Tore Christiansen

Corrected links and model

Showing 289 changed files with 2452 additions and 2507 deletions
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28 -
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36 -
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39 -
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43 -
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45 -
46 -
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57 -
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59 -
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62 -
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68 -
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98 -
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106 -
107 -
108 -
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117 -
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121 -
122 -
123 -
124 -
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126 -
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164 -
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166 -
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168 -
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170 -
171 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field Value" origTitle="Free Field Value" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 751,62 l 751,64 l 751,67 l 751,69 l 751,71 l 751,73 l 752,76 l 752,78 l 752,80 l 753,82 l 754,85 l 754,87 l 755,89 l 756,91 l 756,93 l 757,96 l 758,98 l 759,100 l 760,102 l 761,104 l 762,106 l 764,109 l 765,111 l 766,113 l 768,115 l 769,117 l 770,119 l 772,121 l 774,123 l 775,125 l 777,127 l 779,129 l 780,131 l 782,132 l 784,134 l 786,136 l 788,138 l 790,140 l 792,141 l 794,143 l 796,145 l 799,146 l 801,148 l 803,150 l 805,151 l 808,153 l 810,154 l 813,156 l 815,157 l 818,159 l 820,160 l 823,161 l 825,163 l 828,164 l 831,165 l 834,167 l 836,168 l 839,169 l 842,170 l 845,171 l 848,172 l 851,173 l 854,174 l 856,175 l 859,176 l 862,177 l 866,177 l 869,178 l 872,179 l 875,180 l 878,180 l 881,181 l 884,181 l 887,182 l 890,182 l 894,183 l 897,183 l 900,184 l 903,184 l 906,184 l 910,184 l 913,185 l 916,185 l 919,185 l 923,185 l 926,185 l 929,185 l 932,185 l 935,185 l 939,185 l 942,184 l 945,184 l 948,184 l 952,184 l 955,183 l 958,183 l 961,182 l 964,182 l 967,181 l 971,181 l 974,180 l 977,180 l 980,179 l 983,178 l 986,177 l 989,177 l 992,176 l 995,175 l 998,174 l 1001,173 l 1004,172 l 1007,171 l 1010,170 l 1012,169 l 1015,168 l 1018,167 l 1021,165 l 1023,164 l 1026,163 l 1029,161 l 1031,160 l 1034,159 l 1036,157 l 1039,156 l 1041,154 l 1044,153 l 1046,151 l 1049,150 l 1051,148 l 1053,146 l 1055,145 l 1057,143 l 1060,141 l 1062,140 l 1064,138 l 1066,136 l 1068,134 l 1069,132 l 1071,131 l 1073,129 l 1075,127 l 1076,125 l 1078,123 l 1080,121 l 1081,119 l 1083,117 l 1084,115 l 1085,113 l 1087,111 l 1088,109 l 1089,106 l 1090,104 l 1091,102 l 1092,100 l 1093,98 l 1094,96 l 1095,93 l 1096,91 l 1097,89 l 1097,87 l 1098,85 l 1099,82 l 1099,80 l 1100,78 l 1100,76 l 1100,73 l 1101,71 l 1101,69 l 1101,67 l 1101,64 l 1101,62 l 1101,60 l 1101,57 l 1101,55 l 1101,53 l 1100,51 l 1100,48 l 1100,46 l 1099,44 l 1099,42 l 1098,39 l 1097,37 l 1097,35 l 1096,33 l 1095,31 l 1094,28 l 1093,26 l 1092,24 l 1091,22 l 1090,20 l 1089,18 l 1088,15 l 1087,13 l 1085,11 l 1084,9 l 1083,7 l 1081,5 l 1080,3 l 1078,1 l 1076,-1 l 1075,-3 l 1073,-5 l 1071,-7 l 1069,-8 l 1068,-10 l 1066,-12 l 1064,-14 l 1062,-16 l 1060,-17 l 1057,-19 l 1055,-21 l 1053,-23 l 1051,-24 l 1049,-26 l 1046,-27 l 1044,-29 l 1041,-30 l 1039,-32 l 1036,-33 l 1034,-35 l 1031,-36 l 1029,-38 l 1026,-39 l 1023,-40 l 1021,-41 l 1018,-43 l 1015,-44 l 1012,-45 l 1010,-46 l 1007,-47 l 1004,-48 l 1001,-49 l 998,-50 l 995,-51 l 992,-52 l 989,-53 l 986,-53 l 983,-54 l 980,-55 l 977,-56 l 974,-56 l 971,-57 l 967,-57 l 964,-58 l 961,-58 l 958,-59 l 955,-59 l 952,-60 l 948,-60 l 945,-60 l 942,-60 l 939,-61 l 935,-61 l 932,-61 l 929,-61 l 926,-61 l 923,-61 l 919,-61 l 916,-61 l 913,-61 l 910,-60 l 906,-60 l 903,-60 l 900,-60 l 897,-59 l 894,-59 l 890,-58 l 887,-58 l 884,-57 l 881,-57 l 878,-56 l 875,-56 l 872,-55 l 869,-54 l 866,-53 l 862,-53 l 859,-52 l 856,-51 l 854,-50 l 851,-49 l 848,-48 l 845,-47 l 842,-46 l 839,-45 l 836,-44 l 834,-43 l 831,-41 l 828,-40 l 825,-39 l 823,-38 l 820,-36 l 818,-35 l 815,-33 l 813,-32 l 810,-30 l 808,-29 l 805,-27 l 803,-26 l 801,-24 l 799,-23 l 796,-21 l 794,-19 l 792,-17 l 790,-16 l 788,-14 l 786,-12 l 784,-10 l 782,-8 l 780,-7 l 779,-5 l 777,-3 l 775,-1 l 774,1 l 772,3 l 770,5 l 769,7 l 768,9 l 766,11 l 765,13 l 764,15 l 762,18 l 761,20 l 760,22 l 759,24 l 758,26 l 757,28 l 756,31 l 756,33 l 755,35 l 754,37 l 754,39 l 753,42 l 752,44 l 752,46 l 752,48 l 751,51 l 751,53 l 751,55 l 751,57 l 751,60 l 751,62xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,113)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,113)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,113);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,113)"/>
172 -
173 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,104 l 1379,104 l 1379,20 l 1301,20 l 1301,10 l 1229,10 l 1229,20 l 1140,20 l 1140,104 l 1164,104 l 1164,108 l 1355,108 l 1355,104xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,131)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,131)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,131);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,131)"/>
174 -
175 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="CAPEX Project" origTitle="CAPEX Project" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 630,-639 l 627,-639 l 624,-640 l 621,-640 l 619,-641 l 616,-641 l 613,-642 l 610,-642 l 607,-643 l 604,-643 l 601,-643 l 598,-644 l 595,-644 l 592,-644 l 589,-645 l 586,-645 l 583,-645 l 580,-645 l 577,-646 l 574,-646 l 570,-646 l 567,-646 l 564,-646 l 561,-646 l 558,-646 l 555,-646 l 552,-646 l 549,-646 l 545,-646 l 542,-646 l 539,-646 l 536,-646 l 533,-646 l 530,-646 l 527,-646 l 524,-645 l 521,-645 l 518,-645 l 514,-645 l 511,-644 l 508,-644 l 505,-644 l 502,-643 l 499,-643 l 496,-643 l 494,-642 l 491,-642 l 488,-641 l 485,-641 l 482,-640 l 479,-640 l 476,-639 l 474,-639 l 471,-638 l 468,-638 l 465,-637 l 463,-636 l 460,-636 l 458,-635 l 455,-634 l 452,-634 l 450,-633 l 448,-632 l 445,-631 l 443,-631 l 440,-630 l 438,-629 l 436,-628 l 434,-627 l 431,-626 l 429,-626 l 427,-625 l 425,-624 l 423,-623 l 421,-622 l 419,-621 l 417,-620 l 416,-619 l 414,-618 l 412,-617 l 411,-616 l 409,-615 l 407,-614 l 406,-613 l 404,-612 l 403,-611 l 402,-609 l 400,-608 l 399,-607 l 398,-606 l 397,-605 l 396,-604 l 395,-603 l 394,-602 l 393,-600 l 392,-599 l 391,-598 l 390,-597 l 390,-596 l 389,-594 l 389,-593 l 388,-592 l 388,-591 l 387,-590 l 387,-588 l 387,-587 l 386,-586 l 386,-585 l 386,-584 l 386,-582 l 386,-581 l 386,-580 l 386,-579 l 387,-578 l 387,-576 l 387,-575 l 388,-574 l 388,-573 l 389,-571 l 389,-570 l 390,-569 l 390,-568 l 391,-567 l 392,-566 l 393,-564 l 394,-563 l 395,-562 l 396,-561 l 397,-560 l 398,-559 l 399,-558 l 400,-556 l 402,-555 l 403,-554 l 405,-553 l 406,-552 l 408,-551 l 409,-550 l 411,-549 l 412,-548 l 414,-547 l 416,-546 l 418,-545 l 420,-544 l 421,-543 l 423,-542 l 425,-541 l 428,-540 l 430,-539 l 432,-538 l 434,-537 l 436,-537 l 438,-536 l 441,-535 l 443,-534 l 446,-533 l 448,-533 l 450,-532 l 453,-531 l 455,-530 l 458,-530 l 461,-529 l 463,-528 l 466,-528 l 469,-527 l 471,-526 l 474,-526 l 477,-525 l 480,-525 l 483,-524 l 486,-524 l 488,-523 l 491,-523 l 494,-522 l 497,-522 l 500,-522 l 503,-521 l 506,-521 l 509,-521 l 512,-520 l 515,-520 l 518,-520 l 521,-519 l 525,-519 l 528,-519 l 531,-519 l 534,-519 l 537,-519 l 540,-519 l 543,-519 l 546,-518 l 550,-518 l 553,-518 l 556,-518 l 559,-519 l 562,-519 l 565,-519 l 568,-519 l 572,-519 l 575,-519 l 578,-519 l 581,-519 l 584,-520 l 587,-520 l 590,-520 l 593,-521 l 596,-521 l 599,-521 l 602,-522 l 605,-522 l 608,-522 l 611,-523 l 614,-523 l 617,-524 l 620,-524 l 623,-525 l 625,-525 l 628,-526 l 631,-526 l 634,-527 l 636,-528 l 639,-528 l 642,-529 l 644,-530 l 647,-530 l 649,-531 l 652,-532 l 654,-533 l 657,-533 l 659,-534 l 662,-535 l 664,-536 l 666,-537 l 668,-537 l 671,-538 l 673,-539 l 675,-540 l 677,-541 l 679,-542 l 681,-543 l 683,-544 l 685,-545 l 686,-546 l 688,-547 l 690,-548 l 692,-549 l 693,-550 l 695,-551 l 696,-552 l 698,-553 l 699,-554 l 701,-555 l 702,-556 l 703,-558 l 704,-559 l 705,-560 l 707,-561 l 708,-562 l 709,-563 l 709,-564 l 710,-566 l 711,-567 l 712,-568 l 713,-569 l 713,-570 l 714,-571 l 714,-573 l 715,-574 l 715,-575 l 715,-576 l 716,-578 l 716,-579 l 716,-580 l 716,-581 l 716,-582 l 716,-584 l 716,-585 l 716,-586 l 716,-587 l 715,-588 l 715,-590 l 715,-591 l 714,-592 l 714,-593 l 713,-595 l 713,-596 l 712,-597 l 711,-598 l 710,-599 l 709,-600 l 709,-602 l 708,-603 l 707,-604 l 705,-605 l 704,-606 l 703,-607 l 702,-608 l 701,-610 l 699,-611 l 698,-612 l 696,-613 l 695,-614 l 693,-615 l 692,-616 l 690,-617 l 688,-618 l 686,-619 l 685,-620 l 683,-621 l 681,-622 l 679,-623 l 677,-624 l 675,-625 l 673,-626 l 670,-627 l 668,-627 l 666,-628 l 664,-629 l 661,-630 l 659,-631 l 657,-632 l 654,-632 l 652,-633 l 649,-634 l 647,-635 l 644,-635 l 641,-636 l 639,-637 l 636,-637 l 633,-638 l 633,-639 l 630,-639xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,135)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,135)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,135);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,135)"/>
176 -
177 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="SCCS: SAB 52" origTitle="SCCS: SAB 52" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 377,-422 l 377,-421 l 377,-420 l 377,-419 l 377,-417 l 377,-416 l 378,-415 l 378,-414 l 378,-413 l 379,-411 l 379,-410 l 380,-409 l 381,-408 l 382,-407 l 382,-406 l 383,-404 l 384,-403 l 385,-402 l 386,-401 l 387,-400 l 388,-399 l 389,-398 l 391,-396 l 392,-395 l 393,-394 l 395,-393 l 396,-392 l 398,-391 l 399,-390 l 401,-389 l 403,-388 l 404,-387 l 406,-386 l 408,-385 l 410,-384 l 412,-383 l 414,-382 l 416,-381 l 418,-380 l 420,-379 l 422,-378 l 424,-378 l 426,-377 l 429,-376 l 431,-375 l 433,-374 l 436,-373 l 438,-373 l 440,-372 l 443,-371 l 445,-371 l 448,-370 l 451,-369 l 453,-368 l 456,-368 l 459,-367 l 461,-367 l 464,-366 l 467,-365 l 470,-365 l 473,-364 l 475,-364 l 478,-363 l 481,-363 l 484,-363 l 487,-362 l 490,-362 l 493,-361 l 496,-361 l 499,-361 l 502,-360 l 505,-360 l 508,-360 l 511,-360 l 514,-359 l 518,-359 l 521,-359 l 524,-359 l 527,-359 l 530,-359 l 533,-359 l 536,-359 l 539,-358 l 543,-358 l 546,-358 l 549,-359 l 552,-359 l 555,-359 l 558,-359 l 561,-359 l 564,-359 l 568,-359 l 571,-359 l 574,-360 l 577,-360 l 580,-360 l 583,-360 l 586,-361 l 589,-361 l 592,-361 l 595,-362 l 598,-362 l 601,-363 l 604,-363 l 607,-363 l 610,-364 l 613,-364 l 615,-365 l 618,-365 l 621,-366 l 624,-367 l 626,-367 l 629,-368 l 632,-368 l 634,-369 l 637,-370 l 640,-371 l 642,-371 l 645,-372 l 647,-373 l 650,-373 l 652,-374 l 654,-375 l 657,-376 l 659,-377 l 661,-378 l 663,-378 l 665,-379 l 667,-380 l 670,-381 l 672,-382 l 673,-383 l 675,-384 l 677,-385 l 679,-386 l 681,-387 l 683,-388 l 684,-389 l 686,-390 l 687,-391 l 689,-392 l 690,-393 l 692,-394 l 693,-395 l 694,-396 l 696,-398 l 697,-399 l 698,-400 l 699,-401 l 700,-402 l 701,-403 l 702,-404 l 703,-406 l 704,-407 l 704,-408 l 705,-409 l 706,-410 l 706,-411 l 707,-413 l 707,-414 l 708,-415 l 708,-416 l 708,-417 l 708,-419 l 708,-420 l 709,-421 l 709,-422 l 709,-423 l 708,-425 l 708,-426 l 708,-427 l 708,-428 l 708,-430 l 707,-431 l 707,-432 l 706,-433 l 706,-434 l 705,-435 l 704,-437 l 704,-438 l 703,-439 l 702,-440 l 701,-441 l 700,-442 l 699,-444 l 698,-445 l 697,-446 l 696,-447 l 694,-448 l 693,-449 l 692,-450 l 690,-451 l 689,-452 l 687,-453 l 686,-455 l 684,-456 l 683,-457 l 681,-458 l 679,-459 l 677,-460 l 675,-461 l 673,-462 l 672,-462 l 670,-463 l 667,-464 l 665,-465 l 663,-466 l 661,-467 l 659,-468 l 657,-469 l 654,-469 l 652,-470 l 650,-471 l 647,-472 l 645,-473 l 642,-473 l 640,-474 l 637,-475 l 634,-475 l 632,-476 l 629,-477 l 626,-477 l 624,-478 l 621,-479 l 618,-479 l 615,-480 l 613,-480 l 610,-481 l 607,-481 l 604,-482 l 601,-482 l 598,-482 l 595,-483 l 592,-483 l 589,-484 l 586,-484 l 583,-484 l 580,-484 l 577,-485 l 574,-485 l 571,-485 l 568,-485 l 564,-486 l 561,-486 l 558,-486 l 555,-486 l 552,-486 l 549,-486 l 546,-486 l 543,-486 l 539,-486 l 536,-486 l 533,-486 l 530,-486 l 527,-486 l 524,-486 l 521,-486 l 518,-485 l 514,-485 l 511,-485 l 508,-485 l 505,-484 l 502,-484 l 499,-484 l 496,-484 l 493,-483 l 490,-483 l 487,-482 l 484,-482 l 481,-482 l 478,-481 l 475,-481 l 473,-480 l 470,-480 l 467,-479 l 464,-479 l 461,-478 l 459,-477 l 456,-477 l 453,-476 l 451,-475 l 448,-475 l 445,-474 l 443,-473 l 440,-473 l 438,-472 l 436,-471 l 433,-470 l 431,-469 l 429,-469 l 426,-468 l 424,-467 l 422,-466 l 420,-465 l 418,-464 l 416,-463 l 414,-462 l 412,-462 l 410,-461 l 408,-460 l 406,-459 l 404,-458 l 403,-457 l 401,-456 l 399,-455 l 398,-453 l 396,-452 l 395,-451 l 393,-450 l 392,-449 l 391,-448 l 389,-447 l 388,-446 l 387,-445 l 386,-444 l 385,-442 l 384,-441 l 383,-440 l 382,-439 l 382,-438 l 381,-437 l 380,-435 l 379,-434 l 379,-433 l 378,-432 l 378,-431 l 378,-430 l 377,-428 l 377,-427 l 377,-426 l 377,-425 l 377,-423 l 377,-422xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,61)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,61)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,61);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,61)"/>
178 -
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180 -
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182 -
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184 -
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186 -
187 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1057,605 l 1055,604 l 1053,602 l 1051,600 l 1048,599 l 1046,597 l 1044,596 l 1041,594 l 1039,593 l 1036,591 l 1034,590 l 1031,589 l 1029,587 l 1026,586 l 1023,585 l 1021,583 l 1018,582 l 1015,581 l 1012,580 l 1010,579 l 1007,578 l 1004,577 l 1001,576 l 998,575 l 995,574 l 992,573 l 989,572 l 986,571 l 983,570 l 980,570 l 977,569 l 974,568 l 971,568 l 967,567 l 964,567 l 961,566 l 958,566 l 955,565 l 952,565 l 948,565 l 945,564 l 942,564 l 939,564 l 935,564 l 932,564 l 929,564 l 926,564 l 922,564 l 919,564 l 916,564 l 913,564 l 910,564 l 906,564 l 903,565 l 900,565 l 897,565 l 894,566 l 890,566 l 887,567 l 884,567 l 881,568 l 878,568 l 875,569 l 872,570 l 869,570 l 865,571 l 862,572 l 859,573 l 856,574 l 853,575 l 851,576 l 848,577 l 845,578 l 842,579 l 839,580 l 836,581 l 834,582 l 831,583 l 828,585 l 825,586 l 823,587 l 820,589 l 818,590 l 815,591 l 813,593 l 810,594 l 808,596 l 805,597 l 803,599 l 801,601 l 798,602 l 796,604 l 794,606 l 792,607 l 790,609 l 788,611 l 786,613 l 784,614 l 782,616 l 780,618 l 779,620 l 777,622 l 775,624 l 773,626 l 772,628 l 770,630 l 769,632 l 768,634 l 766,636 l 765,638 l 764,640 l 762,642 l 761,644 l 760,647 l 759,649 l 758,651 l 757,653 l 756,655 l 756,657 l 755,660 l 754,662 l 754,664 l 753,666 l 752,669 l 752,671 l 752,673 l 751,675 l 751,678 l 751,680 l 751,682 l 751,684 l 751,687 l 751,689 l 751,691 l 751,693 l 751,696 l 751,698 l 752,700 l 752,703 l 752,705 l 753,707 l 754,709 l 754,712 l 755,714 l 756,716 l 756,718 l 757,720 l 758,723 l 759,725 l 760,727 l 761,729 l 762,731 l 764,733 l 765,735 l 766,737 l 768,739 l 769,741 l 770,744 l 772,746 l 774,748 l 775,749 l 777,751 l 779,753 l 780,755 l 782,757 l 784,759 l 786,761 l 788,763 l 790,764 l 792,766 l 794,768 l 796,770 l 799,771 l 801,773 l 803,774 l 805,776 l 808,778 l 810,779 l 813,781 l 815,782 l 818,783 l 820,785 l 823,786 l 825,787 l 828,789 l 831,790 l 834,791 l 836,792 l 839,794 l 842,795 l 845,796 l 848,797 l 851,798 l 854,799 l 856,800 l 859,801 l 862,801 l 866,802 l 869,803 l 872,804 l 875,804 l 878,805 l 881,806 l 884,806 l 887,807 l 890,807 l 894,808 l 897,808 l 900,808 l 903,809 l 906,809 l 910,809 l 913,809 l 916,809 l 919,810 l 923,810 l 926,810 l 929,810 l 932,810 l 935,809 l 939,809 l 942,809 l 945,809 l 948,809 l 952,808 l 955,808 l 958,808 l 961,807 l 964,807 l 967,806 l 971,806 l 974,805 l 977,804 l 980,804 l 983,803 l 986,802 l 989,801 l 992,801 l 995,800 l 998,799 l 1001,798 l 1004,797 l 1007,796 l 1010,795 l 1012,794 l 1015,792 l 1018,791 l 1021,790 l 1023,789 l 1026,787 l 1029,786 l 1031,785 l 1034,783 l 1036,782 l 1039,781 l 1041,779 l 1044,778 l 1046,776 l 1049,774 l 1051,773 l 1053,771 l 1055,770 l 1057,768 l 1060,766 l 1062,764 l 1064,763 l 1066,761 l 1068,759 l 1069,757 l 1071,755 l 1073,753 l 1075,751 l 1076,749 l 1078,748 l 1080,746 l 1081,744 l 1083,741 l 1084,739 l 1085,737 l 1087,735 l 1088,733 l 1089,731 l 1090,729 l 1091,727 l 1092,725 l 1093,723 l 1094,720 l 1095,718 l 1096,716 l 1097,714 l 1097,712 l 1098,709 l 1099,707 l 1099,705 l 1100,703 l 1100,700 l 1100,698 l 1101,696 l 1101,693 l 1101,691 l 1101,689 l 1101,687 l 1101,684 l 1101,682 l 1101,680 l 1101,678 l 1100,676 l 1100,673 l 1100,671 l 1099,669 l 1099,667 l 1098,665 l 1098,662 l 1097,660 l 1096,658 l 1095,656 l 1095,654 l 1094,652 l 1093,650 l 1092,647 l 1091,645 l 1090,643 l 1089,641 l 1087,639 l 1086,637 l 1085,635 l 1083,633 l 1082,631 l 1081,629 l 1079,627 l 1078,625 l 1076,623 l 1074,621 l 1073,620 l 1071,618 l 1069,616 l 1067,614 l 1065,612 l 1063,610 l 1061,609 l 1061,605 l 1057,605xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,159)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,159)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,159);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,159)"/>
188 -
189 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,728 l 1379,728 l 1379,645 l 1301,645 l 1301,635 l 1229,635 l 1229,645 l 1140,645 l 1140,728 l 1164,728 l 1164,732 l 1355,732 l 1355,728xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,164)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,164)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,164);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,164)"/>
190 -
191 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,228 l 1379,228 l 1379,145 l 1301,145 l 1301,135 l 1229,135 l 1229,145 l 1140,145 l 1140,228 l 1164,228 l 1164,233 l 1355,233 l 1355,228xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,160)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,160)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,160);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,160)"/>
192 -
193 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,353 l 1379,353 l 1379,270 l 1301,270 l 1301,260 l 1229,260 l 1229,270 l 1140,270 l 1140,353 l 1164,353 l 1164,358 l 1355,358 l 1355,353xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,161)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,161)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,161);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,161)"/>
194 -
195 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,478 l 1379,478 l 1379,395 l 1301,395 l 1301,385 l 1229,385 l 1229,395 l 1140,395 l 1140,478 l 1164,478 l 1164,483 l 1355,483 l 1355,478xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,162)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,162)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,162);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,162)"/>
196 -
197 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Description" origTitle="has Description" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1355,603 l 1379,603 l 1379,520 l 1301,520 l 1301,510 l 1229,510 l 1229,520 l 1140,520 l 1140,603 l 1164,603 l 1164,608 l 1355,608 l 1355,603xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,163)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,163)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,163);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,163)"/>
198 -
199 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 1" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 638,226 l 680,226 l 680,128 l 667,128 l 667,121 l 589,121 l 565,121 l 408,121 l 408,128 l 384,128 l 384,226 l 425,226 l 425,227 l 615,227 l 638,227 l 638,226xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,45)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,45)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,45);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,45)"/>
200 -
201 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 2" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 2" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 638,351 l 680,351 l 680,253 l 667,253 l 667,246 l 589,246 l 565,246 l 408,246 l 408,253 l 384,253 l 384,351 l 425,351 l 425,352 l 615,352 l 638,352 l 638,351xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,47)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,47)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,47);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,47)"/>
202 -
203 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 3" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 3" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 638,476 l 680,476 l 680,378 l 667,378 l 667,371 l 589,371 l 565,371 l 408,371 l 408,378 l 384,378 l 384,476 l 425,476 l 425,477 l 615,477 l 638,477 l 638,476xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,48)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,48)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,48);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,48)"/>
204 -
205 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 4" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 4" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 638,601 l 680,601 l 680,503 l 667,503 l 667,496 l 589,496 l 565,496 l 408,496 l 408,503 l 384,503 l 384,601 l 425,601 l 425,602 l 615,602 l 638,602 l 638,601xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,49)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,49)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,49);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,49)"/>
206 -
207 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 5" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 5" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 638,726 l 680,726 l 680,628 l 667,628 l 667,621 l 589,621 l 565,621 l 408,621 l 408,628 l 384,628 l 384,726 l 425,726 l 425,727 l 615,727 l 638,727 l 638,726xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,50)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,50)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,50);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,50)"/>
208 -
209 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Resource 1" origTitle="Resource 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 386,-263 l 386,-261 l 386,-260 l 386,-259 l 387,-258 l 387,-256 l 387,-255 l 388,-254 l 388,-253 l 389,-251 l 389,-250 l 390,-249 l 390,-248 l 391,-247 l 392,-245 l 393,-244 l 394,-243 l 395,-242 l 396,-241 l 397,-239 l 398,-238 l 399,-237 l 400,-236 l 402,-235 l 403,-234 l 404,-232 l 406,-231 l 407,-230 l 409,-229 l 411,-228 l 412,-227 l 414,-226 l 416,-225 l 418,-224 l 419,-223 l 421,-222 l 423,-221 l 425,-220 l 427,-219 l 429,-218 l 432,-217 l 434,-216 l 436,-215 l 438,-215 l 441,-214 l 443,-213 l 445,-212 l 448,-211 l 450,-210 l 453,-210 l 455,-209 l 458,-208 l 460,-207 l 463,-207 l 466,-206 l 468,-205 l 471,-205 l 474,-204 l 477,-204 l 479,-203 l 482,-203 l 485,-202 l 488,-202 l 491,-201 l 494,-201 l 497,-200 l 500,-200 l 503,-199 l 506,-199 l 509,-199 l 512,-198 l 515,-198 l 518,-198 l 521,-198 l 524,-197 l 527,-197 l 530,-197 l 533,-197 l 537,-197 l 540,-197 l 543,-197 l 546,-196 l 549,-196 l 552,-196 l 555,-196 l 559,-196 l 562,-197 l 565,-197 l 568,-197 l 571,-197 l 574,-197 l 577,-197 l 580,-197 l 583,-198 l 587,-198 l 590,-198 l 593,-198 l 596,-199 l 599,-199 l 602,-199 l 605,-200 l 608,-200 l 611,-201 l 614,-201 l 616,-202 l 619,-202 l 622,-203 l 625,-203 l 628,-204 l 631,-204 l 633,-205 l 636,-205 l 639,-206 l 642,-207 l 644,-207 l 647,-208 l 649,-209 l 652,-210 l 654,-210 l 657,-211 l 659,-212 l 662,-213 l 664,-214 l 666,-215 l 669,-215 l 671,-216 l 673,-217 l 675,-218 l 677,-219 l 679,-220 l 681,-221 l 683,-222 l 685,-223 l 687,-224 l 689,-225 l 690,-226 l 692,-227 l 694,-228 l 695,-229 l 697,-230 l 699,-231 l 700,-232 l 701,-234 l 703,-235 l 704,-236 l 705,-237 l 707,-238 l 708,-239 l 709,-241 l 710,-242 l 711,-243 l 712,-244 l 712,-245 l 713,-247 l 714,-248 l 715,-249 l 715,-250 l 716,-251 l 716,-253 l 717,-254 l 717,-255 l 718,-256 l 718,-258 l 718,-259 l 718,-260 l 718,-261 l 718,-263 l 718,-264 l 718,-265 l 718,-266 l 718,-268 l 718,-269 l 717,-270 l 717,-271 l 716,-273 l 716,-274 l 715,-275 l 715,-276 l 714,-278 l 713,-279 l 712,-280 l 712,-281 l 711,-282 l 710,-284 l 709,-285 l 708,-286 l 707,-287 l 705,-288 l 704,-289 l 703,-291 l 701,-292 l 700,-293 l 699,-294 l 697,-295 l 695,-296 l 694,-297 l 692,-298 l 690,-299 l 689,-300 l 687,-301 l 685,-302 l 683,-303 l 681,-304 l 679,-305 l 677,-306 l 675,-307 l 673,-308 l 671,-309 l 669,-310 l 666,-311 l 664,-312 l 662,-313 l 659,-313 l 657,-314 l 654,-315 l 652,-316 l 649,-316 l 647,-317 l 644,-318 l 642,-319 l 639,-319 l 636,-320 l 633,-320 l 631,-321 l 628,-322 l 625,-322 l 622,-323 l 619,-323 l 616,-324 l 614,-324 l 611,-325 l 608,-325 l 605,-326 l 602,-326 l 599,-326 l 596,-327 l 593,-327 l 590,-327 l 587,-328 l 583,-328 l 580,-328 l 577,-328 l 574,-328 l 571,-329 l 568,-329 l 565,-329 l 562,-329 l 559,-329 l 555,-329 l 552,-329 l 549,-329 l 546,-329 l 543,-329 l 540,-329 l 537,-329 l 533,-329 l 530,-328 l 527,-328 l 524,-328 l 521,-328 l 518,-328 l 515,-327 l 512,-327 l 509,-327 l 506,-326 l 503,-326 l 500,-326 l 497,-325 l 494,-325 l 491,-324 l 488,-324 l 485,-323 l 482,-323 l 479,-322 l 477,-322 l 474,-321 l 471,-320 l 468,-320 l 466,-319 l 463,-319 l 460,-318 l 458,-317 l 455,-316 l 453,-316 l 450,-315 l 448,-314 l 445,-313 l 443,-313 l 441,-312 l 438,-311 l 436,-310 l 434,-309 l 432,-308 l 429,-307 l 427,-306 l 425,-305 l 423,-304 l 421,-303 l 419,-302 l 418,-301 l 416,-300 l 414,-299 l 412,-298 l 411,-297 l 409,-296 l 407,-295 l 406,-294 l 404,-293 l 403,-292 l 402,-291 l 400,-289 l 399,-288 l 398,-287 l 397,-286 l 396,-285 l 395,-284 l 394,-282 l 393,-281 l 392,-280 l 391,-279 l 390,-278 l 390,-276 l 389,-275 l 389,-274 l 388,-273 l 388,-271 l 387,-270 l 387,-269 l 387,-268 l 386,-266 l 386,-265 l 386,-264 l 386,-263xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,177)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,177)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,177);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,177)"/>
210 -
211 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Result 1" origTitle="Result 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 386,-105 l 386,-104 l 386,-103 l 386,-102 l 387,-100 l 387,-99 l 387,-98 l 388,-97 l 388,-95 l 389,-94 l 389,-93 l 390,-92 l 390,-90 l 391,-89 l 392,-88 l 393,-87 l 394,-86 l 395,-84 l 396,-83 l 397,-82 l 398,-81 l 399,-80 l 400,-78 l 402,-77 l 403,-76 l 404,-75 l 406,-74 l 407,-73 l 409,-72 l 411,-71 l 412,-70 l 414,-69 l 416,-68 l 418,-67 l 419,-66 l 421,-65 l 423,-64 l 425,-63 l 427,-62 l 429,-61 l 432,-60 l 434,-59 l 436,-58 l 438,-57 l 441,-56 l 443,-55 l 445,-55 l 448,-54 l 450,-53 l 453,-52 l 455,-52 l 458,-51 l 460,-50 l 463,-49 l 466,-49 l 468,-48 l 471,-47 l 474,-47 l 477,-46 l 479,-46 l 482,-45 l 485,-45 l 488,-44 l 491,-44 l 494,-43 l 497,-43 l 500,-42 l 503,-42 l 506,-42 l 509,-41 l 512,-41 l 515,-41 l 518,-40 l 521,-40 l 524,-40 l 527,-40 l 530,-40 l 533,-39 l 537,-39 l 540,-39 l 543,-39 l 546,-39 l 549,-39 l 552,-39 l 555,-39 l 559,-39 l 562,-39 l 565,-39 l 568,-39 l 571,-39 l 574,-40 l 577,-40 l 580,-40 l 583,-40 l 587,-40 l 590,-41 l 593,-41 l 596,-41 l 599,-42 l 602,-42 l 605,-42 l 608,-43 l 611,-43 l 614,-44 l 616,-44 l 619,-45 l 622,-45 l 625,-46 l 628,-46 l 631,-47 l 633,-47 l 636,-48 l 639,-49 l 642,-49 l 644,-50 l 647,-51 l 649,-52 l 652,-52 l 654,-53 l 657,-54 l 659,-55 l 662,-55 l 664,-56 l 666,-57 l 669,-58 l 671,-59 l 673,-60 l 675,-61 l 677,-62 l 679,-63 l 681,-64 l 683,-65 l 685,-66 l 687,-67 l 689,-68 l 690,-69 l 692,-70 l 694,-71 l 695,-72 l 697,-73 l 699,-74 l 700,-75 l 701,-76 l 703,-77 l 704,-78 l 705,-80 l 707,-81 l 708,-82 l 709,-83 l 710,-84 l 711,-86 l 712,-87 l 712,-88 l 713,-89 l 714,-90 l 715,-92 l 715,-93 l 716,-94 l 716,-95 l 717,-97 l 717,-98 l 718,-99 l 718,-100 l 718,-102 l 718,-103 l 718,-104 l 718,-105 l 718,-107 l 718,-108 l 718,-109 l 718,-110 l 718,-112 l 717,-113 l 717,-114 l 716,-115 l 716,-116 l 715,-118 l 715,-119 l 714,-120 l 713,-121 l 712,-123 l 712,-124 l 711,-125 l 710,-126 l 709,-127 l 708,-129 l 707,-130 l 705,-131 l 704,-132 l 703,-133 l 701,-134 l 700,-135 l 699,-137 l 697,-138 l 695,-139 l 694,-140 l 692,-141 l 690,-142 l 689,-143 l 687,-144 l 685,-145 l 683,-146 l 681,-147 l 679,-148 l 677,-149 l 675,-150 l 673,-151 l 671,-152 l 669,-153 l 666,-153 l 664,-154 l 662,-155 l 659,-156 l 657,-157 l 654,-158 l 652,-158 l 649,-159 l 647,-160 l 644,-160 l 642,-161 l 639,-162 l 636,-162 l 633,-163 l 631,-164 l 628,-164 l 625,-165 l 622,-165 l 619,-166 l 616,-166 l 614,-167 l 611,-167 l 608,-168 l 605,-168 l 602,-169 l 599,-169 l 596,-169 l 593,-170 l 590,-170 l 587,-170 l 583,-170 l 580,-171 l 577,-171 l 574,-171 l 571,-171 l 568,-171 l 565,-171 l 562,-171 l 559,-171 l 555,-172 l 552,-172 l 549,-172 l 546,-171 l 543,-171 l 540,-171 l 537,-171 l 533,-171 l 530,-171 l 527,-171 l 524,-171 l 521,-170 l 518,-170 l 515,-170 l 512,-170 l 509,-169 l 506,-169 l 503,-169 l 500,-168 l 497,-168 l 494,-167 l 491,-167 l 488,-166 l 485,-166 l 482,-165 l 479,-165 l 477,-164 l 474,-164 l 471,-163 l 468,-162 l 466,-162 l 463,-161 l 460,-160 l 458,-160 l 455,-159 l 453,-158 l 450,-158 l 448,-157 l 445,-156 l 443,-155 l 441,-154 l 438,-153 l 436,-153 l 434,-152 l 432,-151 l 429,-150 l 427,-149 l 425,-148 l 423,-147 l 421,-146 l 419,-145 l 418,-144 l 416,-143 l 414,-142 l 412,-141 l 411,-140 l 409,-139 l 407,-138 l 406,-137 l 404,-135 l 403,-134 l 402,-133 l 400,-132 l 399,-131 l 398,-130 l 397,-129 l 396,-127 l 395,-126 l 394,-125 l 393,-124 l 392,-123 l 391,-121 l 390,-120 l 390,-119 l 389,-118 l 389,-116 l 388,-115 l 388,-114 l 387,-113 l 387,-112 l 387,-110 l 386,-109 l 386,-108 l 386,-107 l 386,-105xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,178)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,178)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,178);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,178)"/>
212 -
213 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -641,309 l -638,308 l -636,307 l -633,305 l -630,304 l -628,303 l -625,301 l -623,300 l -620,298 l -618,297 l -616,295 l -613,294 l -611,292 l -609,290 l -607,289 l -604,287 l -602,285 l -600,284 l -598,282 l -596,280 l -594,279 l -592,277 l -591,275 l -589,273 l -587,271 l -586,269 l -584,267 l -582,266 l -581,264 l -579,262 l -578,260 l -577,258 l -575,256 l -574,254 l -573,252 l -572,250 l -571,248 l -570,246 l -569,244 l -568,241 l -567,239 l -566,237 l -565,235 l -565,233 l -564,231 l -564,229 l -563,227 l -563,225 l -562,222 l -562,220 l -562,218 l -562,216 l -561,214 l -561,212 l -561,210 l -561,207 l -561,205 l -562,203 l -562,201 l -562,199 l -562,197 l -563,195 l -563,192 l -564,190 l -564,188 l -565,186 l -565,184 l -566,182 l -567,180 l -568,178 l -569,176 l -570,174 l -571,172 l -572,169 l -573,167 l -574,165 l -575,163 l -577,161 l -578,159 l -579,158 l -581,156 l -582,154 l -584,152 l -585,150 l -587,148 l -589,146 l -591,144 l -592,143 l -594,141 l -596,139 l -598,137 l -600,135 l -602,134 l -604,132 l -606,130 l -608,129 l -611,127 l -613,126 l -615,124 l -618,123 l -620,121 l -622,120 l -625,118 l -627,117 l -630,115 l -633,114 l -635,113 l -635,103 l -657,103 l -659,102 l -662,101 l -665,100 l -668,99 l -671,98 l -675,97 l -678,97 l -681,96 l -684,95 l -687,94 l -690,93 l -693,93 l -697,92 l -700,91 l -703,91 l -706,90 l -710,90 l -713,89 l -716,89 l -720,88 l -723,88 l -726,88 l -730,88 l -733,87 l -737,87 l -740,87 l -743,87 l -747,87 l -750,87 l -753,87 l -757,87 l -760,87 l -764,87 l -767,87 l -770,87 l -774,87 l -777,88 l -780,88 l -784,88 l -787,88 l -790,89 l -794,89 l -797,90 l -800,90 l -804,91 l -807,91 l -810,92 l -813,93 l -817,93 l -820,94 l -823,95 l -826,96 l -829,97 l -832,97 l -835,98 l -838,99 l -841,100 l -844,101 l -847,102 l -850,103 l -860,103 l -860,107 l -863,108 l -866,110 l -868,111 l -871,112 l -874,114 l -876,115 l -879,116 l -881,118 l -884,119 l -886,121 l -889,122 l -891,124 l -893,125 l -896,127 l -898,129 l -900,130 l -902,132 l -904,133 l -906,135 l -908,137 l -910,139 l -912,140 l -914,142 l -916,144 l -918,146 l -920,148 l -921,150 l -923,152 l -924,153 l -926,155 l -927,157 l -929,159 l -930,161 l -931,163 l -933,165 l -934,167 l -935,169 l -936,171 l -937,173 l -938,175 l -939,178 l -940,180 l -941,182 l -941,184 l -942,186 l -943,188 l -943,190 l -944,192 l -944,194 l -944,197 l -945,199 l -945,201 l -945,203 l -945,205 l -946,207 l -946,210 l -946,212 l -945,214 l -945,216 l -945,218 l -945,220 l -944,222 l -944,225 l -944,227 l -943,229 l -943,231 l -942,233 l -941,235 l -941,237 l -940,239 l -939,241 l -938,244 l -937,246 l -936,248 l -935,250 l -934,252 l -933,254 l -931,256 l -930,258 l -929,260 l -927,262 l -926,264 l -924,266 l -923,267 l -921,269 l -920,271 l -918,273 l -916,275 l -914,277 l -912,279 l -911,280 l -909,282 l -907,284 l -905,285 l -902,287 l -900,289 l -898,290 l -896,292 l -894,294 l -891,295 l -889,297 l -886,298 l -884,300 l -882,301 l -879,303 l -876,304 l -874,305 l -871,307 l -869,308 l -866,309 l -866,309 l -865,309 l -863,311 l -860,312 l -857,313 l -854,314 l -851,315 l -848,316 l -845,318 l -842,319 l -839,320 l -836,320 l -833,321 l -830,322 l -827,323 l -824,324 l -821,325 l -818,325 l -815,326 l -811,327 l -808,327 l -805,328 l -802,329 l -798,329 l -795,330 l -792,330 l -789,330 l -785,331 l -782,331 l -779,331 l -775,332 l -772,332 l -769,332 l -765,332 l -762,332 l -758,332 l -755,333 l -752,333 l -748,332 l -745,332 l -742,332 l -738,332 l -735,332 l -732,332 l -728,331 l -725,331 l -722,331 l -718,330 l -715,330 l -712,330 l -708,329 l -705,329 l -702,328 l -699,327 l -695,327 l -692,326 l -689,325 l -686,325 l -683,324 l -680,323 l -677,322 l -673,321 l -670,320 l -667,320 l -664,319 l -661,318 l -658,316 l -656,315 l -653,314 l -650,313 l -647,312 l -644,311 l -641,309 l -641,309 l -641,309xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,189)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,189)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,189);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,189)"/>
214 -
215 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Activity in Plan" origTitle="Activity in Plan" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -946,-209 l -946,-206 l -945,-204 l -945,-202 l -945,-200 l -945,-198 l -944,-195 l -944,-193 l -944,-191 l -943,-189 l -943,-187 l -942,-185 l -941,-182 l -941,-180 l -940,-178 l -939,-176 l -938,-174 l -937,-172 l -936,-170 l -935,-168 l -934,-166 l -933,-164 l -931,-162 l -930,-159 l -929,-157 l -927,-155 l -926,-154 l -924,-152 l -923,-150 l -921,-148 l -919,-146 l -918,-144 l -916,-142 l -914,-140 l -912,-138 l -910,-137 l -908,-135 l -906,-133 l -904,-131 l -902,-130 l -900,-128 l -898,-126 l -895,-125 l -893,-123 l -891,-122 l -888,-120 l -886,-119 l -883,-117 l -881,-116 l -878,-114 l -876,-113 l -873,-111 l -870,-110 l -868,-109 l -865,-108 l -862,-106 l -860,-105 l -857,-104 l -854,-103 l -851,-102 l -848,-101 l -845,-100 l -842,-99 l -839,-98 l -836,-97 l -833,-96 l -830,-95 l -827,-94 l -824,-93 l -821,-93 l -817,-92 l -814,-91 l -811,-91 l -808,-90 l -805,-89 l -801,-89 l -798,-88 l -795,-88 l -791,-88 l -788,-87 l -785,-87 l -782,-87 l -778,-86 l -775,-86 l -772,-86 l -768,-86 l -765,-86 l -762,-86 l -758,-86 l -755,-86 l -752,-86 l -748,-86 l -745,-86 l -742,-86 l -738,-86 l -735,-87 l -732,-87 l -728,-87 l -725,-88 l -722,-88 l -718,-88 l -715,-89 l -712,-89 l -709,-90 l -705,-91 l -702,-91 l -699,-92 l -696,-93 l -693,-93 l -690,-94 l -687,-95 l -683,-96 l -680,-97 l -677,-98 l -674,-99 l -671,-100 l -668,-101 l -666,-102 l -663,-103 l -660,-104 l -657,-105 l -654,-106 l -651,-108 l -649,-109 l -646,-110 l -643,-111 l -641,-113 l -638,-114 l -636,-116 l -633,-117 l -631,-119 l -628,-120 l -626,-122 l -623,-123 l -621,-125 l -619,-126 l -617,-128 l -615,-130 l -612,-131 l -610,-133 l -608,-135 l -606,-137 l -604,-138 l -603,-140 l -601,-142 l -599,-144 l -597,-146 l -595,-148 l -594,-150 l -592,-152 l -591,-154 l -589,-155 l -588,-157 l -587,-159 l -585,-162 l -584,-164 l -583,-166 l -582,-168 l -581,-170 l -579,-172 l -579,-174 l -578,-176 l -577,-178 l -576,-180 l -575,-182 l -575,-185 l -574,-187 l -573,-189 l -573,-191 l -572,-193 l -572,-195 l -572,-198 l -571,-200 l -571,-202 l -571,-204 l -571,-206 l -571,-209 l -571,-211 l -571,-213 l -571,-215 l -571,-217 l -572,-220 l -572,-222 l -572,-224 l -573,-226 l -573,-228 l -574,-230 l -575,-233 l -575,-235 l -576,-237 l -577,-239 l -578,-241 l -579,-243 l -579,-245 l -581,-247 l -582,-249 l -583,-252 l -584,-254 l -585,-256 l -587,-258 l -588,-260 l -589,-262 l -591,-264 l -592,-266 l -594,-267 l -595,-269 l -597,-271 l -599,-273 l -601,-275 l -603,-277 l -604,-279 l -606,-280 l -608,-282 l -610,-284 l -612,-286 l -615,-287 l -617,-289 l -619,-291 l -621,-292 l -623,-294 l -626,-296 l -628,-297 l -631,-299 l -633,-300 l -636,-301 l -638,-303 l -641,-304 l -643,-306 l -646,-307 l -649,-308 l -651,-310 l -654,-311 l -657,-312 l -660,-313 l -663,-314 l -666,-315 l -668,-316 l -671,-318 l -674,-319 l -677,-319 l -680,-320 l -683,-321 l -687,-322 l -690,-323 l -693,-324 l -696,-325 l -699,-325 l -702,-326 l -705,-327 l -709,-327 l -712,-328 l -715,-328 l -718,-329 l -722,-329 l -725,-330 l -728,-330 l -732,-330 l -735,-331 l -738,-331 l -742,-331 l -745,-331 l -748,-331 l -752,-331 l -755,-332 l -758,-332 l -762,-332 l -765,-331 l -768,-331 l -772,-331 l -775,-331 l -778,-331 l -782,-331 l -785,-330 l -788,-330 l -791,-330 l -795,-329 l -798,-329 l -801,-328 l -805,-328 l -808,-327 l -811,-327 l -814,-326 l -817,-325 l -821,-325 l -824,-324 l -827,-323 l -830,-322 l -833,-321 l -836,-320 l -839,-319 l -842,-319 l -845,-318 l -848,-316 l -851,-315 l -854,-314 l -857,-313 l -860,-312 l -862,-311 l -865,-310 l -868,-308 l -870,-307 l -873,-306 l -876,-304 l -878,-303 l -881,-301 l -883,-300 l -886,-299 l -888,-297 l -891,-296 l -893,-294 l -895,-292 l -898,-291 l -900,-289 l -902,-287 l -904,-286 l -906,-284 l -908,-282 l -910,-280 l -912,-279 l -914,-277 l -916,-275 l -918,-273 l -919,-271 l -921,-269 l -923,-267 l -924,-266 l -926,-264 l -927,-262 l -929,-260 l -930,-258 l -931,-256 l -933,-254 l -934,-252 l -935,-249 l -936,-247 l -937,-245 l -938,-243 l -939,-241 l -940,-239 l -941,-237 l -941,-235 l -942,-233 l -943,-230 l -943,-228 l -944,-226 l -944,-224 l -944,-222 l -945,-220 l -945,-217 l -945,-215 l -945,-213 l -946,-211 l -946,-209xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,190)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,190)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,190);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,190)"/>
216 -
217 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Project AFE id" origTitle="has Project AFE id" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 979,-676 l 1065,-676 l 1065,-774 l 1032,-774 l 1032,-781 l 812,-781 l 812,-774 l 767,-774 l 767,-676 l 854,-676 l 854,-675 l 979,-675 l 979,-676xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,125)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,125)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,125);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,125)"/>
218 -
219 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Project AFE id" origTitle="has Project AFE id" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 152,-484 l 239,-484 l 239,-582 l 206,-582 l 206,-589 l -14,-589 l -14,-582 l -59,-582 l -59,-484 l 27,-484 l 27,-483 l 152,-483 l 152,-484xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,204)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,204)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,204);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,204)"/>
220 -
221 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Cost Type" origTitle="has Cost Type" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,-355 l 239,-355 l 239,-453 l -59,-453 l -59,-355xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,52)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,52)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,52);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,52)"/>
222 -
223 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Resource" origTitle="has Resource" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,-97 l 236,-97 l 236,-195 l -59,-195 l -59,-97xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,22)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,22)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,22);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,22)"/>
224 -
225 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Result" origTitle="has Result" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,32 l 236,32 l 236,-66 l -59,-66 l -59,32xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,107)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,107)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,107);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,107)"/>
226 -
227 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Activity Type" origTitle="has Activity Type" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 135,-226 l 236,-226 l 236,-324 l 206,-324 l 206,-331 l -17,-331 l -17,-324 l -59,-324 l -59,-226 l 42,-226 l 42,-225 l 135,-225 l 135,-226xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,21)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,21)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,21);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,21)"/>
228 -
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178 -
179 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for project P" origTitle="Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -990,-103 l -990,-100 l -990,-98 l -990,-96 l -989,-94 l -989,-92 l -989,-90 l -988,-87 l -988,-85 l -987,-83 l -987,-81 l -986,-79 l -986,-77 l -985,-74 l -984,-72 l -983,-70 l -982,-68 l -981,-66 l -980,-64 l -979,-62 l -978,-60 l -977,-58 l -976,-56 l -974,-54 l -973,-52 l -972,-50 l -970,-48 l -969,-46 l -967,-44 l -965,-42 l -964,-40 l -962,-38 l -960,-36 l -958,-34 l -956,-33 l -955,-31 l -953,-29 l -951,-27 l -948,-26 l -946,-24 l -944,-22 l -942,-21 l -940,-19 l -937,-17 l -935,-16 l -933,-14 l -930,-13 l -928,-11 l -925,-10 l -923,-8 l -920,-7 l -918,-6 l -915,-4 l -912,-3 l -909,-2 l -907,-1 l -904,1 l -901,2 l -898,3 l -895,4 l -892,5 l -890,6 l -887,7 l -884,8 l -881,9 l -877,10 l -874,11 l -871,12 l -868,12 l -865,13 l -862,14 l -859,15 l -856,15 l -852,16 l -849,16 l -846,17 l -843,17 l -839,18 l -836,18 l -833,19 l -829,19 l -826,19 l -823,19 l -819,20 l -816,20 l -813,20 l -809,20 l -806,20 l -803,20 l -799,20 l -796,20 l -793,20 l -789,20 l -786,20 l -783,19 l -779,19 l -776,19 l -773,19 l -770,18 l -766,18 l -763,17 l -760,17 l -757,16 l -753,16 l -750,15 l -747,15 l -744,14 l -741,13 l -737,12 l -734,12 l -731,11 l -728,10 l -725,9 l -722,8 l -719,7 l -716,6 l -713,5 l -710,4 l -707,3 l -704,2 l -702,1 l -699,-1 l -696,-2 l -693,-3 l -691,-4 l -688,-6 l -685,-7 l -683,-8 l -680,-10 l -678,-11 l -675,-13 l -673,-14 l -671,-16 l -668,-17 l -666,-19 l -664,-21 l -661,-22 l -659,-24 l -657,-26 l -655,-27 l -653,-29 l -651,-31 l -649,-33 l -647,-34 l -645,-36 l -644,-38 l -642,-40 l -640,-42 l -639,-44 l -637,-46 l -636,-48 l -634,-50 l -633,-52 l -631,-54 l -630,-56 l -629,-58 l -628,-60 l -626,-62 l -625,-64 l -624,-66 l -623,-68 l -622,-70 l -622,-72 l -621,-74 l -620,-77 l -619,-79 l -619,-81 l -618,-83 l -618,-85 l -617,-87 l -617,-90 l -616,-92 l -616,-94 l -616,-96 l -616,-98 l -616,-100 l -616,-103 l -616,-105 l -616,-107 l -616,-109 l -616,-111 l -616,-114 l -617,-116 l -617,-118 l -618,-120 l -618,-122 l -619,-124 l -619,-127 l -620,-129 l -621,-131 l -622,-133 l -622,-135 l -623,-137 l -624,-139 l -625,-141 l -626,-143 l -628,-146 l -629,-148 l -630,-150 l -631,-152 l -633,-154 l -634,-156 l -636,-158 l -637,-160 l -639,-161 l -640,-163 l -642,-165 l -644,-167 l -645,-169 l -647,-171 l -649,-173 l -651,-174 l -653,-176 l -655,-178 l -657,-180 l -659,-181 l -661,-183 l -664,-185 l -666,-186 l -668,-188 l -671,-189 l -673,-191 l -675,-193 l -678,-194 l -680,-195 l -683,-197 l -685,-198 l -688,-200 l -691,-201 l -693,-202 l -696,-204 l -699,-205 l -702,-206 l -704,-207 l -707,-208 l -710,-209 l -713,-210 l -716,-211 l -719,-212 l -722,-213 l -725,-214 l -728,-215 l -731,-216 l -734,-217 l -737,-218 l -741,-218 l -744,-219 l -747,-220 l -750,-220 l -753,-221 l -757,-222 l -760,-222 l -763,-223 l -766,-223 l -770,-223 l -773,-224 l -776,-224 l -779,-224 l -783,-225 l -786,-225 l -789,-225 l -793,-225 l -796,-225 l -799,-225 l -803,-225 l -806,-225 l -809,-225 l -813,-225 l -816,-225 l -819,-225 l -823,-225 l -826,-224 l -829,-224 l -833,-224 l -836,-223 l -839,-223 l -843,-223 l -846,-222 l -849,-222 l -852,-221 l -856,-220 l -859,-220 l -862,-219 l -865,-218 l -868,-218 l -871,-217 l -874,-216 l -877,-215 l -881,-214 l -884,-213 l -887,-212 l -890,-211 l -892,-210 l -895,-209 l -898,-208 l -901,-207 l -904,-206 l -907,-205 l -909,-204 l -912,-202 l -915,-201 l -918,-200 l -920,-198 l -923,-197 l -925,-195 l -928,-194 l -930,-193 l -933,-191 l -935,-189 l -937,-188 l -940,-186 l -942,-185 l -944,-183 l -946,-181 l -948,-180 l -951,-178 l -953,-176 l -955,-174 l -956,-173 l -958,-171 l -960,-169 l -962,-167 l -964,-165 l -965,-163 l -967,-161 l -969,-160 l -970,-158 l -972,-156 l -973,-154 l -974,-152 l -976,-150 l -977,-148 l -978,-146 l -979,-143 l -980,-141 l -981,-139 l -982,-137 l -983,-135 l -984,-133 l -985,-131 l -986,-129 l -986,-127 l -987,-124 l -987,-122 l -988,-120 l -988,-118 l -989,-116 l -989,-114 l -989,-111 l -990,-109 l -990,-107 l -990,-105 l -990,-103xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,76)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,76)"/>
180 -
181 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for..." origTitle="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for..." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 15,239 l 18,238 l 21,236 l 24,235 l 27,234 l 30,233 l 33,232 l 36,231 l 39,229 l 41,228 l 44,227 l 47,226 l 50,224 l 52,223 l 55,222 l 57,220 l 60,219 l 62,217 l 65,216 l 67,214 l 70,213 l 72,211 l 74,210 l 76,208 l 78,206 l 81,205 l 83,203 l 85,202 l 87,200 l 89,198 l 90,196 l 92,195 l 94,193 l 96,191 l 97,189 l 99,188 l 101,186 l 102,184 l 104,182 l 105,180 l 106,178 l 108,177 l 109,175 l 110,173 l 111,171 l 112,169 l 113,167 l 114,165 l 115,163 l 116,161 l 117,159 l 117,157 l 118,155 l 119,153 l 119,151 l 120,149 l 120,147 l 121,145 l 121,143 l 121,141 l 121,139 l 122,137 l 122,135 l 122,133 l 122,131 l 122,129 l 121,127 l 121,125 l 121,123 l 121,121 l 120,119 l 120,117 l 119,115 l 119,113 l 118,111 l 117,109 l 117,107 l 116,105 l 115,103 l 114,101 l 113,100 l 112,98 l 111,96 l 110,94 l 109,92 l 108,90 l 106,88 l 105,86 l 104,84 l 102,83 l 101,81 l 99,79 l 98,77 l 96,75 l 94,74 l 92,72 l 91,70 l 89,68 l 87,67 l 85,65 l 83,63 l 81,62 l 79,60 l 77,59 l 74,57 l 72,55 l 70,54 l 68,52 l 65,51 l 63,49 l 60,48 l 58,46 l 55,45 l 53,44 l 50,42 l 47,41 l 45,40 l 42,38 l 39,37 l 36,36 l 33,35 l 31,33 l 28,32 l 25,31 l 22,30 l 19,29 l 16,28 l 13,27 l 10,26 l 6,25 l 3,24 l 0,23 l 0,2 l -183,2 l -183,20 l -186,21 l -189,22 l -193,23 l -196,24 l -199,24 l -202,25 l -205,26 l -209,27 l -212,28 l -215,30 l -218,31 l -221,32 l -224,33 l -227,34 l -229,35 l -232,37 l -235,38 l -238,39 l -241,40 l -243,42 l -246,43 l -249,45 l -251,46 l -254,47 l -256,49 l -259,50 l -261,52 l -263,53 l -266,55 l -268,56 l -270,58 l -272,60 l -275,61 l -277,63 l -279,65 l -281,66 l -283,68 l -285,70 l -286,71 l -288,73 l -290,75 l -292,77 l -293,79 l -295,80 l -296,82 l -298,84 l -299,86 l -301,88 l -302,90 l -303,92 l -304,93 l -305,95 l -307,97 l -308,99 l -309,101 l -309,103 l -310,105 l -311,107 l -312,109 l -312,111 l -313,113 l -314,115 l -314,117 l -315,119 l -315,121 l -315,123 l -316,125 l -316,127 l -316,129 l -316,131 l -316,133 l -316,135 l -316,137 l -316,139 l -316,141 l -315,143 l -315,145 l -315,147 l -314,149 l -314,151 l -313,153 l -313,155 l -312,157 l -311,159 l -310,161 l -309,163 l -309,165 l -308,167 l -307,169 l -306,171 l -304,173 l -303,175 l -302,177 l -301,178 l -299,180 l -298,182 l -297,184 l -295,186 l -293,188 l -292,189 l -290,191 l -288,193 l -287,195 l -285,196 l -283,198 l -281,200 l -279,202 l -277,203 l -275,205 l -273,206 l -271,208 l -269,210 l -266,211 l -264,213 l -262,214 l -259,216 l -257,217 l -254,219 l -252,220 l -249,222 l -247,223 l -244,224 l -241,226 l -239,227 l -236,228 l -233,229 l -230,231 l -227,232 l -224,233 l -222,234 l -219,235 l -216,236 l -213,238 l -209,239 l -209,258 l 15,258 l 15,239xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,77)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,77)"/>
182 -
183 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 269,-540 l 266,-541 l 264,-542 l 262,-544 l 259,-545 l 257,-546 l 255,-547 l 252,-548 l 250,-549 l 247,-550 l 245,-551 l 242,-552 l 240,-552 l 237,-553 l 235,-554 l 232,-555 l 229,-555 l 227,-556 l 224,-556 l 222,-557 l 219,-557 l 216,-558 l 213,-558 l 211,-559 l 208,-559 l 205,-559 l 203,-559 l 200,-559 l 197,-559 l 194,-560 l 192,-560 l 189,-559 l 186,-559 l 183,-559 l 181,-559 l 178,-559 l 175,-559 l 173,-558 l 170,-558 l 167,-557 l 164,-557 l 162,-556 l 159,-556 l 157,-555 l 154,-555 l 151,-554 l 149,-553 l 146,-552 l 144,-552 l 141,-551 l 139,-550 l 136,-549 l 134,-548 l 131,-547 l 129,-546 l 127,-545 l 124,-544 l 122,-542 l 120,-541 l 117,-540 l 99,-540 l 99,-527 l 97,-525 l 96,-524 l 94,-522 l 92,-520 l 91,-519 l 89,-517 l 88,-515 l 86,-513 l 85,-512 l 83,-510 l 82,-508 l 81,-506 l 79,-504 l 78,-502 l 77,-500 l 76,-498 l 75,-496 l 74,-494 l 73,-492 l 72,-490 l 71,-488 l 70,-486 l 70,-484 l 69,-482 l 68,-480 l 68,-478 l 67,-476 l 67,-474 l 67,-472 l 66,-469 l 66,-467 l 66,-465 l 66,-463 l 66,-461 l 66,-459 l 66,-457 l 66,-454 l 66,-452 l 66,-450 l 66,-448 l 67,-446 l 67,-444 l 68,-441 l 68,-439 l 69,-437 l 69,-435 l 70,-433 l 71,-431 l 71,-429 l 72,-427 l 73,-425 l 74,-423 l 75,-421 l 76,-419 l 77,-417 l 79,-415 l 80,-413 l 81,-411 l 82,-409 l 84,-407 l 85,-405 l 87,-403 l 88,-401 l 90,-400 l 92,-398 l 93,-396 l 95,-394 l 97,-393 l 99,-391 l 101,-390 l 102,-388 l 104,-386 l 106,-385 l 108,-383 l 111,-382 l 113,-381 l 115,-379 l 117,-378 l 119,-377 l 122,-375 l 124,-374 l 126,-373 l 129,-372 l 131,-371 l 133,-370 l 136,-369 l 138,-368 l 141,-367 l 143,-366 l 146,-365 l 148,-364 l 151,-364 l 154,-363 l 156,-362 l 159,-362 l 162,-361 l 164,-361 l 167,-360 l 170,-360 l 172,-359 l 175,-359 l 178,-359 l 181,-359 l 183,-358 l 186,-358 l 189,-358 l 192,-358 l 194,-358 l 197,-358 l 200,-358 l 203,-358 l 205,-359 l 208,-359 l 211,-359 l 214,-359 l 216,-360 l 219,-360 l 222,-361 l 224,-361 l 227,-362 l 230,-362 l 232,-363 l 235,-364 l 238,-364 l 240,-365 l 243,-366 l 245,-367 l 248,-368 l 250,-369 l 253,-370 l 255,-371 l 257,-372 l 260,-373 l 262,-374 l 264,-375 l 267,-377 l 269,-378 l 271,-379 l 273,-381 l 275,-382 l 278,-383 l 280,-385 l 282,-386 l 284,-388 l 285,-390 l 287,-391 l 289,-393 l 291,-394 l 293,-396 l 294,-398 l 296,-400 l 298,-401 l 299,-403 l 301,-405 l 302,-407 l 304,-409 l 305,-411 l 306,-413 l 307,-415 l 309,-417 l 310,-419 l 311,-421 l 312,-423 l 313,-425 l 314,-427 l 315,-429 l 315,-431 l 316,-433 l 317,-435 l 317,-437 l 318,-439 l 318,-441 l 319,-444 l 319,-446 l 320,-448 l 320,-450 l 320,-452 l 320,-454 l 320,-457 l 320,-459 l 320,-461 l 320,-463 l 320,-465 l 320,-467 l 320,-470 l 319,-472 l 319,-474 l 319,-476 l 318,-478 l 317,-480 l 317,-482 l 316,-484 l 316,-486 l 315,-488 l 314,-491 l 313,-493 l 312,-495 l 311,-497 l 310,-499 l 309,-501 l 308,-502 l 307,-504 l 305,-506 l 304,-508 l 303,-510 l 301,-512 l 300,-514 l 298,-515 l 298,-540 l 269,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,149)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,149)"/>
184 -
185 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 2" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 2" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 491,-540 l 489,-541 l 487,-542 l 484,-544 l 482,-545 l 480,-546 l 477,-547 l 475,-548 l 472,-549 l 470,-550 l 467,-551 l 465,-552 l 462,-552 l 460,-553 l 457,-554 l 455,-555 l 452,-555 l 449,-556 l 447,-556 l 444,-557 l 441,-557 l 439,-558 l 436,-558 l 433,-559 l 431,-559 l 428,-559 l 425,-559 l 422,-559 l 420,-559 l 417,-560 l 414,-560 l 411,-559 l 409,-559 l 406,-559 l 403,-559 l 400,-559 l 398,-559 l 395,-558 l 392,-558 l 390,-557 l 387,-557 l 384,-556 l 382,-556 l 379,-555 l 376,-555 l 374,-554 l 371,-553 l 369,-552 l 366,-552 l 364,-551 l 361,-550 l 359,-549 l 356,-548 l 354,-547 l 351,-546 l 349,-545 l 347,-544 l 344,-542 l 342,-541 l 340,-540 l 322,-540 l 322,-527 l 320,-525 l 318,-524 l 316,-522 l 315,-520 l 313,-519 l 312,-517 l 310,-515 l 308,-513 l 307,-512 l 306,-510 l 304,-508 l 303,-506 l 302,-504 l 301,-502 l 299,-500 l 298,-498 l 297,-496 l 296,-494 l 295,-492 l 295,-490 l 294,-488 l 293,-486 l 292,-484 l 292,-482 l 291,-480 l 290,-478 l 290,-476 l 289,-474 l 289,-472 l 289,-469 l 289,-467 l 288,-465 l 288,-463 l 288,-461 l 288,-459 l 288,-457 l 288,-454 l 288,-452 l 289,-450 l 289,-448 l 289,-446 l 290,-444 l 290,-441 l 290,-439 l 291,-437 l 292,-435 l 292,-433 l 293,-431 l 294,-429 l 295,-427 l 296,-425 l 297,-423 l 298,-421 l 299,-419 l 300,-417 l 301,-415 l 302,-413 l 304,-411 l 305,-409 l 306,-407 l 308,-405 l 309,-403 l 311,-401 l 312,-400 l 314,-398 l 316,-396 l 317,-394 l 319,-393 l 321,-391 l 323,-390 l 325,-388 l 327,-386 l 329,-385 l 331,-383 l 333,-382 l 335,-381 l 337,-379 l 339,-378 l 342,-377 l 344,-375 l 346,-374 l 349,-373 l 351,-372 l 353,-371 l 356,-370 l 358,-369 l 361,-368 l 363,-367 l 366,-366 l 368,-365 l 371,-364 l 373,-364 l 376,-363 l 379,-362 l 381,-362 l 384,-361 l 387,-361 l 389,-360 l 392,-360 l 395,-359 l 398,-359 l 400,-359 l 403,-359 l 406,-358 l 409,-358 l 411,-358 l 414,-358 l 417,-358 l 420,-358 l 422,-358 l 425,-358 l 428,-359 l 431,-359 l 433,-359 l 436,-359 l 439,-360 l 442,-360 l 444,-361 l 447,-361 l 450,-362 l 452,-362 l 455,-363 l 457,-364 l 460,-364 l 463,-365 l 465,-366 l 468,-367 l 470,-368 l 473,-369 l 475,-370 l 478,-371 l 480,-372 l 482,-373 l 485,-374 l 487,-375 l 489,-377 l 491,-378 l 494,-379 l 496,-381 l 498,-382 l 500,-383 l 502,-385 l 504,-386 l 506,-388 l 508,-390 l 510,-391 l 512,-393 l 513,-394 l 515,-396 l 517,-398 l 519,-400 l 520,-401 l 522,-403 l 523,-405 l 525,-407 l 526,-409 l 527,-411 l 529,-413 l 530,-415 l 531,-417 l 532,-419 l 533,-421 l 534,-423 l 535,-425 l 536,-427 l 537,-429 l 538,-431 l 539,-433 l 539,-435 l 540,-437 l 540,-439 l 541,-441 l 541,-444 l 542,-446 l 542,-448 l 542,-450 l 543,-452 l 543,-454 l 543,-457 l 543,-459 l 543,-461 l 543,-463 l 543,-465 l 542,-467 l 542,-470 l 542,-472 l 541,-474 l 541,-476 l 541,-478 l 540,-480 l 539,-482 l 539,-484 l 538,-486 l 537,-488 l 536,-491 l 536,-493 l 535,-495 l 534,-497 l 533,-499 l 531,-501 l 530,-502 l 529,-504 l 528,-506 l 526,-508 l 525,-510 l 524,-512 l 522,-514 l 521,-515 l 521,-540 l 491,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,151)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,151)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,151);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,151)"/>
186 -
187 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 3" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 3" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 713,-540 l 711,-541 l 709,-542 l 707,-544 l 704,-545 l 702,-546 l 700,-547 l 697,-548 l 695,-549 l 692,-550 l 690,-551 l 687,-552 l 685,-552 l 682,-553 l 680,-554 l 677,-555 l 674,-555 l 672,-556 l 669,-556 l 666,-557 l 664,-557 l 661,-558 l 658,-558 l 656,-559 l 653,-559 l 650,-559 l 648,-559 l 645,-559 l 642,-559 l 639,-560 l 637,-560 l 634,-559 l 631,-559 l 628,-559 l 626,-559 l 623,-559 l 620,-559 l 617,-558 l 615,-558 l 612,-557 l 609,-557 l 607,-556 l 604,-556 l 601,-555 l 599,-555 l 596,-554 l 594,-553 l 591,-552 l 589,-552 l 586,-551 l 584,-550 l 581,-549 l 579,-548 l 576,-547 l 574,-546 l 572,-545 l 569,-544 l 567,-542 l 565,-541 l 562,-540 l 544,-540 l 544,-527 l 542,-525 l 541,-524 l 539,-522 l 537,-520 l 536,-519 l 534,-517 l 532,-515 l 531,-513 l 530,-512 l 528,-510 l 527,-508 l 525,-506 l 524,-504 l 523,-502 l 522,-500 l 521,-498 l 520,-496 l 519,-494 l 518,-492 l 517,-490 l 516,-488 l 515,-486 l 515,-484 l 514,-482 l 513,-480 l 513,-478 l 512,-476 l 512,-474 l 512,-472 l 511,-469 l 511,-467 l 511,-465 l 511,-463 l 511,-461 l 511,-459 l 511,-457 l 511,-454 l 511,-452 l 511,-450 l 511,-448 l 512,-446 l 512,-444 l 512,-441 l 513,-439 l 514,-437 l 514,-435 l 515,-433 l 516,-431 l 516,-429 l 517,-427 l 518,-425 l 519,-423 l 520,-421 l 521,-419 l 522,-417 l 524,-415 l 525,-413 l 526,-411 l 527,-409 l 529,-407 l 530,-405 l 532,-403 l 533,-401 l 535,-400 l 537,-398 l 538,-396 l 540,-394 l 542,-393 l 544,-391 l 545,-390 l 547,-388 l 549,-386 l 551,-385 l 553,-383 l 555,-382 l 558,-381 l 560,-379 l 562,-378 l 564,-377 l 566,-375 l 569,-374 l 571,-373 l 573,-372 l 576,-371 l 578,-370 l 581,-369 l 583,-368 l 586,-367 l 588,-366 l 591,-365 l 593,-364 l 596,-364 l 599,-363 l 601,-362 l 604,-362 l 607,-361 l 609,-361 l 612,-360 l 615,-360 l 617,-359 l 620,-359 l 623,-359 l 626,-359 l 628,-358 l 631,-358 l 634,-358 l 637,-358 l 639,-358 l 642,-358 l 645,-358 l 648,-358 l 650,-359 l 653,-359 l 656,-359 l 659,-359 l 661,-360 l 664,-360 l 667,-361 l 669,-361 l 672,-362 l 675,-362 l 677,-363 l 680,-364 l 683,-364 l 685,-365 l 688,-366 l 690,-367 l 693,-368 l 695,-369 l 698,-370 l 700,-371 l 702,-372 l 705,-373 l 707,-374 l 709,-375 l 712,-377 l 714,-378 l 716,-379 l 718,-381 l 720,-382 l 722,-383 l 725,-385 l 727,-386 l 729,-388 l 730,-390 l 732,-391 l 734,-393 l 736,-394 l 738,-396 l 739,-398 l 741,-400 l 743,-401 l 744,-403 l 746,-405 l 747,-407 l 748,-409 l 750,-411 l 751,-413 l 752,-415 l 754,-417 l 755,-419 l 756,-421 l 757,-423 l 758,-425 l 759,-427 l 760,-429 l 760,-431 l 761,-433 l 762,-435 l 762,-437 l 763,-439 l 763,-441 l 764,-444 l 764,-446 l 765,-448 l 765,-450 l 765,-452 l 765,-454 l 765,-457 l 765,-459 l 765,-461 l 765,-463 l 765,-465 l 765,-467 l 765,-470 l 764,-472 l 764,-474 l 763,-476 l 763,-478 l 762,-480 l 762,-482 l 761,-484 l 760,-486 l 760,-488 l 759,-491 l 758,-493 l 757,-495 l 756,-497 l 755,-499 l 754,-501 l 753,-502 l 752,-504 l 750,-506 l 749,-508 l 748,-510 l 746,-512 l 745,-514 l 743,-515 l 743,-540 l 713,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,152)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,152)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,152);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,152)"/>
188 -
189 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 4" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 4" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 919,-540 l 917,-541 l 914,-542 l 912,-544 l 910,-545 l 907,-546 l 905,-547 l 903,-548 l 900,-549 l 898,-550 l 895,-551 l 893,-552 l 890,-552 l 888,-553 l 885,-554 l 882,-555 l 880,-555 l 877,-556 l 875,-556 l 872,-557 l 869,-557 l 866,-558 l 864,-558 l 861,-559 l 858,-559 l 856,-559 l 853,-559 l 850,-559 l 847,-559 l 845,-560 l 842,-560 l 839,-559 l 836,-559 l 834,-559 l 831,-559 l 828,-559 l 826,-559 l 823,-558 l 820,-558 l 817,-557 l 815,-557 l 812,-556 l 809,-556 l 807,-555 l 804,-555 l 802,-554 l 799,-553 l 796,-552 l 794,-552 l 791,-551 l 789,-550 l 786,-549 l 784,-548 l 782,-547 l 779,-546 l 777,-545 l 775,-544 l 772,-542 l 770,-541 l 768,-540 l 750,-540 l 750,-527 l 748,-525 l 746,-524 l 744,-522 l 743,-520 l 741,-519 l 739,-517 l 738,-515 l 736,-513 l 735,-512 l 734,-510 l 732,-508 l 731,-506 l 730,-504 l 728,-502 l 727,-500 l 726,-498 l 725,-496 l 724,-494 l 723,-492 l 722,-490 l 722,-488 l 721,-486 l 720,-484 l 719,-482 l 719,-480 l 718,-478 l 718,-476 l 717,-474 l 717,-472 l 717,-469 l 716,-467 l 716,-465 l 716,-463 l 716,-461 l 716,-459 l 716,-457 l 716,-454 l 716,-452 l 716,-450 l 717,-448 l 717,-446 l 717,-444 l 718,-441 l 718,-439 l 719,-437 l 720,-435 l 720,-433 l 721,-431 l 722,-429 l 723,-427 l 724,-425 l 724,-423 l 725,-421 l 727,-419 l 728,-417 l 729,-415 l 730,-413 l 731,-411 l 733,-409 l 734,-407 l 736,-405 l 737,-403 l 739,-401 l 740,-400 l 742,-398 l 744,-396 l 745,-394 l 747,-393 l 749,-391 l 751,-390 l 753,-388 l 755,-386 l 757,-385 l 759,-383 l 761,-382 l 763,-381 l 765,-379 l 767,-378 l 770,-377 l 772,-375 l 774,-374 l 776,-373 l 779,-372 l 781,-371 l 784,-370 l 786,-369 l 789,-368 l 791,-367 l 794,-366 l 796,-365 l 799,-364 l 801,-364 l 804,-363 l 807,-362 l 809,-362 l 812,-361 l 815,-361 l 817,-360 l 820,-360 l 823,-359 l 825,-359 l 828,-359 l 831,-359 l 834,-358 l 836,-358 l 839,-358 l 842,-358 l 845,-358 l 847,-358 l 850,-358 l 853,-358 l 856,-359 l 858,-359 l 861,-359 l 864,-359 l 867,-360 l 869,-360 l 872,-361 l 875,-361 l 877,-362 l 880,-362 l 883,-363 l 885,-364 l 888,-364 l 890,-365 l 893,-366 l 896,-367 l 898,-368 l 901,-369 l 903,-370 l 905,-371 l 908,-372 l 910,-373 l 913,-374 l 915,-375 l 917,-377 l 919,-378 l 922,-379 l 924,-381 l 926,-382 l 928,-383 l 930,-385 l 932,-386 l 934,-388 l 936,-390 l 938,-391 l 940,-393 l 941,-394 l 943,-396 l 945,-398 l 946,-400 l 948,-401 l 950,-403 l 951,-405 l 952,-407 l 954,-409 l 955,-411 l 957,-413 l 958,-415 l 959,-417 l 960,-419 l 961,-421 l 962,-423 l 963,-425 l 964,-427 l 965,-429 l 966,-431 l 966,-433 l 967,-435 l 968,-437 l 968,-439 l 969,-441 l 969,-444 l 970,-446 l 970,-448 l 970,-450 l 970,-452 l 971,-454 l 971,-457 l 971,-459 l 971,-461 l 971,-463 l 970,-465 l 970,-467 l 970,-470 l 970,-472 l 969,-474 l 969,-476 l 968,-478 l 968,-480 l 967,-482 l 967,-484 l 966,-486 l 965,-488 l 964,-491 l 963,-493 l 962,-495 l 961,-497 l 960,-499 l 959,-501 l 958,-502 l 957,-504 l 956,-506 l 954,-508 l 953,-510 l 952,-512 l 950,-514 l 949,-515 l 949,-540 l 919,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,153)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,153)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,153);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,153)"/>
190 -
191 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 5" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 5" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1122,-540 l 1120,-541 l 1118,-542 l 1116,-544 l 1113,-545 l 1111,-546 l 1108,-547 l 1106,-548 l 1104,-549 l 1101,-550 l 1099,-551 l 1096,-552 l 1094,-552 l 1091,-553 l 1088,-554 l 1086,-555 l 1083,-555 l 1081,-556 l 1078,-556 l 1075,-557 l 1073,-557 l 1070,-558 l 1067,-558 l 1065,-559 l 1062,-559 l 1059,-559 l 1056,-559 l 1054,-559 l 1051,-559 l 1048,-560 l 1045,-560 l 1043,-559 l 1040,-559 l 1037,-559 l 1034,-559 l 1032,-559 l 1029,-559 l 1026,-558 l 1024,-558 l 1021,-557 l 1018,-557 l 1016,-556 l 1013,-556 l 1010,-555 l 1008,-555 l 1005,-554 l 1003,-553 l 1000,-552 l 997,-552 l 995,-551 l 992,-550 l 990,-549 l 988,-548 l 985,-547 l 983,-546 l 980,-545 l 978,-544 l 976,-542 l 974,-541 l 971,-540 l 953,-540 l 953,-527 l 951,-525 l 949,-524 l 948,-522 l 946,-520 l 944,-519 l 943,-517 l 941,-515 l 940,-513 l 938,-512 l 937,-510 l 936,-508 l 934,-506 l 933,-504 l 932,-502 l 931,-500 l 930,-498 l 929,-496 l 928,-494 l 927,-492 l 926,-490 l 925,-488 l 924,-486 l 924,-484 l 923,-482 l 922,-480 l 922,-478 l 921,-476 l 921,-474 l 920,-472 l 920,-469 l 920,-467 l 920,-465 l 920,-463 l 919,-461 l 919,-459 l 919,-457 l 920,-454 l 920,-452 l 920,-450 l 920,-448 l 920,-446 l 921,-444 l 921,-441 l 922,-439 l 922,-437 l 923,-435 l 924,-433 l 924,-431 l 925,-429 l 926,-427 l 927,-425 l 928,-423 l 929,-421 l 930,-419 l 931,-417 l 932,-415 l 934,-413 l 935,-411 l 936,-409 l 938,-407 l 939,-405 l 941,-403 l 942,-401 l 944,-400 l 945,-398 l 947,-396 l 949,-394 l 951,-393 l 952,-391 l 954,-390 l 956,-388 l 958,-386 l 960,-385 l 962,-383 l 964,-382 l 966,-381 l 969,-379 l 971,-378 l 973,-377 l 975,-375 l 978,-374 l 980,-373 l 982,-372 l 985,-371 l 987,-370 l 990,-369 l 992,-368 l 995,-367 l 997,-366 l 1000,-365 l 1002,-364 l 1005,-364 l 1007,-363 l 1010,-362 l 1013,-362 l 1015,-361 l 1018,-361 l 1021,-360 l 1023,-360 l 1026,-359 l 1029,-359 l 1032,-359 l 1034,-359 l 1037,-358 l 1040,-358 l 1043,-358 l 1045,-358 l 1048,-358 l 1051,-358 l 1054,-358 l 1056,-358 l 1059,-359 l 1062,-359 l 1065,-359 l 1067,-359 l 1070,-360 l 1073,-360 l 1076,-361 l 1078,-361 l 1081,-362 l 1084,-362 l 1086,-363 l 1089,-364 l 1091,-364 l 1094,-365 l 1096,-366 l 1099,-367 l 1102,-368 l 1104,-369 l 1106,-370 l 1109,-371 l 1111,-372 l 1114,-373 l 1116,-374 l 1118,-375 l 1121,-377 l 1123,-378 l 1125,-379 l 1127,-381 l 1129,-382 l 1131,-383 l 1133,-385 l 1135,-386 l 1137,-388 l 1139,-390 l 1141,-391 l 1143,-393 l 1145,-394 l 1147,-396 l 1148,-398 l 1150,-400 l 1151,-401 l 1153,-403 l 1155,-405 l 1156,-407 l 1157,-409 l 1159,-411 l 1160,-413 l 1161,-415 l 1162,-417 l 1164,-419 l 1165,-421 l 1166,-423 l 1167,-425 l 1168,-427 l 1168,-429 l 1169,-431 l 1170,-433 l 1171,-435 l 1171,-437 l 1172,-439 l 1172,-441 l 1173,-444 l 1173,-446 l 1173,-448 l 1174,-450 l 1174,-452 l 1174,-454 l 1174,-457 l 1174,-459 l 1174,-461 l 1174,-463 l 1174,-465 l 1174,-467 l 1173,-470 l 1173,-472 l 1173,-474 l 1172,-476 l 1172,-478 l 1171,-480 l 1171,-482 l 1170,-484 l 1169,-486 l 1169,-488 l 1168,-491 l 1167,-493 l 1166,-495 l 1165,-497 l 1164,-499 l 1163,-501 l 1162,-502 l 1160,-504 l 1159,-506 l 1158,-508 l 1156,-510 l 1155,-512 l 1154,-514 l 1152,-515 l 1152,-540 l 1122,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,154)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,154)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,154);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,154)"/>
192 -
193 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Short" origTitle="has Short" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 999,-33 l 969,-33 l 969,17 l 1192,17 l 1192,-33 l 1162,-33 l 1162,-37 l 999,-37 l 999,-33xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,160)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,160)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,160);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,160)"/>
194 -
195 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Descr." origTitle="has Descr." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1161,23 l 990,23 l 990,28 l 969,28 l 969,75 l 1192,75 l 1192,28 l 1172,28 l 1172,23 l 1161,23xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,67)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,67)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,67);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,67)"/>
196 -
197 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Short" origTitle="has Short" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 999,86 l 969,86 l 969,136 l 1192,136 l 1192,86 l 1162,86 l 1162,82 l 999,82 l 999,86xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,161)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,161)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,161);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,161)"/>
198 -
199 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Descr." origTitle="has Descr." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1172,192 l 1192,192 l 1192,147 l 1172,147 l 1172,141 l 1161,141 l 990,141 l 990,147 l 969,147 l 969,192 l 990,192 l 990,192 l 1161,192 l 1172,192 l 1172,192xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,68)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,68)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,68);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,68)"/>
200 -
201 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Short" origTitle="has Short" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 999,203 l 969,203 l 969,253 l 1192,253 l 1192,203 l 1162,203 l 1162,199 l 999,199 l 999,203xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,162)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,162)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,162);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,162)"/>
202 -
203 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Descr." origTitle="has Descr." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1172,307 l 1192,307 l 1192,264 l 1172,264 l 1172,257 l 1161,257 l 990,257 l 990,264 l 969,264 l 969,307 l 990,307 l 990,308 l 1161,308 l 1172,308 l 1172,307xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,69)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,69)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,69);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,69)"/>
204 -
205 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Short" origTitle="has Short" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 999,318 l 969,318 l 969,368 l 1192,368 l 1192,318 l 1162,318 l 1162,314 l 999,314 l 999,318xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,163)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,163)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,163);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,163)"/>
206 -
207 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Descr." origTitle="has Descr." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1161,373 l 990,373 l 990,379 l 969,379 l 969,425 l 1192,425 l 1192,379 l 1172,379 l 1172,373 l 1161,373xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,56)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,56)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,56);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,56)"/>
208 -
209 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Short" origTitle="has Short" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 999,436 l 969,436 l 969,486 l 1192,486 l 1192,436 l 1162,436 l 1162,432 l 999,432 l 999,436xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,164)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,164)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,164);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,164)"/>
210 -
211 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has WBS Part 1" origTitle="has WBS Part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1533,-744 l 1522,-744 l 1522,-741 l 1494,-741 l 1494,-643 l 1720,-643 l 1720,-741 l 1702,-741 l 1702,-744 l 1533,-744xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,181)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,181)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,181);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,181)"/>
212 -
213 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Value" origTitle="has Value" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 609,-115 l 854,-115 l 854,-214 l 609,-214 l 609,-115xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,150)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,150)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,150);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,150)"/>
214 -
215 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 1 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 1 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 843,-92 l 841,-92 l 838,-93 l 835,-94 l 832,-94 l 829,-94 l 826,-95 l 823,-95 l 820,-96 l 817,-96 l 814,-97 l 811,-97 l 808,-97 l 805,-98 l 802,-98 l 799,-98 l 795,-99 l 792,-99 l 789,-99 l 786,-99 l 783,-100 l 779,-100 l 776,-100 l 773,-100 l 770,-100 l 766,-100 l 763,-100 l 760,-101 l 757,-101 l 753,-101 l 750,-101 l 747,-101 l 743,-101 l 740,-101 l 737,-101 l 733,-101 l 730,-101 l 727,-101 l 724,-100 l 720,-100 l 717,-100 l 714,-100 l 710,-100 l 707,-100 l 704,-100 l 701,-99 l 698,-99 l 694,-99 l 691,-99 l 688,-98 l 685,-98 l 682,-98 l 679,-97 l 676,-97 l 673,-97 l 669,-96 l 666,-96 l 663,-95 l 660,-95 l 658,-94 l 655,-94 l 652,-94 l 649,-93 l 646,-92 l 643,-92 l 596,-92 l 596,-79 l 594,-78 l 592,-77 l 590,-76 l 588,-75 l 586,-75 l 585,-74 l 583,-73 l 581,-72 l 580,-71 l 578,-70 l 577,-69 l 575,-68 l 574,-68 l 573,-67 l 571,-66 l 570,-65 l 569,-64 l 568,-63 l 567,-62 l 566,-61 l 565,-60 l 564,-59 l 563,-58 l 563,-57 l 562,-56 l 561,-55 l 561,-54 l 560,-53 l 560,-52 l 559,-51 l 559,-50 l 559,-49 l 559,-48 l 559,-47 l 558,-46 l 558,-45 l 558,-44 l 559,-43 l 559,-42 l 559,-41 l 559,-40 l 559,-39 l 560,-38 l 560,-37 l 561,-36 l 561,-35 l 562,-34 l 563,-33 l 563,-32 l 564,-31 l 565,-30 l 566,-29 l 567,-28 l 568,-27 l 569,-27 l 570,-26 l 571,-25 l 573,-24 l 574,-23 l 575,-22 l 577,-21 l 578,-20 l 580,-19 l 581,-18 l 583,-17 l 585,-17 l 586,-16 l 588,-15 l 590,-14 l 592,-13 l 594,-12 l 596,-12 l 598,-11 l 600,-10 l 602,-9 l 604,-9 l 606,-8 l 609,-7 l 611,-6 l 613,-6 l 616,-5 l 618,-4 l 620,-4 l 623,-3 l 625,-2 l 628,-2 l 631,-1 l 633,0 l 636,0 l 639,1 l 641,1 l 644,2 l 647,2 l 650,3 l 653,3 l 656,4 l 659,4 l 662,5 l 665,5 l 668,6 l 671,6 l 674,6 l 677,7 l 680,7 l 683,7 l 686,8 l 689,8 l 693,8 l 696,9 l 699,9 l 702,9 l 705,9 l 709,9 l 712,10 l 715,10 l 719,10 l 722,10 l 725,10 l 728,10 l 732,10 l 735,10 l 738,10 l 742,10 l 745,10 l 748,10 l 752,10 l 755,10 l 758,10 l 762,10 l 765,10 l 768,10 l 771,10 l 775,10 l 778,9 l 781,9 l 784,9 l 788,9 l 791,9 l 794,8 l 797,8 l 800,8 l 804,7 l 807,7 l 810,7 l 813,6 l 816,6 l 819,6 l 822,5 l 825,5 l 828,4 l 831,4 l 834,3 l 837,3 l 840,2 l 842,2 l 845,1 l 848,1 l 851,0 l 853,0 l 856,-1 l 859,-2 l 861,-2 l 864,-3 l 866,-4 l 869,-4 l 871,-5 l 874,-6 l 876,-6 l 878,-7 l 880,-8 l 883,-9 l 885,-9 l 887,-10 l 889,-11 l 891,-12 l 893,-12 l 895,-13 l 897,-14 l 899,-15 l 900,-16 l 902,-17 l 904,-17 l 905,-18 l 907,-19 l 908,-20 l 910,-21 l 911,-22 l 913,-23 l 914,-24 l 915,-25 l 916,-26 l 918,-27 l 919,-27 l 920,-28 l 921,-29 l 922,-30 l 922,-31 l 923,-32 l 924,-33 l 925,-34 l 925,-35 l 926,-36 l 926,-37 l 927,-38 l 927,-39 l 928,-40 l 928,-41 l 928,-42 l 928,-43 l 928,-44 l 928,-45 l 928,-46 l 928,-47 l 928,-48 l 928,-49 l 928,-50 l 927,-51 l 927,-52 l 926,-53 l 926,-54 l 925,-55 l 925,-56 l 924,-57 l 923,-58 l 922,-59 l 922,-60 l 921,-61 l 920,-62 l 919,-63 l 918,-64 l 917,-65 l 915,-66 l 914,-67 l 913,-67 l 911,-68 l 910,-69 l 909,-70 l 907,-71 l 906,-72 l 904,-73 l 902,-74 l 900,-74 l 900,-92 l 843,-92xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,141)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,141)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,141);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,141)"/>
216 -
217 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 2 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 2 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 840,27 l 838,26 l 835,26 l 832,25 l 829,25 l 826,24 l 823,24 l 820,23 l 817,23 l 814,22 l 811,22 l 808,22 l 805,21 l 802,21 l 799,21 l 796,20 l 793,20 l 789,20 l 786,19 l 783,19 l 780,19 l 777,19 l 773,19 l 770,18 l 767,18 l 763,18 l 760,18 l 757,18 l 754,18 l 750,18 l 747,18 l 744,18 l 740,18 l 737,18 l 734,18 l 731,18 l 727,18 l 724,18 l 721,18 l 717,18 l 714,18 l 711,18 l 708,19 l 704,19 l 701,19 l 698,19 l 695,19 l 691,20 l 688,20 l 685,20 l 682,21 l 679,21 l 676,21 l 673,22 l 670,22 l 667,22 l 664,23 l 661,23 l 658,24 l 655,24 l 652,25 l 649,25 l 646,26 l 643,26 l 640,27 l 588,27 l 588,42 l 586,43 l 584,44 l 583,44 l 581,45 l 579,46 l 578,47 l 576,48 l 575,49 l 573,50 l 572,50 l 571,51 l 569,52 l 568,53 l 567,54 l 566,55 l 565,56 l 564,57 l 563,58 l 562,59 l 561,60 l 560,61 l 560,62 l 559,63 l 558,64 l 558,65 l 557,66 l 557,67 l 557,67 l 556,68 l 556,69 l 556,70 l 556,71 l 556,72 l 555,73 l 556,74 l 556,75 l 556,76 l 556,77 l 556,78 l 557,79 l 557,80 l 557,81 l 558,82 l 558,83 l 559,84 l 560,85 l 560,86 l 561,87 l 562,88 l 563,89 l 564,90 l 565,91 l 566,92 l 567,93 l 568,94 l 570,95 l 571,96 l 572,97 l 574,98 l 575,98 l 577,99 l 578,100 l 580,101 l 582,102 l 583,103 l 585,104 l 587,104 l 589,105 l 591,106 l 593,107 l 595,108 l 597,108 l 599,109 l 601,110 l 603,111 l 606,111 l 608,112 l 610,113 l 613,114 l 615,114 l 617,115 l 620,116 l 623,116 l 625,117 l 628,118 l 630,118 l 633,119 l 636,119 l 639,120 l 641,120 l 644,121 l 647,121 l 650,122 l 653,122 l 656,123 l 659,123 l 662,124 l 665,124 l 668,125 l 671,125 l 674,125 l 677,126 l 680,126 l 683,126 l 686,127 l 690,127 l 693,127 l 696,127 l 699,128 l 703,128 l 706,128 l 709,128 l 712,128 l 716,129 l 719,129 l 722,129 l 725,129 l 729,129 l 732,129 l 735,129 l 739,129 l 742,129 l 745,129 l 749,129 l 752,129 l 755,129 l 759,129 l 762,129 l 765,129 l 769,128 l 772,128 l 775,128 l 778,128 l 782,128 l 785,127 l 788,127 l 791,127 l 794,127 l 798,126 l 801,126 l 804,126 l 807,125 l 810,125 l 813,125 l 816,124 l 819,124 l 822,123 l 825,123 l 828,122 l 831,122 l 834,121 l 837,121 l 840,120 l 842,120 l 845,119 l 848,119 l 850,118 l 853,118 l 856,117 l 858,116 l 861,116 l 863,115 l 866,114 l 868,114 l 871,113 l 873,112 l 875,111 l 877,111 l 880,110 l 882,109 l 884,108 l 886,108 l 888,107 l 890,106 l 892,105 l 894,104 l 896,104 l 897,103 l 899,102 l 901,101 l 902,100 l 904,99 l 906,98 l 907,98 l 908,97 l 910,96 l 911,95 l 912,94 l 914,93 l 915,92 l 916,91 l 917,90 l 918,89 l 919,88 l 920,87 l 920,86 l 921,85 l 922,84 l 922,83 l 923,82 l 923,81 l 924,80 l 924,79 l 925,78 l 925,77 l 925,76 l 925,75 l 925,74 l 925,73 l 925,72 l 925,71 l 925,70 l 925,69 l 925,68 l 924,67 l 924,66 l 923,65 l 923,64 l 922,63 l 922,62 l 921,61 l 920,61 l 920,60 l 919,59 l 918,58 l 917,57 l 916,56 l 915,55 l 914,54 l 912,53 l 911,52 l 910,51 l 908,50 l 907,49 l 905,48 l 904,47 l 902,47 l 902,27 l 840,27xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,142)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,142)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,142);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,142)"/>
218 -
219 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 3 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 3 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 843,145 l 841,145 l 838,144 l 835,144 l 832,143 l 829,143 l 826,142 l 823,142 l 820,141 l 817,141 l 814,141 l 811,140 l 808,140 l 805,139 l 802,139 l 799,139 l 795,139 l 792,138 l 789,138 l 786,138 l 783,138 l 779,137 l 776,137 l 773,137 l 770,137 l 766,137 l 763,137 l 760,137 l 757,136 l 753,136 l 750,136 l 747,136 l 743,136 l 740,136 l 737,136 l 733,136 l 730,136 l 727,137 l 724,137 l 720,137 l 717,137 l 714,137 l 710,137 l 707,137 l 704,138 l 701,138 l 698,138 l 694,138 l 691,139 l 688,139 l 685,139 l 682,139 l 679,140 l 676,140 l 673,141 l 669,141 l 666,141 l 663,142 l 660,142 l 658,143 l 655,143 l 652,144 l 649,144 l 646,145 l 643,145 l 591,145 l 591,160 l 589,161 l 587,162 l 586,163 l 584,164 l 582,165 l 581,165 l 579,166 l 578,167 l 576,168 l 575,169 l 574,170 l 572,171 l 571,172 l 570,173 l 569,174 l 568,175 l 567,175 l 566,176 l 565,177 l 564,178 l 563,179 l 563,180 l 562,181 l 561,182 l 561,183 l 560,184 l 560,185 l 559,186 l 559,187 l 559,188 l 559,189 l 559,190 l 558,191 l 558,192 l 558,193 l 559,194 l 559,195 l 559,196 l 559,197 l 559,198 l 560,199 l 560,200 l 561,201 l 561,202 l 562,203 l 563,204 l 563,205 l 564,206 l 565,207 l 566,208 l 567,209 l 568,210 l 569,211 l 570,212 l 571,212 l 573,213 l 574,214 l 575,215 l 577,216 l 578,217 l 580,218 l 581,219 l 583,220 l 585,221 l 586,221 l 588,222 l 590,223 l 592,224 l 594,225 l 596,225 l 598,226 l 600,227 l 602,228 l 604,229 l 606,229 l 609,230 l 611,231 l 613,231 l 616,232 l 618,233 l 620,234 l 623,234 l 625,235 l 628,235 l 631,236 l 633,237 l 636,237 l 639,238 l 641,238 l 644,239 l 647,239 l 650,240 l 653,240 l 656,241 l 659,241 l 662,242 l 665,242 l 668,243 l 671,243 l 674,244 l 677,244 l 680,244 l 683,245 l 686,245 l 689,245 l 693,245 l 696,246 l 699,246 l 702,246 l 705,246 l 709,247 l 712,247 l 715,247 l 719,247 l 722,247 l 725,247 l 728,247 l 732,247 l 735,248 l 738,248 l 742,248 l 745,248 l 748,248 l 752,248 l 755,247 l 758,247 l 762,247 l 765,247 l 768,247 l 771,247 l 775,247 l 778,247 l 781,246 l 784,246 l 788,246 l 791,246 l 794,245 l 797,245 l 800,245 l 804,245 l 807,244 l 810,244 l 813,244 l 816,243 l 819,243 l 822,242 l 825,242 l 828,241 l 831,241 l 834,240 l 837,240 l 840,239 l 842,239 l 845,238 l 848,238 l 851,237 l 853,237 l 856,236 l 859,235 l 861,235 l 864,234 l 866,234 l 869,233 l 871,232 l 874,231 l 876,231 l 878,230 l 880,229 l 883,229 l 885,228 l 887,227 l 889,226 l 891,225 l 893,225 l 895,224 l 897,223 l 899,222 l 900,221 l 902,221 l 904,220 l 905,219 l 907,218 l 908,217 l 910,216 l 911,215 l 913,214 l 914,213 l 915,212 l 916,212 l 918,211 l 919,210 l 920,209 l 921,208 l 922,207 l 922,206 l 923,205 l 924,204 l 925,203 l 925,202 l 926,201 l 926,200 l 927,199 l 927,198 l 928,197 l 928,196 l 928,195 l 928,194 l 928,193 l 928,192 l 928,191 l 928,190 l 928,189 l 928,188 l 928,187 l 927,186 l 927,185 l 926,184 l 926,183 l 925,182 l 925,181 l 924,180 l 923,179 l 922,178 l 922,177 l 921,176 l 920,175 l 919,174 l 918,173 l 916,172 l 915,171 l 914,171 l 913,170 l 911,169 l 910,168 l 908,167 l 907,166 l 905,165 l 905,145 l 843,145xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,143)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,143)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,143);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,143)"/>
220 -
221 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 4 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 4 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 843,264 l 841,263 l 838,263 l 835,262 l 832,262 l 829,261 l 826,261 l 823,260 l 820,260 l 817,260 l 814,259 l 811,259 l 808,258 l 805,258 l 802,258 l 799,257 l 795,257 l 792,257 l 789,257 l 786,256 l 783,256 l 779,256 l 776,256 l 773,256 l 770,255 l 766,255 l 763,255 l 760,255 l 757,255 l 753,255 l 750,255 l 747,255 l 743,255 l 740,255 l 737,255 l 733,255 l 730,255 l 727,255 l 724,255 l 720,255 l 717,255 l 714,256 l 710,256 l 707,256 l 704,256 l 701,256 l 698,257 l 694,257 l 691,257 l 688,257 l 685,258 l 682,258 l 679,258 l 676,259 l 673,259 l 669,260 l 666,260 l 663,260 l 660,261 l 658,261 l 655,262 l 652,262 l 649,263 l 646,263 l 643,264 l 591,264 l 591,279 l 589,280 l 587,281 l 586,281 l 584,282 l 582,283 l 581,284 l 579,285 l 578,286 l 576,287 l 575,288 l 574,288 l 572,289 l 571,290 l 570,291 l 569,292 l 568,293 l 567,294 l 566,295 l 565,296 l 564,297 l 563,298 l 563,299 l 562,300 l 561,301 l 561,302 l 560,303 l 560,304 l 559,305 l 559,306 l 559,307 l 559,308 l 559,309 l 558,310 l 558,311 l 558,312 l 559,313 l 559,314 l 559,315 l 559,316 l 559,317 l 560,318 l 560,318 l 561,319 l 561,320 l 562,321 l 563,322 l 563,323 l 564,324 l 565,325 l 566,326 l 567,327 l 568,328 l 569,329 l 570,330 l 571,331 l 573,332 l 574,333 l 575,334 l 577,335 l 578,336 l 580,336 l 581,337 l 583,338 l 585,339 l 586,340 l 588,341 l 590,342 l 592,342 l 594,343 l 596,344 l 598,345 l 600,346 l 602,346 l 604,347 l 606,348 l 609,349 l 611,349 l 613,350 l 616,351 l 618,351 l 620,352 l 623,353 l 625,353 l 628,354 l 631,355 l 633,355 l 636,356 l 639,356 l 641,357 l 644,358 l 647,358 l 650,359 l 653,359 l 656,360 l 659,360 l 662,360 l 665,361 l 668,361 l 671,362 l 674,362 l 677,362 l 680,363 l 683,363 l 686,363 l 689,364 l 693,364 l 696,364 l 699,365 l 702,365 l 705,365 l 709,365 l 712,365 l 715,366 l 719,366 l 722,366 l 725,366 l 728,366 l 732,366 l 735,366 l 738,366 l 742,366 l 745,366 l 748,366 l 752,366 l 755,366 l 758,366 l 762,366 l 765,366 l 768,366 l 771,366 l 775,365 l 778,365 l 781,365 l 784,365 l 788,365 l 791,364 l 794,364 l 797,364 l 800,363 l 804,363 l 807,363 l 810,362 l 813,362 l 816,362 l 819,361 l 822,361 l 825,360 l 828,360 l 831,360 l 834,359 l 837,359 l 840,358 l 842,358 l 845,357 l 848,356 l 851,356 l 853,355 l 856,355 l 859,354 l 861,353 l 864,353 l 866,352 l 869,351 l 871,351 l 874,350 l 876,349 l 878,349 l 880,348 l 883,347 l 885,346 l 887,346 l 889,345 l 891,344 l 893,343 l 895,342 l 897,342 l 899,341 l 900,340 l 902,339 l 904,338 l 905,337 l 907,336 l 908,336 l 910,335 l 911,334 l 913,333 l 914,332 l 915,331 l 916,330 l 918,329 l 919,328 l 920,327 l 921,326 l 922,325 l 922,324 l 923,323 l 924,322 l 925,321 l 925,320 l 926,319 l 926,318 l 927,318 l 927,317 l 928,316 l 928,315 l 928,314 l 928,313 l 928,312 l 928,311 l 928,310 l 928,309 l 928,308 l 928,307 l 928,306 l 927,305 l 927,304 l 926,303 l 926,302 l 925,301 l 925,300 l 924,299 l 923,298 l 922,297 l 922,296 l 921,295 l 920,294 l 919,293 l 918,292 l 916,291 l 915,290 l 914,289 l 913,288 l 911,287 l 910,286 l 908,285 l 907,285 l 905,284 l 905,264 l 843,264xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,144)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,144)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,144);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,144)"/>
222 -
223 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 843,384 l 841,384 l 838,383 l 835,383 l 832,382 l 829,382 l 826,382 l 823,381 l 820,381 l 817,380 l 814,380 l 811,379 l 808,379 l 805,379 l 802,378 l 799,378 l 795,378 l 792,378 l 789,377 l 786,377 l 783,377 l 779,377 l 776,377 l 773,376 l 770,376 l 766,376 l 763,376 l 760,376 l 757,376 l 753,376 l 750,376 l 747,376 l 743,376 l 740,376 l 737,376 l 733,376 l 730,376 l 727,376 l 724,376 l 720,376 l 717,376 l 714,376 l 710,377 l 707,377 l 704,377 l 701,377 l 698,377 l 694,378 l 691,378 l 688,378 l 685,378 l 682,379 l 679,379 l 676,379 l 673,380 l 669,380 l 666,381 l 663,381 l 660,382 l 658,382 l 655,382 l 652,383 l 649,383 l 646,384 l 643,384 l 591,384 l 591,400 l 589,401 l 587,401 l 586,402 l 584,403 l 582,404 l 581,405 l 579,406 l 578,407 l 576,407 l 575,408 l 574,409 l 572,410 l 571,411 l 570,412 l 569,413 l 568,414 l 567,415 l 566,416 l 565,417 l 564,418 l 563,419 l 563,420 l 562,420 l 561,421 l 561,422 l 560,423 l 560,424 l 559,425 l 559,426 l 559,427 l 559,428 l 559,429 l 558,430 l 558,431 l 558,432 l 559,433 l 559,434 l 559,435 l 559,436 l 559,437 l 560,438 l 560,439 l 561,440 l 561,441 l 562,442 l 563,443 l 563,444 l 564,445 l 565,446 l 566,447 l 567,448 l 568,449 l 569,450 l 570,451 l 571,452 l 573,453 l 574,454 l 575,455 l 577,455 l 578,456 l 580,457 l 581,458 l 583,459 l 585,460 l 586,461 l 588,461 l 590,462 l 592,463 l 594,464 l 596,465 l 598,466 l 600,466 l 602,467 l 604,468 l 606,469 l 609,469 l 611,470 l 613,471 l 616,471 l 618,472 l 620,473 l 623,473 l 625,474 l 628,475 l 631,475 l 633,476 l 636,477 l 639,477 l 641,478 l 644,478 l 647,479 l 650,479 l 653,480 l 656,480 l 659,481 l 662,481 l 665,482 l 668,482 l 671,482 l 674,483 l 677,483 l 680,484 l 683,484 l 686,484 l 689,484 l 693,485 l 696,485 l 699,485 l 702,486 l 705,486 l 709,486 l 712,486 l 715,486 l 719,486 l 722,487 l 725,487 l 728,487 l 732,487 l 735,487 l 738,487 l 742,487 l 745,487 l 748,487 l 752,487 l 755,487 l 758,487 l 762,487 l 765,487 l 768,486 l 771,486 l 775,486 l 778,486 l 781,486 l 784,486 l 788,485 l 791,485 l 794,485 l 797,484 l 800,484 l 804,484 l 807,484 l 810,483 l 813,483 l 816,482 l 819,482 l 822,482 l 825,481 l 828,481 l 831,480 l 834,480 l 837,479 l 840,479 l 842,478 l 845,478 l 848,477 l 851,477 l 853,476 l 856,475 l 859,475 l 861,474 l 864,473 l 866,473 l 869,472 l 871,471 l 874,471 l 876,470 l 878,469 l 880,469 l 883,468 l 885,467 l 887,466 l 889,466 l 891,465 l 893,464 l 895,463 l 897,462 l 899,461 l 900,461 l 902,460 l 904,459 l 905,458 l 907,457 l 908,456 l 910,455 l 911,455 l 913,454 l 914,453 l 915,452 l 916,451 l 918,450 l 919,449 l 920,448 l 921,447 l 922,446 l 922,445 l 923,444 l 924,443 l 925,442 l 925,441 l 926,440 l 926,439 l 927,438 l 927,437 l 928,436 l 928,435 l 928,434 l 928,433 l 928,432 l 928,431 l 928,430 l 928,429 l 928,428 l 928,427 l 928,426 l 927,425 l 927,424 l 926,423 l 926,422 l 925,421 l 925,420 l 924,419 l 923,418 l 922,417 l 922,416 l 921,415 l 920,415 l 919,414 l 918,413 l 916,412 l 915,411 l 914,410 l 913,409 l 911,408 l 910,407 l 908,406 l 907,405 l 905,404 l 905,384 l 843,384xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,148)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,148)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,148);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,148)"/>
224 -
225 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has WBS Part 2" origTitle="has WBS Part 2" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1533,-631 l 1522,-631 l 1522,-628 l 1494,-628 l 1494,-530 l 1720,-530 l 1720,-628 l 1702,-628 l 1702,-631 l 1533,-631xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,229)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,229)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,229);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,229)"/>
226 -
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184 -
185 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Business Area" origTitle="Business Area" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 986,-10 l 1315,-10 l 1315,-181 l 986,-181 l 986,-10xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,13)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,13)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,13);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,13)"/>
186 -
187 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="License Block" origTitle="License Block" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 986,203 l 1315,203 l 1315,32 l 986,32 l 986,203xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,14)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,14)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,14);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,14)"/>
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190 -
191 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Wellbore" origTitle="Wellbore" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 986,613 l 1315,613 l 1315,443 l 986,443 l 986,613xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,16)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,16)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,16);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,16)"/>
192 -
193 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Modification" origTitle="Modification" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -924,614 l -582,614 l -582,436 l -924,436 l -924,614xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,18)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,18)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,18);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,18)"/>
194 -
195 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Brown Field Project" origTitle="Brown Field Project" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -924,210 l -582,210 l -582,32 l -924,32 l -924,210xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,19)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,19)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,19);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,19)"/>
196 -
197 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Drilling &#38; Well" origTitle="Drilling &#38; Well" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -924,-216 l -582,-216 l -582,-394 l -924,-394 l -924,-216xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,20)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,20)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,20);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,20)"/>
198 -
199 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Green Field Project" origTitle="Green Field Project" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -924,-3 l -582,-3 l -582,-181 l -924,-181 l -924,-3xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,21)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,21)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,21);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,21)"/>
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202 -
203 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Field Study" origTitle="Field Study" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -924,-430 l -582,-430 l -582,-607 l -924,-607 l -924,-430xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,23)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,23)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,23);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,23)"/>
204 -
205 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Business as Usual" origTitle="Business as Usual" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,-430 l 1681,-430 l 1681,-607 l 1339,-607 l 1339,-430xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,24)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,24)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,24);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,24)"/>
206 -
207 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Incremental Improvement" origTitle="Incremental Improvement" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,-216 l 1681,-216 l 1681,-394 l 1339,-394 l 1339,-216xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,25)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,25)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,25);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,25)"/>
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209 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Radical Change" origTitle="Radical Change" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,-3 l 1681,-3 l 1681,-181 l 1339,-181 l 1339,-3xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,26)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,26)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,26);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,26)"/>
210 -
211 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Increased Revocery" origTitle="Increased Revocery" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,210 l 1681,210 l 1681,32 l 1339,32 l 1339,210xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,27)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,27)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,27);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,27)"/>
212 -
213 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Disaster Recovery" origTitle="Disaster Recovery" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,410 l 1681,410 l 1681,232 l 1339,232 l 1339,410xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,28)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,28)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,28);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,28)"/>
214 -
215 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Managed Closedown" origTitle="Managed Closedown" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,614 l 1681,614 l 1681,436 l 1339,436 l 1339,614xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,29)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,29)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,29);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,29)"/>
216 -
217 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Material" origTitle="Material" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 573,-429 l 915,-429 l 915,-606 l 573,-606 l 573,-429xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,33)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,33)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,33);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,33)"/>
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220 -
221 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Admin and Engineering Manpower" origTitle="Admin and Engineering Manpower" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 635,-180 l 581,-180 l 581,-2 l 923,-2 l 923,-180 l 883,-180 l 883,-186 l 635,-186 l 635,-180xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,35)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,35)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,35);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,35)"/>
222 -
223 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Direct Labor" origTitle="Direct Labor" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,211 l 923,211 l 923,33 l 581,33 l 581,211xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,36)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,36)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,36);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,36)"/>
224 -
225 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Owners Overhead" origTitle="Owners Overhead" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,411 l 923,411 l 923,234 l 581,234 l 581,411xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,37)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,37)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,37);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,37)"/>
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227 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="ilap:refdata%2FNORSOK%2FZ-014%2FSCCSCoding%2FCORClassOfClass" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Marine Operations" origTitle="Marine Operations" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,615 l 923,615 l 923,437 l 581,437 l 581,615xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,38)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,38)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,38);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,38)"/>
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232 -
233 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Well" origTitle="Well" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,-2 l 213,-2 l 213,-180 l -129,-180 l -129,-2xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,52)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,52)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,52);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,52)"/>
234 -
235 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Subsea Production System" origTitle="Subsea Production System" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -41,33 l -129,33 l -129,211 l 213,211 l 213,33 l 138,33 l 138,27 l -41,27 l -41,33xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,53)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,53)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,53);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,53)"/>
236 -
237 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Transport System" origTitle="Transport System" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,411 l 213,411 l 213,234 l -129,234 l -129,411xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,54)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,54)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,54);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,54)"/>
238 -
239 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Landbased Installations" origTitle="Landbased Installations" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,615 l 213,615 l 213,437 l -129,437 l -129,615xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,55)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,55)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,55);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,55)"/>
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242 -
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244 -
245 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Development" origTitle="Development" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 225,-3 l 567,-3 l 567,-181 l 225,-181 l 225,-3xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,61)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,61)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,61);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,61)"/>
246 -
247 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Operation and Maintenance" origTitle="Operation and Maintenance" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 225,210 l 567,210 l 567,32 l 225,32 l 225,210xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,62)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,62)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,62);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,62)"/>
248 -
249 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Shutdown and Decomm." origTitle="Shutdown and Decomm." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 225,410 l 567,410 l 567,233 l 225,233 l 225,410xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,63)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,63)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,63);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,63)"/>
250 -
251 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Removal" origTitle="Removal" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 225,614 l 567,614 l 567,437 l 225,437 l 225,614xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,64)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,64)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,64);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,64)"/>
252 -
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254 -
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292 -
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294 - {
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298 -
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307 -
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327 - {
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340 - frame.g_height = parseInt(;
341 - frame.g_newLeft = parseInt(;
342 - frame.g_newTop = parseInt(;
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347 - {
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349 -
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351 -
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357 - }
358 -
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360 - {
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362 - {
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369 - {
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371 - }
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375 - {
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378 - }
379 -
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381 - {
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383 - {
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385 - {
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402 - <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="fillcolor">
403 - <tr>
404 - <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp21" title="Skjul detaljer" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideDetails);"><p class="label" style="display:inline;">Detaljer</p></a></td>
405 - <td width="15"><a id="exp22" title="Skjul detaljer" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideDetails);"><img id="exp2" alt="Skjul detaljer" src="minimize.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
406 - </tr>
407 - </table>
408 - </div>
409 - </td></tr>
410 - <tr><td>
411 - <div id="hideDetails" class="hiderScroll" openAlt="Skjul detaljer" closedAlt="Vis detaljer">
412 - <P class="p2" class="detsPara">Trykk CTRL og klikk en figur i tegningen for å vise detaljene.</P>
413 - </div>
414 - </td></tr>
415 - </table>
416 -
417 - <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
418 - var hideDetails = document.getElementById("hideDetails");
419 - hideDetails.img = "exp2";
420 - widgets.Add(hideDetails, "Details");
421 - widgets.divCount++;
422 - </script>
423 - </div>
424 -
425 -
426 - <div id="divSearch" class="holder">
427 - <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="holderTable">
428 - <tr><td>
429 - <div class="fillcolor" dir=ltr>
430 - <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="fillcolor">
431 - <tr>
432 - <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp11" title="Skjul søkesider" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideSearch);"><p class="label" style="display:inline;">Søkesider</p></a></td>
433 - <td width="15"><a id="exp12" title="Skjul søkesider" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideSearch);"><img src="minimize.gif" id="exp1" alt="Skjul søkesider" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
434 - </tr>
435 - </table>
436 - </div>
437 -
438 - </td></tr>
439 - <tr><td>
440 -
441 - <div id="hideSearch" img="exp1" class="hiderScroll" openAlt="Skjul søkesider" closedAlt="Vis søkesider">
442 - <form name=theForm onsubmit="FindOnClick(); return false;" ID="Form1">
443 - <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
444 - <tr>
445 - <td width="100%">
446 - <input class="formText" type="text" name="findString" maxlength="255" size="26" title="Skriv inn tekst for å søke. Trykk Enter for å starte søket.">
447 - </td>
448 - <td width="18" class="gobutton">
449 - <input type="image" src="go.gif" alt="Start søk" width="18" height="18" ID="GoButton" NAME="GoButton">
450 - </td>
451 - </tr>
452 - <tr>
453 - <td colspan="2" class="p2">
454 - <a href="javascript:{};" tabindex="0" onclick="TogglePlus(hideAdvSrch,as0);" class="blu1"><img src="plus.gif" alt="Viser/skjuler avanserte søkealternativer" border="0" id="as0">Avansert</a>
455 - <div id="hideAdvSrch" class="hiderScroll" style="display:none;">
456 - <b>Søk etter:</b>
457 - <div id="divS"></div>
458 - </div>
459 - <hr width="100%" size="1" color="#cccccc">
460 - <div id="hideResults" class="hiderScroll" style="display:none;"></div>
461 - </td>
462 - </tr>
463 - </table>
464 - </form>
465 - </div>
466 -
467 - </td></tr>
468 - </table>
469 -
470 -
471 - <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
472 - var hideSearch = document.getElementById("hideSearch");
473 - hideSearch.img = "exp1";
474 - widgets.Add(hideSearch, "Search");
475 - widgets.divCount++;
476 -
477 - makeAdvancedFindCheckboxes(document.getElementById("divS"));
478 -
479 -
480 - var imgPlus = new Image();
481 - imgPlus.src = "plus.gif";
482 -
483 - var imgMinus = new Image();
484 - imgMinus.src = "minus.gif";
485 -
486 - function TogglePlus(div, img, container)
487 - {
488 - if(typeof(img) == "string")
489 - img = document.getElementById(img)
490 - if(typeof(div) == "string")
491 - div = document.getElementById(div)
492 -
493 - widget = widgets.Search;
494 - if(div && img)
495 - {
496 - if( == "none")
497 - {
498 - = "";
499 - img.src = imgMinus.src;
500 - = "true";
501 - }
502 - else
503 - {
504 - = "none";
505 - img.src = imgPlus.src;
506 -
507 - = "false";
508 - }
509 - }
510 - }
511 - </script>
512 - </div>
513 -
514 -
515 -</div>
516 -
517 -<div id="divCollapsedNav" class="navTocColor" style="display:none;width:100%;height:100%;">
518 - <a href="javascript:ToggleNav();" title="Vis navigeringsramme" id="linkNavClosed"><img src="toc2.gif" alt="Vis navigeringsramme" border="0"></a>
519 -</div>
520 -
521 -
522 -</body>
523 -</html>
524 -
1 -<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns="">
2 -<head>
3 -<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
4 -
5 -<style type="text/css">
6 - v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }
7 -</style>
8 -
9 -<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
10 -
11 -var BUFFER = 1;
12 -
13 -// ----- START ----- cross-browser event manipulation helpers ---------------------------
14 -
15 -function getEvent(event)
16 -{
17 - // Retrieve the event in IE
18 - if (!event)
19 - return window.event;
20 - // Return the passed event for everything else
21 - return event;
22 -}
23 -
24 -function getSrcElem(event)
25 -{
26 - var event = getEvent(event);
27 -
28 - // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
29 - var elem;
30 - if ( // For Firefox
31 - elem =;
32 - else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
33 - elem = event.srcElement;
34 - if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
35 - elem = elem.parentNode;
36 -
37 - return elem
38 -}
39 -// ----- END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 -
41 -function zoomObject()
42 -{
43 - this.PZImgRatio = null;
44 -
45 - this.zoomWinHeight = null;
46 - this.zoomWinWidth = null;
47 - this.zoomWinTop = null;
48 - this.zoomWinLeft = null;
49 -
50 - this.scaleFactor = null;
51 -
52 - this.updateContent = zObj_updateContent;
53 - this.doOnBodyResize = zObj_doOnBodyResize;
54 - this.clipZoomRect = zObj_clipZoomRect;
55 -}
56 -
57 -var g_thumbHeight = window.clientHeight;
58 -var g_thumbWidth = window.clientWidth;
59 -zoomObj = new zoomObject();
60 -
61 -
62 -function showObject( divObject, divID )
63 -{
64 - if( divObject == null )
65 - divObject = getObj( divID );
66 -
67 - if( divObject != null )
68 - {
69 - = "visible"
70 - }
71 - return divObject;
72 -}
73 -
74 -function hideObject( divObject, divID )
75 -{
76 - if( divObject == null )
77 - divObject = getObj( divID );
78 -
79 - if( divObject != null )
80 - {
81 - = "hidden";
82 - }
83 - return divObject;
84 -}
85 -
86 -function zObj_updateContent( win_width, win_height, VMLDiv_left, VMLDiv_top, VMLDiv_width, VMLDiv_height )
87 -{
88 - this.mainWinWidth = win_width;
89 - this.mainWinHeight = win_height;
90 -
91 - this.mainImgRatio = VMLDiv_height / VMLDiv_width;
92 - this.doOnBodyResize();
93 -}
94 -
95 -function zObj_doOnBodyResize()
96 -{
97 - return;
98 -}
99 -
100 -function zObj_clipZoomRect( objectToClip )
101 -{
102 - if( objectToClip == null )
103 - {
104 - objectToClip = zoomRectObj;
105 - }
106 -
107 - var clipTop = ( < (g_thumbTop) ) ? (g_thumbTop - : 0;
108 - var clipLeft = ( < (g_thumbLeft) ) ? (g_thumbLeft - : 0;
109 - var clipBottom = ( ( - clipTop) > (g_thumbTop + g_thumbHeight + 2 * BUFFER) ) ? (g_thumbHeight + clipTop + BUFFER) :;
110 - var clipRight = 0;
111 - if( (this.zoomWinWidth - clipLeft) > (g_thumbLeft + g_thumbWidth) )
112 - {
113 - if( clipLeft == 0 )
114 - {
115 - clipRight = g_thumbWidth - + 2 * BUFFER;
116 - }
117 - else
118 - {
119 - clipRight = (g_thumbWidth + clipLeft + BUFFER);
120 - }
121 - }
122 - else
123 - {
124 - clipRight =;
125 - }
126 - clipTo( objectToClip, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom, clipLeft);
127 -}
128 -
129 -function findContent()
130 -{
131 - = "none";
132 - = "none";
133 -
134 - if (parent.parent.frmDrawing && parent.parent.viewMgr)
135 - {
136 - var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
137 -
138 - var getPNZ = parent.parent.viewMgr.getPNZ;
139 - if (getPNZ)
140 - {
141 - var tmp = parent.parent.frmDrawing;
142 -
143 - divThumb = document.getElementById("divThumbnail");
144 -
145 - if (divThumb.innerHTML.length == 0)
146 - {
147 - divThumb.innerHTML = getPNZ();
148 - }
149 - else
150 - {
151 - var pnzInfo = getPNZ();
152 - var idIndex = pnzInfo.indexOf("ConvertedImage");
153 - if (idIndex >= 0)
154 - {
155 - var test = pnzInfo;
156 - pnzInfo = test.substring (0, idIndex);
157 - pnzInfo += "Temp";
158 - pnzInfo += test.substring (idIndex, test.length);
159 -
160 - divTempThumbnail.innerHTML = pnzInfo;
161 -
162 - var vmlGroup = divThumbnail.childNodes(0);
163 - var vmlTempGroup = divTempThumbnail.childNodes(0);
164 - CopyVMLAttrs(vmlGroup, vmlTempGroup);
165 -
166 - var vmlShape = vmlGroup.childNodes(1);
167 - var vmlTempShape = vmlTempGroup.childNodes(1);
168 - CopyVMLAttrs(vmlShape, vmlTempShape);
169 -
170 - CopyVMLAttrs(vmlGroup.childNodes(0), vmlTempGroup.childNodes(0));
171 -
172 - var vmlImageData = vmlShape.childNodes(0);
173 - var vmlTempImageData = vmlTempShape.childNodes(0);
174 - CopyVMLImageData(vmlImageData, vmlTempImageData);
175 - }
176 - }
177 -
178 - zoomRectObj = document.getElementById("zoomRectDiv");
179 - showObject( zoomRectObj );
180 -
181 - PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
182 - if (PNZimg)
183 - {
184 - = 0;
185 - = 0;
186 -
187 - if ( >
188 - {
189 - var oldWidth =;
190 - = document.body.clientWidth;
191 - = (document.body.clientWidth / oldWidth) *;
192 -
193 - = (document.body.clientHeight - parseInt( / 2;
194 - = 0;
195 - }
196 - else
197 - {
198 - var oldHeight =;
199 - = document.body.clientHeight;
200 - = (document.body.clientHeight / oldHeight) *;
201 -
202 - = (document.body.clientWidth - parseInt( / 2;
203 - = 0;
204 - }
205 -
206 - = "visible";
207 -
208 - var strOutput = divThumb.innerHTML;
209 - if (strOutput.length > 0)
210 - {
211 - var tmp2 = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
212 - zoomObj.updateContent( tmp.document.body.clientWidth, tmp.document.body.clientHeight, parseInt(, parseInt(, parseInt(tmp2.clientWidth), parseInt(tmp2.clientHeight) );
213 -
214 - viewMgr.viewChanged = PageViewChanged;
215 - }
216 - }
217 - }
218 - }
219 -}
220 -
221 -function CopyVMLAttrs(vmlObjDst, vmlObjSrc)
222 -{
223 - if (vmlObjDst != null && vmlObjSrc != null)
224 - {
225 - =;
226 - }
227 -}
228 -
229 -function CopyVMLImageData(vmlImageDataDst, vmlImageDataSrc)
230 -{
231 - if (vmlImageDataDst != null && vmlImageDataSrc != null)
232 - {
233 - vmlImageDataDst.src = vmlImageDataSrc.src;
234 - }
235 -}
236 -
237 -function setZoomRectCursor(event)
238 -{
239 - var event = getEvent(event);
240 -
241 - var x = getMouseXcoord(event) - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft;
242 - var y = getMouseYcoord(event) - zoomObj.zoomWinTop;
243 -
244 - var rbw = 5;
245 -
246 - var newCursor = "";
247 - if( y > (zoomObj.zoomWinHeight - rbw) )
248 - newCursor = "s"
249 - else if( y < rbw )
250 - newCursor = "n";
251 -
252 - if( x < rbw )
253 - newCursor += "w";
254 - else if( x > (zoomObj.zoomWinWidth - rbw) )
255 - newCursor += "e";
256 -
257 - if( newCursor != "" )
258 - = newCursor + "-resize";
259 - else
260 - = "move";
261 -}
262 -
263 -function startZoomRectDrag(event)
264 -{
265 - var currentCursor =;
266 -
267 - if( currentCursor.indexOf( '-' ) != -1 )
268 - {
269 - g_resizeDirection = currentCursor.split( '-' )[0];
270 - startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doResizeZoomRectDrag, stopResizeZoomRectDrag );
271 - }
272 - else
273 - {
274 - startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doZoomRectDrag, stopZoomRectDrag );
275 - }
276 -}
277 -
278 -function doZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
279 -{
280 - var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
281 -
282 - var rectLeft = parseInt(;
283 - var rectTop = parseInt(;
284 - var rectWidth = parseInt(;
285 - var rectHeight = parseInt(;
286 -
287 - var xOffset = 0;
288 - var yOffset = 0;
289 -
290 - var xPercent = 0;
291 - var yPercent = 0;
292 -
293 - var pnzImgLeft = parseInt(;
294 - var pnzImgTop = parseInt(;
295 - var pnzImgWidth = parseInt(;
296 - var pnzImgHeight = parseInt(;
297 -
298 - xOffset = x + dragObj.xOffset - pnzImgLeft;
299 - xPercent = xOffset / pnzImgWidth;
300 -
301 - yOffset = y + dragObj.yOffset - pnzImgTop;
302 - yPercent = yOffset / pnzImgHeight;
303 -
304 - if (xOffset < 0)
305 - {
306 - xPercent = 0;
307 - xOffset = pnzImgLeft - BUFFER;
308 - }
309 - else if (xOffset + rectWidth > pnzImgWidth)
310 - {
311 - xPercent = 1;
312 - xOffset = pnzImgLeft + pnzImgWidth - rectWidth + BUFFER;
313 - }
314 - else
315 - {
316 - xOffset = x + dragObj.xOffset;
317 - }
318 -
319 - if (yOffset < 0)
320 - {
321 - yPercent = 0;
322 - yOffset = pnzImgTop - BUFFER;
323 - }
324 - else if (yOffset + rectHeight > pnzImgHeight)
325 - {
326 - yPercent = 1;
327 - yOffset = pnzImgTop + pnzImgHeight - rectHeight + BUFFER;
328 - }
329 - else
330 - {
331 - yOffset = y + dragObj.yOffset;
332 - }
333 -
334 - if (parent.parent.viewMgr.setView)
335 - {
336 - var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
337 - viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
338 - viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
339 - viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
340 - }
341 -
342 - setZWinSize (null, null, xOffset, yOffset);
343 -}
344 -
345 -function stopZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
346 -{
347 - var event = dragObj.event;
348 - var el = getSrcElem(event);
349 -
350 - g_newLeft = parseInt(;
351 - g_newTop = parseInt(;
352 -}
353 -
354 -function setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop )
355 -{
356 - if( newWidth != null && newWidth >= 0 )
357 - {
358 - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = newWidth;
359 - = newWidth;
360 - }
361 -
362 - if( newHeight != null && newHeight >= 0 )
363 - {
364 - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = newHeight;
365 - = newHeight;
366 - }
367 -
368 - if( newLeft != null && newLeft >= 0 )
369 - {
370 - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = newLeft;
371 - = newLeft;
372 - }
373 -
374 - if( newTop != null && newTop >= 0 )
375 - {
376 - zoomObj.zoomWinTop = newTop;
377 - newTop;
378 - }
379 -}
380 -
381 -function doResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
382 -{
383 - var newWidth = null;
384 - var newHeight = null;
385 - var newLeft = null;
386 - var newTop = null;
387 -
388 - var tmp = parent.parent.frmDrawing;
389 - if (tmp)
390 - {
391 - zoomObj.mainWinWidth = tmp.document.body.clientWidth;
392 - zoomObj.mainWinHeight = tmp.document.body.clientHeight;
393 - }
394 -
395 - var widthHeightRatio = zoomObj.mainWinWidth / zoomObj.mainWinHeight;
396 -
397 - var minimumSize = 10;
398 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'e' )
399 - {
400 - newWidth = Math.max( minimumSize, x - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft);
401 - newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
402 - newTop = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - (newWidth - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth)/4;
403 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
404 - return;
405 - }
406 -
407 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'w' )
408 - {
409 - newWidth = zoomObj.zoomWinWidth + zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - x;
410 - if( newWidth > minimumSize )
411 - {
412 - newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
413 - newTop = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - (newWidth - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth)/4;
414 - newLeft = x;
415 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
416 - }
417 - return;
418 - }
419 -
420 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'se' )
421 - {
422 - newWidth = Math.max( minimumSize, x - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft);
423 - newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
424 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
425 - return;
426 - }
427 -
428 - if( g_resizeDirection == 's' )
429 - {
430 - newHeight = Math.max( minimumSize, y - zoomObj.zoomWinTop);
431 - newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
432 - newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - (newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight)/2;
433 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
434 - return;
435 - }
436 -
437 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'sw' )
438 - {
439 - newHeight = Math.max( minimumSize, y - zoomObj.zoomWinTop);
440 - newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
441 - newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - ((newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight) * zoomObj.zoomWinWidth / zoomObj.zoomWinHeight);
442 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
443 - return;
444 - }
445 -
446 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'n' )
447 - {
448 - newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
449 - if( newHeight > minimumSize )
450 - {
451 - newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
452 - newTop = y;
453 - newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - (newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight)/2;
454 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
455 - }
456 - return;
457 - }
458 -
459 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'ne' )
460 - {
461 - newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
462 - if( newHeight > minimumSize )
463 - {
464 - newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
465 - newTop = y;
466 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
467 - }
468 - return;
469 - }
470 -
471 - if( g_resizeDirection == 'nw' )
472 - {
473 - newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
474 - if( newHeight > minimumSize )
475 - {
476 - newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
477 - newTop = y;
478 - newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - ((newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight) * zoomObj.zoomWinWidth / zoomObj.zoomWinHeight);
479 - setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
480 - }
481 - return;
482 - }
483 -}
484 -
485 -function stopResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
486 -{
487 - PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
488 -
489 - var xWidthPercent = parseInt( /;
490 - var yHeightPercent = parseInt( /;
491 -
492 - var newZoomLevel = GetZoomLevel (xWidthPercent, yHeightPercent);
493 -
494 - if (parent.parent.viewMgr.Zoom)
495 - {
496 - var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
497 - viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing = PostZoomProcessing;
498 - viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
499 - viewMgr.Zoom (newZoomLevel);
500 - }
501 -
502 - g_width = parseInt(;
503 - g_height = parseInt(;
504 - g_newLeft = parseInt(;
505 - g_newTop = parseInt(;
506 -}
507 -
508 -function GetZoomLevel (xWidthPercent, yHeightPercent)
509 -{
510 - var newZoomLevel;
511 - if (xWidthPercent < yHeightPercent)
512 - {
513 - newZoomLevel = 100 / xWidthPercent;
514 - }
515 - else
516 - {
517 - newZoomLevel = 100 / yHeightPercent;
518 - }
519 -
520 - return newZoomLevel;
521 -}
522 -
523 -function PostZoomProcessing (newZoomLevel)
524 -{
525 - var xOffset = parseInt( - parseInt(;
526 - var yOffset = parseInt( - parseInt(;
527 -
528 - var xPercent = xOffset /;
529 - var yPercent = yOffset /;
530 -
531 - var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
532 - viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
533 -
534 - if (viewMgr.setView)
535 - {
536 - viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
537 - viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
538 - }
539 -
540 - SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel);
541 -
542 - viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing = null;
543 -}
544 -
545 -function SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel)
546 -{
547 - var zoomLevels = parent.zoomLevels;
548 - if (newZoomLevel <= zoomLevels[0])
549 - {
550 - parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[0]);
551 - }
552 - else if (newZoomLevel >= zoomLevels[zoomLevels.length - 1])
553 - {
554 - parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[zoomLevels.length - 1]);
555 - }
556 - else
557 - {
558 - for (var count = 0; count < zoomLevels.length - 1; count++)
559 - {
560 - var deltaDown = newZoomLevel - zoomLevels[count];
561 - var deltaUp = newZoomLevel - zoomLevels[count + 1];
562 - if (deltaDown >= 0 && deltaUp <= 0)
563 - {
564 - if (Math.abs(deltaDown) < Math.abs(deltaUp))
565 - {
566 - parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[count]);
567 - break;
568 - }
569 - else
570 - {
571 - parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[count + 1]);
572 - break;
573 - }
574 - }
575 - }
576 - }
577 -}
578 -
579 -function PostSetViewProcessing ()
580 -{
581 - parent.parent.viewMgr.ChangingView = false;
582 - parent.parent.viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = null;
583 -}
584 -
585 -function startNewZoomRectDrag(event)
586 -{
587 - var event = getEvent(event);
588 -
589 - var x = getMouseXcoord(event);
590 - var y = getMouseYcoord(event);
591 - zoomObj.newZWinStartX = x;
592 - zoomObj.newZWinStartY = y;
593 -
594 - g_newZWinObjRef = document.getElementById("newZoomWindowDiv");
595 - = "";
596 -
597 - startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doNewZoomRectDrag, stopNewZoomRectDrag );
598 -}
599 -
600 -function doNewZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
601 -{
602 - var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
603 -
604 - var width = Math.abs( zoomObj.newZWinStartX - x );
605 - var height = Math.abs( zoomObj.newZWinStartY - y );
606 -
607 - var aspectRatio = parent.parent.viewMgr.docDrawing.body.clientWidth / parent.parent.viewMgr.docDrawing.body.clientHeight;
608 -
609 - if( width < (aspectRatio * height))
610 - {
611 - width = (aspectRatio) * height;
612 - }
613 - else
614 - {
615 - height = width / (aspectRatio);
616 - }
617 -
618 - width = Math.min (width, parseInt(;
619 - height = Math.min (height, parseInt(;
620 -
621 - var left = (x > zoomObj.newZWinStartX) ? zoomObj.newZWinStartX : zoomObj.newZWinStartX - width;
622 - var top = (y > zoomObj.newZWinStartY) ? zoomObj.newZWinStartY : zoomObj.newZWinStartY - height;
623 -
624 - = top;
625 - = left;
626 - = height;
627 - = width;
628 - = "visible";
629 -
630 - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = left;
631 - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = width;
632 - zoomObj.zoomWinTop = top;
633 - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = height;
634 -}
635 -
636 -function stopNewZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
637 -{
638 - = "hidden";
639 -
640 - if (parseInt ( > 10 &&
641 - parseInt ( > 10)
642 - {
643 - =;
644 - =;
645 - =;
646 - =;
647 -
648 - stopResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj,x,y);
649 - = "inline";
650 - = "visible";
651 - }
652 - else
653 - {
654 - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = parseInt(;
655 - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = parseInt(;
656 - zoomObj.zoomWinTop = parseInt(;
657 - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = parseInt(;
658 - }
659 -
660 - = "0px";
661 - = "0px";
662 -
663 - = "none";
664 -}
665 -
666 -var g_lastX = 0;
667 -var g_lastY = 0;
668 -
669 -function mouseDown(event)
670 -{
671 - return true;
672 -}
673 -
674 -function mouseMove(event)
675 -{
676 - var event = getEvent(event);
677 - var x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
678 - var y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
679 -
680 - g_lastX = x;
681 - g_lastY = y;
682 -
683 - doDrag( x, y );
684 - return true;
685 -}
686 -
687 -function mouseUp(event)
688 -{
689 - var event = getEvent(event);
690 - var x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
691 - var y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
692 -
693 - stopDrag(null,x,y);
694 - return true;
695 -}
696 -
697 -function mouseOut(event)
698 -{
699 - var event = getEvent(event);
700 - var x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
701 - var y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
702 -
703 - if( x < 0 ) x = -1;
704 - if( x >= document.body.clientWidth ) x = -1;
705 -
706 - if( y < 0 ) y = -1;
707 - if( y >= document.body.clientHeight ) y = -1;
708 -
709 - if( x == -1 || y == -1 )
710 - {
711 - x = -1;
712 - y = -1;
713 - }
714 -
715 -
716 - if( x == -1 )
717 - stopDrag( null, x, y );
718 - return true;
719 -}
720 -
721 -function getMouseXcoord(event)
722 -{
723 - var event = getEvent(event);
724 - return event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
725 -}
726 -
727 -function getMouseYcoord(event)
728 -{
729 - var event = getEvent(event);
730 - return event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
731 -}
732 -
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735 -var g_newLeft = -1;
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737 -
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740 -var g_pnzImgLeft = -1;
741 -var g_pnzImgTop = -1;
742 -
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744 -{
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747 - var el = getSrcElem(event);
748 -
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750 - {
751 - if(g_width == -1)
752 - g_width = parseInt(;
753 -
754 - if(g_height == -1)
755 - g_height = parseInt(;
756 -
757 - if(g_newLeft == -1)
758 - g_newLeft = parseInt(;
759 -
760 - if(g_newTop == -1)
761 - g_newTop = parseInt(;
762 -
763 - if(g_pnzImgWidth == -1)
764 - g_pnzImgWidth = parseInt(;
765 -
766 - if(g_pnzImgHeight == -1)
767 - g_pnzImgHeight = parseInt(;
768 -
769 - if(g_pnzImgLeft == -1)
770 - g_pnzImgLeft = parseInt(;
771 -
772 - if(g_pnzImgTop == -1)
773 - g_pnzImgTop = parseInt(;
774 -
775 -
776 - if(key == 37)
777 - {
778 - g_newLeft -= 1;
779 - if(g_newLeft < g_pnzImgLeft)
780 - {
781 - g_newLeft = g_pnzImgLeft;
782 - }
783 - }
784 - else if(key == 38)
785 - {
786 - g_newTop -= 1;
787 - if(g_newTop < g_pnzImgTop)
788 - {
789 - g_newTop = g_pnzImgTop;
790 - }
791 - }
792 - else if(key == 39)
793 - {
794 - g_newLeft += 1;
795 - if(g_newLeft + g_width > g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth)
796 - {
797 - g_newLeft = g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth - g_width;
798 - }
799 - }
800 -
801 - else if(key == 40)
802 - {
803 - g_newTop += 1;
804 - if(g_newTop + g_height > g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight)
805 - {
806 - g_newTop = g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight - g_height;
807 - }
808 - }
809 -
810 - setZoomRectCursor();
811 -
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813 - var yOffset = g_newTop - g_pnzImgTop;
814 -
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816 - var yPercent = yPercent = yOffset / g_pnzImgHeight;
817 -
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819 - {
820 - xPercent = 0;
821 - xOffset = g_pnzImgLeft;
822 - }
823 - else if (xOffset + g_width > g_pnzImgWidth)
824 - {
825 - xPercent = 1;
826 - xOffset = g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth - g_width;
827 - }
828 -
829 - if (yOffset < 0)
830 - {
831 - yPercent = 0;
832 - yOffset = g_pnzImgTop;
833 - }
834 - else if (yOffset + g_height > g_pnzImgHeight)
835 - {
836 - yPercent = 1;
837 - yOffset = g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight - g_height;
838 - }
839 -
840 - if (parent.parent.viewMgr.setView)
841 - {
842 - var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
843 - viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
844 - viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
845 - viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
846 - }
847 - setZWinSize (null, null, g_newLeft, g_newTop);
848 - }
849 -}
850 -
851 -function keyup(event)
852 -{
853 - var event = getEvent(event);
854 - var key = event.keyCode;
855 - if(key == 37 || key == 38 || key == 39 || key == 40)
856 - {
857 - el = getSrcElem(event);
858 - }
859 -}
860 -
861 -function dragObject( event, divID, divObject, xOffset, yOffset, dragFunctionPointer, dragStopFunctionPointer )
862 -{
863 - this.event = event;
864 - this.divID = divID;
865 - this.divObject = divObject;
866 - this.xOffset = xOffset;
867 - this.yOffset = yOffset;
868 - this.dragFPtr = dragFunctionPointer;
869 - this.dragStopFPtr = dragStopFunctionPointer;
870 -}
871 -
872 -var dragList = new Array();
873 -
874 -
875 -function startDrag( event, divID, dragFunctionPtr, dragStopFunctionPointer, xOffset, yOffset )
876 -{
877 - var divObject = document.getElementById(divID);
878 - if( divObject != null )
879 - {
880 - document.selection.empty();
881 -
882 - if( xOffset == null )
883 - {
884 - xOffset = parseInt( - g_lastX;
885 - }
886 -
887 - if( yOffset == null )
888 - {
889 - yOffset = parseInt( - g_lastY;
890 - }
891 -
892 - dragList[ dragList.length ] = new dragObject( event, divID, divObject, xOffset, yOffset, dragFunctionPtr, dragStopFunctionPointer );
893 - return true;
894 - }
895 - else
896 - {
897 - return false;
898 - }
899 -}
900 -
901 -function doDrag( x, y )
902 -{
903 - for( var i=0; i < dragList.length; i++ )
904 - {
905 - if( dragList[i].dragFPtr != null )
906 - dragList[i].dragFPtr( dragList[i], x, y );
907 - }
908 - if( dragList.length )
909 - {
910 - document.selection.empty();
911 - }
912 -}
913 -
914 -function stopDrag( divID, x, y )
915 -{
916 - var tmpDragObject;
917 - for( var i=0; i < dragList.length; i++ )
918 - {
919 - if( dragList[i].divID == divID || divID == null )
920 - {
921 - tmpDragObject = dragList[i];
922 -
923 - dragList[i] = dragList[ dragList.length - 1 ];
924 - dragList.length = dragList.length - 1;
925 -
926 - if( tmpDragObject.dragStopFPtr != null )
927 - {
928 - tmpDragObject.dragStopFPtr( tmpDragObject, x, y );
929 - }
930 -
931 - }
932 - }
933 -}
934 -
935 -function PageViewChanged(newLeftPercent, newTopPercent, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent)
936 -{
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938 - {
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940 - var newTop = null;
941 - var newWidth = null;
942 - var newHeight = null;
943 -
944 - var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
945 -
946 - if (newLeftPercent != null)
947 - {
948 - newLeft = (newLeftPercent * + parseInt(;
949 - }
950 -
951 - if (newTopPercent != null)
952 - {
953 - newTop = (newTopPercent * + parseInt(;
954 - }
955 -
956 - if (newWidthPercent != null)
957 - {
958 - newWidth = newWidthPercent *;
959 - }
960 -
961 - if (newHeightPercent != null)
962 - {
963 - newHeight = newHeightPercent *;
964 - }
965 -
966 - setZWinSize (newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop);
967 -
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969 - {
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973 - else
974 - {
975 - = "inline";
976 - = "visible";
977 - }
978 -
979 - if (newWidthPercent != null && newHeightPercent != null)
980 - {
981 - var newZoomLevel = GetZoomLevel (newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
982 - SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel);
983 - }
984 - }
985 -}
986 -
987 -function load()
988 -{
989 - parent.parent.g_ZoomLoaded = true;
990 -
991 - if (parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets)
992 - {
993 - parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets = false;
994 - parent.parent.location.reload();
995 - }
996 -}
997 -
998 -function unload()
999 -{
1000 - if (parent.parent.viewMgr)
1001 - {
1002 - parent.parent.viewMgr.viewChanged = null;
1003 - }
1004 -
1005 - parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets = true;
1006 -}
1007 -
1008 -
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1015 -<div id="divTempThumbnail" style="position: absolute; visibility:hidden; display:none;" ></div>
1016 -
1017 -<div id="zoomRectDiv" tabindex="1" title="Synlig område. Bruk musen eller piltastene for å flytte." onkeydown="keydown(event)" onkeyup="keyup(event)" style="display:none;position: absolute; border: solid red thin; z-index: 3;" onmousedown="startZoomRectDrag(event)" onmouseover="setZoomRectCursor(event)" onmousemove="setZoomRectCursor(event)"></div>
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1019 -
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1022 -
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223 <o:File HRef="find.js"/> 223 <o:File HRef="find.js"/>
224 <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/> 224 <o:File HRef="widgets.htm"/>
225 <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/> 225 <o:File HRef="toolbar.htm"/>
226 - <o:MainFile HRef="../ILAP%202.5%20Ontology%20Model%20-%2020150505.htm"/> 226 + <o:MainFile HRef="../ILAP%202.5%20Ontology%20Model%20-%2020150506.htm"/>
227 <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/> 227 <o:File HRef="filelist.xml"/>
228 </xml> 228 </xml>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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174 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Specified User Field 1 for Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for..." origTitle="Specified User Field 1 for Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for..." TITLE="Specified User Field 1 for Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for..." HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="446,453,438,448,428,443,418,440,408,439,397,439,387,440,376,443,367,448,358,453,353,453,353,458,347,465,341,473,337,482,335,491,334,501,335,511,338,520,342,529,347,538,354,545,362,552,371,557,381,561,392,563,402,564,413,563,423,561,433,557,442,552,450,545,457,538,463,529,467,520,470,511,470,501,470,493,468,484,465,477,461,469,456,462,456,453,446,453" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,110,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,110,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(118,110,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,110,event);">
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178 159
179 160
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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136 136
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140 140
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168 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for..." origTitle="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for..." TITLE="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for..." HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="369,451,379,447,387,443,394,438,400,432,404,426,407,419,408,413,407,406,405,400,401,394,396,389,389,384,382,379,373,376,364,372,364,365,297,365,297,371,286,374,277,378,269,383,261,388,256,394,252,400,249,406,248,413,249,419,252,426,256,432,262,438,269,443,277,447,287,451,287,458,369,458,369,451" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,77,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,77,event);"> 168 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Free Field for WBS Part 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 1" TITLE="Free Field for WBS Part 1" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="398,167,390,163,383,161,374,160,366,160,358,161,350,163,343,167,336,167,336,171,331,177,327,183,324,190,324,196,324,203,327,210,331,217,337,222,344,227,352,230,361,232,370,233,379,232,388,230,396,227,403,222,409,217,413,210,416,203,417,196,416,191,414,185,412,180,408,176,408,167,398,167" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,149,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,149,event);">
169 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for project P" origTitle="Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for project P" TITLE="Operation 1 in Plan version 2 for project P" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="2,326,3,333,6,340,10,347,15,353,22,358,30,363,40,366,49,369,60,371,71,371,81,371,92,369,102,366,111,363,119,358,126,353,131,347,135,340,138,333,139,326,138,319,135,313,131,306,126,300,119,295,111,290,102,286,92,284,81,282,71,282,60,282,49,284,40,286,30,290,22,295,15,300,10,306,6,313,3,319,2,326" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,76,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,76,event);"> 169 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" TITLE="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="56,440,57,449,60,458,64,467,70,474,77,481,86,487,96,493,107,496,118,499,130,500,142,500,154,499,165,496,176,493,186,487,195,481,202,474,208,467,212,458,215,449,216,440,215,431,212,423,208,414,202,407,195,400,186,393,176,388,165,384,154,382,142,380,130,380,118,382,107,384,96,388,86,393,77,400,70,407,64,414,60,423,57,431,56,440" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,77,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,77,event);">
170 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="userfield: has WBS part 5" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 5" TITLE="userfield: has WBS part 5" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="526,542,541,542,541,506,536,506,536,503,508,503,499,503,442,503,442,506,433,506,433,542,448,542,448,542,517,542,526,542,526,542" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,75,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,75,event);"> 170 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" TITLE="Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="68,237,69,244,71,251,75,257,81,263,88,268,96,273,105,277,115,279,125,281,136,282,147,281,157,279,167,277,176,273,184,268,191,263,197,257,201,251,203,244,204,237,203,230,201,223,197,216,191,210,184,205,176,200,167,197,157,194,147,192,136,192,125,192,115,194,105,197,96,200,88,205,81,210,75,216,71,223,69,230,68,237" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,76,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,76,event);">
171 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="userfield: has WBS part 4" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 4" TITLE="userfield: has WBS part 4" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="526,496,541,496,541,460,536,460,536,458,508,458,499,458,442,458,442,460,433,460,433,496,448,496,448,497,517,497,526,497,526,496" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,74,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,74,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,74,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,74,event);"> 171 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="userfield: has WBS part 5" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 5" TITLE="userfield: has WBS part 5" HREF="" target="_top" COORDS="452,596,467,596,467,560,463,560,463,557,434,557,426,557,368,557,368,560,359,560,359,596,374,596,374,596,444,596,452,596,452,596" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(137,75,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,75,event);">
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179 179
...@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ div.banner { ...@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ div.banner {
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175 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="WBS" origTitle="WBS" TITLE="WBS" HREF="png_38.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="918,433,924,432,929,429,933,425,935,420,936,415,936,390,935,385,933,380,929,376,924,373,918,373,846,373,840,373,835,376,831,380,829,385,828,390,828,415,829,420,831,425,835,429,840,432,846,433,918,433" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,58,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,58,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,58,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,58,event);"> 175 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="WBS" origTitle="WBS" TITLE="WBS" HREF="png_38.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="918,433,924,432,929,429,933,425,935,420,936,415,936,390,935,385,933,380,929,376,924,373,918,373,846,373,840,373,835,376,831,380,829,385,828,390,828,415,829,420,831,425,835,429,840,432,846,433,918,433" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,58,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,58,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,58,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,58,event);">
176 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Standardized User Field" origTitle="Standardized User Field" TITLE="Standardized User Field" HREF="png_39.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="291,611,297,611,302,608,306,604,308,599,309,594,309,569,308,564,306,559,302,555,297,552,291,551,219,551,214,552,209,555,205,559,202,564,201,569,201,594,202,599,205,604,209,608,214,611,219,611,291,611" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,107,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,107,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,107,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,107,event);"> 176 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Standardized User Field" origTitle="Standardized User Field" TITLE="Standardized User Field" HREF="png_44.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="931,522,936,521,941,519,945,515,948,510,948,504,948,480,948,474,945,469,941,465,936,463,931,462,858,462,853,463,848,465,844,469,841,474,840,480,840,504,841,510,844,515,848,519,853,521,858,522,931,522" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,107,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,107,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,107,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,107,event);">
177 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Risk" origTitle="Risk" TITLE="Risk" HREF="png_33.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="292,433,298,432,303,429,307,425,309,420,310,415,310,390,309,385,307,380,303,376,298,373,292,373,220,373,214,373,209,376,205,380,203,385,202,390,202,415,203,420,205,425,209,429,214,432,220,433,292,433" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,43,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,43,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,43,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,43,event);"> 177 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Risk" origTitle="Risk" TITLE="Risk" HREF="png_33.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="292,433,298,432,303,429,307,425,309,420,310,415,310,390,309,385,307,380,303,376,298,373,292,373,220,373,214,373,209,376,205,380,203,385,202,390,202,415,203,420,205,425,209,429,214,432,220,433,292,433" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,43,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,43,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,43,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,43,event);">
178 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Shutdown" origTitle="Shutdown" TITLE="Shutdown" HREF="png_29.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="542,343,548,342,553,340,557,336,559,331,560,325,560,301,559,296,557,291,553,287,548,284,542,283,470,283,465,284,460,287,456,291,453,296,452,301,452,325,453,331,456,336,460,340,465,342,470,343,542,343" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,37,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,37,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,37,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,37,event);"> 178 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Shutdown" origTitle="Shutdown" TITLE="Shutdown" HREF="png_29.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="542,343,548,342,553,340,557,336,559,331,560,325,560,301,559,296,557,291,553,287,548,284,542,283,470,283,465,284,460,287,456,291,453,296,452,301,452,325,453,331,456,336,460,340,465,342,470,343,542,343" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,37,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,37,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,37,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,37,event);">
179 - <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Planned and Scheduled Activities" origTitle="Planned and Scheduled Activities" TITLE="Planned and Scheduled Activities" HREF="png_47.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="547,463,542,462,470,462,466,463,464,463,464,463,459,466,456,470,453,475,452,480,452,504,453,510,456,515,460,519,465,521,470,522,542,522,548,521,553,519,557,515,559,510,560,504,560,480,559,474,557,469,553,466,553,463,547,463" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,97,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,97,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,97,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,97,event);"> 179 + <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Planned and Scheduled Activities" origTitle="Planned and Scheduled Activities" TITLE="Planned and Scheduled Activities" HREF="png_41.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="547,463,542,462,470,462,466,463,464,463,464,463,459,466,456,470,453,475,452,480,452,504,453,510,456,515,460,519,465,521,470,522,542,522,548,521,553,519,557,515,559,510,560,504,560,480,559,474,557,469,553,466,553,463,547,463" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,97,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,97,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,97,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,97,event);">
180 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Go back" origTitle="Go back" TITLE="Go back" HREF="png_1.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="995,704,1000,704,1005,701,1009,697,1012,692,1013,687,1013,683,1012,677,1009,672,1005,669,1000,666,995,665,934,665,929,666,924,669,920,672,917,677,916,683,916,687,917,692,920,697,924,701,929,704,934,704,995,704" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,118,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,118,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,118,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,118,event);"> 180 <AREA shape="POLYGON" tabindex="1" ALT="Go back" origTitle="Go back" TITLE="Go back" HREF="png_1.htm" target="frmDrawing" COORDS="995,704,1000,704,1005,701,1009,697,1012,692,1013,687,1013,683,1012,677,1009,672,1005,669,1000,666,995,665,934,665,929,666,924,669,920,672,917,677,916,683,916,687,917,692,920,697,924,701,929,704,934,704,995,704" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,118,event)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,118,event)" onclick="return OnShapeClick(127,118,event);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,118,event);">
181 </MAP> 181 </MAP>
182 182
...@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ body ...@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ body
72 <li><a href="png_36.htm" target="frmDrawing">Status</a></li> 72 <li><a href="png_36.htm" target="frmDrawing">Status</a></li>
73 <li><a href="png_37.htm" target="frmDrawing">Contract</a></li> 73 <li><a href="png_37.htm" target="frmDrawing">Contract</a></li>
74 <li><a href="png_38.htm" target="frmDrawing">WBS</a></li> 74 <li><a href="png_38.htm" target="frmDrawing">WBS</a></li>
75 - <li><a href="png_39.htm" target="frmDrawing">StandardizedUserField</a></li> 75 + <li><a href="png_39.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; Activity</a></li>
76 - <li><a href="png_40.htm" target="frmDrawing">SpecifiedUserField</a></li> 76 + <li><a href="png_40.htm" target="frmDrawing">Activity Network</a></li>
77 - <li><a href="png_41.htm" target="frmDrawing">FreeField</a></li> 77 + <li><a href="png_41.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; Schedule</a></li>
78 - <li><a href="png_42.htm" target="frmDrawing">FreeFieldHierarchy</a></li> 78 + <li><a href="png_42.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; WO</a></li>
79 - <li><a href="png_43.htm" target="frmDrawing">CompletelyFreeField</a></li> 79 + <li><a href="png_43.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan Classifiers</a></li>
80 - <li><a href="png_44.htm" target="frmDrawing">UserFieldExample</a></li> 80 + <li><a href="png_44.htm" target="frmDrawing">StandardizedUserField</a></li>
81 - <li><a href="png_45.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; Activity</a></li> 81 + <li><a href="png_45.htm" target="frmDrawing">SpecifiedUserField</a></li>
82 - <li><a href="png_46.htm" target="frmDrawing">Activity Network</a></li> 82 + <li><a href="png_46.htm" target="frmDrawing">FreeField</a></li>
83 - <li><a href="png_47.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; Schedule</a></li> 83 + <li><a href="png_47.htm" target="frmDrawing">FreeFieldHierarchy</a></li>
84 - <li><a href="png_48.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan &#38; WO</a></li> 84 + <li><a href="png_48.htm" target="frmDrawing">CompletelyFreeField</a></li>
85 - <li><a href="png_49.htm" target="frmDrawing">Plan Classifiers</a></li> 85 + <li><a href="png_49.htm" target="frmDrawing">Work Order example</a></li>
86 <li><a href="png_50.htm" target="frmDrawing">WBS example</a></li> 86 <li><a href="png_50.htm" target="frmDrawing">WBS example</a></li>
87 87
88 </ul> 88 </ul>
...@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ ...@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
166 166
167 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Discipline" origTitle="Discipline" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -777,-447 l -777,-446 l -777,-444 l -777,-443 l -776,-441 l -776,-440 l -776,-438 l -775,-437 l -775,-435 l -774,-434 l -774,-432 l -773,-431 l -773,-429 l -772,-428 l -771,-426 l -770,-425 l -769,-423 l -768,-422 l -767,-421 l -766,-419 l -765,-418 l -764,-416 l -763,-415 l -761,-414 l -760,-412 l -758,-411 l -757,-409 l -755,-408 l -754,-407 l -752,-406 l -751,-404 l -749,-403 l -747,-402 l -745,-400 l -743,-399 l -741,-398 l -739,-397 l -737,-396 l -735,-394 l -733,-393 l -731,-392 l -729,-391 l -726,-390 l -724,-389 l -722,-388 l -719,-387 l -717,-386 l -714,-385 l -712,-384 l -709,-383 l -707,-382 l -704,-381 l -701,-380 l -699,-379 l -696,-378 l -693,-377 l -690,-376 l -688,-376 l -685,-375 l -682,-374 l -679,-373 l -676,-373 l -673,-372 l -670,-371 l -667,-371 l -664,-370 l -661,-369 l -657,-369 l -654,-368 l -651,-368 l -648,-367 l -645,-367 l -642,-366 l -638,-366 l -635,-366 l -632,-365 l -629,-365 l -625,-365 l -622,-364 l -619,-364 l -615,-364 l -612,-364 l -609,-364 l -605,-363 l -602,-363 l -599,-363 l -595,-363 l -592,-363 l -589,-363 l -585,-363 l -582,-363 l -578,-363 l -575,-363 l -572,-363 l -568,-364 l -565,-364 l -562,-364 l -558,-364 l -555,-364 l -552,-365 l -548,-365 l -545,-365 l -542,-366 l -539,-366 l -535,-366 l -532,-367 l -529,-367 l -526,-368 l -523,-368 l -520,-369 l -516,-369 l -513,-370 l -510,-371 l -507,-371 l -504,-372 l -501,-373 l -498,-373 l -495,-374 l -492,-375 l -490,-376 l -487,-376 l -484,-377 l -481,-378 l -478,-379 l -476,-380 l -473,-381 l -470,-382 l -468,-383 l -465,-384 l -463,-385 l -460,-386 l -458,-387 l -455,-388 l -453,-389 l -451,-390 l -448,-391 l -446,-392 l -444,-393 l -442,-394 l -440,-396 l -438,-397 l -436,-398 l -434,-399 l -432,-400 l -430,-402 l -428,-403 l -427,-404 l -425,-406 l -423,-407 l 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-737,-499 l -739,-498 l -741,-496 l -743,-495 l -745,-494 l -747,-493 l -749,-491 l -751,-490 l -752,-489 l -754,-487 l -755,-486 l -757,-485 l -758,-483 l -760,-482 l -761,-481 l -763,-479 l -764,-478 l -765,-477 l -766,-475 l -767,-474 l -768,-472 l -769,-471 l -770,-469 l -771,-468 l -772,-466 l -773,-465 l -773,-464 l -774,-462 l -774,-461 l -775,-459 l -775,-458 l -776,-456 l -776,-455 l -776,-453 l -777,-452 l -777,-450 l -777,-449 l -777,-447xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,110,65)" onclick="OnShapeClick(110,65)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,110,65);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(110,65)"/> 167 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Discipline" origTitle="Discipline" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -777,-447 l -777,-446 l -777,-444 l -777,-443 l -776,-441 l -776,-440 l -776,-438 l -775,-437 l -775,-435 l -774,-434 l -774,-432 l -773,-431 l -773,-429 l -772,-428 l -771,-426 l -770,-425 l -769,-423 l -768,-422 l -767,-421 l -766,-419 l -765,-418 l -764,-416 l -763,-415 l -761,-414 l -760,-412 l -758,-411 l -757,-409 l -755,-408 l -754,-407 l -752,-406 l -751,-404 l -749,-403 l -747,-402 l -745,-400 l -743,-399 l -741,-398 l -739,-397 l -737,-396 l -735,-394 l -733,-393 l -731,-392 l -729,-391 l -726,-390 l -724,-389 l -722,-388 l -719,-387 l -717,-386 l -714,-385 l -712,-384 l -709,-383 l -707,-382 l -704,-381 l -701,-380 l -699,-379 l -696,-378 l -693,-377 l -690,-376 l -688,-376 l -685,-375 l -682,-374 l -679,-373 l -676,-373 l -673,-372 l -670,-371 l -667,-371 l -664,-370 l -661,-369 l -657,-369 l -654,-368 l -651,-368 l -648,-367 l -645,-367 l -642,-366 l -638,-366 l -635,-366 l -632,-365 l -629,-365 l -625,-365 l -622,-364 l -619,-364 l -615,-364 l -612,-364 l -609,-364 l -605,-363 l -602,-363 l -599,-363 l -595,-363 l -592,-363 l -589,-363 l -585,-363 l -582,-363 l -578,-363 l -575,-363 l -572,-363 l -568,-364 l -565,-364 l -562,-364 l -558,-364 l -555,-364 l -552,-365 l -548,-365 l -545,-365 l -542,-366 l -539,-366 l -535,-366 l -532,-367 l -529,-367 l -526,-368 l -523,-368 l -520,-369 l -516,-369 l -513,-370 l -510,-371 l -507,-371 l -504,-372 l -501,-373 l -498,-373 l -495,-374 l -492,-375 l -490,-376 l -487,-376 l -484,-377 l -481,-378 l -478,-379 l -476,-380 l -473,-381 l -470,-382 l -468,-383 l -465,-384 l -463,-385 l -460,-386 l -458,-387 l -455,-388 l -453,-389 l -451,-390 l -448,-391 l -446,-392 l -444,-393 l -442,-394 l -440,-396 l -438,-397 l -436,-398 l -434,-399 l -432,-400 l -430,-402 l -428,-403 l -427,-404 l -425,-406 l -423,-407 l -422,-408 l -420,-409 l -419,-411 l -417,-412 l -416,-414 l -415,-415 l -413,-416 l -412,-418 l -411,-419 l -410,-421 l -409,-422 l -408,-423 l -407,-425 l -406,-426 l -405,-428 l -404,-429 l -404,-431 l -403,-432 l -403,-434 l -402,-435 l -402,-437 l -401,-438 l -401,-440 l -401,-441 l -400,-443 l -400,-444 l -400,-446 l -400,-447 l -400,-449 l -400,-450 l -400,-452 l -401,-453 l -401,-455 l -401,-456 l 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-595,-531 l -599,-531 l -602,-531 l -605,-531 l -609,-531 l -612,-531 l -615,-530 l -619,-530 l -622,-530 l -625,-530 l -629,-529 l -632,-529 l -635,-529 l -638,-528 l -642,-528 l -645,-527 l -648,-527 l -651,-526 l -654,-526 l -657,-525 l -661,-525 l -664,-524 l -667,-524 l -670,-523 l -673,-522 l -676,-522 l -679,-521 l -682,-520 l -685,-519 l -688,-519 l -690,-518 l -693,-517 l -696,-516 l -699,-515 l -701,-514 l -704,-514 l -707,-513 l -709,-512 l -712,-511 l -714,-510 l -717,-509 l -719,-508 l -722,-507 l -724,-506 l -726,-504 l -729,-503 l -731,-502 l -733,-501 l -735,-500 l -737,-499 l -739,-498 l -741,-496 l -743,-495 l -745,-494 l -747,-493 l -749,-491 l -751,-490 l -752,-489 l -754,-487 l -755,-486 l -757,-485 l -758,-483 l -760,-482 l -761,-481 l -763,-479 l -764,-478 l -765,-477 l -766,-475 l -767,-474 l -768,-472 l -769,-471 l -770,-469 l -771,-468 l -772,-466 l -773,-465 l -773,-464 l -774,-462 l -774,-461 l -775,-459 l -775,-458 l -776,-456 l -776,-455 l -776,-453 l -777,-452 l -777,-450 l -777,-449 l -777,-447xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,110,65)" onclick="OnShapeClick(110,65)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,110,65);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(110,65)"/>
168 168
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401,562 l 397,563 l 350,563 l 350,580 l 347,581 l 345,583 l 342,584 l 339,585 l 337,587 l 334,588 l 331,590 l 329,591 l 327,593 l 324,594 l 322,595 l 319,597 l 317,598 l 315,600 l 313,602 l 311,603 l 308,605 l 306,606 l 304,608 l 303,609 l 301,611 l 299,613 l 297,614 l 295,616 l 294,618 l 292,619 l 290,621 l 289,623 l 287,625 l 286,626 l 285,628 l 283,630 l 282,632 l 281,633 l 280,635 l 279,637 l 278,639 l 277,641 l 276,642 l 275,644 l 274,646 l 274,648 l 273,650 l 272,652 l 272,653 l 271,655 l 271,657 l 270,659 l 270,661 l 270,663 l 270,665 l 269,666 l 269,668 l 269,670 l 269,672 l 269,674 l 270,676 l 270,678 l 270,680 l 270,681 l 271,683 l 271,685 l 272,687 l 272,689 l 273,691 l 274,693 l 274,694 l 275,696 l 276,698 l 277,700 l 278,702 l 279,704 l 280,705 l 281,707 l 282,709 l 284,711 l 285,713 l 286,714 l 288,716 l 289,718 l 291,720 l 293,721 l 294,723 l 296,725 l 298,726 l 299,728 l 301,730 l 303,731 l 305,733 l 307,735 l 309,736 l 311,738 l 314,739 l 316,741 l 318,742 l 321,744 l 323,746 l 325,747 l 328,748 l 330,750 l 333,751 l 335,753 l 338,754 l 341,756 l 344,757 l 346,758 l 349,760 l 352,761 l 355,762 l 358,763 l 361,765 l 364,766 l 367,767 l 370,768 l 373,769 l 376,770 l 380,771 l 383,773 l 386,774 l 389,775 l 393,776 l 396,777 l 400,778 l 403,778 l 406,779 l 410,780 l 413,781 l 417,782 l 421,783 l 424,783 l 428,784 l 431,785 l 435,786 l 439,786 l 442,787 l 446,787 l 450,788 l 454,789 l 457,789 l 461,790 l 465,790 l 469,791 l 473,791 l 477,791 l 480,792 l 484,792 l 488,792 l 492,793 l 496,793 l 500,793 l 504,793 l 508,793 l 512,794 l 516,794 l 520,794 l 523,794 l 527,794 l 531,794 l 535,794 l 539,794 l 543,794 l 547,793 l 551,793 l 555,793 l 559,793 l 563,793 l 567,792 l 570,792 l 574,792 l 578,791 l 582,791 l 586,791 l 590,790 l 594,790 l 597,789 l 601,789 l 605,788 l 609,787 l 612,787 l 616,786 l 620,786 l 623,785 l 627,784 l 631,783 l 634,783 l 638,782 l 641,781 l 645,780 l 648,779 l 652,778 l 655,778 l 659,777 l 662,776 l 665,775 l 669,774 l 672,773 l 675,771 l 678,770 l 682,769 l 685,768 l 688,767 l 691,766 l 694,765 l 697,763 l 700,762 l 703,761 l 706,760 l 708,758 l 711,757 l 714,756 l 717,754 l 719,753 l 722,751 l 724,750 l 727,748 l 729,747 l 732,746 l 734,744 l 737,742 l 739,741 l 741,739 l 743,738 l 745,736 l 747,735 l 750,733 l 751,731 l 753,730 l 755,728 l 757,726 l 759,725 l 761,723 l 762,721 l 764,720 l 765,718 l 767,716 l 768,714 l 770,713 l 771,711 l 772,709 l 773,707 l 775,705 l 776,704 l 777,702 l 778,700 l 779,698 l 780,696 l 780,694 l 781,693 l 782,691 l 782,689 l 783,687 l 783,685 l 784,683 l 784,681 l 785,680 l 785,678 l 785,676 l 785,674 l 785,672 l 785,670 l 785,668 l 785,666 l 785,665 l 785,663 l 785,661 l 784,659 l 784,657 l 784,655 l 783,653 l 782,652 l 782,650 l 781,648 l 781,646 l 780,644 l 779,643 l 778,641 l 777,639 l 776,637 l 775,635 l 774,634 l 773,632 l 771,630 l 770,628 l 769,627 l 767,625 l 766,623 l 765,621 l 763,620 l 761,618 l 760,616 l 758,615 l 756,613 l 754,611 l 753,610 l 751,608 l 749,607 l 747,605 l 745,603 l 742,602 l 740,600 l 738,599 l 736,597 l 734,596 l 731,594 l 729,593 l 726,591 l 724,590 l 721,589 l 719,587 l 716,586 l 716,563 l 657,563xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,110,70)" onclick="OnShapeClick(110,70)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,110,70);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(110,70)"/> 169 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: Specified User Field for Activity 102 in Plan 3..." origTitle="userfield: Specified User Field for Activity 102 in Plan 3..." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 657,563 l 654,562 l 651,561 l 647,561 l 644,560 l 640,559 l 637,558 l 633,557 l 630,557 l 626,556 l 622,555 l 619,554 l 615,554 l 612,553 l 608,553 l 604,552 l 600,552 l 597,551 l 593,551 l 589,550 l 585,550 l 582,549 l 578,549 l 574,548 l 570,548 l 566,548 l 562,548 l 558,547 l 555,547 l 551,547 l 547,547 l 543,547 l 539,547 l 535,547 l 531,546 l 527,546 l 523,546 l 520,547 l 516,547 l 512,547 l 508,547 l 504,547 l 500,547 l 496,547 l 492,548 l 489,548 l 485,548 l 481,548 l 477,549 l 473,549 l 469,550 l 466,550 l 462,551 l 458,551 l 454,552 l 451,552 l 447,553 l 443,553 l 440,554 l 436,554 l 432,555 l 429,556 l 425,557 l 422,557 l 418,558 l 414,559 l 411,560 l 408,561 l 404,561 l 401,562 l 397,563 l 350,563 l 350,580 l 347,581 l 345,583 l 342,584 l 339,585 l 337,587 l 334,588 l 331,590 l 329,591 l 327,593 l 324,594 l 322,595 l 319,597 l 317,598 l 315,600 l 313,602 l 311,603 l 308,605 l 306,606 l 304,608 l 303,609 l 301,611 l 299,613 l 297,614 l 295,616 l 294,618 l 292,619 l 290,621 l 289,623 l 287,625 l 286,626 l 285,628 l 283,630 l 282,632 l 281,633 l 280,635 l 279,637 l 278,639 l 277,641 l 276,642 l 275,644 l 274,646 l 274,648 l 273,650 l 272,652 l 272,653 l 271,655 l 271,657 l 270,659 l 270,661 l 270,663 l 270,665 l 269,666 l 269,668 l 269,670 l 269,672 l 269,674 l 270,676 l 270,678 l 270,680 l 270,681 l 271,683 l 271,685 l 272,687 l 272,689 l 273,691 l 274,693 l 274,694 l 275,696 l 276,698 l 277,700 l 278,702 l 279,704 l 280,705 l 281,707 l 282,709 l 284,711 l 285,713 l 286,714 l 288,716 l 289,718 l 291,720 l 293,721 l 294,723 l 296,725 l 298,726 l 299,728 l 301,730 l 303,731 l 305,733 l 307,735 l 309,736 l 311,738 l 314,739 l 316,741 l 318,742 l 321,744 l 323,746 l 325,747 l 328,748 l 330,750 l 333,751 l 335,753 l 338,754 l 341,756 l 344,757 l 346,758 l 349,760 l 352,761 l 355,762 l 358,763 l 361,765 l 364,766 l 367,767 l 370,768 l 373,769 l 376,770 l 380,771 l 383,773 l 386,774 l 389,775 l 393,776 l 396,777 l 400,778 l 403,778 l 406,779 l 410,780 l 413,781 l 417,782 l 421,783 l 424,783 l 428,784 l 431,785 l 435,786 l 439,786 l 442,787 l 446,787 l 450,788 l 454,789 l 457,789 l 461,790 l 465,790 l 469,791 l 473,791 l 477,791 l 480,792 l 484,792 l 488,792 l 492,793 l 496,793 l 500,793 l 504,793 l 508,793 l 512,794 l 516,794 l 520,794 l 523,794 l 527,794 l 531,794 l 535,794 l 539,794 l 543,794 l 547,793 l 551,793 l 555,793 l 559,793 l 563,793 l 567,792 l 570,792 l 574,792 l 578,791 l 582,791 l 586,791 l 590,790 l 594,790 l 597,789 l 601,789 l 605,788 l 609,787 l 612,787 l 616,786 l 620,786 l 623,785 l 627,784 l 631,783 l 634,783 l 638,782 l 641,781 l 645,780 l 648,779 l 652,778 l 655,778 l 659,777 l 662,776 l 665,775 l 669,774 l 672,773 l 675,771 l 678,770 l 682,769 l 685,768 l 688,767 l 691,766 l 694,765 l 697,763 l 700,762 l 703,761 l 706,760 l 708,758 l 711,757 l 714,756 l 717,754 l 719,753 l 722,751 l 724,750 l 727,748 l 729,747 l 732,746 l 734,744 l 737,742 l 739,741 l 741,739 l 743,738 l 745,736 l 747,735 l 750,733 l 751,731 l 753,730 l 755,728 l 757,726 l 759,725 l 761,723 l 762,721 l 764,720 l 765,718 l 767,716 l 768,714 l 770,713 l 771,711 l 772,709 l 773,707 l 775,705 l 776,704 l 777,702 l 778,700 l 779,698 l 780,696 l 780,694 l 781,693 l 782,691 l 782,689 l 783,687 l 783,685 l 784,683 l 784,681 l 785,680 l 785,678 l 785,676 l 785,674 l 785,672 l 785,670 l 785,668 l 785,666 l 785,665 l 785,663 l 785,661 l 784,659 l 784,657 l 784,655 l 783,653 l 782,652 l 782,650 l 781,648 l 781,646 l 780,644 l 779,643 l 778,641 l 777,639 l 776,637 l 775,635 l 774,634 l 773,632 l 771,630 l 770,628 l 769,627 l 767,625 l 766,623 l 765,621 l 763,620 l 761,618 l 760,616 l 758,615 l 756,613 l 754,611 l 753,610 l 751,608 l 749,607 l 747,605 l 745,603 l 742,602 l 740,600 l 738,599 l 736,597 l 734,596 l 731,594 l 729,593 l 726,591 l 724,590 l 721,589 l 719,587 l 716,586 l 716,563 l 657,563xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,110,70)" onclick="OnShapeClick(110,70)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,110,70);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(110,70)"/>
170 170
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-664,-589 l -661,-588 l -657,-588 l -654,-587 l -651,-587 l -648,-586 l -645,-586 l -642,-585 l -638,-585 l -635,-584 l -632,-584 l -629,-583 l -625,-583 l -622,-583 l -619,-582 l -615,-582 l -612,-582 l -609,-582 l -605,-582 l -602,-581 l -599,-581 l -595,-581 l -592,-581 l -589,-581 l -585,-581 l -582,-581 l -578,-581 l -575,-581 l -572,-582 l -568,-582 l -565,-582 l -562,-582 l -558,-582 l -555,-583 l -552,-583 l -548,-583 l -545,-584 l -542,-584 l -539,-585 l -535,-585 l -532,-586 l -529,-586 l -526,-587 l -523,-587 l -520,-588 l -516,-588 l -513,-589 l -510,-590 l -507,-590 l -504,-591 l -501,-592 l -498,-593 l -495,-594 l -492,-594 l -490,-595 l -487,-596 l -484,-597 l -481,-598 l -478,-599 l -476,-600 l -473,-601 l -470,-602 l -468,-603 l -465,-604 l -463,-605 l -460,-606 l -458,-608 l -455,-609 l -453,-610 l -451,-611 l -448,-612 l -446,-614 l -444,-615 l -442,-616 l -440,-618 l -438,-619 l -436,-620 l -434,-622 l -432,-623 l -430,-624 l -428,-626 l -427,-627 l -425,-629 l -423,-630 l -422,-632 l -420,-633 l -419,-635 l -417,-636 l -416,-638 l -415,-639 l -413,-641 l -412,-642 l -411,-644 l -410,-646 l -409,-647 l -408,-649 l -407,-650 l -406,-652 l -405,-654 l -404,-655 l -404,-657 l -403,-659 l -403,-660 l -402,-662 l -402,-664 l -401,-665 l -401,-667 l -401,-669 l -400,-670 l -400,-672 l -400,-674 l -400,-675 l -400,-677 l -400,-679 l -400,-680 l -401,-682 l -401,-684 l -401,-685 l -402,-687 l -402,-689 l -403,-690 l -403,-692 l -404,-694 l -404,-695 l -405,-697 l -406,-698 l -407,-700 l -408,-702 l -409,-703 l -410,-705 l -411,-707 l -412,-708 l -413,-710 l -415,-711 l -416,-713 l -417,-714 l -419,-716 l -420,-717 l -422,-719 l -423,-720 l -425,-722 l -427,-723 l -428,-725 l -430,-726 l -432,-727 l -434,-729 l -436,-730 l -438,-732 l -440,-733 l -442,-734 l -444,-736 l -446,-737 l -448,-738 l -451,-739 l -453,-740 l -455,-742 l -458,-743 l -460,-744 l -463,-745 l -465,-746 l -468,-747 l -470,-748 l -473,-749 l -476,-750 l -478,-751 l -481,-752 l -484,-753 l -487,-754 l -490,-755 l -492,-756 l -495,-757 l -498,-758 l -501,-759 l -504,-759 l -507,-760 l -510,-761 l -513,-761 l -516,-762 l -520,-763 l -523,-763 l -526,-764 l -529,-764 l -532,-765 l -535,-765 l -539,-766 l -542,-766 l -545,-767 l -548,-767 l -552,-767 l -555,-768 l -558,-768 l -562,-768 l -565,-768 l -568,-769 l -572,-769 l -575,-769 l -578,-769 l -582,-769 l -585,-769 l -589,-769 l -592,-769 l -595,-769 l -599,-769 l -602,-769 l -605,-769 l -609,-769 l -612,-768 l -615,-768 l -619,-768 l -622,-768 l -625,-767 l -629,-767 l -632,-767 l -635,-766 l -638,-766 l -642,-765 l -645,-765 l -648,-764 l -651,-764 l -654,-763 l -657,-763 l -661,-762 l -664,-761 l -667,-761 l -670,-760 l -673,-759 l -676,-759 l -679,-758 l -682,-757 l -685,-756 l -688,-755 l -690,-754 l -693,-753 l -696,-752 l -699,-751 l -701,-750 l -704,-749 l -707,-748 l -709,-747 l -712,-746 l -714,-745 l -717,-744 l -719,-743 l -722,-742 l -724,-740 l -726,-739 l -729,-738 l -731,-737 l -733,-736 l -735,-734 l -737,-733 l -739,-732 l -741,-730 l -743,-729 l -745,-727 l -747,-726 l -749,-725 l -751,-723 l -752,-722 l -754,-720 l -755,-719 l -757,-717 l -758,-716 l -760,-714 l -761,-713 l -763,-711 l -764,-710 l -765,-708 l -766,-707 l -767,-705 l -768,-703 l -769,-702 l -770,-700 l -771,-698 l -772,-697 l -773,-695 l -773,-694 l -774,-692 l -774,-690 l -775,-689 l -775,-687 l -776,-685 l -776,-684 l -776,-682 l -777,-680 l -777,-679 l -777,-677 l -777,-675xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,110,71)" onclick="OnShapeClick(110,71)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,110,71);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(110,71)"/> 171 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Class of Staff Time" origTitle="Class of Staff Time" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -777,-675 l -777,-674 l -777,-672 l -777,-670 l -776,-669 l -776,-667 l -776,-665 l -775,-664 l -775,-662 l -774,-660 l -774,-659 l -773,-657 l -773,-655 l -772,-654 l 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-558,-582 l -555,-583 l -552,-583 l -548,-583 l -545,-584 l -542,-584 l -539,-585 l -535,-585 l -532,-586 l -529,-586 l -526,-587 l -523,-587 l -520,-588 l -516,-588 l -513,-589 l -510,-590 l -507,-590 l -504,-591 l -501,-592 l -498,-593 l -495,-594 l -492,-594 l -490,-595 l -487,-596 l -484,-597 l -481,-598 l -478,-599 l -476,-600 l -473,-601 l -470,-602 l -468,-603 l -465,-604 l -463,-605 l -460,-606 l -458,-608 l -455,-609 l -453,-610 l -451,-611 l -448,-612 l -446,-614 l -444,-615 l -442,-616 l -440,-618 l -438,-619 l -436,-620 l -434,-622 l -432,-623 l -430,-624 l -428,-626 l -427,-627 l -425,-629 l -423,-630 l -422,-632 l -420,-633 l -419,-635 l -417,-636 l -416,-638 l -415,-639 l -413,-641 l -412,-642 l -411,-644 l -410,-646 l -409,-647 l -408,-649 l -407,-650 l -406,-652 l -405,-654 l -404,-655 l -404,-657 l -403,-659 l -403,-660 l -402,-662 l -402,-664 l -401,-665 l -401,-667 l -401,-669 l -400,-670 l -400,-672 l -400,-674 l -400,-675 l -400,-677 l -400,-679 l -400,-680 l 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167 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="SCCS: SAB 52" origTitle="SCCS: SAB 52" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 377,35 l 377,36 l 377,37 l 377,39 l 377,40 l 377,41 l 378,42 l 378,43 l 378,45 l 379,46 l 379,47 l 380,48 l 381,49 l 382,50 l 382,52 l 383,53 l 384,54 l 385,55 l 386,56 l 387,57 l 388,59 l 389,60 l 391,61 l 392,62 l 393,63 l 395,64 l 396,65 l 398,66 l 399,67 l 401,68 l 403,69 l 404,70 l 406,71 l 408,72 l 410,73 l 412,74 l 414,75 l 416,76 l 418,77 l 420,78 l 422,79 l 424,80 l 426,80 l 429,81 l 431,82 l 433,83 l 436,84 l 438,84 l 440,85 l 443,86 l 445,87 l 448,87 l 451,88 l 453,89 l 456,89 l 459,90 l 461,91 l 464,91 l 467,92 l 470,92 l 473,93 l 475,93 l 478,94 l 481,94 l 484,95 l 487,95 l 490,95 l 493,96 l 496,96 l 499,97 l 502,97 l 505,97 l 508,97 l 511,98 l 514,98 l 518,98 l 521,98 l 524,98 l 527,98 l 530,99 l 533,99 l 536,99 l 539,99 l 543,99 l 546,99 l 549,99 l 552,99 l 555,99 l 558,98 l 561,98 l 564,98 l 568,98 l 571,98 l 574,98 l 577,97 l 580,97 l 583,97 l 586,97 l 589,96 l 592,96 l 595,95 l 598,95 l 601,95 l 604,94 l 607,94 l 610,93 l 613,93 l 615,92 l 618,92 l 621,91 l 624,91 l 626,90 l 629,89 l 632,89 l 634,88 l 637,87 l 640,87 l 642,86 l 645,85 l 647,84 l 650,84 l 652,83 l 654,82 l 657,81 l 659,80 l 661,80 l 663,79 l 665,78 l 667,77 l 670,76 l 672,75 l 673,74 l 675,73 l 677,72 l 679,71 l 681,70 l 683,69 l 684,68 l 686,67 l 687,66 l 689,65 l 690,64 l 692,63 l 693,62 l 694,61 l 696,60 l 697,59 l 698,57 l 699,56 l 700,55 l 701,54 l 702,53 l 703,52 l 704,50 l 704,49 l 705,48 l 706,47 l 706,46 l 707,45 l 707,43 l 708,42 l 708,41 l 708,40 l 708,39 l 708,37 l 709,36 l 709,35 l 709,34 l 708,33 l 708,31 l 708,30 l 708,29 l 708,28 l 707,26 l 707,25 l 706,24 l 706,23 l 705,22 l 704,21 l 704,19 l 703,18 l 702,17 l 701,16 l 700,15 l 699,14 l 698,12 l 697,11 l 696,10 l 694,9 l 693,8 l 692,7 l 690,6 l 689,5 l 687,4 l 686,3 l 684,2 l 683,1 l 681,0 l 679,-1 l 677,-2 l 675,-3 l 673,-4 l 672,-5 l 670,-6 l 667,-7 l 665,-8 l 663,-9 l 661,-10 l 659,-11 l 657,-11 l 654,-12 l 652,-13 l 650,-14 l 647,-15 l 645,-15 l 642,-16 l 640,-17 l 637,-18 l 634,-18 l 632,-19 l 629,-20 l 626,-20 l 624,-21 l 621,-21 l 618,-22 l 615,-22 l 613,-23 l 610,-23 l 607,-24 l 604,-24 l 601,-25 l 598,-25 l 595,-26 l 592,-26 l 589,-26 l 586,-27 l 583,-27 l 580,-27 l 577,-28 l 574,-28 l 571,-28 l 568,-28 l 564,-28 l 561,-28 l 558,-29 l 555,-29 l 552,-29 l 549,-29 l 546,-29 l 543,-29 l 539,-29 l 536,-29 l 533,-29 l 530,-29 l 527,-29 l 524,-28 l 521,-28 l 518,-28 l 514,-28 l 511,-28 l 508,-28 l 505,-27 l 502,-27 l 499,-27 l 496,-26 l 493,-26 l 490,-26 l 487,-25 l 484,-25 l 481,-24 l 478,-24 l 475,-23 l 473,-23 l 470,-22 l 467,-22 l 464,-21 l 461,-21 l 459,-20 l 456,-20 l 453,-19 l 451,-18 l 448,-18 l 445,-17 l 443,-16 l 440,-15 l 438,-15 l 436,-14 l 433,-13 l 431,-12 l 429,-11 l 426,-11 l 424,-10 l 422,-9 l 420,-8 l 418,-7 l 416,-6 l 414,-5 l 412,-4 l 410,-3 l 408,-2 l 406,-1 l 404,0 l 403,1 l 401,2 l 399,3 l 398,4 l 396,5 l 395,6 l 393,7 l 392,8 l 391,9 l 389,10 l 388,11 l 387,12 l 386,14 l 385,15 l 384,16 l 383,17 l 382,18 l 382,19 l 381,21 l 380,22 l 379,23 l 379,24 l 378,25 l 378,26 l 378,28 l 377,29 l 377,30 l 377,31 l 377,33 l 377,34 l 377,35xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,61)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,61)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,61);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,61)"/>
168 +
169 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Project Resource 1" origTitle="Project Resource 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 386,315 l 386,317 l 386,318 l 386,319 l 387,320 l 387,322 l 387,323 l 388,324 l 388,325 l 389,327 l 389,328 l 390,329 l 390,330 l 391,332 l 392,333 l 393,334 l 394,335 l 395,336 l 396,338 l 397,339 l 398,340 l 399,341 l 400,342 l 402,343 l 403,345 l 404,346 l 406,347 l 407,348 l 409,349 l 411,350 l 412,351 l 414,352 l 416,353 l 418,354 l 419,355 l 421,356 l 423,357 l 425,358 l 427,359 l 429,360 l 432,361 l 434,362 l 436,363 l 438,364 l 441,364 l 443,365 l 445,366 l 448,367 l 450,368 l 453,368 l 455,369 l 458,370 l 460,371 l 463,371 l 466,372 l 468,373 l 471,373 l 474,374 l 477,374 l 479,375 l 482,376 l 485,376 l 488,377 l 491,377 l 494,377 l 497,378 l 500,378 l 503,379 l 506,379 l 509,379 l 512,380 l 515,380 l 518,380 l 521,381 l 524,381 l 527,381 l 530,381 l 533,381 l 537,381 l 540,382 l 543,382 l 546,382 l 549,382 l 552,382 l 555,382 l 559,382 l 562,382 l 565,382 l 568,381 l 571,381 l 574,381 l 577,381 l 580,381 l 583,381 l 587,380 l 590,380 l 593,380 l 596,379 l 599,379 l 602,379 l 605,378 l 608,378 l 611,377 l 614,377 l 616,377 l 619,376 l 622,376 l 625,375 l 628,374 l 631,374 l 633,373 l 636,373 l 639,372 l 642,371 l 644,371 l 647,370 l 649,369 l 652,368 l 654,368 l 657,367 l 659,366 l 662,365 l 664,364 l 666,364 l 669,363 l 671,362 l 673,361 l 675,360 l 677,359 l 679,358 l 681,357 l 683,356 l 685,355 l 687,354 l 689,353 l 690,352 l 692,351 l 694,350 l 695,349 l 697,348 l 699,347 l 700,346 l 701,345 l 703,343 l 704,342 l 705,341 l 707,340 l 708,339 l 709,338 l 710,336 l 711,335 l 712,334 l 712,333 l 713,332 l 714,330 l 715,329 l 715,328 l 716,327 l 716,325 l 717,324 l 717,323 l 718,322 l 718,320 l 718,319 l 718,318 l 718,317 l 718,315 l 718,314 l 718,313 l 718,312 l 718,310 l 718,309 l 717,308 l 717,307 l 716,305 l 716,304 l 715,303 l 715,302 l 714,301 l 713,299 l 712,298 l 712,297 l 711,296 l 710,294 l 709,293 l 708,292 l 707,291 l 705,290 l 704,289 l 703,287 l 701,286 l 700,285 l 699,284 l 697,283 l 695,282 l 694,281 l 692,280 l 690,279 l 689,278 l 687,277 l 685,276 l 683,275 l 681,274 l 679,273 l 677,272 l 675,271 l 673,270 l 671,269 l 669,268 l 666,267 l 664,266 l 662,266 l 659,265 l 657,264 l 654,263 l 652,262 l 649,262 l 647,261 l 644,260 l 642,260 l 639,259 l 636,258 l 633,258 l 631,257 l 628,256 l 625,256 l 622,255 l 619,255 l 616,254 l 614,254 l 611,253 l 608,253 l 605,253 l 602,252 l 599,252 l 596,251 l 593,251 l 590,251 l 587,251 l 583,250 l 580,250 l 577,250 l 574,250 l 571,250 l 568,249 l 565,249 l 562,249 l 559,249 l 555,249 l 552,249 l 549,249 l 546,249 l 543,249 l 540,249 l 537,249 l 533,250 l 530,250 l 527,250 l 524,250 l 521,250 l 518,251 l 515,251 l 512,251 l 509,251 l 506,252 l 503,252 l 500,253 l 497,253 l 494,253 l 491,254 l 488,254 l 485,255 l 482,255 l 479,256 l 477,256 l 474,257 l 471,258 l 468,258 l 466,259 l 463,260 l 460,260 l 458,261 l 455,262 l 453,262 l 450,263 l 448,264 l 445,265 l 443,266 l 441,266 l 438,267 l 436,268 l 434,269 l 432,270 l 429,271 l 427,272 l 425,273 l 423,274 l 421,275 l 419,276 l 418,277 l 416,278 l 414,279 l 412,280 l 411,281 l 409,282 l 407,283 l 406,284 l 404,285 l 403,286 l 402,287 l 400,289 l 399,290 l 398,291 l 397,292 l 396,293 l 395,294 l 394,296 l 393,297 l 392,298 l 391,299 l 390,301 l 390,302 l 389,303 l 389,304 l 388,305 l 388,307 l 387,308 l 387,309 l 387,310 l 386,312 l 386,313 l 386,314 l 386,315xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,177)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,177)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,177);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,177)"/>
170 +
171 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Project Result 1" origTitle="Project Result 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 386,630 l 386,632 l 386,633 l 386,634 l 387,635 l 387,637 l 387,638 l 388,639 l 388,640 l 389,641 l 389,643 l 390,644 l 390,645 l 391,646 l 392,648 l 393,649 l 394,650 l 395,651 l 396,652 l 397,654 l 398,655 l 399,656 l 400,657 l 402,658 l 403,659 l 404,660 l 406,662 l 407,663 l 409,664 l 411,665 l 412,666 l 414,667 l 416,668 l 418,669 l 419,670 l 421,671 l 423,672 l 425,673 l 427,674 l 429,675 l 432,676 l 434,677 l 436,678 l 438,678 l 441,679 l 443,680 l 445,681 l 448,682 l 450,683 l 453,683 l 455,684 l 458,685 l 460,685 l 463,686 l 466,687 l 468,687 l 471,688 l 474,689 l 477,689 l 479,690 l 482,690 l 485,691 l 488,691 l 491,692 l 494,692 l 497,693 l 500,693 l 503,694 l 506,694 l 509,694 l 512,695 l 515,695 l 518,695 l 521,695 l 524,696 l 527,696 l 530,696 l 533,696 l 537,696 l 540,696 l 543,696 l 546,696 l 549,697 l 552,697 l 555,697 l 559,696 l 562,696 l 565,696 l 568,696 l 571,696 l 574,696 l 577,696 l 580,696 l 583,695 l 587,695 l 590,695 l 593,695 l 596,694 l 599,694 l 602,694 l 605,693 l 608,693 l 611,692 l 614,692 l 616,691 l 619,691 l 622,690 l 625,690 l 628,689 l 631,689 l 633,688 l 636,687 l 639,687 l 642,686 l 644,685 l 647,685 l 649,684 l 652,683 l 654,683 l 657,682 l 659,681 l 662,680 l 664,679 l 666,678 l 669,678 l 671,677 l 673,676 l 675,675 l 677,674 l 679,673 l 681,672 l 683,671 l 685,670 l 687,669 l 689,668 l 690,667 l 692,666 l 694,665 l 695,664 l 697,663 l 699,662 l 700,660 l 701,659 l 703,658 l 704,657 l 705,656 l 707,655 l 708,654 l 709,652 l 710,651 l 711,650 l 712,649 l 712,648 l 713,646 l 714,645 l 715,644 l 715,643 l 716,641 l 716,640 l 717,639 l 717,638 l 718,637 l 718,635 l 718,634 l 718,633 l 718,632 l 718,630 l 718,629 l 718,628 l 718,626 l 718,625 l 718,624 l 717,623 l 717,621 l 716,620 l 716,619 l 715,618 l 715,617 l 714,615 l 713,614 l 712,613 l 712,612 l 711,610 l 710,609 l 709,608 l 708,607 l 707,606 l 705,605 l 704,603 l 703,602 l 701,601 l 700,600 l 699,599 l 697,598 l 695,597 l 694,596 l 692,595 l 690,594 l 689,593 l 687,591 l 685,590 l 683,589 l 681,589 l 679,588 l 677,587 l 675,586 l 673,585 l 671,584 l 669,583 l 666,582 l 664,581 l 662,580 l 659,580 l 657,579 l 654,578 l 652,577 l 649,576 l 647,576 l 644,575 l 642,574 l 639,574 l 636,573 l 633,572 l 631,572 l 628,571 l 625,571 l 622,570 l 619,570 l 616,569 l 614,569 l 611,568 l 608,568 l 605,567 l 602,567 l 599,567 l 596,566 l 593,566 l 590,566 l 587,565 l 583,565 l 580,565 l 577,565 l 574,565 l 571,564 l 568,564 l 565,564 l 562,564 l 559,564 l 555,564 l 552,564 l 549,564 l 546,564 l 543,564 l 540,564 l 537,564 l 533,564 l 530,565 l 527,565 l 524,565 l 521,565 l 518,565 l 515,566 l 512,566 l 509,566 l 506,567 l 503,567 l 500,567 l 497,568 l 494,568 l 491,569 l 488,569 l 485,570 l 482,570 l 479,571 l 477,571 l 474,572 l 471,572 l 468,573 l 466,574 l 463,574 l 460,575 l 458,576 l 455,576 l 453,577 l 450,578 l 448,579 l 445,580 l 443,580 l 441,581 l 438,582 l 436,583 l 434,584 l 432,585 l 429,586 l 427,587 l 425,588 l 423,589 l 421,589 l 419,590 l 418,591 l 416,593 l 414,594 l 412,595 l 411,596 l 409,597 l 407,598 l 406,599 l 404,600 l 403,601 l 402,602 l 400,603 l 399,605 l 398,606 l 397,607 l 396,608 l 395,609 l 394,610 l 393,612 l 392,613 l 391,614 l 390,615 l 390,617 l 389,618 l 389,619 l 388,620 l 388,621 l 387,623 l 387,624 l 387,625 l 386,626 l 386,628 l 386,629 l 386,630xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,178)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,178)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,178);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,178)"/>
172 +
173 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -592,354 l -589,352 l -586,351 l -584,350 l -581,348 l -579,347 l -576,345 l -574,344 l -571,343 l -569,341 l -566,339 l -564,338 l -562,336 l -559,335 l -557,333 l -555,331 l -553,330 l -551,328 l -549,326 l -547,325 l -545,323 l -543,321 l -541,319 l -540,317 l -538,316 l -536,314 l -535,312 l -533,310 l -532,308 l -530,306 l -529,304 l -527,302 l -526,300 l -525,298 l -524,296 l -523,294 l -521,292 l -520,290 l -520,288 l -519,286 l -518,284 l -517,282 l -516,279 l -516,277 l -515,275 l -514,273 l -514,271 l -513,269 l -513,267 l -513,265 l -512,262 l -512,260 l -512,258 l -512,256 l -512,254 l -512,252 l -512,250 l -512,247 l -512,245 l -513,243 l -513,241 l -513,239 l -514,237 l -514,235 l -515,232 l -516,230 l -516,228 l -517,226 l -518,224 l -519,222 l -519,220 l -520,218 l -521,216 l -522,214 l -524,212 l -525,210 l -526,208 l -527,206 l -529,204 l -530,202 l -531,200 l -533,198 l -535,196 l -536,194 l -538,192 l -540,190 l -541,189 l -543,187 l -545,185 l -547,183 l -549,181 l -551,180 l -553,178 l -555,176 l -557,175 l -559,173 l -561,171 l -564,170 l -566,168 l -568,167 l -571,165 l -573,164 l -576,162 l -578,161 l -581,160 l -583,158 l -586,157 l -586,148 l -607,148 l -610,147 l -613,145 l -616,144 l -619,144 l -622,143 l -625,142 l -628,141 l -632,140 l -635,139 l -638,138 l -641,138 l -644,137 l -647,136 l -651,136 l -654,135 l -657,135 l -661,134 l -664,134 l -667,133 l -670,133 l -674,132 l -677,132 l -681,132 l -684,132 l -687,131 l -691,131 l -694,131 l -697,131 l -701,131 l -704,131 l -708,131 l -711,131 l -714,131 l -718,131 l -721,131 l -724,132 l -728,132 l -731,132 l -734,132 l -738,133 l -741,133 l -744,134 l -748,134 l -751,135 l -754,135 l -758,136 l -761,136 l -764,137 l -767,138 l -770,138 l -774,139 l -777,140 l -780,141 l -783,142 l -786,143 l -789,144 l -792,144 l -795,145 l -798,147 l -801,148 l -811,148 l -811,152 l -814,153 l -816,154 l -819,155 l -822,157 l -824,158 l -827,159 l -830,161 l -832,162 l -835,164 l -837,165 l -839,166 l -842,168 l -844,170 l -846,171 l -849,173 l -851,174 l -853,176 l -855,178 l -857,179 l -859,181 l -861,183 l -863,185 l -865,187 l -867,188 l -869,190 l -870,192 l -872,194 l -874,196 l -875,198 l -877,200 l -878,202 l -880,204 l -881,206 l -882,208 l -883,210 l -885,212 l -886,214 l -887,216 l -888,218 l -889,220 l -890,222 l -891,224 l -891,226 l -892,228 l -893,230 l -893,232 l -894,234 l -894,237 l -895,239 l -895,241 l -896,243 l -896,245 l -896,247 l -896,249 l -896,252 l -896,254 l -896,256 l -896,258 l -896,260 l -896,262 l -896,265 l -895,267 l -895,269 l -894,271 l -894,273 l -893,275 l -893,277 l -892,279 l -891,282 l -891,284 l -890,286 l -889,288 l -888,290 l -887,292 l -886,294 l -885,296 l -883,298 l -882,300 l -881,302 l -880,304 l -878,306 l -877,308 l -875,310 l -874,312 l -872,314 l -870,316 l -869,317 l -867,319 l -865,321 l -863,323 l -861,325 l -859,326 l -857,328 l -855,330 l -853,331 l -851,333 l -849,335 l -847,336 l -844,338 l -842,339 l -840,341 l -837,343 l -835,344 l -832,345 l -830,347 l -827,348 l -825,350 l -822,351 l -819,352 l -817,354 l -817,354 l -816,354 l -813,355 l -811,356 l -808,357 l -805,359 l -802,360 l -799,361 l -796,362 l -793,363 l -790,364 l -787,365 l -784,366 l -781,367 l -778,367 l -775,368 l -772,369 l -769,370 l -765,370 l -762,371 l -759,372 l -756,372 l -752,373 l -749,373 l -746,374 l -743,374 l -739,375 l -736,375 l -733,375 l -729,376 l -726,376 l -723,376 l -719,376 l -716,377 l -713,377 l -709,377 l -706,377 l -702,377 l -699,377 l -696,377 l -692,377 l -689,376 l -686,376 l -682,376 l -679,376 l -676,375 l -672,375 l -669,375 l -666,374 l -662,374 l -659,373 l -656,373 l -653,372 l -649,372 l -646,371 l -643,370 l -640,370 l -637,369 l -633,368 l -630,367 l -627,367 l -624,366 l -621,365 l -618,364 l -615,363 l -612,362 l -609,361 l -606,360 l -603,359 l -601,357 l -598,356 l -595,355 l -592,354 l -592,354 l -592,354xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,189)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,189)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,189);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,189)"/>
174 +
175 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Activity in Plan" origTitle="Activity in Plan" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -891,-209 l -891,-206 l -891,-204 l -891,-202 l -891,-200 l -891,-198 l -890,-195 l -890,-193 l -890,-191 l -889,-189 l -888,-187 l -888,-185 l -887,-182 l -886,-180 l -886,-178 l -885,-176 l -884,-174 l -883,-172 l -882,-170 l -881,-168 l -880,-166 l -878,-164 l -877,-162 l -876,-159 l -875,-157 l -873,-155 l -872,-154 l -870,-152 l -869,-150 l -867,-148 l -865,-146 l -864,-144 l -862,-142 l -860,-140 l -858,-138 l -856,-137 l -854,-135 l -852,-133 l -850,-131 l -848,-130 l -846,-128 l -843,-126 l -841,-125 l -839,-123 l -837,-122 l -834,-120 l -832,-119 l -829,-117 l -827,-116 l -824,-114 l -822,-113 l -819,-111 l -816,-110 l -814,-109 l -811,-108 l -808,-106 l -805,-105 l -803,-104 l -800,-103 l -797,-102 l -794,-101 l -791,-100 l -788,-99 l -785,-98 l -782,-97 l -779,-96 l -776,-95 l -773,-94 l -770,-93 l -766,-93 l -763,-92 l -760,-91 l -757,-91 l -754,-90 l -750,-89 l -747,-89 l -744,-88 l -741,-88 l -737,-88 l -734,-87 l -731,-87 l -727,-87 l -724,-86 l -721,-86 l -718,-86 l -714,-86 l -711,-86 l -707,-86 l -704,-86 l -701,-86 l -697,-86 l -694,-86 l -691,-86 l -687,-86 l -684,-86 l -681,-87 l -677,-87 l -674,-87 l -671,-88 l -668,-88 l -664,-88 l -661,-89 l -658,-89 l -655,-90 l -651,-91 l -648,-91 l -645,-92 l -642,-93 l -639,-93 l -636,-94 l -632,-95 l -629,-96 l -626,-97 l -623,-98 l -620,-99 l -617,-100 l -614,-101 l -611,-102 l -609,-103 l -606,-104 l -603,-105 l -600,-106 l -597,-108 l -595,-109 l -592,-110 l -589,-111 l -587,-113 l -584,-114 l -581,-116 l -579,-117 l -577,-119 l -574,-120 l -572,-122 l -569,-123 l -567,-125 l -565,-126 l -563,-128 l -560,-130 l -558,-131 l -556,-133 l -554,-135 l -552,-137 l -550,-138 l -548,-140 l -547,-142 l -545,-144 l -543,-146 l -541,-148 l -540,-150 l -538,-152 l -537,-154 l -535,-155 l -534,-157 l -532,-159 l -531,-162 l -530,-164 l -529,-166 l -528,-168 l -526,-170 l -525,-172 l -524,-174 l -524,-176 l -523,-178 l -522,-180 l -521,-182 l -520,-185 l -520,-187 l -519,-189 l -519,-191 l -518,-193 l -518,-195 l -518,-198 l -517,-200 l -517,-202 l -517,-204 l -517,-206 l -517,-209 l -517,-211 l -517,-213 l -517,-215 l -517,-217 l -518,-220 l -518,-222 l -518,-224 l -519,-226 l -519,-228 l -520,-230 l -520,-233 l -521,-235 l -522,-237 l -523,-239 l -524,-241 l -524,-243 l -525,-245 l -526,-247 l -528,-249 l -529,-252 l -530,-254 l -531,-256 l -532,-258 l -534,-260 l -535,-262 l -537,-264 l -538,-266 l -540,-267 l -541,-269 l -543,-271 l -545,-273 l -547,-275 l -548,-277 l -550,-279 l -552,-280 l -554,-282 l -556,-284 l -558,-286 l -560,-287 l -563,-289 l -565,-291 l -567,-292 l -569,-294 l -572,-296 l -574,-297 l -577,-299 l -579,-300 l -581,-301 l -584,-303 l -587,-304 l -589,-306 l -592,-307 l -595,-308 l -597,-310 l -600,-311 l -603,-312 l -606,-313 l -609,-314 l -611,-315 l -614,-316 l -617,-318 l -620,-319 l -623,-319 l -626,-320 l -629,-321 l -632,-322 l -636,-323 l -639,-324 l -642,-325 l -645,-325 l -648,-326 l -651,-327 l -655,-327 l -658,-328 l -661,-328 l -664,-329 l -668,-329 l -671,-330 l -674,-330 l -677,-330 l -681,-331 l -684,-331 l -687,-331 l -691,-331 l -694,-331 l -697,-331 l -701,-332 l -704,-332 l -707,-332 l -711,-331 l -714,-331 l -718,-331 l -721,-331 l -724,-331 l -727,-331 l -731,-330 l -734,-330 l -737,-330 l -741,-329 l -744,-329 l -747,-328 l -750,-328 l -754,-327 l -757,-327 l -760,-326 l -763,-325 l -766,-325 l -770,-324 l -773,-323 l -776,-322 l -779,-321 l -782,-320 l -785,-319 l -788,-319 l -791,-318 l -794,-316 l -797,-315 l -800,-314 l -803,-313 l -805,-312 l -808,-311 l -811,-310 l -814,-308 l -816,-307 l -819,-306 l -822,-304 l -824,-303 l -827,-301 l -829,-300 l -832,-299 l -834,-297 l -837,-296 l -839,-294 l -841,-292 l -843,-291 l -846,-289 l -848,-287 l -850,-286 l -852,-284 l -854,-282 l -856,-280 l -858,-279 l -860,-277 l -862,-275 l -864,-273 l -865,-271 l -867,-269 l -869,-267 l -870,-266 l -872,-264 l -873,-262 l -875,-260 l -876,-258 l -877,-256 l -878,-254 l -880,-252 l -881,-249 l -882,-247 l -883,-245 l -884,-243 l -885,-241 l -886,-239 l -886,-237 l -887,-235 l -888,-233 l -888,-230 l -889,-228 l -890,-226 l -890,-224 l -890,-222 l -891,-220 l -891,-217 l -891,-215 l -891,-213 l -891,-211 l -891,-209xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,190)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,190)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,190);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,190)"/>
176 +
177 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Project AFE id" origTitle="has Project AFE id" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1110,-361 l 1197,-361 l 1197,-459 l 1164,-459 l 1164,-466 l 943,-466 l 943,-459 l 899,-459 l 899,-361 l 985,-361 l 985,-360 l 1110,-360 l 1110,-361xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,125)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,125)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,125);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,125)"/>
178 +
179 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Project AFE id" origTitle="has Project AFE id" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 152,-336 l 239,-336 l 239,-435 l 206,-435 l 206,-442 l -14,-442 l -14,-435 l -59,-435 l -59,-336 l 27,-336 l 27,-336 l 152,-336 l 152,-336xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,204)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,204)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,204);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,204)"/>
180 +
181 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Cost Type" origTitle="has Cost Type" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,-91 l 239,-91 l 239,-189 l -59,-189 l -59,-91xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,52)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,52)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,52);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,52)"/>
182 +
183 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Resource" origTitle="has Resource" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,315 l 236,315 l 236,217 l -59,217 l -59,315xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,22)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,22)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,22);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,22)"/>
184 +
185 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Result" origTitle="has Result" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2827;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -59,561 l 236,561 l 236,463 l -59,463 l -59,561xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,118,107)" onclick="OnShapeClick(118,107)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,118,107);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(118,107)"/>
186 +
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188 +
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157 157
158 158
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162 162
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...@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ ...@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
157 157
158 158
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162 162
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157 157
158 158
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162 162
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1393,-766 l 1389,-766 l 1385,-766 l 1381,-766 l 1377,-766 l 1373,-766 l 1369,-766 l 1365,-766 l 1361,-766 l 1357,-765 l 1353,-765 l 1349,-765 l 1345,-765 l 1341,-765 l 1337,-765 l 1333,-765 l 1329,-764 l 1325,-764 l 1321,-764 l 1317,-764 l 1313,-764 l 1309,-763 l 1305,-763 l 1302,-763 l 1298,-762 l 1294,-762 l 1290,-762 l 1286,-761 l 1282,-761 l 1279,-761 l 1275,-760 l 1271,-760 l 1267,-759 l 1264,-759 l 1260,-758 l 1256,-758 l 1253,-757 l 1249,-757 l 1246,-756 l 1242,-756 l 1239,-755 l 1235,-755 l 1232,-754 l 1228,-753 l 1225,-753 l 1222,-752 l 1218,-752 l 1215,-751 l 1212,-750 l 1209,-749 l 1206,-749 l 1202,-748 l 1199,-747 l 1196,-747 l 1193,-746 l 1190,-745 l 1187,-744 l 1185,-744 l 1182,-743 l 1179,-742 l 1176,-741 l 1174,-740 l 1171,-739 l 1168,-739 l 1166,-738 l 1163,-737 l 1161,-736 l 1158,-735 l 1156,-734 l 1154,-733 l 1151,-732 l 1149,-731 l 1147,-730 l 1145,-729 l 1143,-729 l 1141,-728 l 1139,-727 l 1137,-726 l 1135,-725 l 1133,-724 l 1131,-723 l 1130,-722 l 1128,-721 l 1126,-720 l 1125,-718 l 1123,-717 l 1122,-716 l 1121,-715 l 1119,-714 l 1118,-713 l 1117,-712 l 1116,-711 l 1114,-710 l 1113,-709 l 1112,-708 l 1112,-707 l 1111,-706 l 1110,-705 l 1109,-703 l 1108,-702 l 1108,-701 l 1107,-700 l 1107,-699 l 1106,-698 l 1106,-697 l 1106,-696 l 1105,-695 l 1105,-693 l 1105,-692 l 1105,-691 l 1105,-690xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,138,76)" onclick="OnShapeClick(138,76)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,138,76);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(138,76)"/> 163 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="h" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Plan with Level" origTitle="Plan with Level" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1105,-690 l 1105,-689 l 1105,-688 l 1105,-687 l 1105,-686 l 1106,-684 l 1106,-683 l 1106,-682 l 1107,-681 l 1107,-680 l 1108,-679 l 1108,-678 l 1109,-677 l 1110,-676 l 1111,-675 l 1112,-673 l 1112,-672 l 1113,-671 l 1114,-670 l 1116,-669 l 1117,-668 l 1118,-667 l 1119,-666 l 1121,-665 l 1122,-664 l 1123,-663 l 1125,-662 l 1126,-661 l 1128,-660 l 1130,-659 l 1131,-658 l 1133,-657 l 1135,-656 l 1137,-655 l 1139,-654 l 1141,-653 l 1143,-652 l 1145,-651 l 1147,-650 l 1149,-649 l 1151,-648 l 1154,-647 l 1156,-646 l 1158,-645 l 1161,-644 l 1163,-643 l 1166,-642 l 1168,-642 l 1171,-641 l 1174,-640 l 1176,-639 l 1179,-638 l 1182,-637 l 1185,-637 l 1187,-636 l 1190,-635 l 1193,-634 l 1196,-634 l 1199,-633 l 1202,-632 l 1206,-631 l 1209,-631 l 1212,-630 l 1215,-629 l 1218,-629 l 1222,-628 l 1225,-627 l 1228,-627 l 1232,-626 l 1235,-626 l 1239,-625 l 1242,-624 l 1246,-624 l 1249,-623 l 1253,-623 l 1256,-622 l 1260,-622 l 1264,-621 l 1267,-621 l 1271,-620 l 1275,-620 l 1279,-620 l 1282,-619 l 1286,-619 l 1290,-618 l 1294,-618 l 1298,-618 l 1302,-617 l 1305,-617 l 1309,-617 l 1313,-617 l 1317,-616 l 1321,-616 l 1325,-616 l 1329,-616 l 1333,-615 l 1337,-615 l 1341,-615 l 1345,-615 l 1349,-615 l 1353,-615 l 1357,-615 l 1361,-615 l 1365,-615 l 1369,-614 l 1373,-614 l 1377,-614 l 1381,-614 l 1385,-614 l 1389,-615 l 1393,-615 l 1397,-615 l 1401,-615 l 1405,-615 l 1409,-615 l 1413,-615 l 1417,-615 l 1421,-615 l 1425,-616 l 1429,-616 l 1433,-616 l 1437,-616 l 1441,-617 l 1445,-617 l 1449,-617 l 1453,-617 l 1457,-618 l 1461,-618 l 1464,-618 l 1468,-619 l 1472,-619 l 1476,-620 l 1480,-620 l 1483,-620 l 1487,-621 l 1491,-621 l 1494,-622 l 1498,-622 l 1502,-623 l 1505,-623 l 1509,-624 l 1512,-624 l 1516,-625 l 1519,-626 l 1523,-626 l 1526,-627 l 1529,-627 l 1533,-628 l 1536,-629 l 1539,-629 l 1542,-630 l 1546,-631 l 1549,-631 l 1552,-632 l 1555,-633 l 1558,-634 l 1561,-634 l 1564,-635 l 1567,-636 l 1570,-637 l 1573,-637 l 1575,-638 l 1578,-639 l 1581,-640 l 1584,-641 l 1586,-642 l 1589,-642 l 1591,-643 l 1594,-644 l 1596,-645 l 1598,-646 l 1601,-647 l 1603,-648 l 1605,-649 l 1607,-650 l 1610,-651 l 1612,-652 l 1614,-653 l 1616,-654 l 1618,-655 l 1619,-656 l 1621,-657 l 1623,-658 l 1625,-659 l 1626,-660 l 1628,-661 l 1630,-662 l 1631,-663 l 1632,-664 l 1634,-665 l 1635,-666 l 1636,-667 l 1638,-668 l 1639,-669 l 1640,-670 l 1641,-671 l 1642,-672 l 1643,-673 l 1644,-675 l 1645,-676 l 1645,-677 l 1646,-678 l 1647,-679 l 1647,-680 l 1648,-681 l 1648,-682 l 1648,-683 l 1649,-684 l 1649,-686 l 1649,-687 l 1649,-688 l 1650,-689 l 1650,-690 l 1650,-691 l 1649,-692 l 1649,-693 l 1649,-695 l 1649,-696 l 1648,-697 l 1648,-698 l 1648,-699 l 1647,-700 l 1647,-701 l 1646,-702 l 1645,-703 l 1645,-705 l 1644,-706 l 1643,-707 l 1642,-708 l 1641,-709 l 1640,-710 l 1639,-711 l 1638,-712 l 1636,-713 l 1635,-714 l 1634,-715 l 1632,-716 l 1631,-717 l 1630,-718 l 1628,-720 l 1626,-721 l 1625,-722 l 1623,-723 l 1621,-724 l 1619,-725 l 1618,-726 l 1616,-727 l 1614,-728 l 1612,-729 l 1610,-729 l 1607,-730 l 1605,-731 l 1603,-732 l 1601,-733 l 1598,-734 l 1596,-735 l 1594,-736 l 1591,-737 l 1589,-738 l 1586,-739 l 1584,-739 l 1581,-740 l 1578,-741 l 1575,-742 l 1573,-743 l 1570,-744 l 1567,-744 l 1564,-745 l 1561,-746 l 1558,-747 l 1555,-747 l 1552,-748 l 1549,-749 l 1546,-749 l 1542,-750 l 1539,-751 l 1536,-752 l 1533,-752 l 1529,-753 l 1526,-753 l 1523,-754 l 1519,-755 l 1516,-755 l 1512,-756 l 1509,-756 l 1505,-757 l 1502,-757 l 1498,-758 l 1494,-758 l 1491,-759 l 1487,-759 l 1483,-760 l 1480,-760 l 1476,-761 l 1472,-761 l 1468,-761 l 1464,-762 l 1461,-762 l 1457,-762 l 1453,-763 l 1449,-763 l 1445,-763 l 1441,-764 l 1437,-764 l 1433,-764 l 1429,-764 l 1425,-764 l 1421,-765 l 1417,-765 l 1413,-765 l 1409,-765 l 1405,-765 l 1401,-765 l 1397,-765 l 1393,-766 l 1389,-766 l 1385,-766 l 1381,-766 l 1377,-766 l 1373,-766 l 1369,-766 l 1365,-766 l 1361,-766 l 1357,-765 l 1353,-765 l 1349,-765 l 1345,-765 l 1341,-765 l 1337,-765 l 1333,-765 l 1329,-764 l 1325,-764 l 1321,-764 l 1317,-764 l 1313,-764 l 1309,-763 l 1305,-763 l 1302,-763 l 1298,-762 l 1294,-762 l 1290,-762 l 1286,-761 l 1282,-761 l 1279,-761 l 1275,-760 l 1271,-760 l 1267,-759 l 1264,-759 l 1260,-758 l 1256,-758 l 1253,-757 l 1249,-757 l 1246,-756 l 1242,-756 l 1239,-755 l 1235,-755 l 1232,-754 l 1228,-753 l 1225,-753 l 1222,-752 l 1218,-752 l 1215,-751 l 1212,-750 l 1209,-749 l 1206,-749 l 1202,-748 l 1199,-747 l 1196,-747 l 1193,-746 l 1190,-745 l 1187,-744 l 1185,-744 l 1182,-743 l 1179,-742 l 1176,-741 l 1174,-740 l 1171,-739 l 1168,-739 l 1166,-738 l 1163,-737 l 1161,-736 l 1158,-735 l 1156,-734 l 1154,-733 l 1151,-732 l 1149,-731 l 1147,-730 l 1145,-729 l 1143,-729 l 1141,-728 l 1139,-727 l 1137,-726 l 1135,-725 l 1133,-724 l 1131,-723 l 1130,-722 l 1128,-721 l 1126,-720 l 1125,-718 l 1123,-717 l 1122,-716 l 1121,-715 l 1119,-714 l 1118,-713 l 1117,-712 l 1116,-711 l 1114,-710 l 1113,-709 l 1112,-708 l 1112,-707 l 1111,-706 l 1110,-705 l 1109,-703 l 1108,-702 l 1108,-701 l 1107,-700 l 1107,-699 l 1106,-698 l 1106,-697 l 1106,-696 l 1105,-695 l 1105,-693 l 1105,-692 l 1105,-691 l 1105,-690xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,138,76)" onclick="OnShapeClick(138,76)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,138,76);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(138,76)"/>
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162 162
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-785,186 l -782,187 l -778,188 l -775,189 l -772,189 l -768,190 l -765,191 l -762,192 l -758,192 l -755,193 l -751,194 l -748,194 l -744,195 l -740,196 l -737,196 l -733,197 l -730,197 l -726,197 l -723,198 l -719,198 l -715,199 l -712,199 l -708,199 l -704,199 l -701,200 l -697,200 l -693,200 l -689,200 l -686,200 l -682,200 l -678,200 l -675,200 l -671,200 l -667,200 l -664,200 l -660,200 l -656,200 l -653,199 l -649,199 l -645,199 l -642,199 l -638,198 l -634,198 l -631,197 l -627,197 l -623,197 l -620,196 l -616,196 l -613,195 l -609,194 l -606,194 l -602,193 l -599,192 l -595,192 l -592,191 l -588,190 l -585,189 l -582,189 l -578,188 l -575,187 l -572,186 l -569,185 l -565,184 l -562,183 l -559,182 l -556,181 l -553,180 l -550,179 l -547,178 l -544,176 l -541,175 l -538,174 l -535,173 l -532,171 l -529,170 l -526,169 l -524,167 l -521,166 l -518,165 l -516,163 l -513,162 l -511,160 l -508,159 l -506,157 l -503,156 l -501,154 l -499,153 l -496,151 l -494,150 l -492,148 l -490,146 l -488,145 l -486,143 l -484,141 l -482,140 l -480,138 l -478,136 l -476,134 l -475,133 l -473,131 l -472,129 l -470,127 l -469,125 l -467,123 l -466,122 l -464,120 l -463,118 l -462,116 l -461,114 l -460,112 l -459,110 l -458,108 l -457,106 l -456,104 l -455,102 l -454,100 l -454,98 l -453,97 l -452,95 l -452,93 l -452,91 l -451,89 l -451,87 l -451,85 l -450,83 l -450,81 l -450,79 l -450,77 l -450,75 l -450,73 l -450,71 l -451,69 l -451,67 l -451,65 l -452,63 l -452,61 l -452,59 l -453,57 l -454,55 l -454,53 l -455,51 l -456,49 l -457,47 l -458,45 l -459,43 l -460,41 l -461,39 l -462,37 l -463,35 l -464,33 l -466,32 l -467,30 l -469,28 l -470,26 l -472,24 l -473,22 l -475,21 l -476,19 l -478,17 l -480,15 l -482,14 l -484,12 l -486,10 l -488,9 l -490,7 l -492,5 l -494,4 l -496,2 l -499,0 l -501,-1 l -503,-3 l -506,-4 l -508,-6 l -511,-7 l -513,-9 l -516,-10 l -518,-12 l -521,-13 l -524,-14 l -526,-16 l -529,-17 l -532,-18 l -535,-20 l -538,-21 l -541,-22 l -544,-23 l -547,-24 l -550,-26 l -553,-27 l -556,-28 l -559,-29 l -562,-30 l -565,-31 l -569,-32 l -572,-33 l -575,-34 l -578,-35 l -582,-35 l -585,-36 l -588,-37 l -592,-38 l -595,-39 l -599,-39 l -602,-40 l -606,-41 l -609,-41 l -613,-42 l -616,-42 l -620,-43 l -623,-43 l -627,-44 l -631,-44 l -634,-45 l -638,-45 l -642,-45 l -645,-46 l -649,-46 l -653,-46 l -656,-46 l -660,-47 l -664,-47 l -667,-47 l -671,-47 l -675,-47 l -678,-47 l -682,-47 l -686,-47 l -689,-47 l -693,-47 l -697,-47 l -701,-46 l -704,-46 l -708,-46 l -712,-46 l -715,-45 l -719,-45 l -723,-45 l -726,-44 l -730,-44 l -733,-43 l -737,-43 l -740,-42 l -744,-42 l -748,-41 l -751,-41 l -755,-40 l -758,-39 l -762,-39 l -765,-38 l -768,-37 l -772,-36 l -775,-35 l -778,-35 l -782,-34 l -785,-33 l -788,-32 l -792,-31 l -795,-30 l -798,-29 l -801,-28 l -804,-27 l -807,-26 l -810,-24 l -813,-23 l -816,-22 l -819,-21 l -822,-20 l -825,-18 l -828,-17 l -830,-16 l -833,-14 l -836,-13 l -839,-12 l -841,-10 l -844,-9 l -846,-7 l -849,-6 l -851,-4 l -854,-3 l -856,-1 l -858,0 l -861,2 l -863,4 l -865,5 l -867,7 l -869,9 l -871,10 l -873,12 l -875,14 l -877,15 l -879,17 l -880,19 l -882,21 l -884,22 l -885,24 l -887,26 l -888,28 l -890,30 l -891,32 l -892,33 l -894,35 l -895,37 l -896,39 l -897,41 l -898,43 l -899,45 l -900,47 l -901,49 l -902,51 l -902,53 l -903,55 l -904,57 l -904,59 l -905,61 l -905,63 l -906,65 l -906,67 l -906,69 l -906,71 l -907,73 l -907,75 l -907,77xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,181,8)" onclick="OnShapeClick(181,8)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,181,8);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(181,8)"/> 163 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for Project P" origTitle="Activity 101 in Plan 2 Version 1 for Project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -907,77 l -907,79 l -907,81 l -906,83 l -906,85 l -906,87 l -906,89 l -905,91 l -905,93 l -904,95 l -904,97 l -903,98 l -902,100 l -902,102 l -901,104 l -900,106 l -899,108 l -898,110 l -897,112 l -896,114 l -895,116 l -894,118 l -892,120 l -891,122 l -890,123 l -888,125 l -887,127 l -885,129 l -884,131 l -882,133 l -880,134 l -879,136 l -877,138 l -875,140 l -873,141 l -871,143 l -869,145 l -867,146 l -865,148 l -863,150 l -861,151 l -858,153 l -856,154 l -854,156 l -851,157 l -849,159 l -846,160 l -844,162 l -841,163 l -839,165 l -836,166 l -833,167 l -830,169 l -828,170 l -825,171 l -822,173 l -819,174 l -816,175 l -813,176 l -810,178 l -807,179 l -804,180 l -801,181 l -798,182 l -795,183 l -792,184 l -788,185 l -785,186 l -782,187 l -778,188 l -775,189 l -772,189 l -768,190 l -765,191 l -762,192 l -758,192 l -755,193 l -751,194 l -748,194 l -744,195 l -740,196 l -737,196 l -733,197 l -730,197 l -726,197 l -723,198 l -719,198 l -715,199 l -712,199 l -708,199 l -704,199 l -701,200 l -697,200 l -693,200 l -689,200 l -686,200 l -682,200 l -678,200 l -675,200 l -671,200 l -667,200 l -664,200 l -660,200 l -656,200 l -653,199 l -649,199 l -645,199 l -642,199 l -638,198 l -634,198 l -631,197 l -627,197 l -623,197 l -620,196 l -616,196 l -613,195 l -609,194 l -606,194 l -602,193 l -599,192 l -595,192 l -592,191 l -588,190 l -585,189 l -582,189 l -578,188 l -575,187 l -572,186 l -569,185 l -565,184 l -562,183 l -559,182 l -556,181 l -553,180 l -550,179 l -547,178 l -544,176 l -541,175 l -538,174 l -535,173 l -532,171 l -529,170 l -526,169 l -524,167 l -521,166 l -518,165 l -516,163 l -513,162 l -511,160 l -508,159 l -506,157 l -503,156 l -501,154 l -499,153 l -496,151 l -494,150 l -492,148 l -490,146 l -488,145 l -486,143 l -484,141 l -482,140 l -480,138 l -478,136 l -476,134 l -475,133 l -473,131 l -472,129 l -470,127 l -469,125 l -467,123 l -466,122 l -464,120 l -463,118 l -462,116 l -461,114 l -460,112 l -459,110 l -458,108 l -457,106 l -456,104 l -455,102 l -454,100 l -454,98 l -453,97 l -452,95 l -452,93 l -452,91 l -451,89 l -451,87 l -451,85 l -450,83 l -450,81 l -450,79 l -450,77 l -450,75 l -450,73 l -450,71 l -451,69 l -451,67 l -451,65 l -452,63 l -452,61 l -452,59 l -453,57 l -454,55 l -454,53 l -455,51 l -456,49 l -457,47 l -458,45 l -459,43 l -460,41 l -461,39 l -462,37 l -463,35 l -464,33 l -466,32 l -467,30 l -469,28 l -470,26 l -472,24 l -473,22 l -475,21 l -476,19 l -478,17 l -480,15 l -482,14 l -484,12 l -486,10 l -488,9 l -490,7 l -492,5 l -494,4 l -496,2 l -499,0 l -501,-1 l -503,-3 l -506,-4 l -508,-6 l -511,-7 l -513,-9 l -516,-10 l -518,-12 l -521,-13 l -524,-14 l -526,-16 l -529,-17 l -532,-18 l -535,-20 l -538,-21 l -541,-22 l -544,-23 l -547,-24 l -550,-26 l -553,-27 l -556,-28 l -559,-29 l -562,-30 l -565,-31 l -569,-32 l -572,-33 l -575,-34 l -578,-35 l -582,-35 l -585,-36 l -588,-37 l -592,-38 l -595,-39 l -599,-39 l -602,-40 l -606,-41 l -609,-41 l -613,-42 l -616,-42 l -620,-43 l -623,-43 l -627,-44 l -631,-44 l -634,-45 l -638,-45 l -642,-45 l -645,-46 l -649,-46 l -653,-46 l -656,-46 l -660,-47 l -664,-47 l -667,-47 l -671,-47 l -675,-47 l -678,-47 l -682,-47 l -686,-47 l -689,-47 l -693,-47 l -697,-47 l -701,-46 l -704,-46 l -708,-46 l -712,-46 l -715,-45 l -719,-45 l -723,-45 l -726,-44 l -730,-44 l -733,-43 l -737,-43 l -740,-42 l -744,-42 l -748,-41 l -751,-41 l -755,-40 l -758,-39 l -762,-39 l -765,-38 l -768,-37 l -772,-36 l -775,-35 l -778,-35 l -782,-34 l -785,-33 l -788,-32 l -792,-31 l -795,-30 l -798,-29 l -801,-28 l -804,-27 l -807,-26 l -810,-24 l -813,-23 l -816,-22 l -819,-21 l -822,-20 l -825,-18 l -828,-17 l -830,-16 l -833,-14 l -836,-13 l -839,-12 l -841,-10 l -844,-9 l -846,-7 l -849,-6 l -851,-4 l -854,-3 l -856,-1 l -858,0 l -861,2 l -863,4 l -865,5 l -867,7 l -869,9 l -871,10 l -873,12 l -875,14 l -877,15 l -879,17 l -880,19 l -882,21 l -884,22 l -885,24 l -887,26 l -888,28 l -890,30 l -891,32 l -892,33 l -894,35 l -895,37 l -896,39 l -897,41 l -898,43 l -899,45 l -900,47 l -901,49 l -902,51 l -902,53 l -903,55 l -904,57 l -904,59 l -905,61 l -905,63 l -906,65 l -906,67 l -906,69 l -906,71 l -907,73 l -907,75 l -907,77xe" 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157 157
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162 162
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157 157
158 158
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162 162
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157 157
158 158
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162 162
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157 157
158 158
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162 162
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1212,110 l 1215,111 l 1219,112 l 1222,112 l 1226,113 l 1229,114 l 1233,114 l 1237,115 l 1240,115 l 1244,116 l 1247,116 l 1251,117 l 1255,117 l 1259,118 l 1262,118 l 1266,118 l 1270,119 l 1273,119 l 1277,119 l 1281,119 l 1285,119 l 1288,120 l 1292,120 l 1296,120 l 1300,120 l 1304,120 l 1307,120 l 1311,120 l 1315,120 l 1319,120 l 1322,119 l 1326,119 l 1330,119 l 1334,119 l 1337,119 l 1341,118 l 1345,118 l 1348,118 l 1352,117 l 1356,117 l 1360,116 l 1363,116 l 1367,115 l 1370,115 l 1374,114 l 1378,114 l 1381,113 l 1385,112 l 1388,112 l 1392,111 l 1395,110 l 1399,109 l 1402,109 l 1406,108 l 1409,107 l 1412,106 l 1416,105 l 1419,104 l 1422,103 l 1426,102 l 1429,101 l 1432,100 l 1435,99 l 1438,98 l 1441,97 l 1444,96 l 1447,95 l 1450,93 l 1453,92 l 1456,91 l 1459,90 l 1462,88 l 1465,87 l 1468,86 l 1470,84 l 1473,83 l 1476,82 l 1478,80 l 1481,79 l 1483,77 l 1486,76 l 1488,74 l 1490,73 l 1493,71 l 1495,70 l 1497,68 l 1499,66 l 1501,65 l 1503,63 l 1505,61 l 1507,60 l 1509,58 l 1511,56 l 1513,55 l 1515,53 l 1516,51 l 1518,49 l 1520,48 l 1521,46 l 1523,44 l 1524,42 l 1526,40 l 1527,38 l 1528,37 l 1529,35 l 1530,33 l 1532,31 l 1533,29 l 1534,27 l 1534,25 l 1535,23 l 1536,22 l 1537,20 l 1538,18 l 1538,16 l 1539,14 l 1539,12 l 1540,10 l 1540,8 l 1540,6 l 1541,4 l 1541,2 l 1541,0 l 1541,-2 l 1541,-4 l 1541,-6 l 1541,-8 l 1541,-10 l 1541,-12 l 1540,-14 l 1540,-16 l 1540,-18 l 1539,-19 l 1539,-21 l 1538,-23 l 1538,-25 l 1537,-27 l 1536,-29 l 1535,-31 l 1534,-33 l 1534,-35 l 1533,-37 l 1532,-39 l 1530,-41 l 1529,-42 l 1528,-44 l 1527,-46 l 1526,-48 l 1524,-50 l 1523,-52 l 1521,-53 l 1520,-55 l 1518,-57 l 1516,-59 l 1515,-60 l 1513,-62 l 1511,-64 l 1509,-66 l 1507,-67 l 1505,-69 l 1503,-71 l 1501,-72 l 1499,-74 l 1497,-76 l 1495,-77 l 1493,-79 l 1490,-80 l 1488,-82 l 1486,-83 l 1483,-85 l 1481,-86 l 1478,-88 l 1476,-89 l 1473,-91 l 1470,-92 l 1468,-93 l 1465,-95 l 1462,-96 l 1459,-97 l 1456,-99 l 1453,-100 l 1450,-101 l 1447,-102 l 1444,-103 l 1441,-105 l 1438,-106 l 1435,-107 l 1432,-108 l 1429,-109 l 1426,-110 l 1422,-111 l 1419,-112 l 1416,-113 l 1412,-114 l 1409,-115 l 1406,-115 l 1402,-116 l 1399,-117 l 1395,-118 l 1392,-119 l 1388,-119 l 1385,-120 l 1381,-121 l 1378,-121 l 1374,-122 l 1370,-122 l 1367,-123 l 1363,-123 l 1360,-124 l 1356,-124 l 1352,-125 l 1348,-125 l 1345,-126 l 1341,-126 l 1337,-126 l 1334,-126 l 1330,-127 l 1326,-127 l 1322,-127 l 1319,-127 l 1315,-127 l 1311,-127 l 1307,-127 l 1304,-127 l 1300,-127 l 1296,-127 l 1292,-127 l 1288,-127 l 1285,-127 l 1281,-127 l 1277,-127 l 1273,-126 l 1270,-126 l 1266,-126 l 1262,-126 l 1259,-125 l 1255,-125 l 1251,-124 l 1247,-124 l 1244,-123 l 1240,-123 l 1237,-122 l 1233,-122 l 1229,-121 l 1226,-121 l 1222,-120 l 1219,-119 l 1215,-119 l 1212,-118 l 1208,-117 l 1205,-116 l 1201,-115 l 1198,-115 l 1195,-114 l 1191,-113 l 1188,-112 l 1185,-111 l 1181,-110 l 1178,-109 l 1175,-108 l 1172,-107 l 1169,-106 l 1166,-105 l 1163,-103 l 1160,-102 l 1157,-101 l 1154,-100 l 1151,-99 l 1148,-97 l 1145,-96 l 1142,-95 l 1139,-93 l 1137,-92 l 1134,-91 l 1131,-89 l 1129,-88 l 1126,-86 l 1124,-85 l 1121,-83 l 1119,-82 l 1117,-80 l 1114,-79 l 1112,-77 l 1110,-76 l 1108,-74 l 1106,-72 l 1104,-71 l 1102,-69 l 1100,-67 l 1098,-66 l 1096,-64 l 1094,-62 l 1092,-60 l 1091,-59 l 1089,-57 l 1087,-55 l 1086,-53 l 1084,-52 l 1083,-50 l 1081,-48 l 1080,-46 l 1079,-44 l 1078,-42 l 1077,-41 l 1075,-39 l 1074,-37 l 1073,-35 l 1073,-33 l 1072,-31 l 1071,-29 l 1070,-27 l 1069,-25 l 1069,-23 l 1068,-21 l 1068,-19 l 1067,-18 l 1067,-16 l 1067,-14 l 1066,-12 l 1066,-10 l 1066,-8 l 1066,-6 l 1066,-4xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,166,74)" onclick="OnShapeClick(166,74)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,166,74);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(166,74)"/> 163 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Completely Free Field 1 Definition" origTitle="Completely Free Field 1 Definition" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2853;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1066,-4 l 1066,-2 l 1066,0 l 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1348,-125 l 1345,-126 l 1341,-126 l 1337,-126 l 1334,-126 l 1330,-127 l 1326,-127 l 1322,-127 l 1319,-127 l 1315,-127 l 1311,-127 l 1307,-127 l 1304,-127 l 1300,-127 l 1296,-127 l 1292,-127 l 1288,-127 l 1285,-127 l 1281,-127 l 1277,-127 l 1273,-126 l 1270,-126 l 1266,-126 l 1262,-126 l 1259,-125 l 1255,-125 l 1251,-124 l 1247,-124 l 1244,-123 l 1240,-123 l 1237,-122 l 1233,-122 l 1229,-121 l 1226,-121 l 1222,-120 l 1219,-119 l 1215,-119 l 1212,-118 l 1208,-117 l 1205,-116 l 1201,-115 l 1198,-115 l 1195,-114 l 1191,-113 l 1188,-112 l 1185,-111 l 1181,-110 l 1178,-109 l 1175,-108 l 1172,-107 l 1169,-106 l 1166,-105 l 1163,-103 l 1160,-102 l 1157,-101 l 1154,-100 l 1151,-99 l 1148,-97 l 1145,-96 l 1142,-95 l 1139,-93 l 1137,-92 l 1134,-91 l 1131,-89 l 1129,-88 l 1126,-86 l 1124,-85 l 1121,-83 l 1119,-82 l 1117,-80 l 1114,-79 l 1112,-77 l 1110,-76 l 1108,-74 l 1106,-72 l 1104,-71 l 1102,-69 l 1100,-67 l 1098,-66 l 1096,-64 l 1094,-62 l 1092,-60 l 1091,-59 l 1089,-57 l 1087,-55 l 1086,-53 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164 +
165 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Specified User Field" origTitle="has Specified User Field" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -765,-152 l -798,-152 l -798,-54 l -503,-54 l -503,-152 l -525,-152 l -525,-154 l -765,-154 l -765,-152xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,7)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,7)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,7);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,7)"/>
166 +
167 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 1" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 243,15 l 284,15 l 284,-83 l 272,-83 l 272,-90 l 193,-90 l 170,-90 l 13,-90 l 13,-83 l -11,-83 l -11,15 l 30,15 l 30,16 l 220,16 l 243,16 l 243,15xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,71)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,71)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,71);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,71)"/>
168 +
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170 +
171 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 3" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 3" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 243,330 l 284,330 l 284,231 l 272,231 l 272,224 l 193,224 l 170,224 l 13,224 l 13,231 l -11,231 l -11,330 l 30,330 l 30,330 l 220,330 l 243,330 l 243,330xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,73)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,73)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,73);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,73)"/>
172 +
173 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 4" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 4" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 243,477 l 284,477 l 284,379 l 272,379 l 272,372 l 193,372 l 170,372 l 13,372 l 13,379 l -11,379 l -11,477 l 30,477 l 30,478 l 220,478 l 243,478 l 243,477xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,74)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,74)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,74);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,74)"/>
174 +
175 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="userfield: has WBS part 5" origTitle="userfield: has WBS part 5" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 243,634 l 284,634 l 284,536 l 272,536 l 272,529 l 193,529 l 170,529 l 13,529 l 13,536 l -11,536 l -11,634 l 30,634 l 30,635 l 220,635 l 243,635 l 243,634xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,75)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,75);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,75)"/>
176 +
177 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -811,-348 l -810,-346 l -810,-344 l -810,-342 l -810,-340 l -810,-337 l -809,-335 l -809,-333 l -809,-331 l -808,-329 l -808,-326 l -807,-324 l -806,-322 l -806,-320 l -805,-318 l -804,-316 l -803,-314 l -802,-312 l -801,-309 l -800,-307 l -799,-305 l -798,-303 l -796,-301 l -795,-299 l -794,-297 l -792,-295 l -791,-293 l -789,-291 l -788,-289 l -786,-287 l -784,-286 l -783,-284 l -781,-282 l -779,-280 l -777,-278 l -775,-276 l -773,-275 l -771,-273 l -769,-271 l -767,-270 l -765,-268 l -763,-266 l -760,-265 l -758,-263 l -756,-261 l -753,-260 l -751,-258 l -748,-257 l -746,-255 l -743,-254 l -741,-253 l -738,-251 l -736,-250 l -733,-249 l -730,-247 l -727,-246 l -725,-245 l -722,-244 l -719,-243 l -716,-242 l -713,-240 l -710,-239 l -707,-238 l -704,-237 l -701,-237 l -698,-236 l -695,-235 l -692,-234 l -689,-233 l -686,-232 l -683,-232 l -679,-231 l -676,-230 l -673,-230 l -670,-229 l -666,-229 l -663,-228 l -660,-228 l -657,-227 l -653,-227 l -650,-227 l -647,-226 l -643,-226 l -640,-226 l -637,-226 l -633,-226 l -630,-226 l -627,-225 l -623,-225 l -620,-225 l -617,-226 l -613,-226 l -610,-226 l -607,-226 l -603,-226 l -600,-226 l -597,-227 l -594,-227 l -590,-227 l -587,-228 l -584,-228 l -580,-229 l -577,-229 l -574,-230 l -571,-230 l -568,-231 l -564,-232 l -561,-232 l -558,-233 l -555,-234 l -552,-235 l -549,-236 l -546,-237 l -543,-237 l -540,-238 l -537,-239 l -534,-240 l -531,-242 l -528,-243 l -525,-244 l -522,-245 l -520,-246 l -517,-247 l -514,-249 l -511,-250 l -509,-251 l -506,-253 l -504,-254 l -501,-255 l -498,-257 l -496,-258 l -494,-260 l -491,-261 l -489,-263 l -487,-265 l -484,-266 l -482,-268 l -480,-270 l -478,-271 l -476,-273 l -474,-275 l -472,-276 l -470,-278 l -468,-280 l -466,-282 l -464,-284 l -463,-286 l -461,-287 l -459,-289 l -458,-291 l -456,-293 l -455,-295 l -453,-297 l -452,-299 l -451,-301 l -449,-303 l -448,-305 l -447,-307 l -446,-309 l -445,-312 l -444,-314 l -443,-316 l -442,-318 l -441,-320 l -441,-322 l -440,-324 l -439,-326 l -439,-329 l -438,-331 l -438,-333 l -437,-335 l -437,-337 l -437,-340 l -437,-342 l -437,-344 l -436,-346 l -436,-348 l -436,-350 l -437,-353 l -437,-355 l -437,-357 l -437,-359 l -437,-361 l -438,-364 l -438,-366 l -439,-368 l -439,-370 l -440,-372 l -441,-374 l -441,-377 l -442,-379 l -443,-381 l -444,-383 l -445,-385 l -446,-387 l -447,-389 l -448,-391 l -449,-393 l -451,-395 l -452,-397 l -453,-399 l -455,-401 l -456,-403 l -458,-405 l -459,-407 l -461,-409 l -463,-411 l -464,-413 l -466,-415 l -468,-417 l -470,-418 l -472,-420 l -474,-422 l -476,-424 l -478,-425 l -480,-427 l -482,-429 l -484,-430 l -487,-432 l -489,-434 l -491,-435 l -494,-437 l -496,-438 l -498,-440 l -501,-441 l -504,-443 l -506,-444 l -509,-445 l -511,-447 l -514,-448 l -517,-449 l -520,-450 l -522,-452 l -525,-453 l -528,-454 l -531,-455 l -534,-456 l -537,-457 l -540,-458 l -543,-459 l -546,-460 l -549,-461 l -552,-462 l -555,-463 l -558,-463 l -561,-464 l -564,-465 l -568,-465 l -571,-466 l -574,-467 l -577,-467 l -580,-468 l -584,-468 l -587,-469 l -590,-469 l -594,-470 l -597,-470 l -600,-470 l -603,-470 l -607,-471 l -610,-471 l -613,-471 l -617,-471 l -620,-471 l -623,-471 l -627,-471 l -630,-471 l -633,-471 l -637,-471 l -640,-471 l -643,-470 l -647,-470 l -650,-470 l -653,-470 l -657,-469 l -660,-469 l -663,-468 l -666,-468 l -670,-467 l -673,-467 l -676,-466 l -679,-465 l -683,-465 l -686,-464 l -689,-463 l -692,-463 l -695,-462 l -698,-461 l -701,-460 l -704,-459 l -707,-458 l -710,-457 l -713,-456 l -716,-455 l -719,-454 l -722,-453 l -725,-452 l -727,-450 l -730,-449 l -733,-448 l -736,-447 l -738,-445 l -741,-444 l -743,-443 l -746,-441 l -748,-440 l -751,-438 l -753,-437 l -756,-435 l -758,-434 l -760,-432 l -763,-430 l -765,-429 l -767,-427 l -769,-425 l -771,-424 l -773,-422 l -775,-420 l -777,-418 l -779,-417 l -781,-415 l -783,-413 l -784,-411 l -786,-409 l -788,-407 l -789,-405 l -791,-403 l -792,-401 l -794,-399 l -795,-397 l -796,-395 l -798,-393 l -799,-391 l -800,-389 l -801,-387 l -802,-385 l -803,-383 l -804,-381 l -805,-379 l -806,-377 l -806,-374 l -807,-372 l -808,-370 l -808,-368 l -809,-366 l -809,-364 l -809,-361 l -810,-359 l -810,-357 l -810,-355 l -810,-353 l -810,-350 l -811,-348xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,76)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,76);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,76)"/>
178 +
179 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" origTitle="Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for project P" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -842,209 l -842,212 l -842,215 l -842,217 l -842,220 l -842,223 l -841,226 l -841,228 l -840,231 l -840,234 l -839,236 l -839,239 l -838,242 l -837,244 l -836,247 l -836,250 l -835,252 l -834,255 l -833,258 l -832,260 l -830,263 l -829,265 l -828,268 l -827,270 l -825,273 l -824,275 l -822,278 l -821,280 l -819,283 l -818,285 l -816,288 l -814,290 l -812,292 l -811,295 l -809,297 l -807,299 l -805,302 l -803,304 l -801,306 l -798,308 l -796,310 l -794,313 l -792,315 l -789,317 l -787,319 l -784,321 l -782,323 l -779,325 l -777,327 l -774,329 l -772,330 l -769,332 l -766,334 l -764,336 l -761,338 l -758,339 l -755,341 l -752,342 l -749,344 l -746,346 l -743,347 l -740,349 l -737,350 l -734,351 l -731,353 l -728,354 l -724,355 l -721,357 l -718,358 l -715,359 l -711,360 l -708,361 l -705,362 l -701,363 l -698,364 l -695,365 l -691,366 l -688,367 l -684,367 l -681,368 l -677,369 l -674,370 l -670,370 l -667,371 l -663,371 l -659,372 l -656,372 l -652,372 l -649,373 l -645,373 l -642,373 l -638,374 l -634,374 l -631,374 l -627,374 l -623,374 l -620,374 l -616,374 l -613,374 l -609,374 l -605,373 l -602,373 l -598,373 l -595,372 l -591,372 l -587,372 l -584,371 l -580,371 l -577,370 l -573,370 l -570,369 l -566,368 l -563,367 l -559,367 l -556,366 l -552,365 l -549,364 l -546,363 l -542,362 l -539,361 l -536,360 l -532,359 l -529,358 l -526,357 l -522,355 l -519,354 l -516,353 l -513,351 l -510,350 l -507,349 l -504,347 l -501,346 l -498,344 l -495,342 l -492,341 l -489,339 l -486,338 l -483,336 l -481,334 l -478,332 l -475,330 l -473,329 l -470,327 l -467,325 l -465,323 l -462,321 l -460,319 l -458,317 l -455,315 l -453,313 l -451,310 l -449,308 l -446,306 l -444,304 l -442,302 l -440,299 l -438,297 l -436,295 l -435,292 l -433,290 l -431,288 l -429,285 l -428,283 l -426,280 l -425,278 l -423,275 l -422,273 l -420,270 l -419,268 l -418,265 l -416,263 l -415,260 l -414,258 l -413,255 l -412,252 l -411,250 l -410,247 l -410,244 l -409,242 l -408,239 l -408,236 l -407,234 l -407,231 l -406,228 l -406,226 l -405,223 l -405,220 l -405,217 l -405,215 l -405,212 l -405,209 l -405,207 l -405,204 l -405,201 l -405,198 l -405,196 l -406,193 l -406,190 l -407,188 l -407,185 l -408,182 l -408,180 l -409,177 l -410,174 l -410,172 l -411,169 l -412,166 l -413,164 l -414,161 l -415,158 l -416,156 l -418,153 l -419,151 l -420,148 l -422,146 l -423,143 l -425,141 l -426,138 l -428,136 l -429,133 l -431,131 l -433,129 l -435,126 l -436,124 l -438,122 l -440,119 l -442,117 l -444,115 l -446,113 l -449,110 l -451,108 l -453,106 l -455,104 l -458,102 l -460,100 l -462,98 l -465,96 l -467,94 l -470,92 l -473,90 l -475,88 l -478,86 l -481,85 l -483,83 l -486,81 l -489,79 l -492,78 l -495,76 l -498,75 l -501,73 l -504,72 l -507,70 l -510,69 l -513,67 l -516,66 l -519,65 l -522,63 l -526,62 l -529,61 l -532,60 l -536,59 l -539,58 l -542,57 l -546,56 l -549,55 l -552,54 l -556,53 l -559,52 l -563,51 l -566,50 l -570,50 l -573,49 l -577,49 l -580,48 l -584,47 l -587,47 l -591,47 l -595,46 l -598,46 l -602,46 l -605,45 l -609,45 l -613,45 l -616,45 l -620,45 l -623,45 l -627,45 l -631,45 l -634,45 l -638,45 l -642,45 l -645,46 l -649,46 l -652,46 l -656,47 l -659,47 l -663,47 l -667,48 l -670,49 l -674,49 l -677,50 l -681,50 l -684,51 l -688,52 l -691,53 l -695,54 l -698,55 l -701,56 l -705,57 l -708,58 l -711,59 l -715,60 l -718,61 l -721,62 l -724,63 l -728,65 l -731,66 l -734,67 l -737,69 l -740,70 l -743,72 l -746,73 l -749,75 l -752,76 l -755,78 l -758,79 l -761,81 l -764,83 l -766,85 l -769,86 l -772,88 l -774,90 l -777,92 l -779,94 l -782,96 l -784,98 l -787,100 l -789,102 l -792,104 l -794,106 l -796,108 l -798,110 l -801,113 l -803,115 l -805,117 l -807,119 l -809,122 l -811,124 l -812,126 l -814,129 l -816,131 l -818,133 l -819,136 l -821,138 l -822,141 l -824,143 l -825,146 l -827,148 l -828,151 l -829,153 l -830,156 l -832,158 l -833,161 l -834,164 l -835,166 l -836,169 l -836,172 l -837,174 l -838,177 l -839,180 l -839,182 l -840,185 l -840,188 l -841,190 l -841,193 l -842,196 l -842,198 l -842,201 l -842,204 l -842,207 l -842,209xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,77)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,77);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,77)"/>
180 +
181 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 93,-540 l 91,-541 l 89,-542 l 87,-544 l 84,-545 l 82,-546 l 80,-547 l 77,-548 l 75,-549 l 72,-550 l 70,-551 l 67,-552 l 65,-552 l 62,-553 l 60,-554 l 57,-555 l 54,-555 l 52,-556 l 49,-556 l 46,-557 l 44,-557 l 41,-558 l 38,-558 l 36,-559 l 33,-559 l 30,-559 l 27,-559 l 25,-559 l 22,-559 l 19,-560 l 17,-560 l 14,-559 l 11,-559 l 8,-559 l 6,-559 l 3,-559 l 0,-559 l -3,-558 l -5,-558 l -8,-557 l -11,-557 l -13,-556 l -16,-556 l -19,-555 l -21,-555 l -24,-554 l -26,-553 l -29,-552 l -31,-552 l -34,-551 l -36,-550 l -39,-549 l -41,-548 l -44,-547 l -46,-546 l -49,-545 l -51,-544 l -53,-542 l -55,-541 l -58,-540 l -76,-540 l -76,-527 l -78,-525 l -79,-524 l -81,-522 l -83,-520 l -84,-519 l -86,-517 l -88,-515 l -89,-513 l -91,-512 l -92,-510 l -93,-508 l -95,-506 l -96,-504 l -97,-502 l -98,-500 l -99,-498 l -100,-496 l -101,-494 l -102,-492 l -103,-490 l -104,-488 l -105,-486 l -105,-484 l -106,-482 l -107,-480 l -107,-478 l -108,-476 l -108,-474 l -108,-472 l -109,-469 l -109,-467 l -109,-465 l -109,-463 l -109,-461 l -109,-459 l -109,-457 l -109,-454 l -109,-452 l -109,-450 l -109,-448 l -108,-446 l -108,-444 l -108,-441 l -107,-439 l -107,-437 l -106,-435 l -105,-433 l -104,-431 l -104,-429 l -103,-427 l -102,-425 l -101,-423 l -100,-421 l -99,-419 l -98,-417 l -97,-415 l -95,-413 l -94,-411 l -93,-409 l -91,-407 l -90,-405 l -88,-403 l -87,-401 l -85,-400 l -84,-398 l -82,-396 l -80,-394 l -78,-393 l -76,-391 l -75,-390 l -73,-388 l -71,-386 l -69,-385 l -67,-383 l -65,-382 l -62,-381 l -60,-379 l -58,-378 l -56,-377 l -54,-375 l -51,-374 l -49,-373 l -47,-372 l -44,-371 l -42,-370 l -39,-369 l -37,-368 l -34,-367 l -32,-366 l -29,-365 l -27,-364 l -24,-364 l -21,-363 l -19,-362 l -16,-362 l -14,-361 l -11,-361 l -8,-360 l -5,-360 l -3,-359 l 0,-359 l 3,-359 l 5,-359 l 8,-358 l 11,-358 l 14,-358 l 17,-358 l 19,-358 l 22,-358 l 25,-358 l 28,-358 l 30,-359 l 33,-359 l 36,-359 l 39,-359 l 41,-360 l 44,-360 l 47,-361 l 49,-361 l 52,-362 l 55,-362 l 57,-363 l 60,-364 l 62,-364 l 65,-365 l 68,-366 l 70,-367 l 73,-368 l 75,-369 l 78,-370 l 80,-371 l 82,-372 l 85,-373 l 87,-374 l 89,-375 l 92,-377 l 94,-378 l 96,-379 l 98,-381 l 100,-382 l 102,-383 l 104,-385 l 106,-386 l 108,-388 l 110,-390 l 112,-391 l 114,-393 l 116,-394 l 118,-396 l 119,-398 l 121,-400 l 123,-401 l 124,-403 l 126,-405 l 127,-407 l 128,-409 l 130,-411 l 131,-413 l 132,-415 l 134,-417 l 135,-419 l 136,-421 l 137,-423 l 138,-425 l 139,-427 l 139,-429 l 140,-431 l 141,-433 l 142,-435 l 142,-437 l 143,-439 l 143,-441 l 144,-444 l 144,-446 l 145,-448 l 145,-450 l 145,-452 l 145,-454 l 145,-457 l 145,-459 l 145,-461 l 145,-463 l 145,-465 l 145,-467 l 145,-470 l 144,-472 l 144,-474 l 143,-476 l 143,-478 l 142,-480 l 142,-482 l 141,-484 l 140,-486 l 140,-488 l 139,-491 l 138,-493 l 137,-495 l 136,-497 l 135,-499 l 134,-501 l 133,-502 l 131,-504 l 130,-506 l 129,-508 l 128,-510 l 126,-512 l 125,-514 l 123,-515 l 123,-540 l 93,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,149)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,149);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,149)"/>
182 +
183 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 2" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 2" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 338,-540 l 336,-541 l 334,-542 l 332,-544 l 329,-545 l 327,-546 l 325,-547 l 322,-548 l 320,-549 l 317,-550 l 315,-551 l 312,-552 l 310,-552 l 307,-553 l 305,-554 l 302,-555 l 299,-555 l 297,-556 l 294,-556 l 291,-557 l 289,-557 l 286,-558 l 283,-558 l 281,-559 l 278,-559 l 275,-559 l 272,-559 l 270,-559 l 267,-559 l 264,-560 l 261,-560 l 259,-559 l 256,-559 l 253,-559 l 251,-559 l 248,-559 l 245,-559 l 242,-558 l 240,-558 l 237,-557 l 234,-557 l 232,-556 l 229,-556 l 226,-555 l 224,-555 l 221,-554 l 219,-553 l 216,-552 l 213,-552 l 211,-551 l 208,-550 l 206,-549 l 204,-548 l 201,-547 l 199,-546 l 196,-545 l 194,-544 l 192,-542 l 190,-541 l 187,-540 l 169,-540 l 169,-527 l 167,-525 l 166,-524 l 164,-522 l 162,-520 l 160,-519 l 159,-517 l 157,-515 l 156,-513 l 154,-512 l 153,-510 l 152,-508 l 150,-506 l 149,-504 l 148,-502 l 147,-500 l 146,-498 l 145,-496 l 144,-494 l 143,-492 l 142,-490 l 141,-488 l 140,-486 l 140,-484 l 139,-482 l 138,-480 l 138,-478 l 137,-476 l 137,-474 l 136,-472 l 136,-469 l 136,-467 l 136,-465 l 136,-463 l 135,-461 l 135,-459 l 135,-457 l 136,-454 l 136,-452 l 136,-450 l 136,-448 l 137,-446 l 137,-444 l 137,-441 l 138,-439 l 138,-437 l 139,-435 l 140,-433 l 140,-431 l 141,-429 l 142,-427 l 143,-425 l 144,-423 l 145,-421 l 146,-419 l 147,-417 l 148,-415 l 150,-413 l 151,-411 l 152,-409 l 154,-407 l 155,-405 l 157,-403 l 158,-401 l 160,-400 l 161,-398 l 163,-396 l 165,-394 l 167,-393 l 168,-391 l 170,-390 l 172,-388 l 174,-386 l 176,-385 l 178,-383 l 180,-382 l 182,-381 l 185,-379 l 187,-378 l 189,-377 l 191,-375 l 194,-374 l 196,-373 l 198,-372 l 201,-371 l 203,-370 l 206,-369 l 208,-368 l 211,-367 l 213,-366 l 216,-365 l 218,-364 l 221,-364 l 223,-363 l 226,-362 l 229,-362 l 231,-361 l 234,-361 l 237,-360 l 239,-360 l 242,-359 l 245,-359 l 248,-359 l 250,-359 l 253,-358 l 256,-358 l 259,-358 l 261,-358 l 264,-358 l 267,-358 l 270,-358 l 272,-358 l 275,-359 l 278,-359 l 281,-359 l 283,-359 l 286,-360 l 289,-360 l 292,-361 l 294,-361 l 297,-362 l 300,-362 l 302,-363 l 305,-364 l 307,-364 l 310,-365 l 313,-366 l 315,-367 l 318,-368 l 320,-369 l 322,-370 l 325,-371 l 327,-372 l 330,-373 l 332,-374 l 334,-375 l 337,-377 l 339,-378 l 341,-379 l 343,-381 l 345,-382 l 347,-383 l 349,-385 l 351,-386 l 353,-388 l 355,-390 l 357,-391 l 359,-393 l 361,-394 l 363,-396 l 364,-398 l 366,-400 l 367,-401 l 369,-403 l 371,-405 l 372,-407 l 373,-409 l 375,-411 l 376,-413 l 377,-415 l 378,-417 l 380,-419 l 381,-421 l 382,-423 l 383,-425 l 384,-427 l 384,-429 l 385,-431 l 386,-433 l 387,-435 l 387,-437 l 388,-439 l 388,-441 l 389,-444 l 389,-446 l 389,-448 l 390,-450 l 390,-452 l 390,-454 l 390,-457 l 390,-459 l 390,-461 l 390,-463 l 390,-465 l 390,-467 l 389,-470 l 389,-472 l 389,-474 l 388,-476 l 388,-478 l 387,-480 l 387,-482 l 386,-484 l 385,-486 l 385,-488 l 384,-491 l 383,-493 l 382,-495 l 381,-497 l 380,-499 l 379,-501 l 378,-502 l 376,-504 l 375,-506 l 374,-508 l 372,-510 l 371,-512 l 370,-514 l 368,-515 l 368,-540 l 338,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,151)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,151)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,151);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,151)"/>
184 +
185 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 3" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 3" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 583,-540 l 581,-541 l 579,-542 l 576,-544 l 574,-545 l 572,-546 l 569,-547 l 567,-548 l 565,-549 l 562,-550 l 560,-551 l 557,-552 l 555,-552 l 552,-553 l 549,-554 l 547,-555 l 544,-555 l 542,-556 l 539,-556 l 536,-557 l 534,-557 l 531,-558 l 528,-558 l 526,-559 l 523,-559 l 520,-559 l 517,-559 l 515,-559 l 512,-559 l 509,-560 l 506,-560 l 504,-559 l 501,-559 l 498,-559 l 495,-559 l 493,-559 l 490,-559 l 487,-558 l 485,-558 l 482,-557 l 479,-557 l 477,-556 l 474,-556 l 471,-555 l 469,-555 l 466,-554 l 463,-553 l 461,-552 l 458,-552 l 456,-551 l 453,-550 l 451,-549 l 448,-548 l 446,-547 l 444,-546 l 441,-545 l 439,-544 l 437,-542 l 434,-541 l 432,-540 l 414,-540 l 414,-527 l 412,-525 l 410,-524 l 409,-522 l 407,-520 l 405,-519 l 404,-517 l 402,-515 l 401,-513 l 399,-512 l 398,-510 l 397,-508 l 395,-506 l 394,-504 l 393,-502 l 392,-500 l 391,-498 l 390,-496 l 389,-494 l 388,-492 l 387,-490 l 386,-488 l 385,-486 l 384,-484 l 384,-482 l 383,-480 l 383,-478 l 382,-476 l 382,-474 l 381,-472 l 381,-469 l 381,-467 l 381,-465 l 380,-463 l 380,-461 l 380,-459 l 380,-457 l 380,-454 l 381,-452 l 381,-450 l 381,-448 l 381,-446 l 382,-444 l 382,-441 l 383,-439 l 383,-437 l 384,-435 l 385,-433 l 385,-431 l 386,-429 l 387,-427 l 388,-425 l 389,-423 l 390,-421 l 391,-419 l 392,-417 l 393,-415 l 395,-413 l 396,-411 l 397,-409 l 399,-407 l 400,-405 l 402,-403 l 403,-401 l 405,-400 l 406,-398 l 408,-396 l 410,-394 l 412,-393 l 413,-391 l 415,-390 l 417,-388 l 419,-386 l 421,-385 l 423,-383 l 425,-382 l 427,-381 l 430,-379 l 432,-378 l 434,-377 l 436,-375 l 439,-374 l 441,-373 l 443,-372 l 446,-371 l 448,-370 l 451,-369 l 453,-368 l 456,-367 l 458,-366 l 461,-365 l 463,-364 l 466,-364 l 468,-363 l 471,-362 l 474,-362 l 476,-361 l 479,-361 l 482,-360 l 484,-360 l 487,-359 l 490,-359 l 493,-359 l 495,-359 l 498,-358 l 501,-358 l 504,-358 l 506,-358 l 509,-358 l 512,-358 l 515,-358 l 517,-358 l 520,-359 l 523,-359 l 526,-359 l 528,-359 l 531,-360 l 534,-360 l 536,-361 l 539,-361 l 542,-362 l 544,-362 l 547,-363 l 550,-364 l 552,-364 l 555,-365 l 557,-366 l 560,-367 l 562,-368 l 565,-369 l 567,-370 l 570,-371 l 572,-372 l 575,-373 l 577,-374 l 579,-375 l 582,-377 l 584,-378 l 586,-379 l 588,-381 l 590,-382 l 592,-383 l 594,-385 l 596,-386 l 598,-388 l 600,-390 l 602,-391 l 604,-393 l 606,-394 l 607,-396 l 609,-398 l 611,-400 l 612,-401 l 614,-403 l 615,-405 l 617,-407 l 618,-409 l 620,-411 l 621,-413 l 622,-415 l 623,-417 l 625,-419 l 626,-421 l 627,-423 l 628,-425 l 628,-427 l 629,-429 l 630,-431 l 631,-433 l 632,-435 l 632,-437 l 633,-439 l 633,-441 l 634,-444 l 634,-446 l 634,-448 l 635,-450 l 635,-452 l 635,-454 l 635,-457 l 635,-459 l 635,-461 l 635,-463 l 635,-465 l 635,-467 l 634,-470 l 634,-472 l 634,-474 l 633,-476 l 633,-478 l 632,-480 l 632,-482 l 631,-484 l 630,-486 l 629,-488 l 629,-491 l 628,-493 l 627,-495 l 626,-497 l 625,-499 l 624,-501 l 623,-502 l 621,-504 l 620,-506 l 619,-508 l 617,-510 l 616,-512 l 615,-514 l 613,-515 l 613,-540 l 583,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,152)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,152)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,152);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,152)"/>
186 +
187 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 4" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 4" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 828,-540 l 826,-541 l 824,-542 l 821,-544 l 819,-545 l 817,-546 l 814,-547 l 812,-548 l 810,-549 l 807,-550 l 805,-551 l 802,-552 l 800,-552 l 797,-553 l 794,-554 l 792,-555 l 789,-555 l 787,-556 l 784,-556 l 781,-557 l 779,-557 l 776,-558 l 773,-558 l 770,-559 l 768,-559 l 765,-559 l 762,-559 l 760,-559 l 757,-559 l 754,-560 l 751,-560 l 749,-559 l 746,-559 l 743,-559 l 740,-559 l 738,-559 l 735,-559 l 732,-558 l 730,-558 l 727,-557 l 724,-557 l 721,-556 l 719,-556 l 716,-555 l 714,-555 l 711,-554 l 708,-553 l 706,-552 l 703,-552 l 701,-551 l 698,-550 l 696,-549 l 693,-548 l 691,-547 l 689,-546 l 686,-545 l 684,-544 l 682,-542 l 679,-541 l 677,-540 l 659,-540 l 659,-527 l 657,-525 l 655,-524 l 654,-522 l 652,-520 l 650,-519 l 649,-517 l 647,-515 l 646,-513 l 644,-512 l 643,-510 l 642,-508 l 640,-506 l 639,-504 l 638,-502 l 637,-500 l 636,-498 l 635,-496 l 634,-494 l 633,-492 l 632,-490 l 631,-488 l 630,-486 l 629,-484 l 629,-482 l 628,-480 l 628,-478 l 627,-476 l 627,-474 l 626,-472 l 626,-469 l 626,-467 l 626,-465 l 625,-463 l 625,-461 l 625,-459 l 625,-457 l 625,-454 l 626,-452 l 626,-450 l 626,-448 l 626,-446 l 627,-444 l 627,-441 l 628,-439 l 628,-437 l 629,-435 l 630,-433 l 630,-431 l 631,-429 l 632,-427 l 633,-425 l 634,-423 l 635,-421 l 636,-419 l 637,-417 l 638,-415 l 639,-413 l 641,-411 l 642,-409 l 644,-407 l 645,-405 l 646,-403 l 648,-401 l 650,-400 l 651,-398 l 653,-396 l 655,-394 l 656,-393 l 658,-391 l 660,-390 l 662,-388 l 664,-386 l 666,-385 l 668,-383 l 670,-382 l 672,-381 l 674,-379 l 677,-378 l 679,-377 l 681,-375 l 683,-374 l 686,-373 l 688,-372 l 691,-371 l 693,-370 l 695,-369 l 698,-368 l 700,-367 l 703,-366 l 706,-365 l 708,-364 l 711,-364 l 713,-363 l 716,-362 l 719,-362 l 721,-361 l 724,-361 l 727,-360 l 729,-360 l 732,-359 l 735,-359 l 738,-359 l 740,-359 l 743,-358 l 746,-358 l 749,-358 l 751,-358 l 754,-358 l 757,-358 l 760,-358 l 762,-358 l 765,-359 l 768,-359 l 771,-359 l 773,-359 l 776,-360 l 779,-360 l 781,-361 l 784,-361 l 787,-362 l 789,-362 l 792,-363 l 795,-364 l 797,-364 l 800,-365 l 802,-366 l 805,-367 l 807,-368 l 810,-369 l 812,-370 l 815,-371 l 817,-372 l 820,-373 l 822,-374 l 824,-375 l 826,-377 l 829,-378 l 831,-379 l 833,-381 l 835,-382 l 837,-383 l 839,-385 l 841,-386 l 843,-388 l 845,-390 l 847,-391 l 849,-393 l 851,-394 l 852,-396 l 854,-398 l 856,-400 l 857,-401 l 859,-403 l 860,-405 l 862,-407 l 863,-409 l 865,-411 l 866,-413 l 867,-415 l 868,-417 l 869,-419 l 871,-421 l 872,-423 l 872,-425 l 873,-427 l 874,-429 l 875,-431 l 876,-433 l 876,-435 l 877,-437 l 878,-439 l 878,-441 l 879,-444 l 879,-446 l 879,-448 l 880,-450 l 880,-452 l 880,-454 l 880,-457 l 880,-459 l 880,-461 l 880,-463 l 880,-465 l 880,-467 l 879,-470 l 879,-472 l 879,-474 l 878,-476 l 878,-478 l 877,-480 l 877,-482 l 876,-484 l 875,-486 l 874,-488 l 874,-491 l 873,-493 l 872,-495 l 871,-497 l 870,-499 l 869,-501 l 867,-502 l 866,-504 l 865,-506 l 864,-508 l 862,-510 l 861,-512 l 859,-514 l 858,-515 l 858,-540 l 828,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,153)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,153)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,153);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,153)"/>
188 +
189 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 5" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 5" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1073,-540 l 1071,-541 l 1069,-542 l 1066,-544 l 1064,-545 l 1062,-546 l 1059,-547 l 1057,-548 l 1054,-549 l 1052,-550 l 1049,-551 l 1047,-552 l 1044,-552 l 1042,-553 l 1039,-554 l 1037,-555 l 1034,-555 l 1031,-556 l 1029,-556 l 1026,-557 l 1023,-557 l 1021,-558 l 1018,-558 l 1015,-559 l 1013,-559 l 1010,-559 l 1007,-559 l 1004,-559 l 1002,-559 l 999,-560 l 996,-560 l 994,-559 l 991,-559 l 988,-559 l 985,-559 l 983,-559 l 980,-559 l 977,-558 l 974,-558 l 972,-557 l 969,-557 l 966,-556 l 964,-556 l 961,-555 l 959,-555 l 956,-554 l 953,-553 l 951,-552 l 948,-552 l 946,-551 l 943,-550 l 941,-549 l 938,-548 l 936,-547 l 934,-546 l 931,-545 l 929,-544 l 927,-542 l 924,-541 l 922,-540 l 904,-540 l 904,-527 l 902,-525 l 900,-524 l 899,-522 l 897,-520 l 895,-519 l 894,-517 l 892,-515 l 891,-513 l 889,-512 l 888,-510 l 886,-508 l 885,-506 l 884,-504 l 883,-502 l 882,-500 l 880,-498 l 879,-496 l 878,-494 l 878,-492 l 877,-490 l 876,-488 l 875,-486 l 874,-484 l 874,-482 l 873,-480 l 873,-478 l 872,-476 l 872,-474 l 871,-472 l 871,-469 l 871,-467 l 870,-465 l 870,-463 l 870,-461 l 870,-459 l 870,-457 l 870,-454 l 870,-452 l 871,-450 l 871,-448 l 871,-446 l 872,-444 l 872,-441 l 873,-439 l 873,-437 l 874,-435 l 875,-433 l 875,-431 l 876,-429 l 877,-427 l 878,-425 l 879,-423 l 880,-421 l 881,-419 l 882,-417 l 883,-415 l 884,-413 l 886,-411 l 887,-409 l 888,-407 l 890,-405 l 891,-403 l 893,-401 l 895,-400 l 896,-398 l 898,-396 l 900,-394 l 901,-393 l 903,-391 l 905,-390 l 907,-388 l 909,-386 l 911,-385 l 913,-383 l 915,-382 l 917,-381 l 919,-379 l 922,-378 l 924,-377 l 926,-375 l 928,-374 l 931,-373 l 933,-372 l 936,-371 l 938,-370 l 940,-369 l 943,-368 l 945,-367 l 948,-366 l 950,-365 l 953,-364 l 956,-364 l 958,-363 l 961,-362 l 964,-362 l 966,-361 l 969,-361 l 972,-360 l 974,-360 l 977,-359 l 980,-359 l 982,-359 l 985,-359 l 988,-358 l 991,-358 l 993,-358 l 996,-358 l 999,-358 l 1002,-358 l 1005,-358 l 1007,-358 l 1010,-359 l 1013,-359 l 1015,-359 l 1018,-359 l 1021,-360 l 1024,-360 l 1026,-361 l 1029,-361 l 1032,-362 l 1034,-362 l 1037,-363 l 1040,-364 l 1042,-364 l 1045,-365 l 1047,-366 l 1050,-367 l 1052,-368 l 1055,-369 l 1057,-370 l 1060,-371 l 1062,-372 l 1064,-373 l 1067,-374 l 1069,-375 l 1071,-377 l 1074,-378 l 1076,-379 l 1078,-381 l 1080,-382 l 1082,-383 l 1084,-385 l 1086,-386 l 1088,-388 l 1090,-390 l 1092,-391 l 1094,-393 l 1096,-394 l 1097,-396 l 1099,-398 l 1101,-400 l 1102,-401 l 1104,-403 l 1105,-405 l 1107,-407 l 1108,-409 l 1110,-411 l 1111,-413 l 1112,-415 l 1113,-417 l 1114,-419 l 1115,-421 l 1116,-423 l 1117,-425 l 1118,-427 l 1119,-429 l 1120,-431 l 1121,-433 l 1121,-435 l 1122,-437 l 1123,-439 l 1123,-441 l 1124,-444 l 1124,-446 l 1124,-448 l 1125,-450 l 1125,-452 l 1125,-454 l 1125,-457 l 1125,-459 l 1125,-461 l 1125,-463 l 1125,-465 l 1125,-467 l 1124,-470 l 1124,-472 l 1124,-474 l 1123,-476 l 1123,-478 l 1122,-480 l 1122,-482 l 1121,-484 l 1120,-486 l 1119,-488 l 1119,-491 l 1118,-493 l 1117,-495 l 1116,-497 l 1115,-499 l 1114,-501 l 1112,-502 l 1111,-504 l 1110,-506 l 1109,-508 l 1107,-510 l 1106,-512 l 1104,-514 l 1103,-515 l 1103,-540 l 1073,-540xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,154)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,154)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,154);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,154)"/>
190 +
191 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has WBS Part 1" origTitle="has WBS Part 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1484,-744 l 1473,-744 l 1473,-741 l 1445,-741 l 1445,-643 l 1671,-643 l 1671,-741 l 1653,-741 l 1653,-744 l 1484,-744xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,181)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,181)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,181);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,181)"/>
192 +
193 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has Value" origTitle="has Value" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 485,-115 l 731,-115 l 731,-214 l 485,-214 l 485,-115xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,150)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,150)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,150);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,150)"/>
194 +
195 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 1 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 1 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 719,-92 l 717,-92 l 714,-93 l 711,-94 l 708,-94 l 705,-94 l 702,-95 l 699,-95 l 696,-96 l 693,-96 l 690,-97 l 687,-97 l 684,-97 l 681,-98 l 678,-98 l 675,-98 l 672,-99 l 668,-99 l 665,-99 l 662,-99 l 659,-100 l 655,-100 l 652,-100 l 649,-100 l 646,-100 l 642,-100 l 639,-100 l 636,-101 l 633,-101 l 629,-101 l 626,-101 l 623,-101 l 619,-101 l 616,-101 l 613,-101 l 609,-101 l 606,-101 l 603,-101 l 600,-100 l 596,-100 l 593,-100 l 590,-100 l 587,-100 l 583,-100 l 580,-100 l 577,-99 l 574,-99 l 570,-99 l 567,-99 l 564,-98 l 561,-98 l 558,-98 l 555,-97 l 552,-97 l 549,-97 l 546,-96 l 543,-96 l 540,-95 l 537,-95 l 534,-94 l 531,-94 l 528,-94 l 525,-93 l 522,-92 l 519,-92 l 472,-92 l 472,-79 l 470,-78 l 468,-77 l 466,-76 l 464,-75 l 462,-75 l 461,-74 l 459,-73 l 457,-72 l 456,-71 l 454,-70 l 453,-69 l 451,-68 l 450,-68 l 449,-67 l 447,-66 l 446,-65 l 445,-64 l 444,-63 l 443,-62 l 442,-61 l 441,-60 l 440,-59 l 439,-58 l 439,-57 l 438,-56 l 437,-55 l 437,-54 l 436,-53 l 436,-52 l 436,-51 l 435,-50 l 435,-49 l 435,-48 l 435,-47 l 434,-46 l 434,-45 l 434,-44 l 435,-43 l 435,-42 l 435,-41 l 435,-40 l 436,-39 l 436,-38 l 436,-37 l 437,-36 l 437,-35 l 438,-34 l 439,-33 l 439,-32 l 440,-31 l 441,-30 l 442,-29 l 443,-28 l 444,-27 l 445,-27 l 446,-26 l 447,-25 l 449,-24 l 450,-23 l 451,-22 l 453,-21 l 454,-20 l 456,-19 l 457,-18 l 459,-17 l 461,-17 l 462,-16 l 464,-15 l 466,-14 l 468,-13 l 470,-12 l 472,-12 l 474,-11 l 476,-10 l 478,-9 l 480,-9 l 482,-8 l 485,-7 l 487,-6 l 489,-6 l 492,-5 l 494,-4 l 496,-4 l 499,-3 l 501,-2 l 504,-2 l 507,-1 l 509,0 l 512,0 l 515,1 l 517,1 l 520,2 l 523,2 l 526,3 l 529,3 l 532,4 l 535,4 l 538,5 l 541,5 l 544,6 l 547,6 l 550,6 l 553,7 l 556,7 l 559,7 l 562,8 l 565,8 l 569,8 l 572,9 l 575,9 l 578,9 l 581,9 l 585,9 l 588,10 l 591,10 l 595,10 l 598,10 l 601,10 l 604,10 l 608,10 l 611,10 l 614,10 l 618,10 l 621,10 l 624,10 l 628,10 l 631,10 l 634,10 l 638,10 l 641,10 l 644,10 l 647,10 l 651,10 l 654,9 l 657,9 l 661,9 l 664,9 l 667,9 l 670,8 l 673,8 l 677,8 l 680,7 l 683,7 l 686,7 l 689,6 l 692,6 l 695,6 l 698,5 l 701,5 l 704,4 l 707,4 l 710,3 l 713,3 l 716,2 l 718,2 l 721,1 l 724,1 l 727,0 l 729,0 l 732,-1 l 735,-2 l 737,-2 l 740,-3 l 742,-4 l 745,-4 l 747,-5 l 750,-6 l 752,-6 l 754,-7 l 756,-8 l 759,-9 l 761,-9 l 763,-10 l 765,-11 l 767,-12 l 769,-12 l 771,-13 l 773,-14 l 775,-15 l 776,-16 l 778,-17 l 780,-17 l 781,-18 l 783,-19 l 785,-20 l 786,-21 l 787,-22 l 789,-23 l 790,-24 l 791,-25 l 793,-26 l 794,-27 l 795,-27 l 796,-28 l 797,-29 l 798,-30 l 799,-31 l 799,-32 l 800,-33 l 801,-34 l 801,-35 l 802,-36 l 802,-37 l 803,-38 l 803,-39 l 804,-40 l 804,-41 l 804,-42 l 804,-43 l 804,-44 l 804,-45 l 804,-46 l 804,-47 l 804,-48 l 804,-49 l 804,-50 l 803,-51 l 803,-52 l 802,-53 l 802,-54 l 801,-55 l 801,-56 l 800,-57 l 799,-58 l 799,-59 l 798,-60 l 797,-61 l 796,-62 l 795,-63 l 794,-64 l 793,-65 l 791,-66 l 790,-67 l 789,-67 l 787,-68 l 786,-69 l 785,-70 l 783,-71 l 782,-72 l 780,-73 l 778,-74 l 777,-74 l 777,-92 l 719,-92xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,141)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,141)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,141);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,141)"/>
196 +
197 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 2 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 2 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 717,81 l 714,81 l 711,80 l 708,80 l 705,79 l 702,79 l 699,78 l 696,78 l 693,77 l 690,77 l 687,77 l 684,76 l 681,76 l 678,76 l 675,75 l 672,75 l 669,75 l 665,74 l 662,74 l 659,74 l 656,74 l 653,74 l 649,73 l 646,73 l 643,73 l 640,73 l 636,73 l 633,73 l 630,73 l 626,73 l 623,72 l 620,72 l 616,72 l 613,72 l 610,72 l 607,73 l 603,73 l 600,73 l 597,73 l 593,73 l 590,73 l 587,73 l 584,73 l 580,74 l 577,74 l 574,74 l 571,74 l 567,74 l 564,75 l 561,75 l 558,75 l 555,76 l 552,76 l 549,76 l 546,77 l 543,77 l 540,77 l 537,78 l 534,78 l 531,79 l 528,79 l 525,80 l 522,80 l 519,81 l 516,81 l 464,81 l 464,97 l 462,97 l 460,98 l 459,99 l 457,100 l 455,101 l 454,102 l 452,102 l 451,103 l 449,104 l 448,105 l 447,106 l 445,107 l 444,108 l 443,109 l 442,110 l 441,111 l 440,112 l 439,113 l 438,113 l 437,114 l 436,115 l 436,116 l 435,117 l 434,118 l 434,119 l 433,120 l 433,121 l 433,122 l 432,123 l 432,124 l 432,125 l 432,126 l 432,127 l 432,128 l 432,129 l 432,130 l 432,131 l 432,132 l 432,133 l 433,134 l 433,135 l 433,136 l 434,137 l 434,138 l 435,139 l 436,140 l 437,141 l 437,142 l 438,143 l 439,144 l 440,145 l 441,146 l 442,147 l 443,148 l 445,149 l 446,149 l 447,150 l 448,151 l 450,152 l 451,153 l 453,154 l 454,155 l 456,156 l 458,157 l 459,157 l 461,158 l 463,159 l 465,160 l 467,161 l 469,162 l 471,162 l 473,163 l 475,164 l 477,165 l 479,165 l 482,166 l 484,167 l 486,168 l 489,168 l 491,169 l 494,170 l 496,170 l 499,171 l 501,172 l 504,172 l 506,173 l 509,173 l 512,174 l 515,175 l 517,175 l 520,176 l 523,176 l 526,177 l 529,177 l 532,178 l 535,178 l 538,178 l 541,179 l 544,179 l 547,180 l 550,180 l 553,180 l 556,181 l 559,181 l 562,181 l 566,182 l 569,182 l 572,182 l 575,182 l 579,183 l 582,183 l 585,183 l 588,183 l 592,183 l 595,183 l 598,183 l 602,184 l 605,184 l 608,184 l 611,184 l 615,184 l 618,184 l 621,184 l 625,184 l 628,184 l 631,184 l 635,183 l 638,183 l 641,183 l 645,183 l 648,183 l 651,183 l 654,183 l 658,182 l 661,182 l 664,182 l 667,182 l 670,181 l 674,181 l 677,181 l 680,180 l 683,180 l 686,180 l 689,179 l 692,179 l 695,178 l 698,178 l 701,178 l 704,177 l 707,177 l 710,176 l 713,176 l 716,175 l 718,175 l 721,174 l 724,173 l 726,173 l 729,172 l 732,172 l 734,171 l 737,170 l 739,170 l 742,169 l 744,168 l 747,168 l 749,167 l 751,166 l 754,165 l 756,165 l 758,164 l 760,163 l 762,162 l 764,162 l 766,161 l 768,160 l 770,159 l 772,158 l 773,157 l 775,157 l 777,156 l 779,155 l 780,154 l 782,153 l 783,152 l 784,151 l 786,150 l 787,149 l 788,149 l 790,148 l 791,147 l 792,146 l 793,145 l 794,144 l 795,143 l 796,142 l 796,141 l 797,140 l 798,139 l 798,138 l 799,137 l 799,136 l 800,135 l 800,134 l 801,133 l 801,132 l 801,131 l 801,130 l 801,129 l 801,128 l 801,127 l 801,126 l 801,125 l 801,124 l 801,123 l 800,122 l 800,121 l 799,120 l 799,119 l 798,118 l 798,117 l 797,116 l 796,115 l 796,114 l 795,113 l 794,112 l 793,111 l 792,110 l 791,109 l 790,109 l 788,108 l 787,107 l 786,106 l 784,105 l 783,104 l 782,103 l 780,102 l 778,101 l 778,81 l 717,81xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,142)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,142)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,142);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,142)"/>
198 +
199 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 3 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 3 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 719,271 l 717,270 l 714,270 l 711,269 l 708,269 l 705,268 l 702,268 l 699,267 l 696,267 l 693,267 l 690,266 l 687,266 l 684,265 l 681,265 l 678,265 l 675,264 l 672,264 l 668,264 l 665,264 l 662,263 l 659,263 l 655,263 l 652,263 l 649,263 l 646,262 l 642,262 l 639,262 l 636,262 l 633,262 l 629,262 l 626,262 l 623,262 l 619,262 l 616,262 l 613,262 l 609,262 l 606,262 l 603,262 l 600,262 l 596,262 l 593,262 l 590,263 l 587,263 l 583,263 l 580,263 l 577,263 l 574,264 l 570,264 l 567,264 l 564,264 l 561,265 l 558,265 l 555,265 l 552,266 l 549,266 l 546,267 l 543,267 l 540,267 l 537,268 l 534,268 l 531,269 l 528,269 l 525,270 l 522,270 l 519,271 l 467,271 l 467,286 l 465,287 l 463,288 l 462,288 l 460,289 l 458,290 l 457,291 l 455,292 l 454,293 l 452,294 l 451,295 l 450,295 l 448,296 l 447,297 l 446,298 l 445,299 l 444,300 l 443,301 l 442,302 l 441,303 l 440,304 l 439,305 l 439,306 l 438,307 l 437,308 l 437,309 l 436,310 l 436,311 l 435,312 l 435,313 l 435,314 l 435,315 l 435,316 l 434,317 l 434,318 l 434,319 l 435,320 l 435,321 l 435,322 l 435,323 l 436,324 l 436,325 l 436,326 l 437,326 l 437,327 l 438,328 l 439,329 l 439,330 l 440,331 l 441,332 l 442,333 l 443,334 l 444,335 l 445,336 l 446,337 l 447,338 l 449,339 l 450,340 l 451,341 l 453,342 l 454,343 l 456,343 l 457,344 l 459,345 l 461,346 l 462,347 l 464,348 l 466,349 l 468,349 l 470,350 l 472,351 l 474,352 l 476,353 l 478,353 l 480,354 l 482,355 l 485,356 l 487,356 l 489,357 l 492,358 l 494,358 l 496,359 l 499,360 l 501,360 l 504,361 l 507,362 l 509,362 l 512,363 l 515,363 l 517,364 l 520,365 l 523,365 l 526,366 l 529,366 l 532,367 l 535,367 l 538,367 l 541,368 l 544,368 l 547,369 l 550,369 l 553,369 l 556,370 l 559,370 l 562,370 l 565,371 l 569,371 l 572,371 l 575,372 l 578,372 l 581,372 l 585,372 l 588,372 l 591,373 l 595,373 l 598,373 l 601,373 l 604,373 l 608,373 l 611,373 l 614,373 l 618,373 l 621,373 l 624,373 l 628,373 l 631,373 l 634,373 l 638,373 l 641,373 l 644,373 l 647,373 l 651,372 l 654,372 l 657,372 l 661,372 l 664,372 l 667,371 l 670,371 l 673,371 l 677,370 l 680,370 l 683,370 l 686,369 l 689,369 l 692,369 l 695,368 l 698,368 l 701,367 l 704,367 l 707,367 l 710,366 l 713,366 l 716,365 l 718,365 l 721,364 l 724,363 l 727,363 l 729,362 l 732,362 l 735,361 l 737,360 l 740,360 l 742,359 l 745,358 l 747,358 l 750,357 l 752,356 l 754,356 l 756,355 l 759,354 l 761,353 l 763,353 l 765,352 l 767,351 l 769,350 l 771,349 l 773,349 l 775,348 l 776,347 l 778,346 l 780,345 l 781,344 l 783,343 l 785,343 l 786,342 l 787,341 l 789,340 l 790,339 l 791,338 l 793,337 l 794,336 l 795,335 l 796,334 l 797,333 l 798,332 l 799,331 l 799,330 l 800,329 l 801,328 l 801,327 l 802,326 l 802,326 l 803,325 l 803,324 l 804,323 l 804,322 l 804,321 l 804,320 l 804,319 l 804,318 l 804,317 l 804,316 l 804,315 l 804,314 l 804,313 l 803,312 l 803,311 l 802,310 l 802,309 l 801,308 l 801,307 l 800,306 l 799,305 l 798,304 l 798,303 l 797,302 l 796,301 l 795,300 l 794,299 l 792,298 l 791,297 l 790,296 l 789,295 l 787,294 l 786,293 l 784,292 l 783,292 l 781,291 l 781,271 l 719,271xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,143)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,143)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,143);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,143)"/>
200 +
201 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 4 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 4 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 719,460 l 717,460 l 714,459 l 711,459 l 708,458 l 705,458 l 702,457 l 699,457 l 696,456 l 693,456 l 690,456 l 687,455 l 684,455 l 681,455 l 678,454 l 675,454 l 672,454 l 668,453 l 665,453 l 662,453 l 659,453 l 655,452 l 652,452 l 649,452 l 646,452 l 642,452 l 639,452 l 636,452 l 633,451 l 629,451 l 626,451 l 623,451 l 619,451 l 616,451 l 613,451 l 609,451 l 606,451 l 603,452 l 600,452 l 596,452 l 593,452 l 590,452 l 587,452 l 583,452 l 580,453 l 577,453 l 574,453 l 570,453 l 567,454 l 564,454 l 561,454 l 558,455 l 555,455 l 552,455 l 549,456 l 546,456 l 543,456 l 540,457 l 537,457 l 534,458 l 531,458 l 528,459 l 525,459 l 522,460 l 519,460 l 467,460 l 467,475 l 465,476 l 463,477 l 462,478 l 460,479 l 458,480 l 457,480 l 455,481 l 454,482 l 452,483 l 451,484 l 450,485 l 448,486 l 447,487 l 446,488 l 445,489 l 444,490 l 443,490 l 442,491 l 441,492 l 440,493 l 439,494 l 439,495 l 438,496 l 437,497 l 437,498 l 436,499 l 436,500 l 435,501 l 435,502 l 435,503 l 435,504 l 435,505 l 434,506 l 434,507 l 434,508 l 435,509 l 435,510 l 435,511 l 435,512 l 436,513 l 436,514 l 436,515 l 437,516 l 437,517 l 438,518 l 439,519 l 439,520 l 440,521 l 441,522 l 442,523 l 443,524 l 444,525 l 445,526 l 446,527 l 447,527 l 449,528 l 450,529 l 451,530 l 453,531 l 454,532 l 456,533 l 457,534 l 459,535 l 461,536 l 462,536 l 464,537 l 466,538 l 468,539 l 470,540 l 472,540 l 474,541 l 476,542 l 478,543 l 480,544 l 482,544 l 485,545 l 487,546 l 489,547 l 492,547 l 494,548 l 496,549 l 499,549 l 501,550 l 504,550 l 507,551 l 509,552 l 512,552 l 515,553 l 517,553 l 520,554 l 523,554 l 526,555 l 529,556 l 532,556 l 535,556 l 538,557 l 541,557 l 544,558 l 547,558 l 550,559 l 553,559 l 556,559 l 559,560 l 562,560 l 565,560 l 569,560 l 572,561 l 575,561 l 578,561 l 581,561 l 585,562 l 588,562 l 591,562 l 595,562 l 598,562 l 601,562 l 604,562 l 608,563 l 611,563 l 614,563 l 618,563 l 621,563 l 624,563 l 628,563 l 631,563 l 634,562 l 638,562 l 641,562 l 644,562 l 647,562 l 651,562 l 654,562 l 657,561 l 661,561 l 664,561 l 667,561 l 670,560 l 673,560 l 677,560 l 680,560 l 683,559 l 686,559 l 689,559 l 692,558 l 695,558 l 698,557 l 701,557 l 704,556 l 707,556 l 710,556 l 713,555 l 716,554 l 718,554 l 721,553 l 724,553 l 727,552 l 729,552 l 732,551 l 735,550 l 737,550 l 740,549 l 742,549 l 745,548 l 747,547 l 750,547 l 752,546 l 754,545 l 756,544 l 759,544 l 761,543 l 763,542 l 765,541 l 767,540 l 769,540 l 771,539 l 773,538 l 775,537 l 776,536 l 778,536 l 780,535 l 781,534 l 783,533 l 785,532 l 786,531 l 787,530 l 789,529 l 790,528 l 791,527 l 793,527 l 794,526 l 795,525 l 796,524 l 797,523 l 798,522 l 799,521 l 799,520 l 800,519 l 801,518 l 801,517 l 802,516 l 802,515 l 803,514 l 803,513 l 804,512 l 804,511 l 804,510 l 804,509 l 804,508 l 804,507 l 804,506 l 804,505 l 804,504 l 804,503 l 804,502 l 803,501 l 803,500 l 802,499 l 802,498 l 801,497 l 801,496 l 800,495 l 799,494 l 798,493 l 798,492 l 797,491 l 796,490 l 795,489 l 794,488 l 792,487 l 791,486 l 790,486 l 789,485 l 787,484 l 786,483 l 784,482 l 783,481 l 781,480 l 781,460 l 719,460xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,144)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,144)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,144);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,144)"/>
202 +
203 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" origTitle="Free Field for WBS Part 5 Value 1" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 719,643 l 717,643 l 714,642 l 711,642 l 708,641 l 705,641 l 702,640 l 699,640 l 696,639 l 693,639 l 690,639 l 687,638 l 684,638 l 681,637 l 678,637 l 675,637 l 672,637 l 668,636 l 665,636 l 662,636 l 659,636 l 655,635 l 652,635 l 649,635 l 646,635 l 642,635 l 639,635 l 636,635 l 633,634 l 629,634 l 626,634 l 623,634 l 619,634 l 616,634 l 613,634 l 609,634 l 606,634 l 603,635 l 600,635 l 596,635 l 593,635 l 590,635 l 587,635 l 583,635 l 580,636 l 577,636 l 574,636 l 570,636 l 567,637 l 564,637 l 561,637 l 558,637 l 555,638 l 552,638 l 549,639 l 546,639 l 543,639 l 540,640 l 537,640 l 534,641 l 531,641 l 528,642 l 525,642 l 522,643 l 519,643 l 467,643 l 467,658 l 465,659 l 463,660 l 462,661 l 460,662 l 458,663 l 457,663 l 455,664 l 454,665 l 452,666 l 451,667 l 450,668 l 448,669 l 447,670 l 446,671 l 445,672 l 444,672 l 443,673 l 442,674 l 441,675 l 440,676 l 439,677 l 439,678 l 438,679 l 437,680 l 437,681 l 436,682 l 436,683 l 435,684 l 435,685 l 435,686 l 435,687 l 435,688 l 434,689 l 434,690 l 434,691 l 435,692 l 435,693 l 435,694 l 435,695 l 436,696 l 436,697 l 436,698 l 437,699 l 437,700 l 438,701 l 439,702 l 439,703 l 440,704 l 441,705 l 442,706 l 443,707 l 444,708 l 445,709 l 446,709 l 447,710 l 449,711 l 450,712 l 451,713 l 453,714 l 454,715 l 456,716 l 457,717 l 459,718 l 461,718 l 462,719 l 464,720 l 466,721 l 468,722 l 470,723 l 472,723 l 474,724 l 476,725 l 478,726 l 480,727 l 482,727 l 485,728 l 487,729 l 489,729 l 492,730 l 494,731 l 496,731 l 499,732 l 501,733 l 504,733 l 507,734 l 509,735 l 512,735 l 515,736 l 517,736 l 520,737 l 523,737 l 526,738 l 529,738 l 532,739 l 535,739 l 538,740 l 541,740 l 544,741 l 547,741 l 550,741 l 553,742 l 556,742 l 559,743 l 562,743 l 565,743 l 569,743 l 572,744 l 575,744 l 578,744 l 581,744 l 585,745 l 588,745 l 591,745 l 595,745 l 598,745 l 601,745 l 604,745 l 608,745 l 611,746 l 614,746 l 618,746 l 621,746 l 624,746 l 628,746 l 631,745 l 634,745 l 638,745 l 641,745 l 644,745 l 647,745 l 651,745 l 654,745 l 657,744 l 661,744 l 664,744 l 667,744 l 670,743 l 673,743 l 677,743 l 680,743 l 683,742 l 686,742 l 689,741 l 692,741 l 695,741 l 698,740 l 701,740 l 704,739 l 707,739 l 710,738 l 713,738 l 716,737 l 718,737 l 721,736 l 724,736 l 727,735 l 729,735 l 732,734 l 735,733 l 737,733 l 740,732 l 742,731 l 745,731 l 747,730 l 750,729 l 752,729 l 754,728 l 756,727 l 759,727 l 761,726 l 763,725 l 765,724 l 767,723 l 769,723 l 771,722 l 773,721 l 775,720 l 776,719 l 778,718 l 780,718 l 781,717 l 783,716 l 785,715 l 786,714 l 787,713 l 789,712 l 790,711 l 791,710 l 793,709 l 794,709 l 795,708 l 796,707 l 797,706 l 798,705 l 799,704 l 799,703 l 800,702 l 801,701 l 801,700 l 802,699 l 802,698 l 803,697 l 803,696 l 804,695 l 804,694 l 804,693 l 804,692 l 804,691 l 804,690 l 804,689 l 804,688 l 804,687 l 804,686 l 804,685 l 803,684 l 803,683 l 802,682 l 802,681 l 801,680 l 801,679 l 800,678 l 799,677 l 798,676 l 798,675 l 797,674 l 796,673 l 795,672 l 794,671 l 792,670 l 791,669 l 790,668 l 789,668 l 787,667 l 786,666 l 784,665 l 783,664 l 781,663 l 781,643 l 719,643xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,148)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,148)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,148);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,148)"/>
204 +
205 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has WBS Part 2" origTitle="has WBS Part 2" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1484,-631 l 1473,-631 l 1473,-628 l 1445,-628 l 1445,-530 l 1671,-530 l 1671,-628 l 1653,-628 l 1653,-631 l 1484,-631xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,229)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,229)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,229);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,229)"/>
206 +
207 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="has WBS Part 3" origTitle="has WBS Part 3" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2814;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1484,-518 l 1473,-518 l 1473,-515 l 1445,-515 l 1445,-417 l 1671,-417 l 1671,-515 l 1653,-515 l 1653,-518 l 1484,-518xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,137,230)" onclick="OnShapeClick(137,230)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,137,230);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(137,230)"/>
208 +
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214 +
215 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Managed Closedown" origTitle="Managed Closedown" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1339,614 l 1681,614 l 1681,436 l 1339,436 l 1339,614xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,29)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,29)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,29);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,29)"/>
216 +
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218 +
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220 +
221 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Admin and Engineering Manpower" origTitle="Admin and Engineering Manpower" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 635,-180 l 581,-180 l 581,-2 l 923,-2 l 923,-180 l 883,-180 l 883,-186 l 635,-186 l 635,-180xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,35)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,35)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,35);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,35)"/>
222 +
223 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Direct Labor" origTitle="Direct Labor" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,211 l 923,211 l 923,33 l 581,33 l 581,211xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,36)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,36)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,36);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,36)"/>
224 +
225 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Owners Overhead" origTitle="Owners Overhead" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,411 l 923,411 l 923,234 l 581,234 l 581,411xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,37)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,37)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,37);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,37)"/>
226 +
227 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="ilap:refdata%2FNORSOK%2FZ-014%2FSCCSCoding%2FCORClassOfClass" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Marine Operations" origTitle="Marine Operations" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 581,615 l 923,615 l 923,437 l 581,437 l 581,615xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,38)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,38)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,38);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,38)"/>
228 +
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230 +
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232 +
233 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Well" origTitle="Well" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,-2 l 213,-2 l 213,-180 l -129,-180 l -129,-2xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,52)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,52)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,52);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,52)"/>
234 +
235 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Subsea Production System" origTitle="Subsea Production System" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -41,33 l -129,33 l -129,211 l 213,211 l 213,33 l 138,33 l 138,27 l -41,27 l -41,33xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,53)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,53)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,53);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,53)"/>
236 +
237 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Transport System" origTitle="Transport System" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,411 l 213,411 l 213,234 l -129,234 l -129,411xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,54)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,54)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,54);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,54)"/>
238 +
239 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Landbased Installations" origTitle="Landbased Installations" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -129,615 l 213,615 l 213,437 l -129,437 l -129,615xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,55)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,55)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,55);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,55)"/>
240 +
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242 +
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244 +
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246 +
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248 +
249 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Shutdown and Decomm." origTitle="Shutdown and Decomm." style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 225,410 l 567,410 l 567,233 l 225,233 l 225,410xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,95,63)" onclick="OnShapeClick(95,63)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,95,63);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(95,63)"/>
250 +
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252 +
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...@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ ...@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
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...@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ ...@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
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193 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Contract Cost" origTitle="Contract Cost" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1199,200 l 1201,200 l 1203,200 l 1204,200 l 1206,200 l 1208,199 l 1209,199 l 1211,199 l 1213,198 l 1214,198 l 1216,197 l 1218,197 l 1219,196 l 1221,195 l 1222,194 l 1224,194 l 1225,193 l 1227,192 l 1228,191 l 1230,190 l 1231,189 l 1232,188 l 1234,186 l 1235,185 l 1236,184 l 1237,183 l 1238,181 l 1239,180 l 1240,178 l 1241,177 l 1242,175 l 1243,174 l 1244,172 l 1244,171 l 1245,169 l 1246,168 l 1246,166 l 1247,164 l 1247,163 l 1248,161 l 1248,159 l 1248,158 l 1248,156 l 1249,154 l 1249,152 l 1249,151 l 1249,84 l 1249,82 l 1249,80 l 1248,79 l 1248,77 l 1248,75 l 1248,74 l 1247,72 l 1247,70 l 1246,69 l 1246,67 l 1245,65 l 1244,64 l 1244,62 l 1243,61 l 1242,59 l 1241,58 l 1240,56 l 1239,55 l 1238,53 l 1237,52 l 1236,51 l 1235,49 l 1234,48 l 1232,47 l 1231,46 l 1230,45 l 1228,44 l 1227,43 l 1225,42 l 1224,41 l 1222,40 l 1221,39 l 1219,39 l 1218,38 l 1216,37 l 1214,37 l 1213,36 l 1211,36 l 1209,35 l 1208,35 l 1206,35 l 1204,35 l 1203,34 l 1201,34 l 1199,34 l 999,34 l 997,34 l 996,34 l 994,35 l 992,35 l 991,35 l 989,35 l 987,36 l 985,36 l 984,37 l 982,37 l 981,38 l 979,39 l 977,39 l 976,40 l 974,41 l 973,42 l 971,43 l 970,44 l 969,45 l 967,46 l 966,47 l 965,48 l 964,49 l 962,51 l 961,52 l 960,53 l 959,55 l 958,56 l 957,58 l 956,59 l 955,61 l 955,62 l 954,64 l 953,65 l 953,67 l 952,69 l 952,70 l 951,72 l 951,74 l 950,75 l 950,77 l 950,79 l 950,80 l 950,82 l 950,84 l 950,151 l 950,152 l 950,154 l 950,156 l 950,158 l 950,159 l 951,161 l 951,163 l 952,164 l 952,166 l 953,168 l 953,169 l 954,171 l 955,172 l 955,174 l 956,175 l 957,177 l 958,178 l 959,180 l 960,181 l 961,183 l 962,184 l 964,185 l 965,186 l 966,188 l 967,189 l 969,190 l 970,191 l 971,192 l 973,193 l 974,194 l 976,194 l 977,195 l 979,196 l 981,197 l 982,197 l 984,198 l 985,198 l 987,199 l 989,199 l 991,199 l 992,200 l 994,200 l 996,200 l 997,200 l 999,200 l 1199,200xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,42)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,42)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,42);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,42)"/> 193 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Contract Cost" origTitle="Contract Cost" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1199,200 l 1201,200 l 1203,200 l 1204,200 l 1206,200 l 1208,199 l 1209,199 l 1211,199 l 1213,198 l 1214,198 l 1216,197 l 1218,197 l 1219,196 l 1221,195 l 1222,194 l 1224,194 l 1225,193 l 1227,192 l 1228,191 l 1230,190 l 1231,189 l 1232,188 l 1234,186 l 1235,185 l 1236,184 l 1237,183 l 1238,181 l 1239,180 l 1240,178 l 1241,177 l 1242,175 l 1243,174 l 1244,172 l 1244,171 l 1245,169 l 1246,168 l 1246,166 l 1247,164 l 1247,163 l 1248,161 l 1248,159 l 1248,158 l 1248,156 l 1249,154 l 1249,152 l 1249,151 l 1249,84 l 1249,82 l 1249,80 l 1248,79 l 1248,77 l 1248,75 l 1248,74 l 1247,72 l 1247,70 l 1246,69 l 1246,67 l 1245,65 l 1244,64 l 1244,62 l 1243,61 l 1242,59 l 1241,58 l 1240,56 l 1239,55 l 1238,53 l 1237,52 l 1236,51 l 1235,49 l 1234,48 l 1232,47 l 1231,46 l 1230,45 l 1228,44 l 1227,43 l 1225,42 l 1224,41 l 1222,40 l 1221,39 l 1219,39 l 1218,38 l 1216,37 l 1214,37 l 1213,36 l 1211,36 l 1209,35 l 1208,35 l 1206,35 l 1204,35 l 1203,34 l 1201,34 l 1199,34 l 999,34 l 997,34 l 996,34 l 994,35 l 992,35 l 991,35 l 989,35 l 987,36 l 985,36 l 984,37 l 982,37 l 981,38 l 979,39 l 977,39 l 976,40 l 974,41 l 973,42 l 971,43 l 970,44 l 969,45 l 967,46 l 966,47 l 965,48 l 964,49 l 962,51 l 961,52 l 960,53 l 959,55 l 958,56 l 957,58 l 956,59 l 955,61 l 955,62 l 954,64 l 953,65 l 953,67 l 952,69 l 952,70 l 951,72 l 951,74 l 950,75 l 950,77 l 950,79 l 950,80 l 950,82 l 950,84 l 950,151 l 950,152 l 950,154 l 950,156 l 950,158 l 950,159 l 951,161 l 951,163 l 952,164 l 952,166 l 953,168 l 953,169 l 954,171 l 955,172 l 955,174 l 956,175 l 957,177 l 958,178 l 959,180 l 960,181 l 961,183 l 962,184 l 964,185 l 965,186 l 966,188 l 967,189 l 969,190 l 970,191 l 971,192 l 973,193 l 974,194 l 976,194 l 977,195 l 979,196 l 981,197 l 982,197 l 984,198 l 985,198 l 987,199 l 989,199 l 991,199 l 992,200 l 994,200 l 996,200 l 997,200 l 999,200 l 1199,200xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,42)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,42)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,42);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,42)"/>
194 194
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196 196
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-433,-571 l -432,-569 l -431,-568 l -430,-566 l -429,-565 l -428,-563 l -427,-562 l -426,-561 l -425,-559 l -424,-558 l -423,-557 l -422,-556 l -421,-554 l -419,-553 l -418,-552 l -416,-551 l -415,-550 l -414,-549 l -412,-548 l -411,-547 l -409,-547 l -408,-546 l -406,-545 l -404,-545 l -403,-544 l -401,-544 l -399,-543 l -398,-543 l -396,-542 l -394,-542 l -393,-542 l -391,-542 l -389,-542 l -387,-542 l -186,-542xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,100)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,100)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,100);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,100)"/> 225 <v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Plan" origTitle="Plan" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m -186,-542 l -184,-542 l -183,-542 l -181,-542 l -179,-542 l -177,-542 l -176,-543 l -174,-543 l -172,-544 l -171,-544 l -169,-545 l -167,-545 l -166,-546 l -164,-547 l -163,-547 l -161,-548 l -160,-549 l -158,-550 l -157,-551 l -156,-552 l 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-406,-704 l -408,-703 l -409,-703 l -411,-702 l -412,-701 l -414,-700 l -415,-699 l -416,-698 l -418,-697 l -419,-696 l -421,-695 l -422,-694 l -423,-692 l -424,-691 l -425,-690 l -426,-689 l -427,-687 l -428,-686 l -429,-684 l -430,-683 l -431,-681 l -432,-680 l -433,-678 l -433,-677 l -434,-675 l -434,-673 l -435,-672 l -435,-670 l -436,-668 l -436,-667 l -436,-665 l -437,-663 l -437,-662 l -437,-660 l -437,-658 l -437,-591 l -437,-589 l -437,-588 l -437,-586 l -436,-584 l -436,-583 l -436,-581 l -435,-579 l -435,-578 l -434,-576 l -434,-574 l -433,-573 l -433,-571 l -432,-569 l -431,-568 l -430,-566 l -429,-565 l -428,-563 l -427,-562 l -426,-561 l -425,-559 l -424,-558 l -423,-557 l -422,-556 l -421,-554 l -419,-553 l -418,-552 l -416,-551 l -415,-550 l -414,-549 l -412,-548 l -411,-547 l -409,-547 l -408,-546 l -406,-545 l -404,-545 l -403,-544 l -401,-544 l -399,-543 l -398,-543 l -396,-542 l -394,-542 l -393,-542 l -391,-542 l -389,-542 l -387,-542 l -186,-542xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,100)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,100)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,100);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,100)"/>
226 226
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228 228
229 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field" origTitle="Free Field" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 504,695 l 506,695 l 507,695 l 509,695 l 511,694 l 513,694 l 514,694 l 516,693 l 518,693 l 519,692 l 521,692 l 522,691 l 524,691 l 526,690 l 527,689 l 529,688 l 530,687 l 532,686 l 533,685 l 534,684 l 536,683 l 537,682 l 538,681 l 540,680 l 541,678 l 542,677 l 543,676 l 544,674 l 545,673 l 546,672 l 547,670 l 548,669 l 548,667 l 549,665 l 550,664 l 550,662 l 551,661 l 552,659 l 552,657 l 552,656 l 553,654 l 553,652 l 553,651 l 553,649 l 553,647 l 553,645 l 553,578 l 553,577 l 553,575 l 553,573 l 553,572 l 553,570 l 552,568 l 552,566 l 552,565 l 551,563 l 550,562 l 550,560 l 549,558 l 548,557 l 548,555 l 547,554 l 546,552 l 545,551 l 544,549 l 543,548 l 542,547 l 541,545 l 540,544 l 538,543 l 537,542 l 536,541 l 534,539 l 533,538 l 532,537 l 530,536 l 529,536 l 527,535 l 526,534 l 524,533 l 522,533 l 521,532 l 519,531 l 518,531 l 516,530 l 514,530 l 513,530 l 511,529 l 509,529 l 507,529 l 506,529 l 504,529 l 304,529 l 302,529 l 301,529 l 299,529 l 297,529 l 295,530 l 294,530 l 292,530 l 290,531 l 289,531 l 287,532 l 285,533 l 284,533 l 282,534 l 281,535 l 279,536 l 278,536 l 276,537 l 275,538 l 273,539 l 272,541 l 271,542 l 270,543 l 268,544 l 267,545 l 266,547 l 265,548 l 264,549 l 263,551 l 262,552 l 261,554 l 260,555 l 259,557 l 259,558 l 258,560 l 257,562 l 257,563 l 256,565 l 256,566 l 256,568 l 255,570 l 255,572 l 255,573 l 255,575 l 254,577 l 254,578 l 254,645 l 254,647 l 255,649 l 255,651 l 255,652 l 255,654 l 256,656 l 256,657 l 256,659 l 257,661 l 257,662 l 258,664 l 259,665 l 259,667 l 260,669 l 261,670 l 262,672 l 263,673 l 264,674 l 265,676 l 266,677 l 267,678 l 268,680 l 270,681 l 271,682 l 272,683 l 273,684 l 275,685 l 276,686 l 278,687 l 279,688 l 281,689 l 282,690 l 284,691 l 285,691 l 287,692 l 289,692 l 290,693 l 292,693 l 294,694 l 295,694 l 297,694 l 299,695 l 301,695 l 302,695 l 304,695 l 504,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,103)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,103)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,103);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,103)"/> 229 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field" origTitle="Free Field" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 157,695 l 159,695 l 161,695 l 162,695 l 164,694 l 166,694 l 168,694 l 169,693 l 171,693 l 173,692 l 174,692 l 176,691 l 177,691 l 179,690 l 181,689 l 182,688 l 184,687 l 185,686 l 186,685 l 188,684 l 189,683 l 190,682 l 192,681 l 193,680 l 194,678 l 195,677 l 196,676 l 197,674 l 198,673 l 199,672 l 200,670 l 201,669 l 202,667 l 203,665 l 203,664 l 204,662 l 204,661 l 205,659 l 205,657 l 206,656 l 206,654 l 206,652 l 207,651 l 207,649 l 207,647 l 207,645 l 207,578 l 207,577 l 207,575 l 207,573 l 206,572 l 206,570 l 206,568 l 205,566 l 205,565 l 204,563 l 204,562 l 203,560 l 203,558 l 202,557 l 201,555 l 200,554 l 199,552 l 198,551 l 197,549 l 196,548 l 195,547 l 194,545 l 193,544 l 192,543 l 190,542 l 189,541 l 188,539 l 186,538 l 185,537 l 184,536 l 182,536 l 181,535 l 179,534 l 177,533 l 176,533 l 174,532 l 173,531 l 171,531 l 169,530 l 168,530 l 166,530 l 164,529 l 162,529 l 161,529 l 159,529 l 157,529 l -43,529 l -44,529 l -46,529 l -48,529 l -50,529 l -51,530 l -53,530 l -55,530 l -56,531 l -58,531 l -60,532 l -61,533 l -63,533 l -64,534 l -66,535 l -67,536 l -69,536 l -70,537 l -72,538 l -73,539 l -74,541 l -76,542 l -77,543 l -78,544 l -79,545 l -81,547 l -82,548 l -83,549 l -84,551 l -85,552 l -86,554 l -86,555 l -87,557 l -88,558 l -89,560 l -89,562 l -90,563 l -90,565 l -91,566 l -91,568 l -91,570 l -92,572 l -92,573 l -92,575 l -92,577 l -92,578 l -92,645 l -92,647 l -92,649 l -92,651 l -92,652 l -91,654 l -91,656 l -91,657 l -90,659 l -90,661 l -89,662 l -89,664 l -88,665 l -87,667 l -86,669 l -86,670 l -85,672 l -84,673 l -83,674 l -82,676 l -81,677 l -79,678 l -78,680 l -77,681 l -76,682 l -74,683 l -73,684 l -72,685 l -70,686 l -69,687 l -67,688 l -66,689 l -64,690 l -63,691 l -61,691 l -60,692 l -58,692 l -56,693 l -55,693 l -53,694 l -51,694 l -50,694 l -48,695 l -46,695 l -44,695 l -43,695 l 157,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,103)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,103)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,103);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,103)"/>
230 230
231 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Completely Free Field" origTitle="Completely Free Field" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 1196,695 l 1198,695 l 1200,695 l 1202,695 l 1203,694 l 1205,694 l 1207,694 l 1208,693 l 1210,693 l 1212,692 l 1213,692 l 1215,691 l 1217,691 l 1218,690 l 1220,689 l 1221,688 l 1223,687 l 1224,686 l 1226,685 l 1227,684 l 1228,683 l 1230,682 l 1231,681 l 1232,680 l 1233,678 l 1234,677 l 1235,676 l 1237,674 l 1237,673 l 1238,672 l 1239,670 l 1240,669 l 1241,667 l 1242,665 l 1242,664 l 1243,662 l 1244,661 l 1244,659 l 1244,657 l 1245,656 l 1245,654 l 1245,652 l 1246,651 l 1246,649 l 1246,647 l 1246,645 l 1246,578 l 1246,577 l 1246,575 l 1246,573 l 1245,572 l 1245,570 l 1245,568 l 1244,566 l 1244,565 l 1244,563 l 1243,562 l 1242,560 l 1242,558 l 1241,557 l 1240,555 l 1239,554 l 1238,552 l 1237,551 l 1237,549 l 1235,548 l 1234,547 l 1233,545 l 1232,544 l 1231,543 l 1230,542 l 1228,541 l 1227,539 l 1226,538 l 1224,537 l 1223,536 l 1221,536 l 1220,535 l 1218,534 l 1217,533 l 1215,533 l 1213,532 l 1212,531 l 1210,531 l 1208,530 l 1207,530 l 1205,530 l 1203,529 l 1202,529 l 1200,529 l 1198,529 l 1196,529 l 996,529 l 995,529 l 993,529 l 991,529 l 990,529 l 988,530 l 986,530 l 984,530 l 983,531 l 981,531 l 980,532 l 978,533 l 976,533 l 975,534 l 973,535 l 972,536 l 970,536 l 969,537 l 967,538 l 966,539 l 965,541 l 963,542 l 962,543 l 961,544 l 960,545 l 959,547 l 957,548 l 956,549 l 955,551 l 954,552 l 954,554 l 953,555 l 952,557 l 951,558 l 951,560 l 950,562 l 949,563 l 949,565 l 948,566 l 948,568 l 948,570 l 947,572 l 947,573 l 947,575 l 947,577 l 947,578 l 947,645 l 947,647 l 947,649 l 947,651 l 947,652 l 948,654 l 948,656 l 948,657 l 949,659 l 949,661 l 950,662 l 951,664 l 951,665 l 952,667 l 953,669 l 954,670 l 954,672 l 955,673 l 956,674 l 957,676 l 959,677 l 960,678 l 961,680 l 962,681 l 963,682 l 965,683 l 966,684 l 967,685 l 969,686 l 970,687 l 972,688 l 973,689 l 975,690 l 976,691 l 978,691 l 980,692 l 981,692 l 983,693 l 984,693 l 986,694 l 988,694 l 990,694 l 991,695 l 993,695 l 995,695 l 996,695 l 1196,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,104)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,104)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,104);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,104)"/> 231 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Completely Free Field" origTitle="Completely Free Field" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 852,695 l 854,695 l 856,695 l 858,695 l 859,694 l 861,694 l 863,694 l 864,693 l 866,693 l 868,692 l 869,692 l 871,691 l 873,691 l 874,690 l 876,689 l 877,688 l 879,687 l 880,686 l 882,685 l 883,684 l 884,683 l 886,682 l 887,681 l 888,680 l 889,678 l 890,677 l 892,676 l 893,674 l 894,673 l 894,672 l 895,670 l 896,669 l 897,667 l 898,665 l 898,664 l 899,662 l 900,661 l 900,659 l 901,657 l 901,656 l 901,654 l 902,652 l 902,651 l 902,649 l 902,647 l 902,645 l 902,578 l 902,577 l 902,575 l 902,573 l 902,572 l 901,570 l 901,568 l 901,566 l 900,565 l 900,563 l 899,562 l 898,560 l 898,558 l 897,557 l 896,555 l 895,554 l 894,552 l 894,551 l 893,549 l 892,548 l 890,547 l 889,545 l 888,544 l 887,543 l 886,542 l 884,541 l 883,539 l 882,538 l 880,537 l 879,536 l 877,536 l 876,535 l 874,534 l 873,533 l 871,533 l 869,532 l 868,531 l 866,531 l 864,530 l 863,530 l 861,530 l 859,529 l 858,529 l 856,529 l 854,529 l 852,529 l 653,529 l 651,529 l 649,529 l 647,529 l 646,529 l 644,530 l 642,530 l 641,530 l 639,531 l 637,531 l 636,532 l 634,533 l 632,533 l 631,534 l 629,535 l 628,536 l 626,536 l 625,537 l 623,538 l 622,539 l 621,541 l 619,542 l 618,543 l 617,544 l 616,545 l 615,547 l 613,548 l 612,549 l 611,551 l 611,552 l 610,554 l 609,555 l 608,557 l 607,558 l 607,560 l 606,562 l 605,563 l 605,565 l 604,566 l 604,568 l 604,570 l 603,572 l 603,573 l 603,575 l 603,577 l 603,578 l 603,645 l 603,647 l 603,649 l 603,651 l 603,652 l 604,654 l 604,656 l 604,657 l 605,659 l 605,661 l 606,662 l 607,664 l 607,665 l 608,667 l 609,669 l 610,670 l 611,672 l 611,673 l 612,674 l 613,676 l 615,677 l 616,678 l 617,680 l 618,681 l 619,682 l 621,683 l 622,684 l 623,685 l 625,686 l 626,687 l 628,688 l 629,689 l 631,690 l 632,691 l 634,691 l 636,692 l 637,692 l 639,693 l 641,693 l 642,694 l 644,694 l 646,694 l 647,695 l 649,695 l 651,695 l 653,695 l 852,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,104)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,104)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,104);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,104)"/>
232 232
233 -<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field Hierarchy" origTitle="Free Field Hierarchy" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 851,695 l 852,695 l 854,695 l 856,695 l 857,694 l 859,694 l 861,694 l 863,693 l 864,693 l 866,692 l 868,692 l 869,691 l 871,691 l 872,690 l 874,689 l 875,688 l 877,687 l 878,686 l 880,685 l 881,684 l 882,683 l 884,682 l 885,681 l 886,680 l 887,678 l 889,677 l 890,676 l 891,674 l 892,673 l 893,672 l 893,670 l 894,669 l 895,667 l 896,665 l 896,664 l 897,662 l 898,661 l 898,659 l 899,657 l 899,656 l 899,654 l 900,652 l 900,651 l 900,649 l 900,647 l 900,645 l 900,578 l 900,577 l 900,575 l 900,573 l 900,572 l 899,570 l 899,568 l 899,566 l 898,565 l 898,563 l 897,562 l 896,560 l 896,558 l 895,557 l 894,555 l 893,554 l 893,552 l 892,551 l 891,549 l 890,548 l 889,547 l 887,545 l 886,544 l 885,543 l 884,542 l 882,541 l 881,539 l 880,538 l 878,537 l 877,536 l 875,536 l 874,535 l 872,534 l 871,533 l 869,533 l 868,532 l 866,531 l 864,531 l 863,530 l 861,530 l 859,530 l 857,529 l 856,529 l 854,529 l 852,529 l 851,529 l 651,529 l 649,529 l 647,529 l 645,529 l 644,529 l 642,530 l 640,530 l 639,530 l 637,531 l 635,531 l 634,532 l 632,533 l 630,533 l 629,534 l 627,535 l 626,536 l 624,536 l 623,537 l 621,538 l 620,539 l 619,541 l 617,542 l 616,543 l 615,544 l 614,545 l 613,547 l 612,548 l 611,549 l 610,551 l 609,552 l 608,554 l 607,555 l 606,557 l 605,558 l 605,560 l 604,562 l 604,563 l 603,565 l 603,566 l 602,568 l 602,570 l 602,572 l 601,573 l 601,575 l 601,577 l 601,578 l 601,645 l 601,647 l 601,649 l 601,651 l 602,652 l 602,654 l 602,656 l 603,657 l 603,659 l 604,661 l 604,662 l 605,664 l 605,665 l 606,667 l 607,669 l 608,670 l 609,672 l 610,673 l 611,674 l 612,676 l 613,677 l 614,678 l 615,680 l 616,681 l 617,682 l 619,683 l 620,684 l 621,685 l 623,686 l 624,687 l 626,688 l 627,689 l 629,690 l 630,691 l 632,691 l 634,692 l 635,692 l 637,693 l 639,693 l 640,694 l 642,694 l 644,694 l 645,695 l 647,695 l 649,695 l 651,695 l 851,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,105)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,105)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,105);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,105)"/> 233 +<v:shape type="#VISSHAPE" origHref="" style="cursor: pointer;" tabindex="1" title="Free Field Hierarchy" origTitle="Free Field Hierarchy" style="top:-1000;left:-1000;width:2843;height:2000;position:absolute" path=" m 506,695 l 508,695 l 509,695 l 511,695 l 513,694 l 514,694 l 516,694 l 518,693 l 519,693 l 521,692 l 523,692 l 524,691 l 526,691 l 528,690 l 529,689 l 531,688 l 532,687 l 534,686 l 535,685 l 536,684 l 538,683 l 539,682 l 540,681 l 541,680 l 543,678 l 544,677 l 545,676 l 546,674 l 547,673 l 548,672 l 549,670 l 550,669 l 550,667 l 551,665 l 552,664 l 552,662 l 553,661 l 553,659 l 554,657 l 554,656 l 555,654 l 555,652 l 555,651 l 555,649 l 555,647 l 555,645 l 555,578 l 555,577 l 555,575 l 555,573 l 555,572 l 555,570 l 554,568 l 554,566 l 553,565 l 553,563 l 552,562 l 552,560 l 551,558 l 550,557 l 550,555 l 549,554 l 548,552 l 547,551 l 546,549 l 545,548 l 544,547 l 543,545 l 541,544 l 540,543 l 539,542 l 538,541 l 536,539 l 535,538 l 534,537 l 532,536 l 531,536 l 529,535 l 528,534 l 526,533 l 524,533 l 523,532 l 521,531 l 519,531 l 518,530 l 516,530 l 514,530 l 513,529 l 511,529 l 509,529 l 508,529 l 506,529 l 306,529 l 304,529 l 302,529 l 301,529 l 299,529 l 297,530 l 296,530 l 294,530 l 292,531 l 291,531 l 289,532 l 287,533 l 286,533 l 284,534 l 283,535 l 281,536 l 280,536 l 278,537 l 277,538 l 275,539 l 274,541 l 273,542 l 271,543 l 270,544 l 269,545 l 268,547 l 267,548 l 266,549 l 265,551 l 264,552 l 263,554 l 262,555 l 261,557 l 261,558 l 260,560 l 259,562 l 259,563 l 258,565 l 258,566 l 257,568 l 257,570 l 257,572 l 257,573 l 256,575 l 256,577 l 256,578 l 256,645 l 256,647 l 256,649 l 257,651 l 257,652 l 257,654 l 257,656 l 258,657 l 258,659 l 259,661 l 259,662 l 260,664 l 261,665 l 261,667 l 262,669 l 263,670 l 264,672 l 265,673 l 266,674 l 267,676 l 268,677 l 269,678 l 270,680 l 271,681 l 273,682 l 274,683 l 275,684 l 277,685 l 278,686 l 280,687 l 281,688 l 283,689 l 284,690 l 286,691 l 287,691 l 289,692 l 291,692 l 292,693 l 294,693 l 296,694 l 297,694 l 299,694 l 301,695 l 302,695 l 304,695 l 306,695 l 506,695xe" onmouseover="UpdateTooltip(this,127,105)" onclick="OnShapeClick(127,105)" onfocus="UpdateTooltip(this,127,105);" onkeyup="OnShapeKey(127,105)"/>
234 234
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236 236
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190 + <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp01" title="Skjul Gå til side" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideGoto);"><p class="label" style="display:inline">Gå til side</p></a></td>
191 + <td width="15"><a id="exp02" title="Skjul Gå til side" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideGoto);"><img id="exp0" alt="Skjul Gå til side" src="minimize.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
192 + </tr>
193 + </table>
194 + </div>
195 + </td></tr>
196 + <tr><td>
197 + <div id="hideGoto" class="hider" openAlt="Skjul Gå til side" closedAlt="Vis Gå til side">
198 + <form class="page" ID="formPage" onsubmit="parent.GoToPage(Select1.value); return false;">
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200 + <tr>
201 + <td>
202 + <select class="formText" ID="Select1" NAME="Select1" title="Velg en side fra listen. Trykk Enter for å gå til siden." onkeyup="if(window.event.keyCode == 13) {parent.GoToPage(Select1.value);} return false;">
203 + <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
204 + var options = "";
205 + for (var count = 0; count < fileList.length; count++)
206 + {
207 + options += '<option value="' + count + '">' + fileList[count].PageName + '</option>';
208 + }
209 +
210 + document.write (options);
211 + </script>
212 + </select>
213 + </td>
214 + <td width="18" class="gobutton">
215 + <input type="image" src="go.gif" name="go" alt="Gå til valgt side" width="18" height="18" border="0">
216 + </td>
217 + </tr>
218 + </table>
219 + </form>
220 + </div>
221 + </td></tr>
222 + </table>
223 +
224 + <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
225 + var hideGoto = document.getElementById("hideGoto");
226 + hideGoto.img = "exp0";
227 + widgets.Add(hideGoto, "GoTo");
228 + </script>
229 + </div>
230 +
231 +
232 + <div id="divPNZ" class="holder" dir=ltr>
233 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="holderTable">
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235 + <div class="fillcolor">
236 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="fillcolor">
237 + <tr>
238 + <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp41" title="Skjul Panorer og zoom" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hidePNZ);"><p class="label" style="display:inline;">Panorer og zoom</p></a></td>
239 + <td width="15"><a id="exp42" title="Skjul Panorer og zoom" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hidePNZ);"><img id="exp4" alt="Skjul Panorer og zoom" src="minimize.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
240 + </tr>
241 + </table>
242 + </div>
243 + </td></tr>
244 + <tr><td>
245 + <div id="hidePNZ" style="text-align:right;" class="hiderScroll" openAlt="Skjul Panorer og zoom" closedAlt="Vis Panorer og zoom">
246 + <table width="220" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
247 + <tr>
248 + <td align="center" valign="middle">
249 + <iframe title="Vinduet Panorer og zoom" longdesc="Vinduet Panorer og zoom" name="ifrmPNZ" id="ifrmPNZ" src="zoom.htm" width="178" height="178" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" style="border: #cccccc 1px solid;"></iframe>
250 + </td>
251 +
252 + <td>
253 + <table id="tabScale" width="17" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" onmouseover="tickFocus(event)" onmouseout="tickBlur(event)">
254 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(100);" title="Zoom side til 100 %"><img src="fullpage.gif" alt="Zoom side til 100 %" border="0"></a></td></tr>
255 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:ZoomUpDown(1);" title="Zoom inn"><img src="panplus.gif" alt="Zoom inn" border="0"></a></td></tr>
256 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(500);" title="Zoom til 500 %"><img id="t500" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 500 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
257 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(450);" title="Zoom til 450 %"><img id="t450" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 450 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
258 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(400);" title="Zoom til 400 %"><img id="t400" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 400 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
259 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(350);" title="Zoom til 350 %"><img id="t350" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 350 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
260 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(300);" title="Zoom til 300 %"><img id="t300" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 300 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
261 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(250);" title="Zoom til 250 %"><img id="t250" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 250 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
262 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(200);" title="Zoom til 200 %"><img id="t200" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 200 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
263 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(150);" title="Zoom til 150 %"><img id="t150" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 150 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
264 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(100);" title="Zoom til 100 %" id="a100"><img id="t100" src="tick-on.gif" alt="Zoom til 100 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
265 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(50);" title="Zoom til 50 %"><img id="t50" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 50 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
266 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:tickSelect(10);" title="Zoom til 10 %"><img id="t10" src="tick-off.gif" alt="Zoom til 10 %" width="17" height="11" border="0"></a></td></tr>
267 + <tr><td><a href="javascript:ZoomUpDown(-1);" title="Zoom ut"><img src="panminus.gif" alt="Zoom ut" border="0"></a></td></tr>
268 + </table>
269 + </td>
270 + </tr>
271 + </table>
272 + </div>
273 + </td></tr>
274 + </table>
275 +
276 + <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
277 + var hidePNZ = document.getElementById("hidePNZ");
278 + hidePNZ.img = "exp4";
279 + widgets.Add(hidePNZ, "PNZ");
280 + widgets.divCount++;
281 +
282 + var zoomLevels = new Array(10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500);
283 +
284 + var tickOff = new Image();
285 + tickOff.src = "tick-off.gif";
286 +
287 + var tickFoc = new Image();
288 + tickFoc.src = "tick-foc.gif";
289 +
290 + var tickOn = new Image();
291 + tickOn.src = "tick-on.gif";
292 +
293 + function getElem(event)
294 + {
295 + // Retrieve the event in IE
296 + if (!event)
297 + var event = window.event;
298 +
299 + // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
300 + var elem;
301 + if ( // For Firefox
302 + elem =;
303 + else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
304 + elem = event.srcElement;
305 + if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
306 + elem = elem.parentNode;
307 +
308 + return elem
309 + }
310 + function tickFocus(event)
311 + {
312 + var elem = getElem(event);
313 +
314 + if(elem.state == "off")
315 + elem.src = tickFoc.src;
316 + }
317 +
318 + function tickBlur(event)
319 + {
320 + var elem = getElem(event);
321 +
322 + if(elem.state == "off")
323 + elem.src = tickOff.src;
324 + }
325 +
326 + function tickSelect(percentZoom)
327 + {
328 + if (parent.viewMgr &&
329 + parent.viewMgr.Zoom)
330 + {
331 + changeTick(percentZoom);
332 + parent.viewMgr.Zoom(percentZoom);
333 + }
334 +
335 + var frame = frames[0];
336 +
337 + if(frame.zoomRectDiv)
338 + {
339 + frame.g_width = parseInt(;
340 + frame.g_height = parseInt(;
341 + frame.g_newLeft = parseInt(;
342 + frame.g_newTop = parseInt(;
343 + }
344 + }
345 +
346 + function changeTick(percentZoom)
347 + {
348 + img = document.getElementById("t" + percentZoom);
349 +
350 + img.src = tickOn.src;
351 +
352 + if(elemScale.tickSelected && elemScale.tickSelected != img)
353 + {
354 + elemScale.tickSelected.src = tickOff.src;
355 + }
356 + elemScale.tickSelected = img;
357 + }
358 +
359 + function ZoomUpDown(increment)
360 + {
361 + if (elemScale.tickSelected)
362 + {
363 + var curZoomLevel = (1);
364 + var newZoomLevelIndex = IndexFromLevel (curZoomLevel * 1.0);
365 + if (newZoomLevelIndex >= 0)
366 + {
367 + var img = document.getElementById("t" + zoomLevels[newZoomLevelIndex + increment]);
368 + if (img)
369 + {
370 + tickSelect(;
371 + }
372 + }
373 + }
374 + else
375 + {
376 + tickSelect (100);
377 + }
378 + }
379 +
380 + function IndexFromLevel (zoomLevel)
381 + {
382 + for (var count = 0; count < zoomLevels.length; count++)
383 + {
384 + if (zoomLevels[count] == zoomLevel)
385 + {
386 + return count;
387 + }
388 + }
389 +
390 + return -1;
391 + }
392 +
393 + elemScale = document.getElementById("tabScale");
394 + </script>
395 + </div>
396 +
397 +
398 + <div id="divDetails" class="holder" dir=ltr>
399 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="holderTable">
400 + <tr><td>
401 + <div class="fillcolor">
402 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="fillcolor">
403 + <tr>
404 + <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp21" title="Skjul detaljer" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideDetails);"><p class="label" style="display:inline;">Detaljer</p></a></td>
405 + <td width="15"><a id="exp22" title="Skjul detaljer" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideDetails);"><img id="exp2" alt="Skjul detaljer" src="minimize.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
406 + </tr>
407 + </table>
408 + </div>
409 + </td></tr>
410 + <tr><td>
411 + <div id="hideDetails" class="hiderScroll" openAlt="Skjul detaljer" closedAlt="Vis detaljer">
412 + <P class="p2" class="detsPara">Trykk CTRL og klikk en figur i tegningen for å vise detaljene.</P>
413 + </div>
414 + </td></tr>
415 + </table>
416 +
417 + <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
418 + var hideDetails = document.getElementById("hideDetails");
419 + hideDetails.img = "exp2";
420 + widgets.Add(hideDetails, "Details");
421 + widgets.divCount++;
422 + </script>
423 + </div>
424 +
425 +
426 + <div id="divSearch" class="holder">
427 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="holderTable">
428 + <tr><td>
429 + <div class="fillcolor" dir=ltr>
430 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="fillcolor">
431 + <tr>
432 + <td style="padding:3px;"><a id="exp11" title="Skjul søkesider" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideSearch);"><p class="label" style="display:inline;">Søkesider</p></a></td>
433 + <td width="15"><a id="exp12" title="Skjul søkesider" href="javascript:widgets.ToggleWidget(hideSearch);"><img src="minimize.gif" id="exp1" alt="Skjul søkesider" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></td>
434 + </tr>
435 + </table>
436 + </div>
437 +
438 + </td></tr>
439 + <tr><td>
440 +
441 + <div id="hideSearch" img="exp1" class="hiderScroll" openAlt="Skjul søkesider" closedAlt="Vis søkesider">
442 + <form name=theForm onsubmit="FindOnClick(); return false;" ID="Form1">
443 + <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
444 + <tr>
445 + <td width="100%">
446 + <input class="formText" type="text" name="findString" maxlength="255" size="26" title="Skriv inn tekst for å søke. Trykk Enter for å starte søket.">
447 + </td>
448 + <td width="18" class="gobutton">
449 + <input type="image" src="go.gif" alt="Start søk" width="18" height="18" ID="GoButton" NAME="GoButton">
450 + </td>
451 + </tr>
452 + <tr>
453 + <td colspan="2" class="p2">
454 + <a href="javascript:{};" tabindex="0" onclick="TogglePlus(hideAdvSrch,as0);" class="blu1"><img src="plus.gif" alt="Viser/skjuler avanserte søkealternativer" border="0" id="as0">Avansert</a>
455 + <div id="hideAdvSrch" class="hiderScroll" style="display:none;">
456 + <b>Søk etter:</b>
457 + <div id="divS"></div>
458 + </div>
459 + <hr width="100%" size="1" color="#cccccc">
460 + <div id="hideResults" class="hiderScroll" style="display:none;"></div>
461 + </td>
462 + </tr>
463 + </table>
464 + </form>
465 + </div>
466 +
467 + </td></tr>
468 + </table>
469 +
470 +
471 + <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
472 + var hideSearch = document.getElementById("hideSearch");
473 + hideSearch.img = "exp1";
474 + widgets.Add(hideSearch, "Search");
475 + widgets.divCount++;
476 +
477 + makeAdvancedFindCheckboxes(document.getElementById("divS"));
478 +
479 +
480 + var imgPlus = new Image();
481 + imgPlus.src = "plus.gif";
482 +
483 + var imgMinus = new Image();
484 + imgMinus.src = "minus.gif";
485 +
486 + function TogglePlus(div, img, container)
487 + {
488 + if(typeof(img) == "string")
489 + img = document.getElementById(img)
490 + if(typeof(div) == "string")
491 + div = document.getElementById(div)
492 +
493 + widget = widgets.Search;
494 + if(div && img)
495 + {
496 + if( == "none")
497 + {
498 + = "";
499 + img.src = imgMinus.src;
500 + = "true";
501 + }
502 + else
503 + {
504 + = "none";
505 + img.src = imgPlus.src;
506 +
507 + = "false";
508 + }
509 + }
510 + }
511 + </script>
512 + </div>
513 +
514 +
515 +</div>
516 +
517 +<div id="divCollapsedNav" class="navTocColor" style="display:none;width:100%;height:100%;">
518 + <a href="javascript:ToggleNav();" title="Vis navigeringsramme" id="linkNavClosed"><img src="toc2.gif" alt="Vis navigeringsramme" border="0"></a>
519 +</div>
520 +
521 +
522 +</body>
523 +</html>
524 +
1 +<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns="">
2 +<head>
3 +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
4 +
5 +<style type="text/css">
6 + v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }
7 +</style>
8 +
9 +<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
10 +
11 +var BUFFER = 1;
12 +
13 +// ----- START ----- cross-browser event manipulation helpers ---------------------------
14 +
15 +function getEvent(event)
16 +{
17 + // Retrieve the event in IE
18 + if (!event)
19 + return window.event;
20 + // Return the passed event for everything else
21 + return event;
22 +}
23 +
24 +function getSrcElem(event)
25 +{
26 + var event = getEvent(event);
27 +
28 + // Reference the element howeaver this browser can
29 + var elem;
30 + if ( // For Firefox
31 + elem =;
32 + else if (event.srcElement) // For IE
33 + elem = event.srcElement;
34 + if (elem.nodeType == 3) // For Safari
35 + elem = elem.parentNode;
36 +
37 + return elem
38 +}
39 +// ----- END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 +
41 +function zoomObject()
42 +{
43 + this.PZImgRatio = null;
44 +
45 + this.zoomWinHeight = null;
46 + this.zoomWinWidth = null;
47 + this.zoomWinTop = null;
48 + this.zoomWinLeft = null;
49 +
50 + this.scaleFactor = null;
51 +
52 + this.updateContent = zObj_updateContent;
53 + this.doOnBodyResize = zObj_doOnBodyResize;
54 + this.clipZoomRect = zObj_clipZoomRect;
55 +}
56 +
57 +var g_thumbHeight = window.clientHeight;
58 +var g_thumbWidth = window.clientWidth;
59 +zoomObj = new zoomObject();
60 +
61 +
62 +function showObject( divObject, divID )
63 +{
64 + if( divObject == null )
65 + divObject = getObj( divID );
66 +
67 + if( divObject != null )
68 + {
69 + = "visible"
70 + }
71 + return divObject;
72 +}
73 +
74 +function hideObject( divObject, divID )
75 +{
76 + if( divObject == null )
77 + divObject = getObj( divID );
78 +
79 + if( divObject != null )
80 + {
81 + = "hidden";
82 + }
83 + return divObject;
84 +}
85 +
86 +function zObj_updateContent( win_width, win_height, VMLDiv_left, VMLDiv_top, VMLDiv_width, VMLDiv_height )
87 +{
88 + this.mainWinWidth = win_width;
89 + this.mainWinHeight = win_height;
90 +
91 + this.mainImgRatio = VMLDiv_height / VMLDiv_width;
92 + this.doOnBodyResize();
93 +}
94 +
95 +function zObj_doOnBodyResize()
96 +{
97 + return;
98 +}
99 +
100 +function zObj_clipZoomRect( objectToClip )
101 +{
102 + if( objectToClip == null )
103 + {
104 + objectToClip = zoomRectObj;
105 + }
106 +
107 + var clipTop = ( < (g_thumbTop) ) ? (g_thumbTop - : 0;
108 + var clipLeft = ( < (g_thumbLeft) ) ? (g_thumbLeft - : 0;
109 + var clipBottom = ( ( - clipTop) > (g_thumbTop + g_thumbHeight + 2 * BUFFER) ) ? (g_thumbHeight + clipTop + BUFFER) :;
110 + var clipRight = 0;
111 + if( (this.zoomWinWidth - clipLeft) > (g_thumbLeft + g_thumbWidth) )
112 + {
113 + if( clipLeft == 0 )
114 + {
115 + clipRight = g_thumbWidth - + 2 * BUFFER;
116 + }
117 + else
118 + {
119 + clipRight = (g_thumbWidth + clipLeft + BUFFER);
120 + }
121 + }
122 + else
123 + {
124 + clipRight =;
125 + }
126 + clipTo( objectToClip, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom, clipLeft);
127 +}
128 +
129 +function findContent()
130 +{
131 + = "none";
132 + = "none";
133 +
134 + if (parent.parent.frmDrawing && parent.parent.viewMgr)
135 + {
136 + var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
137 +
138 + var getPNZ = parent.parent.viewMgr.getPNZ;
139 + if (getPNZ)
140 + {
141 + var tmp = parent.parent.frmDrawing;
142 +
143 + divThumb = document.getElementById("divThumbnail");
144 +
145 + if (divThumb.innerHTML.length == 0)
146 + {
147 + divThumb.innerHTML = getPNZ();
148 + }
149 + else
150 + {
151 + var pnzInfo = getPNZ();
152 + var idIndex = pnzInfo.indexOf("ConvertedImage");
153 + if (idIndex >= 0)
154 + {
155 + var test = pnzInfo;
156 + pnzInfo = test.substring (0, idIndex);
157 + pnzInfo += "Temp";
158 + pnzInfo += test.substring (idIndex, test.length);
159 +
160 + divTempThumbnail.innerHTML = pnzInfo;
161 +
162 + var vmlGroup = divThumbnail.childNodes(0);
163 + var vmlTempGroup = divTempThumbnail.childNodes(0);
164 + CopyVMLAttrs(vmlGroup, vmlTempGroup);
165 +
166 + var vmlShape = vmlGroup.childNodes(1);
167 + var vmlTempShape = vmlTempGroup.childNodes(1);
168 + CopyVMLAttrs(vmlShape, vmlTempShape);
169 +
170 + CopyVMLAttrs(vmlGroup.childNodes(0), vmlTempGroup.childNodes(0));
171 +
172 + var vmlImageData = vmlShape.childNodes(0);
173 + var vmlTempImageData = vmlTempShape.childNodes(0);
174 + CopyVMLImageData(vmlImageData, vmlTempImageData);
175 + }
176 + }
177 +
178 + zoomRectObj = document.getElementById("zoomRectDiv");
179 + showObject( zoomRectObj );
180 +
181 + PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
182 + if (PNZimg)
183 + {
184 + = 0;
185 + = 0;
186 +
187 + if ( >
188 + {
189 + var oldWidth =;
190 + = document.body.clientWidth;
191 + = (document.body.clientWidth / oldWidth) *;
192 +
193 + = (document.body.clientHeight - parseInt( / 2;
194 + = 0;
195 + }
196 + else
197 + {
198 + var oldHeight =;
199 + = document.body.clientHeight;
200 + = (document.body.clientHeight / oldHeight) *;
201 +
202 + = (document.body.clientWidth - parseInt( / 2;
203 + = 0;
204 + }
205 +
206 + = "visible";
207 +
208 + var strOutput = divThumb.innerHTML;
209 + if (strOutput.length > 0)
210 + {
211 + var tmp2 = document.all['ConvertedImage'];
212 + zoomObj.updateContent( tmp.document.body.clientWidth, tmp.document.body.clientHeight, parseInt(, parseInt(, parseInt(tmp2.clientWidth), parseInt(tmp2.clientHeight) );
213 +
214 + viewMgr.viewChanged = PageViewChanged;
215 + }
216 + }
217 + }
218 + }
219 +}
220 +
221 +function CopyVMLAttrs(vmlObjDst, vmlObjSrc)
222 +{
223 + if (vmlObjDst != null && vmlObjSrc != null)
224 + {
225 + =;
226 + }
227 +}
228 +
229 +function CopyVMLImageData(vmlImageDataDst, vmlImageDataSrc)
230 +{
231 + if (vmlImageDataDst != null && vmlImageDataSrc != null)
232 + {
233 + vmlImageDataDst.src = vmlImageDataSrc.src;
234 + }
235 +}
236 +
237 +function setZoomRectCursor(event)
238 +{
239 + var event = getEvent(event);
240 +
241 + var x = getMouseXcoord(event) - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft;
242 + var y = getMouseYcoord(event) - zoomObj.zoomWinTop;
243 +
244 + var rbw = 5;
245 +
246 + var newCursor = "";
247 + if( y > (zoomObj.zoomWinHeight - rbw) )
248 + newCursor = "s"
249 + else if( y < rbw )
250 + newCursor = "n";
251 +
252 + if( x < rbw )
253 + newCursor += "w";
254 + else if( x > (zoomObj.zoomWinWidth - rbw) )
255 + newCursor += "e";
256 +
257 + if( newCursor != "" )
258 + = newCursor + "-resize";
259 + else
260 + = "move";
261 +}
262 +
263 +function startZoomRectDrag(event)
264 +{
265 + var currentCursor =;
266 +
267 + if( currentCursor.indexOf( '-' ) != -1 )
268 + {
269 + g_resizeDirection = currentCursor.split( '-' )[0];
270 + startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doResizeZoomRectDrag, stopResizeZoomRectDrag );
271 + }
272 + else
273 + {
274 + startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doZoomRectDrag, stopZoomRectDrag );
275 + }
276 +}
277 +
278 +function doZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
279 +{
280 + var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
281 +
282 + var rectLeft = parseInt(;
283 + var rectTop = parseInt(;
284 + var rectWidth = parseInt(;
285 + var rectHeight = parseInt(;
286 +
287 + var xOffset = 0;
288 + var yOffset = 0;
289 +
290 + var xPercent = 0;
291 + var yPercent = 0;
292 +
293 + var pnzImgLeft = parseInt(;
294 + var pnzImgTop = parseInt(;
295 + var pnzImgWidth = parseInt(;
296 + var pnzImgHeight = parseInt(;
297 +
298 + xOffset = x + dragObj.xOffset - pnzImgLeft;
299 + xPercent = xOffset / pnzImgWidth;
300 +
301 + yOffset = y + dragObj.yOffset - pnzImgTop;
302 + yPercent = yOffset / pnzImgHeight;
303 +
304 + if (xOffset < 0)
305 + {
306 + xPercent = 0;
307 + xOffset = pnzImgLeft - BUFFER;
308 + }
309 + else if (xOffset + rectWidth > pnzImgWidth)
310 + {
311 + xPercent = 1;
312 + xOffset = pnzImgLeft + pnzImgWidth - rectWidth + BUFFER;
313 + }
314 + else
315 + {
316 + xOffset = x + dragObj.xOffset;
317 + }
318 +
319 + if (yOffset < 0)
320 + {
321 + yPercent = 0;
322 + yOffset = pnzImgTop - BUFFER;
323 + }
324 + else if (yOffset + rectHeight > pnzImgHeight)
325 + {
326 + yPercent = 1;
327 + yOffset = pnzImgTop + pnzImgHeight - rectHeight + BUFFER;
328 + }
329 + else
330 + {
331 + yOffset = y + dragObj.yOffset;
332 + }
333 +
334 + if (parent.parent.viewMgr.setView)
335 + {
336 + var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
337 + viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
338 + viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
339 + viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
340 + }
341 +
342 + setZWinSize (null, null, xOffset, yOffset);
343 +}
344 +
345 +function stopZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
346 +{
347 + var event = dragObj.event;
348 + var el = getSrcElem(event);
349 +
350 + g_newLeft = parseInt(;
351 + g_newTop = parseInt(;
352 +}
353 +
354 +function setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop )
355 +{
356 + if( newWidth != null && newWidth >= 0 )
357 + {
358 + zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = newWidth;
359 + = newWidth;
360 + }
361 +
362 + if( newHeight != null && newHeight >= 0 )
363 + {
364 + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = newHeight;
365 + = newHeight;
366 + }
367 +
368 + if( newLeft != null && newLeft >= 0 )
369 + {
370 + zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = newLeft;
371 + = newLeft;
372 + }
373 +
374 + if( newTop != null && newTop >= 0 )
375 + {
376 + zoomObj.zoomWinTop = newTop;
377 + newTop;
378 + }
379 +}
380 +
381 +function doResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
382 +{
383 + var newWidth = null;
384 + var newHeight = null;
385 + var newLeft = null;
386 + var newTop = null;
387 +
388 + var tmp = parent.parent.frmDrawing;
389 + if (tmp)
390 + {
391 + zoomObj.mainWinWidth = tmp.document.body.clientWidth;
392 + zoomObj.mainWinHeight = tmp.document.body.clientHeight;
393 + }
394 +
395 + var widthHeightRatio = zoomObj.mainWinWidth / zoomObj.mainWinHeight;
396 +
397 + var minimumSize = 10;
398 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'e' )
399 + {
400 + newWidth = Math.max( minimumSize, x - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft);
401 + newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
402 + newTop = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - (newWidth - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth)/4;
403 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
404 + return;
405 + }
406 +
407 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'w' )
408 + {
409 + newWidth = zoomObj.zoomWinWidth + zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - x;
410 + if( newWidth > minimumSize )
411 + {
412 + newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
413 + newTop = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - (newWidth - zoomObj.zoomWinWidth)/4;
414 + newLeft = x;
415 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
416 + }
417 + return;
418 + }
419 +
420 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'se' )
421 + {
422 + newWidth = Math.max( minimumSize, x - zoomObj.zoomWinLeft);
423 + newHeight = newWidth / widthHeightRatio;
424 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
425 + return;
426 + }
427 +
428 + if( g_resizeDirection == 's' )
429 + {
430 + newHeight = Math.max( minimumSize, y - zoomObj.zoomWinTop);
431 + newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
432 + newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - (newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight)/2;
433 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
434 + return;
435 + }
436 +
437 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'sw' )
438 + {
439 + newHeight = Math.max( minimumSize, y - zoomObj.zoomWinTop);
440 + newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
441 + newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - ((newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight) * zoomObj.zoomWinWidth / zoomObj.zoomWinHeight);
442 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
443 + return;
444 + }
445 +
446 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'n' )
447 + {
448 + newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
449 + if( newHeight > minimumSize )
450 + {
451 + newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
452 + newTop = y;
453 + newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - (newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight)/2;
454 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
455 + }
456 + return;
457 + }
458 +
459 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'ne' )
460 + {
461 + newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
462 + if( newHeight > minimumSize )
463 + {
464 + newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
465 + newTop = y;
466 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
467 + }
468 + return;
469 + }
470 +
471 + if( g_resizeDirection == 'nw' )
472 + {
473 + newHeight = zoomObj.zoomWinTop - y + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight;
474 + if( newHeight > minimumSize )
475 + {
476 + newWidth = newHeight * widthHeightRatio;
477 + newTop = y;
478 + newLeft = zoomObj.zoomWinLeft - ((newHeight - zoomObj.zoomWinHeight) * zoomObj.zoomWinWidth / zoomObj.zoomWinHeight);
479 + setZWinSize( newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop );
480 + }
481 + return;
482 + }
483 +}
484 +
485 +function stopResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
486 +{
487 + PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
488 +
489 + var xWidthPercent = parseInt( /;
490 + var yHeightPercent = parseInt( /;
491 +
492 + var newZoomLevel = GetZoomLevel (xWidthPercent, yHeightPercent);
493 +
494 + if (parent.parent.viewMgr.Zoom)
495 + {
496 + var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
497 + viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing = PostZoomProcessing;
498 + viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
499 + viewMgr.Zoom (newZoomLevel);
500 + }
501 +
502 + g_width = parseInt(;
503 + g_height = parseInt(;
504 + g_newLeft = parseInt(;
505 + g_newTop = parseInt(;
506 +}
507 +
508 +function GetZoomLevel (xWidthPercent, yHeightPercent)
509 +{
510 + var newZoomLevel;
511 + if (xWidthPercent < yHeightPercent)
512 + {
513 + newZoomLevel = 100 / xWidthPercent;
514 + }
515 + else
516 + {
517 + newZoomLevel = 100 / yHeightPercent;
518 + }
519 +
520 + return newZoomLevel;
521 +}
522 +
523 +function PostZoomProcessing (newZoomLevel)
524 +{
525 + var xOffset = parseInt( - parseInt(;
526 + var yOffset = parseInt( - parseInt(;
527 +
528 + var xPercent = xOffset /;
529 + var yPercent = yOffset /;
530 +
531 + var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
532 + viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
533 +
534 + if (viewMgr.setView)
535 + {
536 + viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
537 + viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
538 + }
539 +
540 + SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel);
541 +
542 + viewMgr.PostZoomProcessing = null;
543 +}
544 +
545 +function SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel)
546 +{
547 + var zoomLevels = parent.zoomLevels;
548 + if (newZoomLevel <= zoomLevels[0])
549 + {
550 + parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[0]);
551 + }
552 + else if (newZoomLevel >= zoomLevels[zoomLevels.length - 1])
553 + {
554 + parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[zoomLevels.length - 1]);
555 + }
556 + else
557 + {
558 + for (var count = 0; count < zoomLevels.length - 1; count++)
559 + {
560 + var deltaDown = newZoomLevel - zoomLevels[count];
561 + var deltaUp = newZoomLevel - zoomLevels[count + 1];
562 + if (deltaDown >= 0 && deltaUp <= 0)
563 + {
564 + if (Math.abs(deltaDown) < Math.abs(deltaUp))
565 + {
566 + parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[count]);
567 + break;
568 + }
569 + else
570 + {
571 + parent.changeTick(zoomLevels[count + 1]);
572 + break;
573 + }
574 + }
575 + }
576 + }
577 +}
578 +
579 +function PostSetViewProcessing ()
580 +{
581 + parent.parent.viewMgr.ChangingView = false;
582 + parent.parent.viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = null;
583 +}
584 +
585 +function startNewZoomRectDrag(event)
586 +{
587 + var event = getEvent(event);
588 +
589 + var x = getMouseXcoord(event);
590 + var y = getMouseYcoord(event);
591 + zoomObj.newZWinStartX = x;
592 + zoomObj.newZWinStartY = y;
593 +
594 + g_newZWinObjRef = document.getElementById("newZoomWindowDiv");
595 + = "";
596 +
597 + startDrag( event, 'zoomRectDiv', doNewZoomRectDrag, stopNewZoomRectDrag );
598 +}
599 +
600 +function doNewZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
601 +{
602 + var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
603 +
604 + var width = Math.abs( zoomObj.newZWinStartX - x );
605 + var height = Math.abs( zoomObj.newZWinStartY - y );
606 +
607 + var aspectRatio = parent.parent.viewMgr.docDrawing.body.clientWidth / parent.parent.viewMgr.docDrawing.body.clientHeight;
608 +
609 + if( width < (aspectRatio * height))
610 + {
611 + width = (aspectRatio) * height;
612 + }
613 + else
614 + {
615 + height = width / (aspectRatio);
616 + }
617 +
618 + width = Math.min (width, parseInt(;
619 + height = Math.min (height, parseInt(;
620 +
621 + var left = (x > zoomObj.newZWinStartX) ? zoomObj.newZWinStartX : zoomObj.newZWinStartX - width;
622 + var top = (y > zoomObj.newZWinStartY) ? zoomObj.newZWinStartY : zoomObj.newZWinStartY - height;
623 +
624 + = top;
625 + = left;
626 + = height;
627 + = width;
628 + = "visible";
629 +
630 + zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = left;
631 + zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = width;
632 + zoomObj.zoomWinTop = top;
633 + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = height;
634 +}
635 +
636 +function stopNewZoomRectDrag(dragObj, x, y)
637 +{
638 + = "hidden";
639 +
640 + if (parseInt ( > 10 &&
641 + parseInt ( > 10)
642 + {
643 + =;
644 + =;
645 + =;
646 + =;
647 +
648 + stopResizeZoomRectDrag(dragObj,x,y);
649 + = "inline";
650 + = "visible";
651 + }
652 + else
653 + {
654 + zoomObj.zoomWinLeft = parseInt(;
655 + zoomObj.zoomWinWidth = parseInt(;
656 + zoomObj.zoomWinTop = parseInt(;
657 + zoomObj.zoomWinHeight = parseInt(;
658 + }
659 +
660 + = "0px";
661 + = "0px";
662 +
663 + = "none";
664 +}
665 +
666 +var g_lastX = 0;
667 +var g_lastY = 0;
668 +
669 +function mouseDown(event)
670 +{
671 + return true;
672 +}
673 +
674 +function mouseMove(event)
675 +{
676 + var event = getEvent(event);
677 + var x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
678 + var y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
679 +
680 + g_lastX = x;
681 + g_lastY = y;
682 +
683 + doDrag( x, y );
684 + return true;
685 +}
686 +
687 +function mouseUp(event)
688 +{
689 + var event = getEvent(event);
690 + var x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
691 + var y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
692 +
693 + stopDrag(null,x,y);
694 + return true;
695 +}
696 +
697 +function mouseOut(event)
698 +{
699 + var event = getEvent(event);
700 + var x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
701 + var y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
702 +
703 + if( x < 0 ) x = -1;
704 + if( x >= document.body.clientWidth ) x = -1;
705 +
706 + if( y < 0 ) y = -1;
707 + if( y >= document.body.clientHeight ) y = -1;
708 +
709 + if( x == -1 || y == -1 )
710 + {
711 + x = -1;
712 + y = -1;
713 + }
714 +
715 +
716 + if( x == -1 )
717 + stopDrag( null, x, y );
718 + return true;
719 +}
720 +
721 +function getMouseXcoord(event)
722 +{
723 + var event = getEvent(event);
724 + return event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
725 +}
726 +
727 +function getMouseYcoord(event)
728 +{
729 + var event = getEvent(event);
730 + return event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
731 +}
732 +
733 +var g_width = -1;
734 +var g_height = -1;
735 +var g_newLeft = -1;
736 +var g_newTop = -1;
737 +
738 +var g_pnzImgWidth = -1;
739 +var g_pnzImgHeight = -1;
740 +var g_pnzImgLeft = -1;
741 +var g_pnzImgTop = -1;
742 +
743 +function keydown(event)
744 +{
745 + var event = getEvent(event);
746 + var key = event.keyCode;
747 + var el = getSrcElem(event);
748 +
749 + if(key == 37 || key == 38 || key == 39 || key == 40)
750 + {
751 + if(g_width == -1)
752 + g_width = parseInt(;
753 +
754 + if(g_height == -1)
755 + g_height = parseInt(;
756 +
757 + if(g_newLeft == -1)
758 + g_newLeft = parseInt(;
759 +
760 + if(g_newTop == -1)
761 + g_newTop = parseInt(;
762 +
763 + if(g_pnzImgWidth == -1)
764 + g_pnzImgWidth = parseInt(;
765 +
766 + if(g_pnzImgHeight == -1)
767 + g_pnzImgHeight = parseInt(;
768 +
769 + if(g_pnzImgLeft == -1)
770 + g_pnzImgLeft = parseInt(;
771 +
772 + if(g_pnzImgTop == -1)
773 + g_pnzImgTop = parseInt(;
774 +
775 +
776 + if(key == 37)
777 + {
778 + g_newLeft -= 1;
779 + if(g_newLeft < g_pnzImgLeft)
780 + {
781 + g_newLeft = g_pnzImgLeft;
782 + }
783 + }
784 + else if(key == 38)
785 + {
786 + g_newTop -= 1;
787 + if(g_newTop < g_pnzImgTop)
788 + {
789 + g_newTop = g_pnzImgTop;
790 + }
791 + }
792 + else if(key == 39)
793 + {
794 + g_newLeft += 1;
795 + if(g_newLeft + g_width > g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth)
796 + {
797 + g_newLeft = g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth - g_width;
798 + }
799 + }
800 +
801 + else if(key == 40)
802 + {
803 + g_newTop += 1;
804 + if(g_newTop + g_height > g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight)
805 + {
806 + g_newTop = g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight - g_height;
807 + }
808 + }
809 +
810 + setZoomRectCursor();
811 +
812 + var xOffset = g_newLeft - g_pnzImgLeft;
813 + var yOffset = g_newTop - g_pnzImgTop;
814 +
815 + var xPercent = xPercent = xOffset / g_pnzImgWidth;
816 + var yPercent = yPercent = yOffset / g_pnzImgHeight;
817 +
818 + if (xOffset < 0)
819 + {
820 + xPercent = 0;
821 + xOffset = g_pnzImgLeft;
822 + }
823 + else if (xOffset + g_width > g_pnzImgWidth)
824 + {
825 + xPercent = 1;
826 + xOffset = g_pnzImgLeft + g_pnzImgWidth - g_width;
827 + }
828 +
829 + if (yOffset < 0)
830 + {
831 + yPercent = 0;
832 + yOffset = g_pnzImgTop;
833 + }
834 + else if (yOffset + g_height > g_pnzImgHeight)
835 + {
836 + yPercent = 1;
837 + yOffset = g_pnzImgTop + g_pnzImgHeight - g_height;
838 + }
839 +
840 + if (parent.parent.viewMgr.setView)
841 + {
842 + var viewMgr = parent.parent.viewMgr;
843 + viewMgr.PostSetViewProcessing = PostSetViewProcessing;
844 + viewMgr.ChangingView = true;
845 + viewMgr.setView (xPercent, yPercent);
846 + }
847 + setZWinSize (null, null, g_newLeft, g_newTop);
848 + }
849 +}
850 +
851 +function keyup(event)
852 +{
853 + var event = getEvent(event);
854 + var key = event.keyCode;
855 + if(key == 37 || key == 38 || key == 39 || key == 40)
856 + {
857 + el = getSrcElem(event);
858 + }
859 +}
860 +
861 +function dragObject( event, divID, divObject, xOffset, yOffset, dragFunctionPointer, dragStopFunctionPointer )
862 +{
863 + this.event = event;
864 + this.divID = divID;
865 + this.divObject = divObject;
866 + this.xOffset = xOffset;
867 + this.yOffset = yOffset;
868 + this.dragFPtr = dragFunctionPointer;
869 + this.dragStopFPtr = dragStopFunctionPointer;
870 +}
871 +
872 +var dragList = new Array();
873 +
874 +
875 +function startDrag( event, divID, dragFunctionPtr, dragStopFunctionPointer, xOffset, yOffset )
876 +{
877 + var divObject = document.getElementById(divID);
878 + if( divObject != null )
879 + {
880 + document.selection.empty();
881 +
882 + if( xOffset == null )
883 + {
884 + xOffset = parseInt( - g_lastX;
885 + }
886 +
887 + if( yOffset == null )
888 + {
889 + yOffset = parseInt( - g_lastY;
890 + }
891 +
892 + dragList[ dragList.length ] = new dragObject( event, divID, divObject, xOffset, yOffset, dragFunctionPtr, dragStopFunctionPointer );
893 + return true;
894 + }
895 + else
896 + {
897 + return false;
898 + }
899 +}
900 +
901 +function doDrag( x, y )
902 +{
903 + for( var i=0; i < dragList.length; i++ )
904 + {
905 + if( dragList[i].dragFPtr != null )
906 + dragList[i].dragFPtr( dragList[i], x, y );
907 + }
908 + if( dragList.length )
909 + {
910 + document.selection.empty();
911 + }
912 +}
913 +
914 +function stopDrag( divID, x, y )
915 +{
916 + var tmpDragObject;
917 + for( var i=0; i < dragList.length; i++ )
918 + {
919 + if( dragList[i].divID == divID || divID == null )
920 + {
921 + tmpDragObject = dragList[i];
922 +
923 + dragList[i] = dragList[ dragList.length - 1 ];
924 + dragList.length = dragList.length - 1;
925 +
926 + if( tmpDragObject.dragStopFPtr != null )
927 + {
928 + tmpDragObject.dragStopFPtr( tmpDragObject, x, y );
929 + }
930 +
931 + }
932 + }
933 +}
934 +
935 +function PageViewChanged(newLeftPercent, newTopPercent, newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent)
936 +{
937 + if (dragList.length == 0 && !parent.parent.viewMgr.ChangingView)
938 + {
939 + var newLeft = null;
940 + var newTop = null;
941 + var newWidth = null;
942 + var newHeight = null;
943 +
944 + var PNZimg = document.getElementById("ConvertedImage");
945 +
946 + if (newLeftPercent != null)
947 + {
948 + newLeft = (newLeftPercent * + parseInt(;
949 + }
950 +
951 + if (newTopPercent != null)
952 + {
953 + newTop = (newTopPercent * + parseInt(;
954 + }
955 +
956 + if (newWidthPercent != null)
957 + {
958 + newWidth = newWidthPercent *;
959 + }
960 +
961 + if (newHeightPercent != null)
962 + {
963 + newHeight = newHeightPercent *;
964 + }
965 +
966 + setZWinSize (newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop);
967 +
968 + if (newLeftPercent <= 0 && newTopPercent <= 0 && newWidthPercent >= 1 && newHeightPercent >= 1)
969 + {
970 + = "none";
971 + = "hidden";
972 + }
973 + else
974 + {
975 + = "inline";
976 + = "visible";
977 + }
978 +
979 + if (newWidthPercent != null && newHeightPercent != null)
980 + {
981 + var newZoomLevel = GetZoomLevel (newWidthPercent, newHeightPercent);
982 + SetCorrectTick (newZoomLevel);
983 + }
984 + }
985 +}
986 +
987 +function load()
988 +{
989 + parent.parent.g_ZoomLoaded = true;
990 +
991 + if (parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets)
992 + {
993 + parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets = false;
994 + parent.parent.location.reload();
995 + }
996 +}
997 +
998 +function unload()
999 +{
1000 + if (parent.parent.viewMgr)
1001 + {
1002 + parent.parent.viewMgr.viewChanged = null;
1003 + }
1004 +
1005 + parent.parent.g_LoadingWidgets = true;
1006 +}
1007 +
1008 +
1009 +</script>
1010 +</head>
1011 +<body onload="load();" onunload="unload();" onmousedown="mouseDown(event)" onmousemove="mouseMove(event)" onmouseup="mouseUp(event)" onmouseout="mouseOut(event)">
1012 +<div id="divPZWindow" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
1013 + <div id="divThumbnail" style="position: absolute; " onmousedown="startNewZoomRectDrag(event);"></div>
1014 +</div>
1015 +<div id="divTempThumbnail" style="position: absolute; visibility:hidden; display:none;" ></div>
1016 +
1017 +<div id="zoomRectDiv" tabindex="1" title="Synlig område. Bruk musen eller piltastene for å flytte." onkeydown="keydown(event)" onkeyup="keyup(event)" style="display:none;position: absolute; border: solid red thin; z-index: 3;" onmousedown="startZoomRectDrag(event)" onmouseover="setZoomRectCursor(event)" onmousemove="setZoomRectCursor(event)"></div>
1018 +<div id="newZoomWindowDiv" style="position: absolute; border: solid blue thin; z-index: 4; visibility: hidden;"></div>
1019 +
1020 +</body>
1021 +</html>
1022 +
...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
11 <meta name="Firma" content="IDI-NTNU"/> 11 <meta name="Firma" content="IDI-NTNU"/>
12 12
13 <title>ILAP 2</title> 13 <title>ILAP 2</title>
14 - <script src="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/frameset.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> 14 + <script src="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/frameset.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
15 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" > 15 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
16 16
17 function FileEntry (pageIndex, pageID, pageName, priImage, secImage) 17 function FileEntry (pageIndex, pageID, pageName, priImage, secImage)
...@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ var g_FileList = new Array( ...@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ var g_FileList = new Array(
64 new FileEntry (36, 117, "Status", "vml_36.htm", "png_36.htm"), 64 new FileEntry (36, 117, "Status", "vml_36.htm", "png_36.htm"),
65 new FileEntry (37, 116, "Contract", "vml_37.htm", "png_37.htm"), 65 new FileEntry (37, 116, "Contract", "vml_37.htm", "png_37.htm"),
66 new FileEntry (38, 118, "WBS", "vml_38.htm", "png_38.htm"), 66 new FileEntry (38, 118, "WBS", "vml_38.htm", "png_38.htm"),
67 - new FileEntry (39, 181, "StandardizedUserField", "vml_39.htm", "png_39.htm"), 67 + new FileEntry (39, 153, "Plan &#38; Activity", "vml_39.htm", "png_39.htm"),
68 - new FileEntry (40, 178, "SpecifiedUserField", "vml_40.htm", "png_40.htm"), 68 + new FileEntry (40, 142, "Activity Network", "vml_40.htm", "png_40.htm"),
69 - new FileEntry (41, 165, "FreeField", "vml_41.htm", "png_41.htm"), 69 + new FileEntry (41, 154, "Plan &#38; Schedule", "vml_41.htm", "png_41.htm"),
70 - new FileEntry (42, 185, "FreeFieldHierarchy", "vml_42.htm", "png_42.htm"), 70 + new FileEntry (42, 155, "Plan &#38; WO", "vml_42.htm", "png_42.htm"),
71 - new FileEntry (43, 166, "CompletelyFreeField", "vml_43.htm", "png_43.htm"), 71 + new FileEntry (43, 138, "Plan Classifiers", "vml_43.htm", "png_43.htm"),
72 - new FileEntry (44, 120, "UserFieldExample", "vml_44.htm", "png_44.htm"), 72 + new FileEntry (44, 181, "StandardizedUserField", "vml_44.htm", "png_44.htm"),
73 - new FileEntry (45, 153, "Plan &#38; Activity", "vml_45.htm", "png_45.htm"), 73 + new FileEntry (45, 178, "SpecifiedUserField", "vml_45.htm", "png_45.htm"),
74 - new FileEntry (46, 142, "Activity Network", "vml_46.htm", "png_46.htm"), 74 + new FileEntry (46, 165, "FreeField", "vml_46.htm", "png_46.htm"),
75 - new FileEntry (47, 154, "Plan &#38; Schedule", "vml_47.htm", "png_47.htm"), 75 + new FileEntry (47, 185, "FreeFieldHierarchy", "vml_47.htm", "png_47.htm"),
76 - new FileEntry (48, 155, "Plan &#38; WO", "vml_48.htm", "png_48.htm"), 76 + new FileEntry (48, 166, "CompletelyFreeField", "vml_48.htm", "png_48.htm"),
77 - new FileEntry (49, 138, "Plan Classifiers", "vml_49.htm", "png_49.htm"), 77 + new FileEntry (49, 120, "Work Order example", "vml_49.htm", "png_49.htm"),
78 new FileEntry (50, 137, "WBS example", "vml_50.htm", "png_50.htm") 78 new FileEntry (50, 137, "WBS example", "vml_50.htm", "png_50.htm")
79 79
80 ); 80 );
...@@ -802,64 +802,64 @@ function CreateHLObj (hlNode) ...@@ -802,64 +802,64 @@ function CreateHLObj (hlNode)
802 </head> 802 </head>
803 803
804 <frameset id="frmstOuter" cols="237,*"> 804 <frameset id="frmstOuter" cols="237,*">
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807 807
808 <noframes> 808 <noframes>
809 <body> 809 <body>
810 810
811 <h1>ILAP 2</h1> 811 <h1>ILAP 2</h1>
812 <ul> 812 <ul>
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814 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_2.htm">ILAP HQPC</a></li> 814 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_2.htm">ILAP HQPC</a></li>
815 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_3.htm">ILAP Lifecycle</a></li> 815 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_3.htm">ILAP Lifecycle</a></li>
816 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_4.htm">ILAP LifeCycle Details</a></li> 816 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_4.htm">ILAP LifeCycle Details</a></li>
817 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_5.htm">ILAP Top Structure</a></li> 817 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_5.htm">ILAP Top Structure</a></li>
818 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_6.htm">ILAP Classification</a></li> 818 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_6.htm">ILAP Classification</a></li>
819 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_7.htm">ILAP Ontology</a></li> 819 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_7.htm">ILAP Ontology</a></li>
820 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_8.htm">ILAP Planning Core</a></li> 820 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_8.htm">ILAP Planning Core</a></li>
821 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_9.htm">ILAP Legend</a></li> 821 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_9.htm">ILAP Legend</a></li>
822 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_10.htm">ILAP Components</a></li> 822 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_10.htm">ILAP Components</a></li>
823 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_11.htm">ILAP Information</a></li> 823 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_11.htm">ILAP Information</a></li>
824 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_12.htm">ILAP References</a></li> 824 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_12.htm">ILAP References</a></li>
825 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_13.htm">ILAP Import</a></li> 825 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_13.htm">ILAP Import</a></li>
826 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_14.htm">ILAP Data Exchange</a></li> 826 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_14.htm">ILAP Data Exchange</a></li>
827 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_15.htm">Plan</a></li> 827 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_15.htm">Plan</a></li>
828 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_16.htm">Activity</a></li> 828 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_16.htm">Activity</a></li>
829 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_17.htm">Constraint</a></li> 829 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_17.htm">Constraint</a></li>
830 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_18.htm">Schedule</a></li> 830 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_18.htm">Schedule</a></li>
831 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_19.htm">Calendar</a></li> 831 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_19.htm">Calendar</a></li>
832 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_20.htm">Phase</a></li> 832 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_20.htm">Phase</a></li>
833 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_21.htm">Person</a></li> 833 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_21.htm">Person</a></li>
834 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_22.htm">Responsible</a></li> 834 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_22.htm">Responsible</a></li>
835 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_23.htm">Resource</a></li> 835 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_23.htm">Resource</a></li>
836 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_24.htm">Result</a></li> 836 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_24.htm">Result</a></li>
837 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_25.htm">Asset</a></li> 837 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_25.htm">Asset</a></li>
838 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_26.htm">Content</a></li> 838 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_26.htm">Content</a></li>
839 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_27.htm">Project</a></li> 839 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_27.htm">Project</a></li>
840 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_28.htm">Milestone</a></li> 840 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_28.htm">Milestone</a></li>
841 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_29.htm">Shutdown</a></li> 841 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_29.htm">Shutdown</a></li>
842 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_30.htm">Discipline</a></li> 842 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_30.htm">Discipline</a></li>
843 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_31.htm">Location</a></li> 843 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_31.htm">Location</a></li>
844 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_32.htm">Progress</a></li> 844 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_32.htm">Progress</a></li>
845 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_33.htm">Risk</a></li> 845 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_33.htm">Risk</a></li>
846 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_34.htm">Priority</a></li> 846 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_34.htm">Priority</a></li>
847 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_35.htm">Criticality</a></li> 847 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_35.htm">Criticality</a></li>
848 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_36.htm">Status</a></li> 848 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_36.htm">Status</a></li>
849 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_37.htm">Contract</a></li> 849 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_37.htm">Contract</a></li>
850 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_38.htm">WBS</a></li> 850 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_38.htm">WBS</a></li>
851 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_39.htm">StandardizedUserField</a></li> 851 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_39.htm">Plan &#38; Activity</a></li>
852 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_40.htm">SpecifiedUserField</a></li> 852 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_40.htm">Activity Network</a></li>
853 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_41.htm">FreeField</a></li> 853 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_41.htm">Plan &#38; Schedule</a></li>
854 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_42.htm">FreeFieldHierarchy</a></li> 854 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_42.htm">Plan &#38; WO</a></li>
855 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_43.htm">CompletelyFreeField</a></li> 855 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_43.htm">Plan Classifiers</a></li>
856 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_44.htm">UserFieldExample</a></li> 856 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_44.htm">StandardizedUserField</a></li>
857 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_45.htm">Plan &#38; Activity</a></li> 857 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_45.htm">SpecifiedUserField</a></li>
858 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_46.htm">Activity Network</a></li> 858 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_46.htm">FreeField</a></li>
859 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_47.htm">Plan &#38; Schedule</a></li> 859 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_47.htm">FreeFieldHierarchy</a></li>
860 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_48.htm">Plan &#38; WO</a></li> 860 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_48.htm">CompletelyFreeField</a></li>
861 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_49.htm">Plan Classifiers</a></li> 861 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_49.htm">Work Order example</a></li>
862 - <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150505-filer/png_50.htm">WBS example</a></li> 862 + <li><a href="ILAP 2.5 Ontology Model - 20150506-filer/png_50.htm">WBS example</a></li>
863 863
864 </ul> 864 </ul>
865 </body> 865 </body>
...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
7 7
8 # c14n-version: 3 8 # c14n-version: 3
9 @prefix : <> . 9 @prefix : <> .
10 +@prefix SAB: <> .
10 @prefix SCCS: <> . 11 @prefix SCCS: <> .
11 @prefix ilap: <> . 12 @prefix ilap: <> .
12 @prefix owl: <> . 13 @prefix owl: <> .
...@@ -64,14 +65,14 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -64,14 +65,14 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
64 owl:imports ilap: ; 65 owl:imports ilap: ;
65 owl:imports <> ; 66 owl:imports <> ;
66 owl:imports <> ; 67 owl:imports <> ;
67 - owl:imports <> ; 68 + owl:imports SAB: ;
68 owl:imports <> ; 69 owl:imports <> ;
69 owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string ; 70 owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string ;
70 . 71 .
71 :Activity101inPlan2version1forProjectP 72 :Activity101inPlan2version1forProjectP
72 rdf:type ilap:ActivityInPlan ; 73 rdf:type ilap:ActivityInPlan ;
73 rdf:type owl:Class ; 74 rdf:type owl:Class ;
74 - ilap:hasActivityType <> ; 75 + ilap:hasActivityType SAB:SAB_52 ;
75 ilap:hasActualMainContractor <> ; 76 ilap:hasActualMainContractor <> ;
76 ilap:hasActualOperator <> ; 77 ilap:hasActualOperator <> ;
77 ilap:hasActualSubContractor :DrillCrewB ; 78 ilap:hasActualSubContractor :DrillCrewB ;
...@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
107 :Activity102inPlan2version1forProjectP 108 :Activity102inPlan2version1forProjectP
108 rdf:type ilap:ActivityInPlan ; 109 rdf:type ilap:ActivityInPlan ;
109 rdf:type owl:Class ; 110 rdf:type owl:Class ;
110 - ilap:hasActivityType <> ; 111 + ilap:hasActivityType SAB:SAB_52 ;
111 ilap:hasActualMainContractor <> ; 112 ilap:hasActualMainContractor <> ;
112 ilap:hasActualOperator <> ; 113 ilap:hasActualOperator <> ;
113 ilap:hasActualSubContractor :DrillCrewB ; 114 ilap:hasActualSubContractor :DrillCrewB ;
...@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
176 . 177 .
177 :ActualActivity103inPlan3version1forProjectP 178 :ActualActivity103inPlan3version1forProjectP
178 rdf:type :Activity103inPlan3version1forProjectP ; 179 rdf:type :Activity103inPlan3version1forProjectP ;
179 - rdf:type <> ; 180 + rdf:type SAB:SAB_523 ;
180 rdfs:comment "An instance the planned Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for Plan P"^^xsd:string ; 181 rdfs:comment "An instance the planned Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for Plan P"^^xsd:string ;
181 rdfs:label "Actual Activity 103 in Plan 3 version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ; 182 rdfs:label "Actual Activity 103 in Plan 3 version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
182 . 183 .
...@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
439 ilap:hasLocation ilap:LicenseBlock ; 440 ilap:hasLocation ilap:LicenseBlock ;
440 ilap:hasParentActivity :Activity101inPlan2version1forProjectP ; 441 ilap:hasParentActivity :Activity101inPlan2version1forProjectP ;
441 ilap:hasProjectAFEid "P1001"^^xsd:string ; 442 ilap:hasProjectAFEid "P1001"^^xsd:string ;
442 - ilap:hasSpecifiedUserField :SpecifiedUserfield1forOperation1inWorkOrderPlan2Version1forProjectP ; 443 + ilap:hasSpecifiedUserField :SpecifiedUserfield11forOperation1version1forProjectP ;
443 rdfs:label "Operation 1 Version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ; 444 rdfs:label "Operation 1 Version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
444 rdfs:subClassOf ilap:Activity ; 445 rdfs:subClassOf ilap:Activity ;
445 . 446 .
...@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
468 ilap:hasContractType ilap:AccruedTimeProject ; 469 ilap:hasContractType ilap:AccruedTimeProject ;
469 ilap:hasCostType ilap:OpexProject ; 470 ilap:hasCostType ilap:OpexProject ;
470 ilap:hasCurrentProgress "50 percent"^^xsd:string ; 471 ilap:hasCurrentProgress "50 percent"^^xsd:string ;
471 - ilap:hasLifecyclePhase <> ; 472 + ilap:hasLifecyclePhase SAB:SAB_O ;
472 ilap:hasObjective ilap:ActivityToMaintainBusinessAsUsual ; 473 ilap:hasObjective ilap:ActivityToMaintainBusinessAsUsual ;
473 ilap:hasPlanLevel ilap:Level3-ProjectMasterSchedule ; 474 ilap:hasPlanLevel ilap:Level3-ProjectMasterSchedule ;
474 ilap:hasPlannedProgress "60 percent"^^xsd:string ; 475 ilap:hasPlannedProgress "60 percent"^^xsd:string ;
...@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
529 ilap:hasCostType ilap:OpexProject ; 530 ilap:hasCostType ilap:OpexProject ;
530 ilap:hasExpendedCost "16000"^^xsd:string ; 531 ilap:hasExpendedCost "16000"^^xsd:string ;
531 ilap:hasExpendedQuantity "1050"^^xsd:string ; 532 ilap:hasExpendedQuantity "1050"^^xsd:string ;
532 - ilap:hasLifecyclePhase <> ; 533 + ilap:hasLifecyclePhase SAB:SAB_E ;
533 ilap:hasPlan :Plan1version1forProjectP ; 534 ilap:hasPlan :Plan1version1forProjectP ;
534 ilap:hasPlannedCost "15000"^^xsd:string ; 535 ilap:hasPlannedCost "15000"^^xsd:string ;
535 ilap:hasPlannedQuantity "1000"^^xsd:string ; 536 ilap:hasPlannedQuantity "1000"^^xsd:string ;
...@@ -541,6 +542,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -541,6 +542,7 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
541 ilap:hasProjectType ilap:GreenFieldProject ; 542 ilap:hasProjectType ilap:GreenFieldProject ;
542 ilap:hasResult SCCS:PBS_AB ; 543 ilap:hasResult SCCS:PBS_AB ;
543 ilap:hasSpecifiedUserField :SpecifiedUserFieldForProjectP ; 544 ilap:hasSpecifiedUserField :SpecifiedUserFieldForProjectP ;
545 + rdfs:label "Project P"^^xsd:string ;
544 . 546 .
545 :ProjectResource1 547 :ProjectResource1
546 rdf:type ilap:EngineeringManhourResource ; 548 rdf:type ilap:EngineeringManhourResource ;
...@@ -612,6 +614,15 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -612,6 +614,15 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
612 rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ; 614 rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ;
613 rdfs:label "Specified User Field for Project P"^^xsd:string ; 615 rdfs:label "Specified User Field for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
614 . 616 .
617 +:SpecifiedUserfield11forOperation1version1forProjectP
618 + rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ;
619 + userfield:hasWBSpart1 :FreeFieldForWBSpart1Value1 ;
620 + userfield:hasWBSpart2 :FreeFieldForWBSpart2Value1 ;
621 + userfield:hasWBSpart3 :FreeFieldForWBSpart3Value1 ;
622 + userfield:hasWBSpart4 :FreeFieldForWBSpart4Value1 ;
623 + userfield:hasWBSpart5 :FreeFieldForWBSpart5Value1 ;
624 + rdfs:label "Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 Version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
625 +.
615 :SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity101inPlan2Version1forProjectP 626 :SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity101inPlan2Version1forProjectP
616 rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ; 627 rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ;
617 userfield:hasContractor <> ; 628 userfield:hasContractor <> ;
...@@ -688,15 +699,6 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP ...@@ -688,15 +699,6 @@ ilap:SpecifiedUserfield1forActivity102inPlanVersion2forProjectP
688 userfield:hasWBSpart5 :FreeFieldForWBSpart5Value1 ; 699 userfield:hasWBSpart5 :FreeFieldForWBSpart5Value1 ;
689 rdfs:label "Specified User Field 1 for Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ; 700 rdfs:label "Specified User Field 1 for Activity 103 in Plan 3 Version 1 for Project P"^^xsd:string ;
690 . 701 .
691 -:SpecifiedUserfield1forOperation1inWorkOrderPlan2Version1forProjectP
692 - rdf:type userfield:SpecifiedUserField ;
693 - userfield:hasWBSpart1 :FreeFieldForWBSpart1Value1 ;
694 - userfield:hasWBSpart2 :FreeFieldForWBSpart2Value1 ;
695 - userfield:hasWBSpart3 :FreeFieldForWBSpart3Value1 ;
696 - userfield:hasWBSpart4 :FreeFieldForWBSpart4Value1 ;
697 - userfield:hasWBSpart5 :FreeFieldForWBSpart5Value1 ;
698 - rdfs:label "Specified Userfield 1 for Operation 1 in Work Order Plan 2 Version 1 in Project P"^^xsd:string ;
699 -.
700 :WorkOrderPlan1Version1forProjectP 702 :WorkOrderPlan1Version1forProjectP
701 rdf:type ilap:PlanForILAP ; 703 rdf:type ilap:PlanForILAP ;
702 rdf:type ilap:WorkOrderPlan ; 704 rdf:type ilap:WorkOrderPlan ;