega = 1000 000 SI base unit : joule".
rdl:RDS4316591072rdl:hasNote"decimetre Prefix :deci = 1/10 SI base unit: metre kilowatt Prefix :kilo = 1000 SI unit : watt".
rdl:RDS1330199rdl:hasNote"Prefix :kilo = 1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS43168517130rdl:hasNote"Typically part of a ladder or vessel attachment".
rdl:RDS403465761rdl:hasNote"Subject pumps are used in reactor poly-loop processes and applied as circulator pumps.".
rdl:RDS11614635rdl:hasNote"= (def) 480 grain = 31,1034768 g (Apothecaries' ounce)".
rdl:RDS13048460rdl:hasNote"Oxford English Dictionary (OED)".
rdl:RDS43168066114rdl:hasNote"1024 kilobytes".
rdl:RDS1339919rdl:hasNote"Prefix : pico = 10^-12 SI base unit : coulomb".
rdl:RDS461384rdl:hasNote"It can have either a single or double suction and be of the open, closed or semi-open design.".
rdl:RDS412415141rdl:hasNote"A piston land may include a skirt connected to the ring land so that the piston-ring groove is adjacent thereto; the skirt is formed with a piston-pin hole with an axis, and having a plane including the axis of the piston-pin hole; a taper is formed on the skirt in a first portion thereof nearer to the ring land than the plane to converge on the ring land.".
rdl:RDS1344689rdl:hasNote"1t = 1000kg (In UK also called = metric tonne)".
rdl:RDS1333619rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : gram".
rdl:RDS43165906138rdl:hasNote"centimetre Prefix centi = 1/100 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS4316636145rdl:hasNote"Multiple of unitless".
rdl:RDS1354139rdl:hasNote"A unit of magnetic permeability POSC V 2.0 HENRY/METRE".
rdl:RDS16767864rdl:hasNote"Crosshead shoe bolting can be preloaded bolting.".
rdl:RDS43168068229rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : joule".
rdl:RDS16768089rdl:hasNote"Crosshead flange bolting can be preloaded bolting.".
rdl:RDS1351799rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : newton".
rdl:RDS4316755977rdl:hasNote"Prefix: giga = 10^9 SI base unit: Hertz".
rdl:RDS1336364rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : second".
rdl:RDS552734rdl:hasNote"The seats may isolate with the pressure differential acting in the same or in the opposite directions, depending on the design.".
rdl:RDS43168870154rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for massrate.TON MASS US SHORT is assumed".
rdl:RDS402637761rdl:hasNote"Usually a discharge elbow is mounted on top of a mounting plate as extension of a discharge column".
rdl:RDS1349369rdl:hasNote"= (def) 6 ft = (def) 1.8288 m (for use on sea)".
rdl:RDS986714rdl:hasNote"The term 'electric machine' is also used for synchronous compensators and torque motors.".
rdl:RDS1335329rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : litre".
rdl:RDS4316886982rdl:hasNote"Prefix :tera = 10^12 SI unit : joule".
rdl:RDS43168066172rdl:hasNote"1048576 flops".
rdl:RDS1332584rdl:hasNote"Prefix :mega = 1 000 000 SI base unit : pascal".
rdl:RDS1337849rdl:hasNote"Prefix : nano SI base unit : watt".
rdl:RDS11566230rdl:hasNote"'boolean demultiplexing function' is a synonym.".
rdl:RDS43168068166rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 10^-6 SI base unit : farad".
rdl:RDS16768539rdl:hasNote"This is a typical application of bull eye level indicator".
rdl:RDS1357739rdl:hasNote"Prefix: : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit: metre.".
rdl:RDS4316756673rdl:hasNote"Prefix :kilo = 1000 SI basis unit : joule".
rdl:RDS1029779rdl:hasNote"The filter is cleaned by rotating the drum or the drum internals into sectors with back flushing and/or scraping.".
rdl:RDS43167563308rdl:hasNote"A unit for temperature per length".
rdl:RDS4316489380rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for energy per mass, specific energy.".
rdl:RDS1313954rdl:hasNote"The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross section, and placed 1 metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a mutual line.".
rdl:RDS5785874rdl:hasNote"Typically steam from boiled water in a boiler".
rdl:RDS394045941rdl:hasNote"An auger extruder can be used for reclaim.".
rdl:RDS16767504rdl:hasNote"A descaling pump works either by flushing, or by pumping with descaling chemicals. A descaling pump is used for cleaning purposes.".
rdl:RDS43168874171rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for the rate of force.".
rdl:RDS1349414rdl:hasNote"1 barrel = 42 US gal = 34,972 3 gal (UK) = (def) 9702 in3 = 158,987 3 dm3 for petroleum etc. A non SI unit for volume.".
rdl:RDS1351034rdl:hasNote"Prefix :kilo = 1000 SI base unit: newton".
rdl:RDS407884761rdl:hasNote"Typical applications include pump, fan, mill, compressor, and generator drives.".
rdl:RDS900449rdl:hasNote"I.e. the smaller cable ladder is on the right hand side of the cable reducer.".
rdl:RDS4316806954rdl:hasNote"Prefix : milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : ampere".
rdl:RDS1319264rdl:hasNote"decimetre Prefix deci = 1/10 SI basis unit :metre".
rdl:RDS6233595rdl:hasNote"Typically waveform, frequency and voltage restrictions.".
rdl:RDS1349009rdl:hasNote"Prefix milli= 1/1000 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS1318004rdl:hasNote"Prefix: centi=1/100 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS427319441rdl:hasNote"Wheel and bucket pumps are normally applied to lift water.".
rdl:RDS1328669rdl:hasNote"The kilogram is the unit of mass (not force); it is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram. (Third CGPM, 1901, Resolution 3)".
rdl:RDS43167559155rdl:hasNote"Prefix : giga = 10^9 SI base unit : year".
rdl:RDS43167563195rdl:hasNote"Prefix : deci =1/10 SI base unit; metre".
rdl:RDS4316806941rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit of velocity (distance per time).".
rdl:RDS16766469rdl:hasNote"Chain pumps normally applied to lift water.".
rdl:RDS399238101rdl:hasNote"A hydraulic tool may be used to achieve the preloading.".
rdl:RDS1348784rdl:hasNote"1 yard = (def) 0.9144 m = 3 ft = 36 in".
rdl:RDS43168873165rdl:hasNote"=(def) 7056 in3 = 115,627 1 dm3 for fruit and dray cargo".
rdl:RDS644354rdl:hasNote"Normally used as floorplate.".
rdl:RDS4316756626rdl:hasNote"Prefix :kilo = 1000 SI basis unit : joule".
rdl:RDS447074rdl:hasNote"A diffuser is ususally provided with stationary vanes and is usually located at the outlet of the impeller of a centrifugal pump or compressor.".
rdl:RDS935279rdl:hasNote"The time-delay may be associated with energization ('e' delay) or with de-energization ('d' delay) or both.".
rdl:RDS1319309rdl:hasNote"decimetre Prefix deci = 1/10 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS1337894rdl:hasNote"International nautical mile = (def) 1852 m (6076.1033 feet) One minute of longitude measured along the equator".
rdl:RDS13118320rdl:hasNote"Most jet engines are internal combustion engines but non combusting forms exist.".
rdl:RDS43168068127rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro".
rdl:RDS43165906178rdl:hasNote"Prefix centi SI base unit".
rdl:RDS409545221rdl:hasNote"A melt pump usually consists ofa pump housing having an intake port and a discharge port and a pair of gear rotors by which each of the pair of gear rotors has a gear part and a shaft part integrated with each other, which are arranged within the pump housing in such a manner as to be rotatable in mutually meshing condition.".
rdl:RDS4316807111rdl:hasNote"Prefix :milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : webers".
rdl:RDS418675451rdl:hasNote"A side channel pump has a special suction impeller that lowers the NPSH requirement for the pump.".
rdl:RDS43165911148rdl:hasNote"Prefix kilo = 1000 SI base unit watt".
rdl:RDS813599rdl:hasNote"Typically separates wax from oil by freezing the wax and filtering the solid wax from the liquid".
rdl:RDS424746831rdl:hasNote"The diaphragm segments include substantially semi-annular outer and inner rings carrying a plurality of circumferentially spaced partitions between them. The buckets and partitions form a stage of the steam turbine.".
rdl:RDS5777602rdl:hasNote"Letters are drawn out of a dot matrix where each dot is produced by a tiny metal rod, also called a 'wire' or 'pin', which is driven forward by the power of a tiny electromagnet or solenoid.".
rdl:RDS399359601rdl:hasNote"Cylinder flange studs and nuts can be preloaded bolting.".
rdl:RDS13035945rdl:hasNote"A baffle may have a support function. Typically mounted at the inside of a mixing tank to obtain satisfactory mixing results by influencing the flow pattern".
rdl:RDS4316887489rdl:hasNote"Also called Short ton = 2000 pound = 0,9071847 t = 907,1847 kg".
rdl:RDS1342304rdl:hasNote"A unit describing the rotational speed by the number of revolutions done per minute.".
rdl:RDS1318049rdl:hasNote"centimetre Prefix centi = 1/100 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS4316591086rdl:hasNote"decimetre prefix :deci = 1/10 SI base unit : metre megajoule prefix :mega = 1 000 000 SI unit : joule".
rdl:RDS11274515rdl:hasNote"The drain valve is typically installed at the lowest point of the system to allow draining by gravity.".
rdl:RDS11617515rdl:hasNote"= (def) 0,453 59237 kg 1 lb = 16 oz = 7000 gr".
rdl:RDS43165906165rdl:hasNote"Prefix: centi: 1/100 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS1332674rdl:hasNote"The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second".
rdl:RDS43168871203rdl:hasNote"= (def) 8 gal = (def) 36,368 72 dm3".
rdl:RDS297539rdl:hasNote"It usually includes an actuator, which responds to a signal from the controlling system and changes the position of the flow controlling element in the valve.".
rdl:RDS4316807069rdl:hasNote"millimetre Prefix milli = 1/1000 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS11614770rdl:hasNote"= (def) 112 lb = 50,80235 kg = long cwt (US)".
rdl:RDS12958186rdl:hasNote"Typically designed according to NFPA-20".
rdl:RDS43168245116rdl:hasNote"Typically consisting of a nozzle and internal components.".
rdl:RDS1357829rdl:hasNote"Prefix: :centi= 1/100 SI base unit: metre".
rdl:RDS16768224rdl:hasNote"Crosshead balance weight bolting can be preloaded bolting.".
rdl:RDS406221841rdl:hasNote"Typically designed as single stage compressors.".
rdl:RDS43168870181rdl:hasNote"A non SI unit for massrate.TON MASS US SHORT is assumed".
rdl:RDS1336904rdl:hasNote"The mole is the amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, etc..".
rdl:RDS43165910100rdl:hasNote"prefix :deci = 1/10 SI base unit : metre".
rdl:RDS43167559116rdl:hasNote"Prefix: giga = 10^9 SI base unit: Ohm".
rdl:RDS1351529rdl:hasNote"Prefix : micro = 1/1000 000 SI base unit : metre".