Darijus Strasunskas


1 +# baseURI: http://data.posccaesar.org/npd/ontology/v-1.1
2 +# imports: http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts
3 +# imports: http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts#GeochronologicEra
4 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/ilap-npd-interface/v-1
5 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/annotation/v-1
6 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/history/v-1
7 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/status/v-1
8 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1
9 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata
10 +# imports: http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata-and-core-metadata
11 +# imports: http://www.reportinghub.no/refdata/1.0/ERHReferenceData
12 +# imports: http://www.reportinghub.no/refdata/1.0/foundation
13 +# imports: http://www.reportinghub.no/test/ep/testcase/DATA_PCA-part2-example
14 +
15 +@prefix DATA_PCA-part2-example: <http://www.reportinghub.no/test/ep/testcase/DATA_PCA-part2-example#> .
16 +@prefix ERHReferenceData: <http://www.reportinghub.no/refdata/1.0/ERHReferenceData#> .
17 +@prefix gts: <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts#> .
18 +@prefix ilap-npd-interface: <http://data.posccaesar.org/npd/ontology/ilap-interface/> .
19 +@prefix lci: <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/tech/ontology/> .
20 +@prefix npd-schema: <http://data.posccaesar.org/npd/ontology/> .
21 +@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
22 +@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
23 +@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
24 +@prefix rdl: <http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/06/OWL/RDL#> .
25 +@prefix sp: <http://spinrdf.org/sp#> .
26 +@prefix spin: <http://spinrdf.org/spin#> .
27 +@prefix spl: <http://spinrdf.org/spl#> .
28 +@prefix v-1-with-metadata: <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata#> .
29 +@prefix v-1-with-metadata-and-core-metadata: <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata-and-core-metadata#> .
30 +@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
31 +
32 +npd-schema:Active
33 + rdf:type npd-schema:OperatingStatus ;
34 + npd-schema:code "ACTIVE"^^xsd:string ;
35 + rdfs:label "active"@en ;
36 +.
37 +npd-schema:Blowout
38 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
39 + rdfs:label "Blowout"^^xsd:string ;
40 +.
41 +npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea
42 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
43 + rdfs:comment "an area on the Norweigan Continental Shelf that is that is a result of unitisations, sliding scale rules or other business arrangements which have altered the terms of the original production licence"^^xsd:string ;
44 + rdfs:label "Norwegian business arrangement area"@en ;
45 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
46 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Owner ;
47 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
48 +.
49 +npd-schema:Closed
50 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
51 + rdfs:label "Closed"^^xsd:string ;
52 +.
53 +npd-schema:Company
54 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Individual ;
55 +.
56 +npd-schema:CondensatePipeline
57 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
58 + rdfs:label "Condensate pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
59 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
60 +.
61 +npd-schema:DWBC_CO2
62 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
63 + npd-schema:code "CO2"^^xsd:string ;
64 + rdfs:label "CO2"@en ;
65 +.
66 +npd-schema:DWBC_Cuttings
67 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
68 + npd-schema:code "CUTTINGS"^^xsd:string ;
69 + rdfs:label "cuttings"@en ;
70 +.
71 +npd-schema:DWBC_Gas
72 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
73 + npd-schema:code "GAS"^^xsd:string ;
74 + rdfs:label "gas"@en ;
75 +.
76 +npd-schema:DWBC_Gas-Condensate
77 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
78 + npd-schema:code "GAS/CONDENSATE"^^xsd:string ;
79 + rdfs:label "gas/condensate"@en ;
80 +.
81 +npd-schema:DWBC_NotApplicable
82 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
83 + npd-schema:code "NOT APPLICABLE"^^xsd:string ;
84 + rdfs:label "not applicable"@en ;
85 +.
86 +npd-schema:DWBC_NotAvailable
87 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
88 + npd-schema:code "NOT AVAILABLE"^^xsd:string ;
89 + rdfs:label "not available"@en ;
90 +.
91 +npd-schema:DWBC_Oil
92 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
93 + npd-schema:code "OIL"^^xsd:string ;
94 + rdfs:label "oil"@en ;
95 +.
96 +npd-schema:DWBC_Oil-Gas
97 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
98 + npd-schema:code "OIL/GAS"^^xsd:string ;
99 + rdfs:label "oil/gas"@en ;
100 +.
101 +npd-schema:DWBC_Water
102 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
103 + npd-schema:code "WATER"^^xsd:string ;
104 + rdfs:label "water"@en ;
105 +.
106 +npd-schema:DWBC_Water-Gas
107 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
108 + npd-schema:code "WATER/GAS"^^xsd:string ;
109 + rdfs:label "water/gas"@en ;
110 +.
111 +npd-schema:DWBP_Injection
112 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose ;
113 + npd-schema:code "INJECTION"^^xsd:string ;
114 + rdfs:label "injection"@en ;
115 +.
116 +npd-schema:DWBP_Observation
117 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose ;
118 + npd-schema:code "OBSERVATION"^^xsd:string ;
119 + rdfs:label "observation"@en ;
120 +.
121 +npd-schema:DWBP_Production
122 + rdf:type npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose ;
123 + npd-schema:code "PRODUCTION"^^xsd:string ;
124 + rdfs:label "production"@en ;
125 +.
126 +npd-schema:Decommissioned
127 + rdf:type npd-schema:OperatingStatus ;
128 + rdfs:label "decommissioned"^^xsd:string ;
129 +.
130 +npd-schema:DevelopmentWellbore
131 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
132 + rdfs:label "Development wellbore "@en ;
133 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Wellbore ;
134 +.
135 +npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType
136 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
137 + rdfs:label "Development wellbore content"^^xsd:string ;
138 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:WellboreContentType ;
139 +.
140 +npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose
141 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
142 + rdfs:comment "the purpose of the development wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
143 + rdfs:label "Development well bore purpose"@en ;
144 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:WellborePurpose ;
145 + owl:oneOf (
146 + npd-schema:DWBP_Injection
147 + npd-schema:DWBP_Observation
148 + npd-schema:DWBP_Production
149 + ) ;
150 +.
151 +npd-schema:Discovery
152 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
153 + rdfs:comment "A discovery is a petroleum deposit or several petroleum deposits collectively, which have been discovered in the same well, in which through testing, sampling or logging there has been established a probability of the existence of mobile petroleum (includes both commercial and technical discovery)."^^xsd:string ;
154 + rdfs:label "petroleum deposit discovery"@en ;
155 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
156 +.
157 +npd-schema:Drilling
158 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
159 + rdfs:label "Drilling"^^xsd:string ;
160 +.
161 +npd-schema:EWBC_Dry
162 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
163 + npd-schema:code "DRY"^^xsd:string ;
164 + rdfs:label "Dry"@en ;
165 +.
166 +npd-schema:EWBC_Gas
167 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
168 + npd-schema:code "GAS"^^xsd:string ;
169 + rdfs:label "Gas "@en ;
170 +.
171 +npd-schema:EWBC_Gas-Condensate
172 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
173 + npd-schema:code "GAS/CONDENSATE"^^xsd:string ;
174 + rdfs:label "Gas/Condensate "@en ;
175 +.
176 +npd-schema:EWBC_Oil
177 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
178 + npd-schema:code "OIL"^^xsd:string ;
179 + rdfs:label "Oil "@en ;
180 +.
181 +npd-schema:EWBC_Oil-Gas
182 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
183 + npd-schema:code "OIL/GAS"^^xsd:string ;
184 + rdfs:label "Oil/Gas "@en ;
185 +.
186 +npd-schema:EWBC_Shows
187 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType ;
188 + npd-schema:code "SHOWS"^^xsd:string ;
189 + rdfs:label "Shows of oil or gas"@en ;
190 +.
191 +npd-schema:EWBP_Appraisal
192 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellborePurpose ;
193 + npd-schema:code "APPRAISAL"^^xsd:string ;
194 + rdfs:label "appraisal"@en ;
195 +.
196 +npd-schema:EWBP_Wildcat
197 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellborePurpose ;
198 + npd-schema:code "WILDCAT"^^xsd:string ;
199 + rdfs:label "wildcat"@en ;
200 +.
201 +npd-schema:EWBP_Wildcat-Appraisal
202 + rdf:type npd-schema:ExplorationWellborePurpose ;
203 + npd-schema:code "WILDCAT&APPRAISAL"^^xsd:string ;
204 + rdfs:label "wildcat & appraisal"@en ;
205 +.
206 +npd-schema:Enumeration
207 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
208 + rdfs:label "Enumeration"^^xsd:string ;
209 + rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
210 + rdfs:subClassOf [
211 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
212 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
213 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:code ;
214 + ] ;
215 +.
216 +npd-schema:ExplorationWellbore
217 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
218 + rdfs:label "Exploration wellbore "@en ;
219 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Wellbore ;
220 +.
221 +npd-schema:ExplorationWellboreContentType
222 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
223 + rdfs:label "Exploration wellbore content"^^xsd:string ;
224 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:WellboreContentType ;
225 +.
226 +npd-schema:ExplorationWellborePurpose
227 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
228 + rdfs:comment "the purpose of the exploration wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
229 + rdfs:label "Exploration wellbore purpose"@en ;
230 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:WellborePurpose ;
231 + owl:oneOf (
232 + npd-schema:EWBP_Appraisal
233 + npd-schema:EWBP_Wildcat-Appraisal
234 + npd-schema:EWBP_Wildcat
235 + ) ;
236 +.
237 +npd-schema:Facility
238 + rdfs:comment "'Permanently placed facility' is a generic term for all facilities that are placed on a field permanently."@en ;
239 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
240 +.
241 +npd-schema:FeederPipeline
242 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
243 + rdfs:label "Feeder pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
244 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
245 +.
246 +npd-schema:Field
247 + rdfs:comment "A field is a discovery or several discoveries combined which the licensees have decided to develop, and for which the authorities have approved a plan for development and operation (PDO) or granted a PDO exemption."@en ;
248 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
249 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PhysicalObject ;
250 + rdfs:subClassOf [
251 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
252 + owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
253 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:currentActivityStatus ;
254 + ] ;
255 + rdfs:subClassOf [
256 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
257 + owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
258 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:fieldDiscoveryWellbore ;
259 + ] ;
260 + rdfs:subClassOf [
261 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
262 + owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
263 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:fieldOwner ;
264 + ] ;
265 + rdfs:subClassOf [
266 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
267 + owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
268 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasFieldOperator ;
269 + ] ;
270 +.
271 +npd-schema:FixedFacility
272 + rdfs:comment "Fixed facility: 'Permanently placed facility' is a generic term for all facilities that are placed on a field permanently. Floating production facilities, which in principle are mobile, come under this definition as they are meant to be permanently placed on the field."@en ;
273 +.
274 +npd-schema:FixedFacilityParent
275 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
276 + rdfs:comment "the parent facility of a fixed facility"^^xsd:string ;
277 + rdfs:label "fixed facility parent"@en ;
278 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
279 +.
280 +npd-schema:GasPipeline
281 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
282 + rdfs:label "Gas pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
283 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
284 +.
285 +npd-schema:HCT_Gas
286 + rdf:type npd-schema:HCType ;
287 + npd-schema:code "GAS"^^xsd:string ;
288 + rdfs:label "gas"@en ;
289 +.
290 +npd-schema:HCT_Gas-Condensate
291 + rdf:type npd-schema:HCType ;
292 + npd-schema:code "GAS/CONDENSATE"^^xsd:string ;
293 + rdfs:label "gas/condensate"@en ;
294 +.
295 +npd-schema:HCT_Oil
296 + rdf:type npd-schema:HCType ;
297 + npd-schema:code "OIL"^^xsd:string ;
298 + rdfs:label "oil"@en ;
299 +.
300 +npd-schema:HCT_Oil-Gas
301 + rdf:type npd-schema:HCType ;
302 + npd-schema:code "OIL/GAS"^^xsd:string ;
303 + rdfs:label "oil/gas"@en ;
304 +.
305 +npd-schema:HCType
306 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
307 + rdfs:comment "class that is a valid hydrocarbon type in the NPD fact pages"^^xsd:string ;
308 + rdfs:label "HC Type"@en ;
309 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
310 + owl:oneOf (
311 + npd-schema:HCT_Gas-Condensate
312 + npd-schema:HCT_Oil-Gas
313 + npd-schema:HCT_Gas
314 + npd-schema:HCT_Oil
315 + ) ;
316 +.
317 +npd-schema:InService
318 + rdf:type npd-schema:OperatingStatus ;
319 + rdfs:label "in service"^^xsd:string ;
320 +.
321 +npd-schema:Inactive
322 + rdf:type npd-schema:OperatingStatus ;
323 + npd-schema:code "INACTIVE"^^xsd:string ;
324 + rdfs:label "inactive"@en ;
325 +.
326 +npd-schema:Individual
327 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
328 + rdfs:label "Individual"@en ;
329 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
330 + rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
331 +.
332 +npd-schema:Junked
333 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
334 + rdfs:label "Junked"^^xsd:string ;
335 +.
336 +npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit
337 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
338 + rdfs:comment "Lithostratigraphic units (groups, formations and members) on the Norwegian continental sehlf. Includes exploration wellbores penetrating a particular unit and wellbores with core samples."@en ;
339 + rdfs:label "Lithostratigraphic Unit"@en ;
340 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
341 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:RegionInSpace ;
342 + rdfs:subClassOf [
343 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
344 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
345 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasStratigraphicLevel ;
346 + ] ;
347 + rdfs:subClassOf [
348 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
349 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
350 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasStratigraphicParent ;
351 + ] ;
352 + rdfs:subClassOf [
353 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
354 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
355 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasWellboreCoreLength ;
356 + ] ;
357 +.
358 +npd-schema:MNA_BarentsSea
359 + rdf:type npd-schema:MainNCSArea ;
360 + npd-schema:code "Barents sea"^^xsd:string ;
361 + rdfs:label "Barents sea"@en ;
362 +.
363 +npd-schema:MNA_NorthSea
364 + rdf:type npd-schema:MainNCSArea ;
365 + npd-schema:code "North sea"^^xsd:string ;
366 + rdfs:label "North sea"@en ;
367 +.
368 +npd-schema:MNA_NorwegianSea
369 + rdf:type npd-schema:MainNCSArea ;
370 + npd-schema:code "Norwegian sea"^^xsd:string ;
371 + rdfs:label "Norwegian sea"@en ;
372 +.
373 +npd-schema:MainNCSArea
374 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
375 + rdfs:comment "part of the surface of the earth that is a main area of the Norwegian Continental Shelf"^^xsd:string ;
376 + rdfs:label "Main NCS Area"@en ;
377 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
378 + owl:oneOf (
379 + npd-schema:MNA_NorthSea
380 + npd-schema:MNA_NorwegianSea
381 + npd-schema:MNA_BarentsSea
382 + ) ;
383 +.
384 +npd-schema:MoveableFacility
385 + rdfs:comment "Moveable facility: Mobile facilities are facilities not meant to be permanently placed on the field during the lifetime of the field, for example mobile drilling units."@en ;
386 +.
387 +npd-schema:NPDIndividual
388 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
389 + rdfs:comment "an individual that is a member of an NPD-related class"^^xsd:string ;
390 + rdfs:label "NPD individual"@en ;
391 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Individual ;
392 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
393 +.
394 +npd-schema:OWBP_Pilot
395 + rdf:type npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose ;
396 + rdfs:label "Pilot "^^xsd:string ;
397 +.
398 +npd-schema:OWBP_Scientific
399 + rdf:type npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose ;
400 +.
401 +npd-schema:OWBP_ShallowGas
402 + rdf:type npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose ;
403 + rdfs:label "Shallow gas"^^xsd:string ;
404 +.
405 +npd-schema:OWBP_SoilDrilling
406 + rdf:type npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose ;
407 + rdfs:label "Soil drilling"^^xsd:string ;
408 +.
409 +npd-schema:OWBP_Stratigraphic
410 + rdf:type npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose ;
411 +.
412 +npd-schema:OilGasPipeline
413 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
414 + rdfs:label "Oil/Gas pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
415 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
416 +.
417 +npd-schema:OilPipeline
418 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
419 + rdfs:label "Oil pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
420 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
421 +.
422 +npd-schema:Online-Operational
423 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
424 + rdfs:label "Online / Operational"^^xsd:string ;
425 +.
426 +npd-schema:OnshorePlant
427 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
428 + rdfs:label "Onshore plant"^^xsd:string ;
429 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:TUFacility ;
430 +.
431 +npd-schema:OperatingCompany
432 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
433 + rdfs:comment "a company operating a facility"^^xsd:string ;
434 + rdfs:label "operating company"@en ;
435 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Company ;
436 +.
437 +npd-schema:OperatingStatus
438 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
439 + rdfs:comment "class that is the active – inactive; in service - decommissioned status of a produciton licence area or facility"^^xsd:string ;
440 + rdfs:label "Operating status of facility, BAA or production licence area"@en ;
441 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
442 + rdfs:subClassOf [
443 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
444 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
445 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:endDate ;
446 + ] ;
447 + rdfs:subClassOf [
448 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
449 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
450 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:startDate ;
451 + ] ;
452 + owl:oneOf (
453 + npd-schema:Active
454 + npd-schema:Inactive
455 + ) ;
456 +.
457 +npd-schema:Operatorship
458 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
459 + rdfs:label "Operatorship"^^xsd:string ;
460 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
461 +.
462 +npd-schema:OperatorshipOfBAA
463 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
464 + rdfs:label "Operatorship of facility"^^xsd:string ;
465 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Operatorship ;
466 +.
467 +npd-schema:OperatorshipOfFacility
468 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
469 + rdfs:label "Operatorship of facility"^^xsd:string ;
470 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Operatorship ;
471 +.
472 +npd-schema:OperatorshipOfField
473 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
474 + rdfs:label "Operatorship of field"^^xsd:string ;
475 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Operatorship ;
476 +.
477 +npd-schema:OperatorshipOfLicence
478 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
479 + rdfs:label "Operatorship of Licence"^^xsd:string ;
480 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Operatorship ;
481 +.
482 +npd-schema:OtherWellbore
483 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
484 + rdfs:label "Other wellbore "@en ;
485 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Wellbore ;
486 +.
487 +npd-schema:OtherWellborePurpose
488 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
489 + rdfs:label "Other wellbore purposes"^^xsd:string ;
490 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:WellborePurpose ;
491 +.
492 +npd-schema:Owner
493 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
494 + rdfs:comment "a business arrangement area or production license on the Norweigan Continental Shelf "^^xsd:string ;
495 + rdfs:label "owner"@en ;
496 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Individual ;
497 +.
498 +npd-schema:ParcellBAA
499 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
500 + rdfs:comment "a business arrangement area based on a parcel"^^xsd:string ;
501 + rdfs:label "parcel BAA"@en ;
502 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
503 +.
504 +npd-schema:Pipeline
505 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
506 + rdfs:label "Pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
507 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:TUFacility ;
508 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PhysicalObject ;
509 + rdfs:subClassOf [
510 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
511 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasLineGeometryWKT ;
512 + owl:someValuesFrom xsd:string ;
513 + ] ;
514 + rdfs:subClassOf [
515 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
516 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasPipelineDimension ;
517 + owl:someValuesFrom xsd:float ;
518 + ] ;
519 + rdfs:subClassOf [
520 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
521 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:hasPipelineMedium ;
522 + owl:someValuesFrom xsd:string ;
523 + ] ;
524 +.
525 +npd-schema:Plugged
526 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
527 + rdfs:label "Plugged"^^xsd:string ;
528 +.
529 +npd-schema:Plugged-Abandoned
530 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
531 + rdfs:label "Plugged and Abandoned"^^xsd:string ;
532 +.
533 +npd-schema:Predrilled
534 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
535 + rdfs:label "Predrilled"^^xsd:string ;
536 +.
537 +npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea
538 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
539 + rdfs:comment "an area on the Norweigan Continental Shelf to which the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has granted a production licence"^^xsd:string ;
540 + rdfs:label "Norwegian production license area"@en ;
541 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
542 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Owner ;
543 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
544 +.
545 +npd-schema:ReClassToDevelopment
546 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
547 + rdfs:label "Reclassified to development"^^xsd:string ;
548 +.
549 +npd-schema:ReClassToTest
550 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
551 + rdfs:label "Reclassified to test"^^xsd:string ;
552 +.
553 +npd-schema:SeismicAreaBAA
554 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
555 + rdfs:comment "a business arrangement area that is a seismic area"^^xsd:string ;
556 + rdfs:label "seismic area BAA"@en ;
557 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
558 +.
559 +npd-schema:Share
560 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
561 + rdfs:comment "a company's share in something "^^xsd:string ;
562 + rdfs:label "share"@en ;
563 + rdfs:subClassOf lci:PossibleIndividual ;
564 +.
565 +npd-schema:ShareOfBAA
566 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
567 + rdfs:comment "a share of the ownership of a BAA"^^xsd:string ;
568 + rdfs:label "share of BAA"@en ;
569 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Share ;
570 +.
571 +npd-schema:ShareOfLicence
572 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
573 + rdfs:comment "a share of the ownership of a license"^^xsd:string ;
574 + rdfs:label "share of license"@en ;
575 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Share ;
576 +.
577 +npd-schema:SlidingScaleBAA
578 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
579 + rdfs:comment "a business arrangement area that is based on a sliding scale"^^xsd:string ;
580 + rdfs:label "sliding scale BAA"@en ;
581 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
582 +.
583 +npd-schema:StratigraphicFormation
584 + rdf:type npd-schema:StratigraphicLevel ;
585 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic formation"^^xsd:string ;
586 +.
587 +npd-schema:StratigraphicGroup
588 + rdf:type npd-schema:StratigraphicLevel ;
589 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic group"^^xsd:string ;
590 +.
591 +npd-schema:StratigraphicLevel
592 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
593 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic Level"^^xsd:string ;
594 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
595 +.
596 +npd-schema:StratigraphicMember
597 + rdf:type npd-schema:StratigraphicLevel ;
598 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic member"^^xsd:string ;
599 +.
600 +npd-schema:Suspended
601 + rdf:type npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
602 + rdfs:label "Suspended"^^xsd:string ;
603 +.
604 +npd-schema:TUFPart
605 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
606 + rdfs:comment "A part of a TUF"^^xsd:string ;
607 + rdfs:label "TUF part"@en ;
608 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:FixedFacilityParent ;
609 +.
610 +npd-schema:TUFacility
611 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
612 + rdfs:comment "a transportation and utilization facility"@en ;
613 + rdfs:label "TUF transportation and utilization facility"@en ;
614 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Facility ;
615 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:FixedFacilityParent ;
616 +.
617 +npd-schema:TariffArea
618 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
619 + rdfs:label "Tariff area"^^xsd:string ;
620 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:TUFacility ;
621 +.
622 +npd-schema:Terminal
623 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
624 + rdfs:label "Terminal"^^xsd:string ;
625 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:TUFacility ;
626 +.
627 +npd-schema:TransportationPipeline
628 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
629 + rdfs:label "Transportation pipeline"^^xsd:string ;
630 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Pipeline ;
631 +.
632 +npd-schema:UnitizedBAA
633 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
634 + rdfs:comment "a business arrangement area that is unitized"^^xsd:string ;
635 + rdfs:label "unitized BAA"@en ;
636 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
637 +.
638 +npd-schema:Well
639 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Individual ;
640 +.
641 +npd-schema:Wellbore
642 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
643 + rdfs:subClassOf [
644 + rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
645 + owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
646 + owl:onProperty npd-schema:isDiscoveryWellbore ;
647 + ] ;
648 +.
649 +npd-schema:WellboreContentType
650 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
651 + rdfs:comment "class of material that is a valid wellbore content in the NPD fact pages"^^xsd:string ;
652 + rdfs:label "Wellbore content"@en ;
653 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
654 + owl:oneOf (
655 + npd-schema:DWBC_Water-Gas
656 + npd-schema:DWBC_Water
657 + npd-schema:DWBC_Gas
658 + npd-schema:DWBC_Gas-Condensate
659 + npd-schema:DWBC_NotAvailable
660 + npd-schema:DWBC_Cuttings
661 + npd-schema:DWBC_Oil
662 + npd-schema:DWBC_NotApplicable
663 + npd-schema:DWBC_Oil-Gas
664 + npd-schema:DWBC_CO2
665 + ) ;
666 +.
667 +npd-schema:WellborePurpose
668 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
669 + rdfs:comment "class of activity that is a valid wellbore purpose in the NPD fact pages"^^xsd:string ;
670 + rdfs:label "Wellbore purpose"@en ;
671 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
672 +.
673 +npd-schema:WellboreStatus
674 + rdf:type owl:Class ;
675 + rdfs:label "Wellbore status"^^xsd:string ;
676 + rdfs:subClassOf npd-schema:Enumeration ;
677 +.
678 +npd-schema:baaOperator
679 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
680 + rdfs:comment "the current operator of a BAA"^^xsd:string ;
681 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
682 + rdfs:label "BAA operator"@en ;
683 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
684 +.
685 +npd-schema:baaShared
686 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
687 + rdfs:comment "the BAA of which this is a share"^^xsd:string ;
688 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:ShareOfBAA ;
689 + rdfs:label "BAA shared"@en ;
690 + rdfs:range npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
691 +.
692 +npd-schema:belongsTo
693 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
694 + rdfs:comment "the parent facility of the fixed facility"^^xsd:string ;
695 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:FixedFacility ;
696 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:OperatingCompany ;
697 + rdfs:label "belongs to"@en ;
698 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
699 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
700 +.
701 +npd-schema:code
702 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
703 + rdfs:comment "the NPD code"^^xsd:string ;
704 + rdfs:label "code"@en ;
705 +.
706 +npd-schema:companyShortName
707 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
708 + rdfs:comment "the NPD company short name"^^xsd:string ;
709 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Company ;
710 + rdfs:label "company short name"@en ;
711 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
712 +.
713 +npd-schema:completionYear
714 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
715 + rdfs:comment "he year when the anchor handling started. In case of jack-ups: the year the jacking-down started. "@en ;
716 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
717 + rdfs:label "completion year "@en ;
718 + rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
719 + rdfs:subPropertyOf npd-schema:endDate ;
720 +.
721 +npd-schema:currentActivityStatus
722 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
723 + rdfs:comment "the NPD status of the field"^^xsd:string ;
724 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Field ;
725 + rdfs:label "current activity status"@en ;
726 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
727 +.
728 +npd-schema:currentOperator
729 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
730 + rdfs:comment "the company that is the current operator of a fixed facility"^^xsd:string ;
731 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:FixedFacility ;
732 + rdfs:label "current operator"@en ;
733 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
734 +.
735 +npd-schema:currentlyResponsibleCompany
736 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
737 + rdfs:comment "the company that is currently responsible for a moveable facility"^^xsd:string ;
738 + rdfs:domain <http://www.reportinghub.no/ep/schema/facility#MoveableFacility> ;
739 + rdfs:label "currently responsible company"@en ;
740 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
741 +.
742 +npd-schema:dateOfCompletedPredrilling
743 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
744 + rdfs:comment "Date when the predrilling activity of the wellbore was completed "@en ;
745 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
746 + rdfs:label "predrilled completion date "@en ;
747 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
748 + rdfs:subPropertyOf npd-schema:endDate ;
749 +.
750 +npd-schema:dateOfDrillPenetration
751 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
752 + rdfs:label "drill penetration date "@en ;
753 + rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
754 +.
755 +npd-schema:dateOfEntryPredrilling
756 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
757 + rdfs:comment "Date when the predrilling activity of the wellbore started "@en ;
758 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
759 + rdfs:label "predrilled entry date "@en ;
760 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
761 + rdfs:subPropertyOf npd-schema:startDate ;
762 +.
763 +npd-schema:dateOfWellboreCompletion
764 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
765 + rdfs:comment "the completion date of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
766 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
767 + rdfs:label "wellbore completion date"@en ;
768 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
769 + rdfs:subPropertyOf npd-schema:endDate ;
770 +.
771 +npd-schema:dateOfWellboreDataReleased
772 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
773 + rdfs:comment "Date when raw data which has been reported to the authorities from the wellbore is not confidential any longer. Normally 2 years after finishing the drilling. May be earlier if the area of the production license is relinquished. "@en ;
774 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
775 + rdfs:label "data release date "@en ;
776 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
777 +.
778 +npd-schema:dateWellboreCompletion
779 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
780 + rdfs:label "wellbore completion date "@en ;
781 +.
782 +npd-schema:depthOfWater
783 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
784 + rdfs:comment "Depth in metres betweem mean sea level and sea floor. "@en ;
785 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
786 + rdfs:label "water depth "@en ;
787 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
788 +.
789 +npd-schema:discoveryCurrentActivityStatus
790 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
791 + rdfs:comment "the NPD status of the discovery"^^xsd:string ;
792 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
793 + rdfs:label "discovery current activity status"@en ;
794 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
795 +.
796 +npd-schema:discoveryField
797 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
798 + rdfs:comment "the field in which the discovery exists"^^xsd:string ;
799 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
800 + rdfs:label "discovery field"@en ;
801 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Field ;
802 +.
803 +npd-schema:discoveryHCType
804 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
805 + rdfs:comment "the hydrocarbon type of the discovery"^^xsd:string ;
806 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
807 + rdfs:label "discovery HC type"@en ;
808 + rdfs:range npd-schema:HCType ;
809 +.
810 +npd-schema:discoveryMainNcsArea
811 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
812 + rdfs:comment "the main NCS area in which discovery is located"^^xsd:string ;
813 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
814 + rdfs:label "discovery main NCS area"@en ;
815 + rdfs:range npd-schema:MainNCSArea ;
816 +.
817 +npd-schema:discoveryOperator
818 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
819 + rdfs:comment "the operator of the discovery"^^xsd:string ;
820 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
821 + rdfs:label "discovery operator"@en ;
822 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
823 +.
824 +npd-schema:discoveryOwner
825 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
826 + rdfs:comment "the BAA or PL that owns the discovery"^^xsd:string ;
827 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
828 + rdfs:label "discovery owner"@en ;
829 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Owner ;
830 +.
831 +npd-schema:discoveryWellbore
832 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
833 + rdfs:comment "the wellbore that made the discovery"^^xsd:string ;
834 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
835 + rdfs:label "discovery wellbore"@en ;
836 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Wellbore ;
837 +.
838 +npd-schema:discoveryYear
839 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
840 + rdfs:comment "the year the discovery was made"^^xsd:string ;
841 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Discovery ;
842 + rdfs:label "discovery year"@en ;
843 + rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
844 +.
845 +npd-schema:drilledInProductionLicence
846 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
847 + rdfs:comment "the production licence under which the wellbore was drilled"^^xsd:string ;
848 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
849 + rdfs:label "drilled in production licence"@en ;
850 + rdfs:range npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
851 +.
852 +npd-schema:drillingFacility
853 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
854 + rdfs:comment "the drilling facility of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
855 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
856 + rdfs:label "drilling facility"@en ;
857 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
858 +.
859 +npd-schema:drillingOperator
860 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
861 + rdfs:comment "the drilling operator of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
862 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
863 + rdfs:label "drilling operator"@en ;
864 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
865 + rdfs:subPropertyOf lci:hasParticipant ;
866 +.
867 +npd-schema:endDate
868 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
869 + rdfs:comment "the NPD end date of the thing"^^xsd:string ;
870 + rdfs:domain lci:PossibleIndividual ;
871 + rdfs:label "end date"@en ;
872 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
873 +.
874 +npd-schema:entryYear
875 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
876 + rdfs:comment "The year when the drill bit penetrated the earth's crust / sea floor. "@en ;
877 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
878 + rdfs:label "entry year "@en ;
879 + rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
880 + rdfs:subPropertyOf npd-schema:startDate ;
881 +.
882 +npd-schema:facilityFunctions
883 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
884 + rdfs:comment "the NPD functions of the facility"^^xsd:string ;
885 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Facility ;
886 + rdfs:label "facility functions"@en ;
887 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
888 +.
889 +npd-schema:facilityKind
890 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
891 + rdfs:comment "the NPD kind of the facility"^^xsd:string ;
892 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Facility ;
893 + rdfs:label "facility kind"@en ;
894 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
895 +.
896 +npd-schema:factMapURL
897 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
898 + rdfs:label "NPD Fact map URL"^^xsd:string ;
899 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
900 + rdfs:subPropertyOf lci:describedByLiteral ;
901 +.
902 +npd-schema:factPageURL
903 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
904 + rdfs:label "NPD Fact page"^^xsd:string ;
905 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
906 + rdfs:subPropertyOf lci:describedByLiteral ;
907 +.
908 +npd-schema:fieldDiscoveryWellbore
909 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
910 + rdfs:comment "the wellbore that proved the field"^^xsd:string ;
911 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Field ;
912 + rdfs:label "field discovery wellbore"@en ;
913 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Wellbore ;
914 +.
915 +npd-schema:fieldOwner
916 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
917 + rdfs:comment "the licence that owns the field"^^xsd:string ;
918 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Field ;
919 + rdfs:label "field owner"@en ;
920 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Owner ;
921 +.
922 +npd-schema:finalTrueVerticalDepthOfWellbore
923 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
924 + rdfs:comment "Vertical elevation from total depth to kelly bushing. Often referred to as true vertical depth (TVD). "@en ;
925 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
926 + rdfs:label "final true vertical depth of wellbore"@en ;
927 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
928 +.
929 +npd-schema:fixedFacilityPhase
930 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
931 + rdfs:comment "the NPD phase of the fixed facility"^^xsd:string ;
932 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:FixedFacility ;
933 + rdfs:label "fixed facility phase"@en ;
934 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
935 +.
936 +npd-schema:hasBottomDepth
937 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
938 + rdfs:label "bottom depth"^^xsd:string ;
939 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
940 +.
941 +npd-schema:hasFieldOperator
942 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
943 + rdfs:comment "the company operating the field"^^xsd:string ;
944 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Field ;
945 + rdfs:label "field operator"@en ;
946 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
947 +.
948 +npd-schema:hasLineGeometryWKT
949 + rdf:type rdf:Property ;
950 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
951 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Pipeline ;
952 + rdfs:label "Pipeline geometry WKT"^^xsd:string ;
953 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
954 +.
955 +npd-schema:hasOperatingStatus
956 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
957 + rdfs:comment "the NPD status of the licence, TUF other facilities"^^xsd:string ;
958 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Facility ;
959 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
960 + rdfs:label "operating status"@en ;
961 + rdfs:range npd-schema:OperatingStatus ;
962 +.
963 +npd-schema:hasPipelineDimension
964 + rdf:type rdf:Property ;
965 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
966 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Pipeline ;
967 + rdfs:label "Pipeline dimension"^^xsd:string ;
968 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
969 +.
970 +npd-schema:hasPipelineMedium
971 + rdf:type rdf:Property ;
972 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
973 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Pipeline ;
974 + rdfs:label "Pipeline medium"^^xsd:string ;
975 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
976 +.
977 +npd-schema:hasStratigraphicLevel
978 + rdf:type rdf:Property ;
979 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
980 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic level"^^xsd:string ;
981 + rdfs:range npd-schema:StratigraphicLevel ;
982 +.
983 +npd-schema:hasStratigraphicParent
984 + rdf:type rdf:Property ;
985 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
986 + rdfs:label "Stratigraphic parent"^^xsd:string ;
987 + rdfs:range npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
988 +.
989 +npd-schema:hasTopDepth
990 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
991 + rdfs:label "top depth"^^xsd:string ;
992 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
993 +.
994 +npd-schema:hasWellboreCoreLength
995 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
996 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
997 + rdfs:label "wellbore core length in stratigraphic unit"^^xsd:string ;
998 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
999 +.
1000 +npd-schema:hasWellboreStatus
1001 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1002 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1003 + rdfs:label "has wellbore status"^^xsd:string ;
1004 + rdfs:range npd-schema:WellboreStatus ;
1005 +.
1006 +npd-schema:id
1007 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1008 + rdfs:comment "the NPD identifier"^^xsd:string ;
1009 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:NPDIndividual ;
1010 + rdfs:label "NPD identifier"@en ;
1011 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1012 +.
1013 +npd-schema:isDiscoveryWellbore
1014 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1015 + rdfs:comment "Indicator which telles if the wellbore made a new discovery. Legal values: YES, NO."^^xsd:string ;
1016 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1017 + rdfs:label "discovery wellbore "@en ;
1018 + rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
1019 +.
1020 +npd-schema:isMultilateralWell
1021 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1022 + rdfs:comment "Indicator telling if the parent well is multilateral, meaning it has more than one branch radiating from the main borehole "@en ;
1023 + rdfs:label "multilateral "@en ;
1024 + rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
1025 +.
1026 +npd-schema:kellyBushingElevation
1027 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1028 + rdfs:comment "Elevation of the rotary kelly bushing (RKB) above mean sea level. "@en ;
1029 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1030 + rdfs:label "Kelly bushing elevation "@en ;
1031 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
1032 +.
1033 +npd-schema:licenceOperator
1034 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1035 + rdfs:comment "the company that is the operator of the licence"^^xsd:string ;
1036 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
1037 + rdfs:label "licence operator"@en ;
1038 + rdfs:range npd-schema:OperatingCompany ;
1039 +.
1040 +npd-schema:licenceShared
1041 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1042 + rdfs:comment "the licence of which this is a share"^^xsd:string ;
1043 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:ShareOfLicence ;
1044 + rdfs:label "licence shared"@en ;
1045 + rdfs:range npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
1046 +.
1047 +npd-schema:licensingActivity
1048 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1049 + rdfs:comment "the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy licencing activity under which the licence was granted"^^xsd:string ;
1050 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
1051 + rdfs:label "licencing activity"@en ;
1052 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1053 +.
1054 +npd-schema:locatedIn
1055 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1056 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1057 + rdfs:label "located in"^^xsd:string ;
1058 + rdfs:range npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
1059 +.
1060 +npd-schema:maximumInclination
1061 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1062 + rdfs:comment "Maximum deviation, in degrees, from a vertical well path "@en ;
1063 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1064 + rdfs:label "Maximum inclination "@en ;
1065 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
1066 +.
1067 +npd-schema:name
1068 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1069 + rdfs:comment "the NPD name"^^xsd:string ;
1070 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Individual ;
1071 + rdfs:label "NPD name"@en ;
1072 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1073 +.
1074 +npd-schema:oldestPenetratedAge
1075 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1076 + rdfs:comment "Age (according to Geologic Time Scale 2004 by F. M. Gradstein, et al. (2004)) of the oldest penetrated formation. May differ from age at TD for example in deviated wellbores. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EARLY PERMIAN, EARLY TRIASSIC, EOCENE. "@en ;
1077 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1078 + rdfs:label "oldest penetrated age "@en ;
1079 + rdfs:range gts:GeochronologicEra ;
1080 +.
1081 +npd-schema:oldestPenetratedFormation
1082 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1083 + rdfs:comment "Name of the oldest lithostratigraphic unit penetrated by the wellbore. In most wellbores this is formation or group at total depth. "@en ;
1084 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1085 + rdfs:label "oldest penetrated formation "@en ;
1086 + rdfs:range npd-schema:LithostratigraphicUnit ;
1087 +.
1088 +npd-schema:operatorOf
1089 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1090 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Company ;
1091 + rdfs:label "Pipeline operator"^^xsd:string ;
1092 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Operatorship ;
1093 +.
1094 +npd-schema:operatorshipOf
1095 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1096 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Operatorship ;
1097 + rdfs:label "Operatorship"^^xsd:string ;
1098 + rdfs:range npd-schema:BusinessArrangementArea ;
1099 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
1100 + rdfs:range npd-schema:ProductionLicenceArea ;
1101 +.
1102 +npd-schema:organisationNumber
1103 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1104 + rdfs:comment "the official Norwegian organization number of the operating company"^^xsd:string ;
1105 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:OperatingCompany ;
1106 + rdfs:label "organisation number"@en ;
1107 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1108 +.
1109 +npd-schema:parentCompany
1110 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1111 + rdfs:comment "the parent company of the operating company"^^xsd:string ;
1112 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:OperatingCompany ;
1113 + rdfs:label "parent company"@en ;
1114 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
1115 +.
1116 +npd-schema:partOfTUF
1117 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1118 + rdfs:comment "the TUF of which this is a part"^^xsd:string ;
1119 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:TUFPart ;
1120 + rdfs:label "part of TUF"@en ;
1121 + rdfs:range npd-schema:TUFacility ;
1122 +.
1123 +npd-schema:partOfWell
1124 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1125 + rdfs:comment "the well of which the wellbore is a part"^^xsd:string ;
1126 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1127 + rdfs:label "part of well"@en ;
1128 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Well ;
1129 +.
1130 +npd-schema:percentageOfShare
1131 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1132 + rdfs:comment "the percent of the total share of the licence"^^xsd:string ;
1133 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Share ;
1134 + rdfs:label "percentage of share"@en ;
1135 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
1136 +.
1137 +npd-schema:pipelineFromFacility
1138 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1139 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Pipeline ;
1140 + rdfs:label "pipeline from facility"^^xsd:string ;
1141 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
1142 +.
1143 +npd-schema:pipelineToFacility
1144 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1145 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Pipeline ;
1146 + rdfs:label "pipeline to facility"^^xsd:string ;
1147 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
1148 +.
1149 +npd-schema:plannedContent
1150 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1151 + rdfs:comment "Only relevant for development wellbores, planned type of produced or injected fluid. "@en ;
1152 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose ;
1153 + rdfs:label "planned content "@en ;
1154 + rdfs:range npd-schema:DevelopmentWellboreContentType ;
1155 +.
1156 +npd-schema:plannedPurposeOfDevelopmentWellbore
1157 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1158 + rdfs:comment "planned purpose of development wellbore "@en ;
1159 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:DevelopmentWellbore ;
1160 + rdfs:label "planned development wellbore purpose "@en ;
1161 + rdfs:range npd-schema:DevelopmentWellborePurpose ;
1162 +.
1163 +npd-schema:plannedPurposeOfExplorationWellbore
1164 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1165 + rdfs:comment "planned purpose of exploration wellbore "@en ;
1166 + rdfs:label "planned exploration wellbore purpose "@en ;
1167 +.
1168 +npd-schema:productionFacility
1169 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1170 + rdfs:comment "the production facility for the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1171 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1172 + rdfs:label "production facility"@en ;
1173 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Facility ;
1174 +.
1175 +npd-schema:reclassifiedFromWellbore
1176 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1177 + rdfs:comment "the original wellbore that this wellbore is reclassified from. A wellbore can only be reclassified from exploration to development, not the other way."@en ;
1178 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:DevelopmentWellbore ;
1179 + rdfs:label "reclassified from "@en ;
1180 + rdfs:range npd-schema:ExplorationWellbore ;
1181 +.
1182 +npd-schema:reclassifiedToWellbore
1183 + rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
1184 + rdfs:comment "The original wellbore that this wellbore is reclassified from. A wellbore can only be reclassified from exploration to development, not the other way. "@en ;
1185 + rdfs:label "reclassified to wellbore "@en ;
1186 + owl:inverseOf npd-schema:reclassifiedToWellbore ;
1187 +.
1188 +npd-schema:reentered
1189 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1190 + rdfs:comment "Status whether the wellbore has been re-entered (YES) or not(NO). "@en ;
1191 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1192 + rdfs:label "Reentry "@en ;
1193 + rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
1194 +.
1195 +npd-schema:seismicLocation
1196 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1197 + rdfs:comment "Position of wellbore on seismic survey lines "@en ;
1198 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1199 + rdfs:label "Seismic location "@en ;
1200 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1201 +.
1202 +npd-schema:shareHolder
1203 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1204 + rdfs:comment "the company holding the share"^^xsd:string ;
1205 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Share ;
1206 + rdfs:label "share holder"@en ;
1207 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Company ;
1208 +.
1209 +npd-schema:startDate
1210 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1211 + rdfs:comment "the NPD start date of the thing"^^xsd:string ;
1212 + rdfs:domain lci:PossibleIndividual ;
1213 + rdfs:label "start date"@en ;
1214 + rdfs:range xsd:date ;
1215 +.
1216 +npd-schema:temperatureOfBottomHole
1217 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1218 + rdfs:comment "Estimated temperature at final total depth of the wellbore "@en ;
1219 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1220 + rdfs:label "Bottom hole temperature "@en ;
1221 + rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
1222 +.
1223 +npd-schema:totalDepthOfWellbore
1224 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1225 + rdfs:comment "Total measured length of wellbore from kelly bushing to total depth (driller's depth). "@en ;
1226 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1227 + rdfs:label "total wellbore depth "@en ;
1228 + rdfs:range xsd:float ;
1229 +.
1230 +<http://data.posccaesar.org/npd/ontology/v-1.1>
1231 + rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
1232 + owl:imports <http://resource.geosciml.org/ontology/timescale/gts> ;
1233 + owl:imports gts:GeochronologicEra ;
1234 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/ilap-npd-interface/v-1> ;
1235 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/annotation/v-1> ;
1236 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/history/v-1> ;
1237 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/status/v-1> ;
1238 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1> ;
1239 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata> ;
1240 + owl:imports <http://standards.iso.org/iso/15926/-12/ed-1/tech/ontology/metadata/v-1-with-metadata-and-core-metadata> ;
1241 + owl:imports <http://www.reportinghub.no/refdata/1.0/ERHReferenceData> ;
1242 + owl:imports <http://www.reportinghub.no/refdata/1.0/foundation> ;
1243 + owl:imports <http://www.reportinghub.no/test/ep/testcase/DATA_PCA-part2-example> ;
1244 + owl:versionInfo "0.1.1"^^xsd:string ;
1245 +.
1246 +npd-schema:wellPartOfField
1247 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1248 + rdfs:comment "the well is part of field"^^xsd:string ;
1249 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Well ;
1250 + rdfs:label "well part of field"@en ;
1251 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Field ;
1252 +.
1253 +npd-schema:wellboreContent
1254 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1255 + rdfs:comment "the NPD content of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1256 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1257 + rdfs:label "wellbore content"@en ;
1258 + rdfs:range npd-schema:WellboreContentType ;
1259 +.
1260 +npd-schema:wellboreDrillPermit
1261 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1262 + rdfs:comment "the NPD drill permit of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1263 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1264 + rdfs:label "wellbore drill permit"@en ;
1265 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1266 +.
1267 +npd-schema:wellboreOwner
1268 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1269 + rdfs:comment "the owning licence of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1270 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1271 + rdfs:label "wellbore owner"@en ;
1272 + rdfs:range npd-schema:Owner ;
1273 +.
1274 +npd-schema:wellborePurpose
1275 + rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
1276 + rdfs:comment "the NPD purpose of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1277 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1278 + rdfs:label "wellbore purpose"@en ;
1279 + rdfs:range npd-schema:WellborePurpose ;
1280 +.
1281 +npd-schema:wellboreType
1282 + rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
1283 + rdfs:comment "the NPD type of the wellbore"^^xsd:string ;
1284 + rdfs:domain npd-schema:Wellbore ;
1285 + rdfs:label "wellbore type"@en ;
1286 + rdfs:range xsd:string ;
1287 +.