USERFIELDS:hasValue"Demolition of old WHRU module"^^xsd:string,"X-Over"^^xsd:string,"Contract General Milestones"^^xsd:string,"Modifications of GI ducting system to WHRU"^^xsd:string,"General, for general work activities, not specifically allocated to one of the following Building Blocks (W1, W2,W3, W4, W5, D1 or D2)"^^xsd:string,"Demolition Gas Lift Compressor"^^xsd:string,"Manhours needed for delivery of SOW, but not invoiced to Company"^^xsd:string,"Installation of temp. generator for stable power supply"^^xsd:string,"Gas Lift Compressor"^^xsd:string,"ELDF Assist (E- 040)"^^xsd:string,"Assistance to COPSAS Comm"^^xsd:string,"Hook-up of tie-in and integrating of new WHRU"^^xsd:string,"Onshore fabrication and assembly of a new WHRU module"^^xsd:string,"Prep. Of tie-in and integrating work for new WHRU"^^xsd:string,"LP Hydro Cyclone"^^xsd:string,"Modifications of WI ducting and vertical exhaust stacks to WHRU"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Demolition of old WHRU module"^^xsd:string,"X-Over"^^xsd:string,"Contract General Milestones"^^xsd:string,"Modifications of GI ducting system to WHRU"^^xsd:string,"General, for general work activities, not specifically allocated to one of the following Building Blocks (W1, W2,W3, W4, W5, D1 or D2)"^^xsd:string,"Demolition Gas Lift Compressor"^^xsd:string,"Manhours needed for delivery of SOW, but not invoiced to Company"^^xsd:string,"Gas Lift Compressor"^^xsd:string,"Installation of temp. generator for stable power supply"^^xsd:string,"ELDF Assist (E- 040)"^^xsd:string,"Assistance to COPSAS Comm"^^xsd:string,"Hook-up of tie-in and integrating of new WHRU"^^xsd:string,"Onshore fabrication and assembly of a new WHRU module"^^xsd:string,"Prep. Of tie-in and integrating work for new WHRU"^^xsd:string,"LP Hydro Cyclone"^^xsd:string,"Modifications of WI ducting and vertical exhaust stacks to WHRU"^^xsd:string.
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ ILAP:COR_KX_1
rdfs:label"CTR for Contractor B to Operator B"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label"Kunde WBS1 for Contractor B to Operator B"^^xsd:string;
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Comm. Ass. Instrument Direct"^^xsd:string,"Insulation of Air purge and drain from North Boiler (Limits acc. 640/03/P08)"^^xsd:string,"Clean & Test piping Air purge and drain from South Boiler"^^xsd:string,"PCS hardware - AKSO"^^xsd:string,"Reinstatement after steam blow off"^^xsd:string,"Prefab and Install piping Discharge superheated steam from PSV 12783 (W1)"^^xsd:string,"Comm Ass. Electrical direct "^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Surf. Prot. Direct"^^xsd:string,"Insulation boiler pumps 67-00961 & 67-00964"^^xsd:string,"Press, Temp and Level Transmitters"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Mechanical Direct"^^xsd:string,"Steam Blow off preparation"^^xsd:string,"Painting of Air purge and drain from North Boiler (Limits acc. 640/03/P08)"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Piping Direct"^^xsd:string,"Hoop up normal lighting on mezzanine deck of New WHRU - Circuit 41"^^xsd:string,"Level Glass"^^xsd:string,"Insulation piping From superheater drain to Blow down vessel (Limits as per Test pack 640/08/P04)"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Telecom Direct"^^xsd:string,"Electro Magnetic Flow Meter"^^xsd:string,"Venturi Flow Elements"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass Insulation Direct"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Structurel Direct"^^xsd:string,"Permanent modification normal lightings - Circuit 20"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Comm. Ass. Instrument Direct"^^xsd:string,"Insulation of Air purge and drain from North Boiler (Limits acc. 640/03/P08)"^^xsd:string,"Clean & Test piping Air purge and drain from South Boiler"^^xsd:string,"PCS hardware - AKSO"^^xsd:string,"Reinstatement after steam blow off"^^xsd:string,"Prefab and Install piping Discharge superheated steam from PSV 12783 (W1)"^^xsd:string,"Comm Ass. Electrical direct "^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Surf. Prot. Direct"^^xsd:string,"Insulation boiler pumps 67-00961 & 67-00964"^^xsd:string,"Press, Temp and Level Transmitters"^^xsd:string,"Steam Blow off preparation"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Mechanical Direct"^^xsd:string,"Painting of Air purge and drain from North Boiler (Limits acc. 640/03/P08)"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Piping Direct"^^xsd:string,"Level Glass"^^xsd:string,"Hoop up normal lighting on mezzanine deck of New WHRU - Circuit 41"^^xsd:string,"Insulation piping From superheater drain to Blow down vessel (Limits as per Test pack 640/08/P04)"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Telecom Direct"^^xsd:string,"Electro Magnetic Flow Meter"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass Insulation Direct"^^xsd:string,"Venturi Flow Elements"^^xsd:string,"Comm. Ass. Structurel Direct"^^xsd:string,"Permanent modification normal lightings - Circuit 20"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"WIP-D Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31414"^^xsd:string,"WIP-B Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31411"^^xsd:string,"Modification on Ducting Gas Lift Turbine 84 10001"^^xsd:string,"Spares (if any) installed on the field related to new WHRU Project"^^xsd:string,"New Exhaust of WI Turbines 84-10012 & 84-10011 (A&B)"^^xsd:string,"SD 13 New Exhaust of WI Turbines 84-10013 (C)"^^xsd:string,"Installation and Hook up MLD 91 XV-31410 to new module"^^xsd:string,"WIP-A Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31412"^^xsd:string,"WIP-C Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31413"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Spares (if any) installed on the field related to new WHRU Project"^^xsd:string,"WIP-B Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31411"^^xsd:string,"Modification on Ducting Gas Lift Turbine 84 10001"^^xsd:string,"WIP-D Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31414"^^xsd:string,"New Exhaust of WI Turbines 84-10012 & 84-10011 (A&B)"^^xsd:string,"SD 13 New Exhaust of WI Turbines 84-10013 (C)"^^xsd:string,"Installation and Hook up MLD 91 XV-31410 to new module"^^xsd:string,"WIP-A Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31412"^^xsd:string,"WIP-C Power & Controls MLD 91 XV-31413"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Water Fire Fighting"^^xsd:string,"Water Injection System General"^^xsd:string,"(blank)"^^xsd:string,"Closed Cooling Water"^^xsd:string,"Glycol circulation and Regeneration"^^xsd:string,"Gas Lift"^^xsd:string,"Mechanical Handling"^^xsd:string,"Navigation And Identification"^^xsd:string,"Instrument and Utility Air"^^xsd:string,"Flare, vent and Blow Down"^^xsd:string,"Temporary Equipment"^^xsd:string,"Process and Equipment Control"^^xsd:string,"Emergency Power Generation and Distribution"^^xsd:string,"Low Voltage Power Generation and Distribution"^^xsd:string,"Fresh Water"^^xsd:string,"Non Specific And Across Many Systems"^^xsd:string,"Steam Generation and Waste Heat Recovery"^^xsd:string,"Injection Seawater Supply"^^xsd:string,"Open Drains"^^xsd:string.
USERFIELDS:hasValue"Water Fire Fighting"^^xsd:string,"Water Injection System General"^^xsd:string,"(blank)"^^xsd:string,"Glycol circulation and Regeneration"^^xsd:string,"Closed Cooling Water"^^xsd:string,"Instrument and Utility Air"^^xsd:string,"Mechanical Handling"^^xsd:string,"Navigation And Identification"^^xsd:string,"Gas Lift"^^xsd:string,"Flare, vent and Blow Down"^^xsd:string,"Temporary Equipment"^^xsd:string,"Process and Equipment Control"^^xsd:string,"Emergency Power Generation and Distribution"^^xsd:string,"Non Specific And Across Many Systems"^^xsd:string,"Fresh Water"^^xsd:string,"Low Voltage Power Generation and Distribution"^^xsd:string,"Injection Seawater Supply"^^xsd:string,"Steam Generation and Waste Heat Recovery"^^xsd:string,"Open Drains"^^xsd:string.