var MSIE = false; var ver = 0; var indexOfMSIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE"); var indexOfTrident = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident"); if(indexOfMSIE != -1) { MSIE = true; ver = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(indexOfMSIE + 5, navigator.userAgent.indexOf(";", indexOfMSIE))); } // O15 :3405219: Internet Explorer, from IE11 onwards will no longer supports the user Agent MSIE. // Alternative is to query the UA string for "Trident". // More information at : // Trident userAgent mapping: // Trident/7.0 IE11 // Trident/6.0 Internet Explorer 10 // Trident/5.0 Internet Explorer 9 // Trident/4.0 Internet Explorer 8 else if(indexOfTrident != -1) { MSIE = true; // UserAgent Trident can end with a ';' or a ')' ver = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(indexOfTrident + 8, navigator.userAgent.indexOf(";", indexOfTrident))); if(ver == NaN) { ver = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(indexOfTrident + 8, navigator.userAgent.indexOf(")", indexOfTrident))); } ver += 4; // version of trident is 4 less to IE version number } var slInstalled = false; try { var b = null; if (MSIE) { b = new ActiveXObject("AgControl.AgControl"); slInstalled = true; } else { var plugin = navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]; if (plugin) { var version = plugin.description.split(".") if (parseInt(version[0]) >= 2) slInstalled = true; } } } catch(e) {} var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0; var isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0); var vmlSupported = MSIE; var slSupported = (MSIE && ver >= 5 && !isMac) || isFirefox; var isUpLevel = vmlSupported || (slSupported && slInstalled); var fShowWidgets = (MSIE && ver >= 5 && !isMac) || isFirefox; var xmlData = XMLData("Discipline-filer/data.xml"); var g_RowStyleList = new Array( "propViewerEvenRow", "propViewerOddRow" ); var strShape = "Figurnavn:"; // START ----- cross-browser event manipulation helpers --------------------------- function getEvent(event) { // Retrieve the event in IE if (!event) return window.event; // Return the passed event for everything else return event; } function getSrcElem(event) { var event = getEvent(event); // Reference the element howeaver this browser can var elem; if ( // For Firefox elem =; else if (event.srcElement) // For IE elem = event.srcElement; if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari elem = elem.parentNode; return elem } function GetNSResolver(xml, xpath, xpathEval) { var nsResolver = null; try { // Check for HLURL namespace in xpath // if (xpath.indexOf("HLURL:") != -1) { // Build the temp document whose document element binds the prefix HLURL var namespaceHolder = document.implementation.createDocument( "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:visio:dghlinkext", "HLURL:namespaceMapping", null); // Get the root element of the document and set the namespace var root = namespaceHolder.documentElement; root.setAttributeNS( "", "xmlns:HLURL", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:visio:dghlinkext"); // Create the namespace resolver using the root element to do the namespace bindings nsResolver = xpathEval.createNSResolver(root); } else nsResolver = xpathEval.createNSResolver(xml.ownerDocument == null ? xml.documentElement : xml.ownerDocument.documentElement); } catch (e) { } return nsResolver; } // END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // START cross-browser xpath manipulation helpers --------------------------------- if (document.implementation.hasFeature("XPath", "3.0")) { Element.prototype.selectNodes = function (xpath) { var oEvaluator = new XPathEvaluator(); var nsResolver = GetNSResolver(this, xpath, oEvaluator); var oResult = oEvaluator.evaluate(xpath, this, nsResolver, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var aResult = []; for( var i = 0; i < oResult.snapshotLength; i++) aResult[i] = oResult.snapshotItem(i); return aResult; }; Document.prototype.selectNodes = function(xpath) { return this.documentElement.selectNodes(xpath); } } function SelectSingleNode(xml, xpath) { if (MSIE) return xml.selectSingleNode(xpath); else { var xpe = new XPathEvaluator(); var nsResolver = GetNSResolver(this, xpath, xpe); var results = xpe.evaluate(xpath,xml,nsResolver,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); return results.singleNodeValue; } } function SelectNodes(xml, xpath) { return xml.selectNodes(xpath); } // END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function XMLData(file) { var temp = null; if(isUpLevel) { // for IE if (MSIE) { temp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); if (temp == null) temp = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"); } // for everything else else { try { temp = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); } catch(e) {} } if (temp != null) { temp.async = false; temp.load(file); if (MSIE && temp.parseError.errorCode != 0) temp = null; } } return temp; } function CreateObject (strObj) { var obj = null; eval ("try { obj = new ActiveXObject(strObj); } catch (e) {}"); return obj; } function doVersion() { if(isUpLevel) { frmToolbar.divDownLevel.innerHTML = ""; frmToolbar.divUpLevel.innerHTML = frmWidgets.divData.innerHTML; } } function FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID) { var shapeObj = null; if (xmlData != null) { var pagesObj = SelectSingleNode(xmlData, "VisioDocument/Pages"); if(!pagesObj) { return null; } var pageQuerryString = './/Page[@ID = "' + pageID + '"]'; var pageObj = SelectSingleNode(pagesObj, pageQuerryString); if(pageObj == null) { return null; } var shapeQuerryString = './/Shape[@ID = "' + shapeID + '"]'; shapeObj = SelectSingleNode(pageObj, shapeQuerryString); } return shapeObj; } function OnShapeKey(pageID, shapeID, event) { var e = event; if (MSIE) e = window.frmDrawing.event; if(e.keyCode == 13 && e.ctrlKey) //ctrl + enter { UpdateProps (pageID, shapeID); } else if (e.keyCode == 13) { OnShapeClick (pageID, shapeID, e); } } function OnShapeClick (pageID, shapeID, jsEvent, slEvent) // slEvent - Required for Silverlight only { if (isUpLevel) { var e = jsEvent; if (MSIE) e = frmDrawing.window.event; if (frmToolbar.widgets && frmToolbar.widgets.Details && ((e != null && e.ctrlKey) || (e == null && slEvent.Ctrl))) // DOM or Silverlight events { UpdateProps (pageID, shapeID); } else { var shapeNode = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID); var hlObj = GetHLAction (shapeNode, pageID, shapeID); if (hlObj != null) { if (hlObj.DoFunction.length > 0) { eval (hlObj.DoFunction); } else if (hlObj.Hyperlink.length > 0) { if (hlObj.NewWindow) { (hlObj.Hyperlink); } else { top.location.href = hlObj.Hyperlink.substr (0, 510); } } else if (e != null && getSrcElem(e) != null) { var elem = e.srcElement; var href = elem.origHref; if (href == null) { href = elem.href; } var target = elem.origTarget; if (target == null) { target =; } if (href && href.length > 0) { href = HTMLEscape (href); if (target && target == "_blank") { (href); } else { top.location.href = href.substr (0, 510); } } } } } } return (!isUpLevel); } function UpdateProps(pageID, shapeID) { var shape = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID); FillPropPane(shape, frmToolbar.hideDetails); } function UpdatePropsByShapeName(pageName, shapeName) { var shape = FindShapeXMLByName (pageName, shapeName); FillPropPane(shape, frmToolbar.hideDetails); } function FillPropPane (shapeNode, outputDivObj ) { if (shapeNode != null && outputDivObj != null) { if( == "none") { frmToolbar.ToggleWidget(outputDivObj); } var strCPHTML = ""; var shapeNameAttr = shapeNode.attributes.getNamedItem ("Name"); if (shapeNameAttr) { strCPHTML += "<span class='p2' style='padding-left:2px;'>" + strShape + " " + HTMLEscape(shapeNameAttr.value) + "</span>"; } var strTableHTML = CreatePropTable (shapeNode); if(strTableHTML.indexOf("<table") == -1) { strTableHTML = "<p class='p2' style='margin-left:1em;margin-top:0em;'>" + strTableHTML + "</p>"; } if (strTableHTML.length > 0) { strCPHTML += strTableHTML; } else { strCPHTML = strNoCustomPropertiesToDisplayText; } outputDivObj.innerHTML = strCPHTML; outputDivObj.minHeight = 75; } } function CreatePropTable (shapeNode) { var strCPHTML = ""; var strStartTable = "<table class='propViewerTABLE' borderColor='#999999' cellPadding='2' width='95%' border='1' summary='Denne tabellen inneholder figurdetaljer'>"; strStartTable += "<THEAD class='propViewerTHEAD'><TH>Navn</TH><TH>Verdi</TH></THEAD>"; var strEndTable = "</TABLE>"; if (shapeNode != null) { var propColl = SelectNodes(shapeNode, "Prop"); var propCount = propColl.length; for (var count = 0; count < propCount; count++) { strCPHTML += "<TR class='" + g_RowStyleList[count % 2] + "'>"; var strLabelText = ""; oPropLabel = propColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("Label/textnode()"); if (oPropLabel != null) { strLabelText = HTMLEscape (oPropLabel.text); } else { oPropName = propColl.item(count).attributes.getNamedItem ("Name"); if (oPropName) { strLabelText = HTMLEscape (oPropName.text); } } if (strLabelText.length > 0) { strCPHTML += "<TD class='propViewerTD'>" + strLabelText + "</TD>"; strCPHTML += "<TD class='propViewerTD'>" var strValueText = " "; oPropValue = propColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("Value/textnode()"); if (oPropValue) { strValueText = HTMLEscape (oPropValue.text); } strCPHTML += strValueText + "</TD></TR>"; } } if(strCPHTML != "") { strCPHTML = strStartTable + strCPHTML + strEndTable; } else { strCPHTML = "Ingen detaljer er tilgjengelige."; } } return strCPHTML; } function keyHandler() { var e = frmDrawing.window.event; if(e.keyCode == 13) //enter {; } } function GoToPage(index) { if (viewMgr) { viewMgr.loadPage (index); } else { DefPageLoad (index); } } function GoToPageByID(pageID) { var pageIndex = PageIndexFromID (pageID); if (pageIndex >= 0) { GoToPage (pageIndex); } } function PageIndexFromID (pageID) { if (g_FileList != null) { var entry; var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { if (pageID == g_FileList[count].PageID) { return count; } } } return -1; } function PageIndexFromName (strPageName) { if (g_FileList != null) { var entry; var strPageNameLower = strPageName; strPageNameLower = strPageNameLower.toLowerCase (); var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { var strFileListPageName = g_FileList[count].PageName; strFileListPageName = HTMLUnescape (strFileListPageName); strFileListPageName = strFileListPageName.toLowerCase (); if (strPageNameLower == strFileListPageName) { return count; } } } return -1; } function PageIndexFromFileName (strFileName) { if (g_FileList != null) { var entry; var strFileNameLower = strFileName; strFileNameLower = strFileNameLower.toLowerCase (); var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { var strFileListFileName = g_FileList[count].PriImage; strFileListFileName = strFileListFileName.toLowerCase (); if (strFileNameLower == strFileListFileName) { return count; } strFileListFileName = g_FileList[count].SecImage; strFileListFileName = strFileListFileName.toLowerCase (); if (strFileNameLower == strFileListFileName) { return count; } } } return -1; } function PageIndexFromVisioPageIndex (pageIndex) { if (g_FileList != null) { var entry; var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { if (pageIndex == g_FileList[count].PageIndex) { return count; } } } return -1; } function FindShapeXMLByName (pageName, shapeName) { var shapeObj = null; if (xmlData) { var pagesObj = SelectSingleNode(xmlData, "VisioDocument/Pages"); if(!pagesObj) { return null; } var pageQuerryString = './/Page[@Name $ieq$ "' + EscapeString (pageName) + '"]'; var pageObj = SelectSingleNode(pagesObj, pageQuerryString); if(!pageObj) { return null; } var shapeQuerryString = './/Shape[@Name $ieq$ "' + EscapeString (shapeName) + '"]'; shapeObj = SelectSingleNode(pageObj, shapeQuerryString); } return shapeObj; } function Unquote (str) { var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = str.length; if (str.charAt (0) == '"') { nStartIndex = 1; } if (str.charAt (nEndIndex - 1) == '"') { nEndIndex -= 1; } return str.substring (nStartIndex, nEndIndex); } function ConvertXorYCoordinate(PosValue, OldMin, OldMax, NewMin, NewMax, MapBackwards) { var OldMid = (OldMax - OldMin) / 2; var NewMid = (NewMax - NewMin) / 2; var ConvertResult = 1 * PosValue; ConvertResult = ConvertResult - (OldMin + OldMid); ConvertResult = ConvertResult / OldMid; if(MapBackwards != 0) { ConvertResult = 0 - ConvertResult; } ConvertResult = ConvertResult * NewMid; ConvertResult = ConvertResult + (NewMin + NewMid); return ConvertResult; } function showObject( divObject, divID ) { if( divObject == null ) divObject = getObj( divID ); if( divObject != null ) { = ""; = "visible" } return divObject; } function hideObject( divObject, divID ) { if( divObject == null ) divObject = getObj( divID ); if( divObject != null ) { = "hidden"; = "none"; } return divObject; } function EscapeString (str) { var strResult = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < str.length ; i++) { var curChar = str.charAt(i); if (curChar == '\\') { strResult += "\\\\"; } else if (curChar == "\"") { strResult += "\\\""; } else if (curChar == "\'") { strResult += "\\\'"; } else { strResult += curChar; } } return strResult; } function HTMLEscape (str) { var strResult = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < str.length ; i++) { var curChar = str.charAt(i); if (curChar == '\\') { strResult += "\"; } else if (curChar == '\"') { strResult += """; } else if (curChar == '\'') { strResult += "'"; } else if (curChar == '<') { strResult += "<"; } else if (curChar == '<') { strResult += ">"; } else if (curChar == '&') { strResult += "&"; } else { strResult += curChar; } } return strResult; } function HTMLUnescape (str) { var strResult = ""; var strEscapePattern = "&#xx;"; for (var i = 0 ; i < str.length - strEscapePattern.length + 1; i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == '&' && str.charAt(i + 1) == '#' && str.charAt(i + 4) == ';') { var charCode = str.charAt(i + 2); charCode += str.charAt(i + 3); if (charCode == "34") { strResult += '"'; } else if (charCode == "39") { strResult += '\''; } else if (charCode == "60") { strResult += '<'; } else if (charCode == "62") { strResult += '>'; } else if (charCode == "92") { strResult += '\\'; } else if (charCode == "38") { strResult += '&'; } i = i + strEscapePattern.length - 1; } else { strResult += str.charAt(i); } } strResult += str.substring (i, str.length); return strResult; }